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Imperial Proclamation Of The Military


Staff member
Jun 29, 2012
Reaction score
An Imperial Proclamation pinned to most relevant notice boards:

"The Emperor has deemed to reinstate the Princely Marshal protocols abandoned some time ago in favor of an independent General programme. The Emperor has come to the conclusion that centralized leadership and a formal structure is preferable over independently operating Generals, and has as such changed the formal structure of the military to the new Princely Marshal structure. At the head of all Marshals shall be the Emperor as the Princely Marshal. The Emperor, as the Princely Marshal, shall call for once or twice weekly War Assemblies to gather all military personnel to decide on appointments of Marshals and Generals within the structure."

For more information: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/regalian-government-registry.63463/#post-814248

"Furthermore, the Emperor has streamlined some of the Government positions by dismissing the Foreign Minister, the Arcane Minister, the Finance Minister, the Logistic Minister and the War Minister. Of these positions, only the Finance Ministry is accepting applications. The Logistic Minister will meanwhile transition to the War Affairs Ministry, while an additional Commons Ministry is created on the suggestion of house Harhold, with Agatha Harhold as appointed Minister."

For more information: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/regalian-government-registry.63463/

"Finally, the Emperor calls for the first Imperial War Assembly to take place Thursday in the Assembly Hall. All military individuals, knights, general educated and militarily inclined individuals are invited."

The Assembly is held at /tp RegalianAssembly, Thursday at 10:00 GMT. You can consult the Calendar here for your local time: https://forums.massivecraft.com/calendar/first-imperial-war-assembly.465/event?id=505

A bead of sweat rolls with grace down Radoslav Bolshekov's forehead, followed by a long-drawn sigh of relief, as he discovers his right to embolden his masculinity with a large private army, is not infringed upon.
