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Played Character Imlinn Caëssa Nelaena bel-Hammon

This character is actively played.


Scribma Male
Staff member
Sep 4, 2013
Reaction score
where the elf things are
Character Information
Full Name: Imlinn Caëssa Nelaena bel-Hammon.
Heritage: Teledden. (Using Lathan Mechanics)
Culture: Bel-Hammon.​
Age: 35
Gender: Male.
Pronouns: He/him.​
Religion: Estelley.
Occult: Mage.
Occupation: Arcane Physician.

Appearance Information
Eye Colour: Dark brown.
Skin Colour: Pale.
Colour: Chestnut brown.
Style: Kept straight and over the shoulders.​
Height: 6'7 or 200cm.
Body Type: Broader in the shoulder and narrower at the waist, but with little fat or muscle to speak of.

Character Lore

  • Imlinn is a Teledden, and as such is approachable regarding matters of Elven politics, faith, and language, being a fluent speaker of Altalar. Relevant to Elves.

    Imlinn is a medical professional, and may be known in Regalia for his presence as a doctor and medic, or by patients or friends of the many patients whom he treated in the previous four years between Amontaar and Ithania. Relevant to Western Ailor.

    Imlinnis a magical professional, and may be known for a series of arcane treatises penned with a particular focus on medical applications of magic, as well as in efforts of altering the physical body with magic. Relevant to Mages and Body Modifiers.
  • Alchemy Hobby
    Imlinn is a skilled alchemist with specific focus on medical alchemy, capable of procuring and developing substances for medical applications ranging from physical injury to chronic illness, all with a distinct clarity of purpose, and an ability to procure ingredients that questions his connections.

    Medical Hobby
    Imlinn is a talented medical expert and wears it on his sleeve, seeking out answers about the physical and biological to their utter end points. He seems to know far more than even he lets on, finding ways to make even the most outwardly inoperable injuries into success stories through keen awareness of the mortal form.

    Magical Talent
    Imlinn is an experienced mage with a particularly academic tone to his practice, balancing dimensional equations and the threads of reality with cold logic and memorised technique. Where he learned this, he won't say.
  • Imlinn was born in Bel Hammon in 277AC. At an early age, he ███████████████ ███████████ ████████. Being born in Bel-Hammon, , , . ████ ██████ ███ well-received by ███ ██ parents and family, ███ encouraged and facilitated his ███████ █████████.

    In his late teens, Imlinn was enrolled at ██████████, where he more formally studied magic, alchemy, and medicine, becoming highly skilled and well-read in each discipline, distinguished by his tutors for his ████████ ███ willingness ██ ██████████ ██████████ ██ mere recommendations ███ not hard lines ██ ███ ████████. He graduated in his early twenties with distinction, comfortably securing himself a place with ██ ████████ ████████, straight from academia into real practice. ████. ██ █████ █████████████ ███████ ███ ███ ███████████ ██ ██████████, ███████████ ██ ███████ ███ ████ ██ ███████ ███ ███████ ███ ████████ ██ ███ ███████ ███ ██████ ██████ █████████ ██████████.

    As an adult, Imlinn █████████ ███ research ████ ████████ vigour, ████████ ██████ ████ ███████ ████ ██ █████ ██ push the envelope ███ ████ ███ ███████ ██ ███ ███ ██████ ██████ ████ ██ ████ ██ ████████. ██████████ ███ ████, ██ ██████████ ██ "professional optimism"– ██ ██ ███ ████ ██ ████ █ █████ ████ ██ ████ ███ jokes and games of wit with colleagues ██ ███ ██████, ████ ████████ █████ ██ ██████ ████, ██████ ████ █████████ ███ █████████████ ██████ ██████████ ████████ ██ ███ █████.

    In 308AC, Imlinn ████████ █ ██████ ██ █████. █████ ███████████ ████ ██████ ████ ██ left the premises of his research far earlier than usual ████ ██ █████ ██████, ███ ████ ███ ███████ ██████████ ██ ███████. ██ ███ not sighted at all for another three months, ████ ██ reappear first in Amontaar, then Basq, then Daen and la Frontierra, then Lusits and Ithania, ███ ████ ███ course of roughly four years, each time intervening on a medical matter, refusing any kind of payment or reciprocation, and leaving within the following month, and never moving south from that point.

    Imlinn arrived in Regalia in late 312AC, with apparent intent to employ his medical expertise.

In-Game Abilities

  • Attack: Magic.
    Defense: Magic.
    Strength: 0
    Constitution: 0
    Intelligence: 0
    Wisdom: 6​
    Medical Buff
    Medical Revive
    Medical Bolster
    Medical Resist
    Medical Rescue
    Chem Revive​
    Dexterity: 1​
    Faith: 0
    Magic: 7 [VOID]​
    Magic Cleanse
    Magic Disengage
    Magic Barrier
    Magic Warp
    Magic Lifebind
    Magic Isolate
    Magic Shove [Lathan Free Pack]
    Magic Summon [Lathan Free Pack]
    Magic Revive​
  • Heritage
    Lanlath can, once per day, make use of the Magical Variant of the Sealing Pack from Adapt Point Buy. Point-Buying the Pack, or gaining it for free, disables this Mechanic.
    Lanlath do not need to sleep, but can do so if they wish, or enter into a trancelike state of meditation that approximates sleep but leaves them watchful.
    Lanlath can see things from incredibly far away if they focus, able to spot an eagle landing a kilometer away or a coin being flipped across a town. Ask DM for Event use.
    Lanlath are supremely difficult to inebriate with traditional alcohol, requiring a stupendous amount of liquor before they even begin to feel a mild buzz.

    • || Medical Buff || To expand upon an Ally's strength, use this ability on an ally within range as a reaction to them gaining Attack or Defense. The user adds an additional +2 to the character's Attack or Defense (depending on what was originally raised) for the next 4 turns, up to a maximum of 9. Medical Buff can be used out of turn, and has a 1 Hour Cooldown.

      || Medical Revive || To bring back a fallen ally, use this Ability to try and bring them back into fighting shape. The user creates a Link between themselves and a downed target within range, remaining in that state for 5 minutes. If left unbroken, the target is immediately brought back to 2 HP, and their Attack Stat reduced by 2 for the next 30 minutes. This Ability cannot be used on a person already affected by a Revive Ability (Sacred Revive, Chem Revive, etc). Medical Revive has a 4 hour cooldown, regardless of if successful or not.

      || Medical Bolster || To protect an ally from harm, use this Ability to grant them 1 Block Token. While under the effects of this Block Token, the target's Defense is raised by 2, up to a maximum of 9. Medical Bolster has a 2 hour cooldown, and does not stack.

      || Medical Resist || To reduce the harm an ally receives for a set amount of time, use this Ability on an Ally within range. For the next 10 minutes any damage the target takes is reduced by 1 HP (but never to 0). Once ended, Medical Resist has a 2 hour cooldown, and does not stack.

      || Medical Rescue || To pull a target back to safety, use this Ability on an ally within range. Pulling the target to any block adjacent to the user, the target is granted 1 Block Token. Medical Rescue cannot be used as a reaction to an incoming attack, and has a cooldown of 2 hours.
    • || Chem Revive || To bring an ally back, target Ally at 0HP within range. Immediately revive the Ally with 4HP, and force their next 2 actions to be Attack Emotes. If either of these Attack Emotes reduce an enemy to 0HP, heal the Ally +2HP more. If neither Attack Emotes do, deal -3HP damage to the Ally. This Ability cannot be used on a person already affected by a Revive Ability (Sacred Revive, Chem Revive, etc). Chem Revive has a 2 Hour Cooldown.
    • || Smokescreen || The user creates a temporary smokescreen around themselves. For the next 3 turns, the user cannot be targeted by Abilities used by Characters outside of this Ability's Range, and any Basic Attacks made targeting the user outside the Range have -2 added to the Final Result. Smokescreen has a 2 Hour Cooldown.
    • || Magic Cleanse || To protect Self or an Ally from a harmful Status Effect, instantly remove one Status Effect (choose one, if multiple) from Self or an Ally within Range. Magic Cleanse has a 2 Hour Cooldown.
      Sinistral Usage: Instead of removing the Status Effect, transfer it to an Enemy within Emote Range.

      || Magic Disengage || To help an Ally, or oneself, escape a bad situation, use this Ability as a reaction to an Ally taking a Move action, or when the User takes a Move action. That Ally can move through people, and does not trigger Opportunity Attacks, but, apply the Fleeting Status to the Target for 10 Minutes. Magic Disengage does not consume an Action. Magic Disengage can be used Once Per Combat Scene.
      Sinistral Usage: Cannot be used on Ally, no longer applies Fleeting. Instead, if the user would walk through someone, enemy or ally, apply the Prone Status Effect to that Target. Maximum 5 Targets.

      || Magic Barrier || To protect an ally from Ranged Attacks, attach a Link to an Ally within Range, but never Self. For the duration, that Ally has increased defenses against Ranged Attacks from Ranger and Deadeye Stance. When the ally is targeted with a Ranged Attack Emote, their minimum Defense Roll is raised to 9 for Ranger Stance attacks, and 6 for Deadeye Stance attacks. Magic Barrier lasts for as long as the Link is upheld, after which it has a 2 Hour Cooldown. If Magic Barrier is Link Broken, grant the Target 1 Block Token.
      Sinistral Usage: Additionally, if the User would take Damage, they can fully transfer that Damage to their Linked Ally, even against the Ally's will, meaning the user suffers no damage, and the Ally suffers all of it.

      || Magic Warp || To move yourself or an ally, use this ability to relocate them in a straight line anywhere else in range, even on higher ledges up to 10 blocks in height. This ability is instantaneous, and does not use an ally's action or movement if used on them. Magic Warp ignores Opportunity Attacks, and can be used to circumvent fortifications like gates or teleport through doors, and has a 1 Hour Cooldown.
      Sinistral Usage: If used on Self, instantly make an Attack Emote on an Enemy within Range, in the same turn, with +2 Attack Stat (cap break up to 11) for that Attack Emote only.

      || Magic Lifebind || To tie your health to an ally's, target an Ally within Range, and establish a Link Power on them. For the Duration, whenever the user or the Ally is Healed, the other Linked Target also heals for the same amount. However, whenever the user or the Ally takes Damage, the other Linked Target takes that Damage, -1 (but never to 0). Magic Lifebind does not trigger on Damage it inflicts, or self-inflicted Damage. Magic Lifebind lasts for as long as the Link is upheld, up to a maximum of 30 Minutes, after which it has a 2 Hour Cooldown. If Link Broken, Heal the Ally only 1 HP. Magic Lifebind does not Stack.
      Sinistral Usage: Target Enemy instead of Ally. Enemy has the Bloody Status applied for the duration, and when the user or Enemy takes Damage, the other Linked Target takes that Damage, -1 (but never to 0).

      || Magic Isolate || To isolate an Enemy from their Allies and Buffs, target an enemy within Range, and Link Break the most recently applied Link Power. Additionally, if they have any Block Tokens (from Abilities, not from Armor), remove 1 Block Token. Magic Isolate has a 2 Hour Cooldown.
      Sinistral Usage: Break 2 Link Powers, and if the enemy has no Link Powers and no Block Tokens, instead apply the Marked Status.

      || Magic Shove || To move an Enemy, instantly Displace a Target 5 Blocks in any direction, meaning further away from the user, or closer, anywhere along a horizontal direction, but never vertically or diagonally up or down. Magic Shove has a 30 Minute Cooldown.
      Sinistral Usage: Target up to two enemies, sending them in the same or different directions, and apply the Prone Status at the end of the shove.

      || Magic Summon || To never be without weapons and armor, instantly summon any combination of armor, shields, weapons (ranged or melee) for the user and up to two willing allies within Range. This does not re-fresh Block Tokens from Armor, but grants them if the user did not already have them. Additionally, if the user (and allies) wear this equipment for 20 minutes, also grant +1 Attack or +1 Defense for the duration. Magic Summon does not Stack, has no Cooldown, but once it grants +Stats, it lasts for up to 1 Hour.
      Sinistral Usage: Instead of granting equipment to allies, only grant equipment to Self, grant +1 Attack and +1 Defense (breaks cap up to 11/9) while using it. Additionally, prevent Attack/Defense Stat Reduction for 30 Minutes.

      || Magic Revive || To bring an Ally back into the fight, Target an Ally at 0 HP. they are given a choice: Revive with 4 HP and half (rounded down) Attack Stat, or 4 HP and half (rounded down) Defense Stat. This Ability cannot be used on a person already affected by a Revive Ability (Sacred Revive, Chem Revive, etc). Magic Revive has a 2 Hour Cooldown.
      Sinistral Usage: Ignore limit on Revive Abilities, and Target an Enemy at 0 HP, and forcibly Revive them, making them fight for the user. However, Target Enemy can only make Basic Attacks, cannot use any Abilities, and has their Attack and Defense Stat Halved (cannot be raised). If an enemy Targets the revived Enemy with another Revive Ability, the target is dealt 2 HP of damage.
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