If Aloria Was A Tv Show, Which Would It Be Like?

Actually what if we did a Log Horizon + GOT styled TV series. Like it would start showing different players on the game and looking at the forums ETC. And sudsenly we would all be sucked into the world and stuff happens.
I've daydreamed multiple times and will continue to about something like this. Except it's usually some void mage drags me through a portal and into the void, and then into Aloria. Then I meet my character(s)
Regalian version of Sesamie street. With characters in the show. replaced by well known characters in Ailoria. and at the very end, would be... LA LA LA LA, LA LA LA LA, MUNMURTYS WORLD. the other staff would be Mr.Noodles. every time he gets mail it would be noobs that know nothing asking for god items. The TV show he watches every time would be a SitCom of Ailoria, etc. Yes the last part is OOC, but, meh, would be hilarious.
Regalian version of TURN all the way. Regalia is British New York, Emperor is George III (minus the madness), nobility is New England aristocracy and British command structure, sewers are the New York slums, Rothburg is Setauket, etc.
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