If Given The Opportunity - Your Judgement

Mar 11, 2013
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So I'm unaware whether anyone's ever asked this or something similar, but I'll ask anyway.
My question to you guys is this...
If given the opportunity to do anything in Aloria, what would you do?
I don't want to see comments like "Kill Monmarty, and run the server". I want legitimate Role-play reasons.
I'll start off.
If given the opportunity to do anything in Aloria, I would have all the great lords of the server, in one of my dwarven traps, and ask the question "Why so serious..."
I'd roleplay Alexander Kade as a Upyr and get away with it.

I've been trying to do it for months, but find I cannot as it would mean the factual end of the Kade family and Alexander's character as a Chancellor.
If I had the power to do anything in Aloria... I would make it so that Mechbank was something to be feared, rather than the bad joke it currently is. I would have a small mercenary army that actually did the job they're paid for, I'd have the support and backing of the Regalia Empire and Qadir'iyye, and people would actually pay back their loans. I would never have needed to shut down the savings half of the bank, and would have had a realistic number of loans out.

Ah, dreams...
Oh gosh. What to do, what to do? Probably have a type three demon possess one of my characters that has next to no real purpose other than to kidnap all the animals in Aloria, and house them in a random mansion in the middle of Regalia. Roleplay reason? Well.. Why not? It's a bit silly, and seems like it'd be very entertaining to write out.
Come back to Regalia and evict all senators from the Iron Bulwark and Order of Dawn, of course. Form healthier trade relations with some of the other races. Ban the hunting of Urs for their fur.
As Seransic, screw with the guards and nobles while wearing bird feathers over my top lip, claim I lost a bet to an old friends. Get away with it, as usual.
If given the opportunity, I would roleplay with a Regalia full of experienced roleplayers who understand lore and know what they're doing. Then again, I'm sure anyone would take this opportunity
I would create a Starbucks *squeees to fellow white girls*

Seriously though I would make a skin with the colour dress I want *slapsonshades* wot of it, no more colour skin restraints
Cayd's wish: I would want to become arch Mage of The Dark ice flow.
Granny Fanny's wish: bring the VanSherburne family back to its forma glory.
Nora's wish: find some one to love.
Eloriad's wish: to hunt a dragon.
Be able to spawn trees and animals everywhere. I'd turn Regalia into something that resembles a post-apocalyptic world, except nothing's broken, it's just covered in green and mooshrooms.
I would find some sort of magical object, say a Void Shard or Seraph Codex, and then start more character development from there. That, or I would start riots all over Regalia and laugh as the fools slaughter eachother
I would most likely have Sero become a Guard or Crimson, possibly a Knight, and purge all of the Unholy races from Regalia. Then I would probably move onto trying to kill Demons, which would be difficult and most likely take me a lifetime just to find proof anyone was a demon in the first place.
I would rain down death onto Regalia using my amazing magical powers.

After I stole some fancy garments from Alexander Kades wardrobe, I would become best friends with Mrs. Baver and we would break the barrier between Aloria and Earth and travel to the moon.

After our wedding, Baver and I would settle a small colony of non-human vampires, because I can, and become the Lord and Lady.

Mrs. Baver will begin to feel jealous of not only my amazing power, but my sweet beard, and she would attempt to murder me.

Thankfully since I can do anything in Aloria, I am able to see into the future and predict her betrayal. After absorbing Mrs. Bavers power like a Dragonborn killing a dragon, I return to Aloria to resume my conquest.

Regalia is still rebuilding from my amazing destruction, and in their weakened state I establish a new Regalian Empire in which I am the Emperor. After spending one hour rebuilding the Regalian Fleet to 5 times its former glory, because I can, I march on to destroy all other civilization in Aloria, and I raise one banner over all of Aloria.

I will then proceed to father many children who, via my amazing magical powers, grow into powerful warriors and wizards in a matter of days.

With my brood of powerful heroes, I will march through my lane like a Dota 2 Broodmother all the way to the ArchDemon of Aloria, who I will promptly slay.

And then, I dunno, I might try to start a new faction or something.
I'd like to be a prominent member of the inquisition. Something about wide scale extermination always brings out the best in me.
I would become like the Godfather of the server, running an Opium ring breaking the law every day...making everyone fear me....I might sell it to someone and "Give him an offer he can't refuse"
Take some fancy socks from Alex Kade.

Set off a small prank in the Lo Manor.

Nari dies from a stampede. (Probably not, but I'd be laughing too hard.)

Make a bad joke in front of Freya.

Make another bad joke in front of Thomas Kade.

Try not to get my neck snapped by Joshua Kade.
Here is my list:

1. Cause a world war of humans vs dwarves vs elves vs orcs

2. Rally all the animal races and conquer whoever is left

3. Legalize Avarr sacrifices

4. Open a portal to the Void
In all seriousness, I've always wanted to know what Aloria/Regalia is like through the eyes of the emperor. I mean, being the most powerful person alive with an army of people who believe you are divine, and a powerful navy ready to sail at a single command, must bring about some interesting stories.

So yeah. Hold a nice conversation with emperor Justinian. Maybe found out what he does in that palace all day.
Oh, something I would do that isn't totally self-centered is create a bunch of roleplay towns all across Aloria that are connected by teleports (like boats) located in wagons outside the town walls. They would also be connected by roads of various types. I would put farms and other small roleplay locations scattered throughout the maps of Aloria for use by roleplayers and travelers, but they would be self-repairing so that people can't grief em.
  • Legalize gay marriage in Regalia. Duh. I want my darling niece to get married.
  • Eradicate all of the noob vampires through permanent character death.
  • Have my shop become the centre of fashion in Aloria.
  • Bring celine back to life because she was perf BabaManga
Oh, something I would do that isn't totally self-centered is create a bunch of roleplay towns all across Aloria that are connected by teleports (like boats) located in wagons outside the town walls. They would also be connected by roads of various types. I would put farms and other small roleplay locations scattered throughout the maps of Aloria for use by roleplayers and travelers, but they would be self-repairing so that people can't grief em.

I'm actually planning to already do this, however.... It will start with between the Dwarves only.
  • Get Silver to fight, and kill, a demon.
  • Get Vulture to blow up Victory Tower.
  • Let Silver lore-compliantly get super-speed. Because why not.
  • Force-cure Carrie Vigoli. (Verityg) (COMPLETE lulz)
  • Get Silver knighted. Why not.
  • Wipe out an entire faction with an in-character RP battle alongside the guards.
  • Bring back Yoshiro Tsunaki. (In progress)
Helios- Lead Cecidit to rise further, and create a Confederation where each war band can act as they choose, only uniting together when the time calls for it.

Drust- Rebuild the Noite Family, and Hunt daemons.
Helios- Lead Cecidit to rise further, and create a Confederation where each war band can act as they choose, only uniting together when the time calls for it.

Drust- Rebuild the Noite Family, and Hunt daemons.

Well the first one is already done, besides being one war band. That's basically what most Allies do. You call for them, they come.