If The Massivecraft Roleplay Story Was A Series/movie?


The Huntsman
Feb 19, 2014
Reaction score
somewhere beyond the woods
If MassiveCraft roleplay was a TV series or a movie what do you guys think the plot would be and what would the title be? Maybe some actors who would play major characters?
I vote for either many series in the same universe or a sitcom about regular antics.
It'd probably be about the final battle against Baver, with some cool ass fight scenes, drama and shreiking. Oh, and it'd be called... uh... Baver: A movie of Massive proportions
I feel like Rhogash would be a fun story arc to follow. But yeah, the Tristan Lamperouge/William Coen love story would probably be one of the primary stories.
The what-would-be-called "Tavern set" would be used for almost half the movie/series as it is the most visited role-playing place. I would definitely would like to see that in real life, anyone agree?
Personally I think it would be about the political tension and conflict between the nobles. Then maybe a side story would be some about the commoners and vampire drama.

But I guess the majority vote would be Broke Back Regalia.
Personally I think it would be about the political tension and conflict between the nobles. Then maybe a side story would be some about the commoners and vampire drama.

But I guess the majority vote would be Broke Back Regalia.
Huh... That's a great idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We need to get a director on this idea.
Also I like the vampire drama, if this was a T.V Show it would change Vampire drama FOREVER.
I think we need Micheal bay for explosions when they really aren't needed to make this a worthy blockbuster
Well to add on to my idea there may be important commoners, and some Vampire drama (Not twilight or Vampire diaries type) that would change Vampire drama FOREVER.
Also it would be rated TV-MA, Because of Violence, Sex, and drugs.
I would think it would be about what the Guards run around doing. Maybe some parts with nobles, being that some nobles are guards, etc.
I have thought about this for a very long time. Characters that everyone knows would be main characters. Then more recognizable characters, that many (not all) would know, could be background and/or supporting characters. (For example, a scene would be focused on a Noble's conversation; but, in the background you would see many other characters walking around and doing certain things.)

...Also, "Breaking Baver."
The problem is, if the movie was made, it would have to be realistic. If it wasn't, all of the fanboys that watched the movies, discover the server, and then they start god rping.
nat geo wilds: animals, insects, and reptiles of MASSIVE interest
its like nat geo studies nagas, the giant insects, the talking plants, and the animals
It's that one kind of movie/series where everyone is introduced at the start of it. Then, everyone would slowly die off, all your favorite characters, killed...

Also...Tevic would totes be played by Tom Cruise.
I feel like many people would have to be killed in the background and no one would have any interest in it. e.g someone falls of the church and dies, people just step over the corpse while the camera focuses on what's actually going on.
This is like my idea to create a massivcraft anime/manga/comic. It whoud be intresting to see a move a bout the fall of the elf empire
We could have the show I've been fantasizing for.

Regalian Jackasses
Regalian Jackasses: Noble schnobels (nobles pranking each others)
Regalian Jackasses: Orcish would tour ( with orcish orcity in mind)
Regalian Jackasses: Guardsmen can do them too (military-esque pranks)