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Imperial Decree: The Doctrine Of Peculiar Judgement


Staff member
Jun 29, 2012
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This Decree was written by dictation of the 1st Prince Reynaud. Upon the Emperor's disappearance, 1st Prince Reynaud has seized Crown Regent authority persuant Imperial Family hierarchy as dictated by the Prophet Theomar's will of the First Born Doctrine. 2nd Prince Frederick and 3rd Prince Raymond have been dispatched north to continue the search for the Emperor's whereabouts. 6th Prince Thomas, 7th Prince Duncan, 8th Prince Valdis and 9th Prince Dominic have been dispatched to the west to continue the search for the Emperor's whereabouts. 10th Prince Cedromar, 11th Prince Renly and 16th Prince Xander have taken leave of absence from the Court. 2nd Princess Juliana has opted alone to undertake a mission to Sassrakkand. 1st Princess Noor is retained at court, 3rd Princess Amalia has returned to Treppeweitz to confer the council of Magnates. All other titular Princes have been dispatched to the provinces to oversee re-connection efforts following the alien incursion. With legal concerns addressed, on to the matter of the Decree:

With the matter of the disappearance of our father fresh and heavy a burden on our mind, one must inevitably be turned to considerations of state, especially those close to the matters of state security following a foreign incursion. The benefit bereft of traditional obstructions, is one to consider a peculiar judgement on that which would never be considered in the light of continuity. It is verified fact that even the soul-burdened non-believer may contribute to the Great way through the service of obedience and loyalty to master, with ambition and diligence to service. After all, does the Dragon-worshiping peasant of Anglia not till the soil to feed the soldiers that extend the love of His Imperial Holiness abroad? Does the hawkish merchant from the land of the Black Dragons not spread the reach and influence of our coin by taking it as tender?

Does the Old Gods worshiper not see the value of cohesion of Empire and service in the military, if even for the honor of service and the coin of duty? Service is the window through which all value is derived for the living soul, and the State should not arbitrarily state peculiar conditions, to be peculiar rejections of this notion. An opium addict who professes respect and love for the Great Way and the Everwatcher, is given that same damned substance to substantiate their damned state of addiction and mindlessness, and yet they are not deprived of the communion of our graces. Inversely, the Sanguine Afflicted, are given a different judgement purely on aesthetic considerations. The general which is dismissed dishonorably from service and has sucked the life out of thousands of soldiers is still given the same legal protections and preferences. If not for this different method, what is anyone to say that a Vampire is any different? The Doctrine of Peculiar Judgement shall argue that all that which is considered damned and unholy, is in fact merely a window-dressing consideration that is arbitrarily applied there which it does more harm to the State than otherwise.

After all. Who would deny that the individual commonly known as "Haqet", is anything but the most fervent and loyal servant of the Regalian Empire bidden to do the will of the Everwatcher no matter how much the Sanguine curse in its wretched veins demands it to think otherwise? Where would our soldiers and our generals stand if it was not for Haqet to destabilize our enemies, and cause them to commit mass-suicide on our spears and shields, only for Haqet to speed away and leave the Vampires to die. Where would the disunity of peculiar agents within our realm be, when so many have united against a common foe, that would normally find cause to take issue with one another over the stance of the sun and the proliferation of rain. Haqet indeed, is not a common villain or a terrorist that one would claim on first face value, because one must always beg the question: Why has Haqet only killed foreigners? Why has Haqet only destabilized foreign nations that were on the precipice of our conquest? Why has Haqet only implicitly aided in expanding the Empire's influence through it's wretched actions? The same could easily be said of the many Sangine afflicted who remain in the Ithanian courts, a dark-red secret not often spoken of, but quietly permitted, because it 'does not sufficiently damage to draw attention'.

Truthfully, Haqet is not the only true Regalian patriot that inflicts the same level of collateral damage for the good of the Great Way, unknowingly, or secretly while fooling everyone around them. Throughout history, our annals are littered with the corpses of the feeble and the collateral who formed the bedrock of our Empire with their service, and now shall be no different, save for the cries and woes of the liberals who demand ethical and moral considerations to foreign aliens and non-believers as if they were the priestly cloth itself. Nay I say to these nonsensical concepts of common right of the living, and aye I say, to considerations of Divine Pragmatism, and being able to see the bigger picture.

My bigger picture shall thus be the Doctrine of Peculiar Judgement, the ability to judge that which resides outside of the Law to become approved within the frames of the Law, to serve the Empire, to serve the Crown or Crown Regent, or to serve the Great Way and the Everwatcher. As Crown Regent, I, 1st Prince Reynaud, declare my legal authority with the passage of this Decree:

Any and all Afflicted, whether Vampire, Archon, Geist, Undead, Marken, or otherwise afflicted with an illegal condition, may endeavor to petition the Law Ministry for an Inquest. During this inquest an open and public trial in which any contradicting agents may present their case for truth, the individual must prove they are a servant to the state, and benefit the state or Unionism. If approved, the subject will receive paperwork legalizing their condition, and be granted adequate artificial sustenance for whatever addiction bereaves their soul, whether it be donations of chilled blood, or the hapless prisoner on death row spared from the final judgement to serve those who are equally wretched in the eyes of society. One does not consider the pure evaluation of believing in the Everwatcher to be sufficient, nay, a subject must translate their faith or respect for the Crown and Faith into action, for Unionism demands all to contribute to the Great Way, and without proof of contribution, does a person have any value or claim to live at all?
The Isldar, falls out of their seat, "What, what the fuck…by the icy hand of Frisit, has the Prince Regent forgotten Anglia? Has his Imperial Holiness forgotten the innocent people that leech turned and slaughtered in the Kade House's own homeland?!"

The geist shakes her head, "Perhaps the wastes are preferable…should the Leeches be given free reign. I would prefer the frozen Elladorian lands to such a fate."
A young Silven reads the address with eyes that slowly go wide, something inside of him burning a flame that he didn't know could still burn bright. He saw his homeland again as he knew it could be, and couldn't help but smile, but feel that there might have been a sign to be found here.

"By Esper's light…" Aldon chuckled, a smile on his face as he looked to the guards passing by, to the high towers of the city, to the thousands of people who find joy within. Maybe Regalia wasn't as far gone as he feared. Maybe there was still hope to be found.

Maybe he didn't have to choose just one side of himself to be.
The recently Dread Rebirthed Helmina would read the decree. Her crimson eyes scanning each word with her jaw dropping in awe of what she just read, muttering to herself, "What the actual void did I just read..." A wave of utter confusion would pass through the maybe-infected-maybe-not Brood.
Mathias scanned over the decree, a lit cig hung from his lips.. a puff never came. The sounds of familiar rolling explosions rang through his mind only to be cut through with visions of tattered streamers, and flags of orange, brown, and yellow strung over smoky streets and shelled-out homes.

He exhaled. A plume of built-up smoke billowed from his nose. The streets came back to him. Armageddon and screams turned into cheery Daen peddlers, blue skies, and clean, light-filled humble abodes. He turned from the board to his compatriots: Marco, Miro, Frank and Reselda shrugging as he mumbled out,

"When our people are killed defending our faith and homes at their hands we're the ones who are called seditionists... according to the state, they're patriots. Oh how we were proven to be right in the end.."

@Wilvahelm @BertToast @yusuf12323 @Naz_Cook
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When the words of a town crier were spoken, several in the crowd reacted with shock, others hushed whispers. Taina had only laughter. Her beliefs had been cemented in the past, and this decree was just another step in causing them to dry. What a farce.
A servant hands Viviwynne Gwentyr this new decree. She accepts it, with gloved hands, and reads it over. She seems shocked, at first. "The thing about Imperial Decrees," she says to them, "is one must read them a few times to understand them in totality." she pauses. "I feel a headache coming. Put on the tea, if you please." She waits as the servant leaves. "Haqet, in service of the Great Way? Crown Regent... I... you have given me much to think about."
Wulf upon seeing the decree was stunned, just standing there in sheer shock
Haqet. The same Haqet who allied with Bralona command and fought against resistance. And they are patriot? If they are patriot, then I am ultranationalist of Regalia"
Dwarf shook his head, finishing reading the decree
"Legalizing afflicted. I have to wonder how long before any afflicted that is legalized is hit by purists. This will be interesting"
Elias looked over the paper with a flat stare. His eyes slowly flickered from left to right, left to right, until they reached down at the end. Although he didn't dare to voice any dissent against the Prince, he wasn't sure what to make of his feelings. Elias plucked a few tacks from his desk before he neatly pinned the copy of the decree against the wall.
"Time to get back to work." The Law Minister proclaims, before taking in another drag of her sigg and blowing it out towards the heavens.
Azazel tilts his head, squinting at the paper. The green glow of his eyes flicker a bit in the dim light.

"... oh, Hunter above. Either I need to brush up on my Common, or- or I need to get in touch with that Ministry. "

He turned, intertwining his fingers as he murmured a short prayer to his ancestors.

"Please- please, don't let me get arrested for showing up. I'd never get to live that down."