If Given The Opportunity - Your Judgement

I would
1. Kill Lady Montgomery
2. Destroy every vampire
3. Kick Jeff Spruce in the face!
  1. ๖ۣۜKill a Kade with Nendai-Ki Hensha without getting caught, have him claim to have done it for the good of the Nagas. MiningMac5, The Shadow King, Thalan79, Eyrok. Save Aselyna Caldwick for last, probably taunt her, assault, beat, Iunno. katiesc
  2. Steal Valentino's house while the two are arguing on who steals it. Film_Noir Azas
  3. Force Azas to marry a woman so Film_Noir can steal his wife.
  4. Terrify people even beyond the measure of Luthien. Quite difficult, but I'd at least try...
  5. Kidnap and do more interesting things to more women than TechPac. Again, quite impossible, but worth a shot.
  6. Use Nendai-Ki Hensha the way he was supposed to be, back when I was a noob. As a monster. A creature who was a Heretic to even the Naga, supporter of Baver, enough to actually do some good for her. Feeding her his immune blood, become a servant to her, any of the sort. It might seem crazy, but you would not believe how much I actually have wanted to try and play a pretty big role on the evil side of this server without having to start a movement myself or losing the character right away...
  7. Prove to Lady Rose that I am a straight woman.
#6 I want to roleplay with someone like that!
1: Make a reality show where we pull pranks on nobles
2: Ride a red orc around the city
3: Send an Avarr to flappy bird contest
4: Shank vampyres
5: Own Fury in a fight
6: Burn the montger
7: Jackass on every single nobles
8: Godrp and kill people with lore compliant vacuum cleaner
A more updated list, in order of occurance...
  • Cure Ichabod's Opium addiction.
  • Have him promoted to Captain and start barking orders at the lower-ranked guards.
  • Ichabod gets beefy as hell and masters many forms of combat.
  • Twisted demons from Drowda somehow make it to Regalia and Ichabod kills them all, looking like a badass when the dust settles.
  • Instant knighthood and early retirement.

  • Akil finds a Seraph Codex and screams because he can hear a Seraph speaking to him.
  • Akil is very hush-hush about the Codex and uses it to fight demons.
  • After demons are pretty much annihilated... He sells the Codex and gets buttloads of money.
  • Akil opens Aloria's best mage collage and doesn't get it burned down by Almar or some other ruffian.
  • Akil visits every continent he is physically able to visit, and then dies smiling, knowing that while he never did find love (which he never wanted anyway) he lived his life fully and died a hip old man.
I love these guys so muuuuch.
Most likely hang some body's underneath my 'gate' houses in Regalia.
I would have my character, Sakuya, some how become an Upyr, rule over all vampires, and destroy overrun the Kades with my army of hoodie vampires.
I would make it free and safe for all those who walk her continents. Every man and woman who wander the vallies and mountains of this great world will live a life free of poverty and hatred where they can be who they want without the bonds of mortality weighing them down.
1. More game staffs in the war declaration section.
2. It shouln't be possible to steal/lose money when you're shooting people with a bow..... (Who made this xD)
3. Remove nicknames when players have gone inactive (20 days inactive.)
4. Biggest worldwar of all time!
5. Remove daendroc.
6. Knockback 100 boomsticks (jk.)