Imperial Mistress Of Conduces: Service Code

Discussion in 'Regalian Roleplay' started by canaaa, Jun 4, 2021.

  1. canaaa

    canaaa tea gremlin Staff Member PR2

    Oct 11, 2015
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    ᴛʜᴇ ɪᴍᴘᴇʀɪᴀʟ ᴄᴏᴜʀᴛ ᴘʀᴇsᴇɴᴛs



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    The higher class must always be held to the higher standard it demands. There are those to be waited upon, and there are those who do the waiting. This Code concerns the matter of service, both when paid to oneself and when given to others. Essentially - a prudent read for not only master and mistress of the house but also those who work within it.

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    • ʜᴏᴛɪᴇʀs
      • On servant wear,
        • All servants and guards must be clearly identified when working underneath or on the visible behalf of the family.
          • The only exceptions to this rule are Palests and First Attendants when in the direct presence of their charge, due to the public announcements of their positions. House Stewards are also exempted, again due to the public announcements of their positions.
            • This is overwritten by Imperial Code in some locations. Further information will come with the Imperial Code.
            • Palest override does not extend to armor. See section on provision for servants and House Guards.
          • Acceptable identification includes family colors, hairpins that carry both sigil and ribbons of colors, shirts or uniforms, armbands, name badges, or other visible, at-a-glance ways to see that someone is working underneath a noble.
            • OOC: If you're worried, show me and I’ll let you know if something is fine! This rule has been in effect for a month though, so I’m going to start logging for it. These do have to be skinned! If you don't know how to do it, reach out to me and I'll help you put something together.
        • Court Mages must also be wearing identification when accompanying or serving their Host Family. They do not have to be identified otherwise.
        • Only identified servants and guards, as well as Court Mages, may be present at Retreats, the Imperial Progress, the Imperial Palace, or at Assemblies, and only when accompanying their nobles.
          • House Stewards, owing to their ability to conduct business on behalf of their House without direct oversight, must still be identified but may be on their lonesome. This only applies to the listed places above. All Stewards must be announced. More information on Stewards is to come in separate writing.
    • ᴇᴛɪᴏ̨ᴜᴇᴛᴛᴇ
      • On etiquette,
        • Nobles are partly responsible for the actions of the servants, House Guards, or Court Mages underneath them.
          • If a servant, House Guard, or Court Mage mistitles a noble, they should be corrected gently and graciously. If it happens repeatedly (three or more times), this is to be taken as if the noble themselves were mistitling - with all the political ramifications that come with it.
            • As a clarification, Nobles are immune to the Respect to Imperialism law if it is violated with purpose. Titles may be omitted when insulting political legitimacy, but if there is no clear reason, then the Respect to Imperialism laws still apply.
          • Servants, House Guards, and Court Mages ought to act with decorum when in the presence of nobility. Any excessive swearing, rude gestures, or uncouth behavior is to be taken as if the nobles themselves were misbehaving - with all the social and political ramifications that come with it.
          • Any infractions are to be reported to the Mistress of Conduces at the earliest convenience, either in-person with a discussion or in writing.
            • OOC: Don’t send me Conduces violations over Discord, I’ll lose them. Send them as letters over Forum DM - they don’t have to be pretty, just done IC.
      • On serving nobility,
        • Serving is defined as explicitly entering into another’s service, for instance as a servant, House Guard, or Court Mage.
        • Nobles may not serve other nobles as House Guards.
          • Nobles may, however, be other nobles’ Palests.
          • This does not apply to nobles under Knight Oaths if their Knightly Order requires them to work as House Guards.
            • For example, Lion Pelt Knight status overrides House Guard limitations, if a noble is a Lion Pelt.
        • Nobles may become mercenaries.
          • Nobles may not fulfill the open Conduces contract to protect other nobles, as that functions similarly to a House Guard and is expressly disallowed.
          • Nobles may take contract work from other nobles so long as it is not demeaning.
          • Nobles working in restricted areas on mercenary contracts may not go alone - requiring accompaniment from another mercenary or their own House Guard.
          • If proof of contract is provided, specific forms of Conduces violations relating to the job at hand are suspended. Contracts that require Conduces suspension require approval from the Mistress of Conduces.
        • Nobles may not serve other nobles as Servants ever, except for women, who may be a lady-in-waiting to a woman of higher station than herself in order to learn how to act, dress, and perform in daily life.
          • A lady-in-waiting is to be treated like a noble being honorably chaperoned. She is never to be talked down to or made fun of in regards to her position’s work.
            • A lady-in-waiting must never be made to do demeaning or insulting work.
          • A lady-in-waiting does not have to come from the same family as the woman she serves.
          • Nobles may not be other nobles’ First Attendants, ever, due to the life oath carried inherently.
          • A noblewoman who has a lady-in-waiting is expected to oversee and teach her in the ways of City society, and to help her settle into her life in the City, but also to act as a companion until one or both women decide to end the arrangement.
            • OOC: This is an excellent way for new noble players playing female characters to get used to noble RP and etiquette, as well as make friends and allies outside their family sphere!
          • Ladies-in-waiting being taken on/no longer in service must be announced in #high-society-events with a tag (@canaaa), but do not need approval.
        • Servants must always tend to the needs of and obey their host families first. It is up to the discretion of the noble a servant serves if their servant will serve the entire group they’re currently engaging with, or just themselves. A servant may never be forced to serve someone they do not work for unless this is commanded by the Emperor or a Regent.
        • House Guards are only inherently required to protect their charges. They should also defend other nobles in a dire situation, but a House Guard is never directly responsible for anyone other than their employers, and the lives they are sworn to defend must always come first.
        • Servants and House Guards must never contribute an opinion uninvited to a noble they do not serve, or while the noble they serve is in a social gathering or discussion, though they may do so privately (next point).
          • If a servant wishes to express something to the wider gathering, or when their noble is having a discussion, they must ask before speaking. Any noble may invite them to, though the final say is up to the noble they serve.
            • This could be by saying, “this humble servant would like to express … ” or something similar.
        • Servants, House Guards, and Court Mages may always whisper to their charges. Servants and nobles whispering to each other should never cause offense to any other noble; after all, this is simply the servant performing their duties.
        • Servants, House Guards, and Court Mages are never allowed to sit in spaces designated for nobles. They may stand beside their charges, but comfort is reserved for the company of other staff or off-duty hours.
      • On providing for servants and House Guards,
        • Servants and House Guards must always have the option to receive at least two, but preferably three meals daily as per their employment. They do not always have to take it, but this must be at the very least available. These should be provided at set times.
        • Servants and Court Mages must always be provided identification that identifies them as in service to the House.
        • House Guards must always be provided armor that denotes them in service to the House.
          • In the absence of armor, House Guards must be visibly identifiable as working in service to a noble.
            • See Hotiers rules above.
          • This armor must always be kept in good condition - either via the guard’s wages paid by the House or reimbursed by the House. Personal armor does not bear this responsibility.
          • House Guard armor must always be worn on duty. Personal armor may never be worn on duty. When protecting a noble, the noble is partially responsible for behaviors (see above), and therefore the responsible noble or House must always be clearly visible.
            • In the case of Lion Pelts who are identified with a cape or pelt, they may alter the armor to allow for the Lion Pelt to rest across their shoulders.
            • Any other modifications are up to the discretion of the House, though all House armor should be uniform enough to appear standard issue.
              • See the Violet Order for example or reference on what sort of personalization may be allowed.
        • Servants and House Guards must have an offered quarter, but it is up to the House’s discretion if their staff is required to reside there.
          • OOC: Doesn’t have to be built ingame in estates. Absolutely fine to handwave it.
      • On commoners,
        • All commoners must be referred to politely with distance and proper address. To not do so implies a very close relationship between the noble and the commoner, especially one of romance and scandal.
          • For instance: Mister John or Mister Doe, either Missus or Miss Jane or Miss Doe. To refer to Mister John Doe as mister John notes a closeness, but a professional distance. To refer to the same man as simply John implies a close relationship with no need for formality, as one knows the other most … intimately.
            • Cultural addresses are allowed. For example, Mister may be swapped for Herr or Monsieur or other cultural equivalents; Miss for Fraülein or Mademoiselle or other cultural equivalents; or Missus for Frau or Madame or other cultural equivalents.
          • Palests and First Attendants may be referred to informally, due to their close working relationship, but may never refer to their noble charges without title in public settings.
        • Nobles may not ever touch commoners, nor commoners nobles unless the work being done or the situation at hand directly necessitates or requires it.
          • For instance, a doctor may touch a noble when administering care. A guard may touch their charge to take them out of harm’s way. A maid or butler may help a lady or lord dress.
      • On work,
        • Commoners’ work or servants’ work is never the realm of a noble. A noble should never deign to dirty their hands with such, or else demean the blue blood running through their veins.
          • This includes cleaning, cooking outside of a hobby, managing the gardens of their own estate (they may work on such as a hobby, but cannot do so full-time or without a groundskeeper’s oversight), fetching drinks for others themselves, and other similar actions and activities.
        • Nobles may not tend their own businesses, unless those businesses have relevance to high society or deal with items worth more than five thousand Regals per item, as per Blueblood Court Honneurs Code of Regalian Law.
          • Any noble business must be registered with the Mistress of Conduces.
            • OOC: Just a Forum DM saying “Noble McNoble runs Business” is fine. Doesn't have to be pretty.
          • Nobles seeking ‘high society relevant’ status must attain such through discussion and interview with the Mistress of Conduces.
            • The only current business that enjoys this status is the Atelier du Ruban, ran by Lady Rowena and Lady Valerie Bancroft.
        • Nobles may present, recommend, and explain their own products, but may not ever showcase their use themselves, on themselves or others. This requires an employee or volunteer to administer.
          • For example - the Grand Duchess Tuija Viduggla owns the Lilac Lounge and Spa. She may educate other nobles on the uses of her products, but may only speak at length about them - any action or use of the products must be done by staff or servants of the nobility she is speaking with, or her own servants or establishment’s employees.
        • Nobles may not ever perform services of care on other nobles in public or in publicly available establishments. These may be done, however, at private estates or in private.
          • This includes hair dye, massages, or other similar care items.
        • The Mistress of Conduces formally issues a public warning to Grand Duke Cro-Maarx Vyzal, who has tended the Morbus Imperium himself an egregious amount of times. As per Blueblood Court Honneurs of Regalian Law, any further tending himself will net a striking with the 18-inch riding crop.
      • On the Noble Retreat,
        • Only servants, House Guards, and Court Mages may come and go freely without any penalties. Nobles are expected to stay at the Retreat the entire time.
        • Given that every noble House in the City, as well as their staff and guard forces, will be present in one single place, it is asked that every servant or staff member be clearly identified in some way, regardless of status as a First Attendant, Palest, Court Mage, or House Steward. This is in order to ensure that everyone is accounted for and that it is easily known who is accountable for whom.
        • No weapons may be openly carried. Sheathed weapons may be had on one’s person, but one may not hold weapons within their hands.
        • Servants, House Guards, and Court Mages may not engage with amenities aside from those provided especially for staff on the basement level of the Mitais retreat.
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    Relevant tag: @Ghirko
    • Winner Winner x 7
    • Informative Informative x 2
    • Immersive Immersive x 1
    • Educated Educated x 1
    #1 canaaa, Jun 4, 2021
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2021

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