Archived Ideas For Combatting Deflation

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Staring at the sky
Sep 20, 2017
Reaction score
Somewhere out in space, there is a place
The server's economy is currently in a period of deflation caused by oversupply and low market enthusiasm. I thought of some possible ways to counteract this economic stagnancy:

Item repair degradation value

Here's a thread detailing the current McMMO repair parameters used by the server:

McMMO repairing on MassiveCraft is currently the most cost-effective method of dealing with natural item degradation after usage. The other two methods (repairing with regals and buying new equipment) cost over double the amount needed to have a 1000+ repair skill player fix your gear (repair fee included). I believe McMMO repairing should be the best way to maintain equipment; however, the diamond cost at the moment is too low relative to the current value of diamonds.

Instead of simply increasing the diamond cost for repairing items, my idea is to add a repair degradation value to an item after it is repaired. The first repair for the item will require the same amount of diamonds which are currently needed, but this repair will add a repair value to the equipment relative to the diamonds used or durability repaired. The second repair will require a higher amount of diamonds, and this repair will again increase the repair value. Eventually the item's repair cost will be higher than the cost of purchasing a new item, so the player will probably equip/craft/purchase new equipment. This addition should also come with a removal of or increase in cost for regal equipment repairing, and I think the latter should be implemented. Through this system's implementation, more diamonds will be used to repair gear and the equipment market becomes revitalized due to constant need for equipment replacement.

New market area with sections defined by item type

Over the past week, I've examined most of the market stalls while purchasing items and looking for average item prices. First, the prices of most low-medium volume or special items (lore mainly) vary greatly and are usually sourced from opinion rather than supply/demand. One shop will list a particular lore item at 25 regals while another will list the same item at 15 regals. Second, the large majority (>80%) of market shops are not specialized and stock every type of item they possibly can. While purchasing and later investigating higher volume items in market, entering 5+ different market stalls to find the best deal was common. This is caused by two reasons: either the item I was looking for was not stocked or the shop didn't maintain a proper stock/competitive valuation for the item. The average player does not have the time or desire to look through an excessive amount of market stalls to find the cheapest sell offer or if the item is even stocked at any market stalls for a reasonable price.

A new market area separate and working alongside the current market with a focus on particular items should be opened up. The specifics of this area should be determined by the staff, but I believe the area will at least require a focus on sections for different items. My first idea for how this would be implemented is a series of bazaar sections connected by a hub/teleports with small, low rent stalls. The monthly rent would be relative to the value of the items sold/size of the stalls/seller maintenance required. Each section would have a general item theme (armor/weapons/tools, lore items, building materials) and there would be sub-sections for specific item types (harvesting tools, drinkable/edible lore, wood materials). My second idea is a community market in which all vanilla minecraft items have a place where players can buy/sell a particular item. The current market should be converted to only having enchanted equipment/lore item shops with this addition.

Material sinks through specialized item crafting/factions events

Through scavenging recently unclaimed faction ruins, I've learned firsthand how the average faction has a strong excess in common materials. This excess appears to stem from Minecraft's core survival mechanics favoring servers that reset periodically. MassiveCraft's unique MassiveRestore plugin is effective at restoring unclaimed wilderness chunks to their natural status, but it only addresses the buildings of unclaimed faction land and not their resources which are constantly transported to new factions/locations through various means.

One way to decrease the amount of excess materials is adding hard to craft recipes. The custom recipes would be for lore items not obtained through other means which have beneficial yet situational enchantments. An example of this is a pair of custom leggings which have fire protection 5. This item would be crafted with a number of legging parts which require a high amount of certain materials for each (obsidian, coal blocks, etc) along with the end material. The amount of materials needed would depend on the equipment type and material type.

Another way to remove excess materials is to have events that involve a resource contribution mechanic of some kind for success. Here's a potential application of this idea: A dual-castle civil war pvp map is added where both sides require certain supplies and the players align to one of the sides. The side with more contribution gains some kind of active/passive bonus based on the level of higher contribution which allows for easier victory while not granting outright victory. The current model of event rewards would apply well to this new type of event, but I think a much smaller (when compared to the input) material reward obtained upon event success would also be beneficial.

Reworking/addition of regal sources

Currently there's a limited number of ways to obtain regals and the flow of regals is not strong due to various reasons. Additional methods for obtaining regals should probably be added to the server over time, but I don't have any decent ideas for this at the moment.

Despite only having the pleasure of being a server member for a somewhat short while, I've heard from multiple other players there has been a recent slump in voting caused by the rewards' value being perceived as not worth the effort. Due to this major source of regals not being utilized by many players, stagnation of the server economy results from a lack of liquid assets owned by the average player. The simple solution is a flat increase in the amount of regals earned to incentivize voting, but there's more intuitive ways to do this. I'm sure methods have been considered by staff before, but here are some methods I thought up:
  • Lowering the regal lottery to the same vote value as an increased uncommon item vote value (14 votes to ensure one lottery/uncommon item per daily voting)
  • Temporarily increasing the amount of regals from voting during certain periods of time (first week of the month, winter holiday, summer holiday, etc)
  • Adding event lore items only obtained through voting during certain periods of time
  • Adding a rare chance for a lore item of one higher tier to be rewarded from the respective category (rare lore from uncommon lore voting reward)

Please leave comments about any incorrect information in this post or improvements to my ideas.
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Instead of simply increasing the diamond cost for repairing items, my idea is to add a repair degradation value to an item after it is repaired. The first repair for the item will require the same amount of diamonds which are currently needed, but this repair will add a repair value to the equipment relative to the diamonds used or durability repaired. The second repair will require a higher amount of diamonds, and this repair will again increase the repair value. Eventually the item's repair cost will be higher than the cost of purchasing a new item, so the player will probably equip/craft/purchase new equipment. This addition should also come with a removal of or increase in cost for regal equipment repairing, and I think the latter should be implemented. Through this system's implementation, more diamonds will be used to repair gear and the equipment market becomes revitalized due to constant need for equipment replacement.
This isn't possible without editing mcmmo, which massive won't do.

Currently there's a limited number of ways to obtain regals and the flow of regals is not strong due to various reasons. Additional methods for obtaining regals should probably be added to the server over time, but I don't have any decent ideas for this at the moment.

Despite only having the pleasure of being a server member for a somewhat short while, I've heard from multiple other players there has been a recent slump in voting caused by the rewards' value being perceived as not worth the effort. Due to this major source of regals not being utilized by many players, stagnation of the server economy results from a simple lack of liquid assets owned by the average player. The simple solution is a flat increase in the amount of regals earned to incentivize voting, but there's more intuitive ways to do this. I'm sure methods have been considered by staff before, but here are some methods I thought up:
  • Lowering the regal lottery to the same vote value as an increased uncommon item vote value (14 votes to ensure one lottery/uncommon item per daily voting)
  • Temporarily increasing the amount of regals from voting during certain periods of time (first week of the month, winter holiday, summer holiday, etc)
  • Adding event lore items only obtained through voting during certain periods of time
  • Adding a rare chance for a lore item of one higher tier to be rewarded from the respective category (rare lore from uncommon lore voting reward)
I don't really agree with the reason for the economy being stagnant being voting not giving enough regals. The reason regal flow is so low is because there's just not a ton to spend regals on. Most older players have thousands and thousands of regals, but with that they also have chests and chests of everything they could possibly need, and so there's no reason to spend their regals to buy things they need, since they don't need anything. Instead, doing things like unlocking prot 5/sharp6 (plug) could cause older players to spend their regals. I personally think that increasing voting rewards will just lead to a lot of inflation and more regals just sitting around.
Instead, doing things like unlocking prot 5/sharp6 (plug) could cause older players to spend their regals.
That is a dangerous idea. Because if Massive DOES unlock prot5/sharp6 then it will fix that issue for a short time. What after that? What if in 6 months the old veteran players have 9214814787148 dubs of those now.. Now what? Are we just gonna unlock the next tier every 6 months?
This isn't possible without editing mcmmo, which massive won't do.
I'm not a programmer, but I think there's a way to do this without editing McMMO. The new plugin would look at the materials used by the McMMO repair operation (items removed from inventory as a result of mcmmo repair exclusively) and add the repair value to the item based on this operation's identification.

I don't really agree with the reason for the economy being stagnant being voting not giving enough regals. The reason regal flow is so low is because there's just not a ton to spend regals on. Most older players have thousands and thousands of regals, but with that they also have chests and chests of everything they could possibly need, and so there's no reason to spend their regals to buy things they need, since they don't need anything. Instead, doing things like unlocking prot 5/sharp6 (plug) could cause older players to spend their regals. I personally think that increasing voting rewards will just lead to a lot of inflation and more regals just sitting around.
Artificial inflation of regals would actually be beneficial to the current server economy as it is obviously in a state of deflation at the moment. Also, the problem lies with the poor players' inability to utilize the market and not the rich ones. If the poor players can't afford to regularly purchase items, then the rich players have stock without any flow and the market makers' enthusiasm decreases substantially. My market ideas address the problems of market rent being too high when compared to the amount earned per month and stock not moving successfully in a system where willing buyers are inhibited by obfuscation in item locations. I was just suggesting an increase in regals from voting as an easily identifiable solution while there are probably better solutions that someone else can realize which are currently beyond my knowledge.

Unlocking prot 5/sharp 6 was a big problem on my previous server, and our owner actually tried to remove the source of these items (despite the source being rare and expensive) months after implementation due to their effects. They would devalue enchanting levels to a high degree for everyone except new players and the donation incentives (items4all) will be lessened significantly in importance. If you're concerned about the items4all being too abundant/powerful, a different kind of nerf/item sink to equipment should be added (if McMMO repair modification is not feasible).
That is a dangerous idea. Because if Massive DOES unlock prot5/sharp6 then it will fix that issue for a short time. What after that? What if in 6 months the old veteran players have 9214814787148 dubs of those now.. Now what? Are we just gonna unlock the next tier every 6 months?

Just to add onto Zacatero. The biggest issue I have with unlocking those tiers, is that large pvp factions will continue to have an even higher monopoly over PvP. I've got dub chests and dub chests of god gear, and if I can turn those into a higher tier, then I'll just have slightly less dubs and dubs. But still dubs and dubs. Then it's another grind wall for other, smaller factions to get involved. They have to get all their mcmmo stats up, they have to get pot manufacturing going, etc. Then they have to start farming for even higher enchants just to be consider competitive. Plus, since they're producing it most likely at a slower and less large scale rate than bigger factions, losing those items will be more crippling, and they won't be able to improve skill wise, because they'll be less encouraged to PvP. Then, the ones who want to learn will go to the bigger PvP factions, who do have those endless supplies. Thus encouraging the dead pvp scene where all the PvPers are in one or two giant factions, with no conflict.
Artificial inflation of regals would actually be beneficial to the current server economy as it is obviously in a state of deflation at the moment. Also, the problem lies with the poor players' inability to utilize the market and not the rich ones. If the poor players can't afford to regularly purchase items, then the rich players have stock without any flow and the market makers' enthusiasm decreases substantially. My market ideas address the problems of market rent being too high when compared to the amount earned per month and stock not moving successfully in a system where willing buyers are inhibited by obfuscation in item locations. I was just suggesting an increase in regals from voting as an easily identifiable solution while there are probably better solutions that someone else can realize which are currently beyond my knowledge.

Adding more currency is just going to deflate and break the economy even further. The issue is that there is an over saturation of regals and material goods. The way we need to address that is by taking regals and material goods out of the economy, while slowly putting an equal amount back in to redistribute the wealth. We're beyond the point where we can just adjust a few numbers and hope it balances out. We need to have a more hands on solution. We need to go in and make things more expensive to raise the value of the regal, then give players access to generate their own wealth, and lastly great a money sink for that wealth to be taken away so that we don't end up over inflating the economy.
Adding more currency is just going to deflate and break the economy even further. The issue is that there is an over saturation of regals and material goods.
How would a weekly increase in regals per week possibly deflate it with an oversaturation of material goods present? The increased regals would cause a sustained increase in trading activity due to higher income/new income in people who didn't vote before in contrast to the current scenario where regals are sitting and they are only being used to pay rent/upkeep.

We need to go in and make things more expensive to raise the value of the regal, then give players access to generate their own wealth, and lastly great a money sink for that wealth to be taken away so that we don't end up over inflating the economy.
Drastic solutions are the thing which will actually have potential to break the economy. Your solution sounds like it will cause a huge increase in regals with the first/second parts occurring and the third part will have no participants due to their overabundance in supplies. Money is a thing which has no end and is highly desired by all players, while materials/builds will always have a price relative to their value. Until a proper end to this line of thought is proposed, enacting it will lead to runaway inflation and a stagnation of the opposite type (everything costs too much).
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That is a dangerous idea. Because if Massive DOES unlock prot5/sharp6 then it will fix that issue for a short time. What after that? What if in 6 months the old veteran players have 9214814787148 dubs of those now.. Now what? Are we just gonna unlock the next tier every 6 months?
Sure. Why not?

Yes, it'll make it harder for new players to get into it at the very beginning, but currently this is a non-issue with how laughably easy it is to get a god set. It's literally 150r a set. It used to be 800r a set a couple years ago, and back then pvp was significantly more active than it is now, so I fail to see how making it a bit harder to get top tier armor/weapons could hurt.

I'm not a programmer, but I think there's a way to do this without editing McMMO. The new plugin would look at the materials used by the McMMO repair operation (items removed from inventory as a result of mcmmo repair exclusively) and add the repair value to the item based on this operation's identification.
Still would not be possible without editting mcmmo, as mcmmo would have to read that value and adjust the amount it takes accordingly, which is not currently supported by mcmmo.

Artificial inflation of regals would actually be beneficial to the current server economy as it is obviously in a state of deflation at the moment. Also, the problem lies with the poor players' inability to utilize the market and not the rich ones. If the poor players can't afford to regularly purchase items, then the rich players have stock without any flow and the market makers' enthusiasm decreases substantially. My market ideas address the problems of market rent being too high when compared to the amount earned per month and stock not moving successfully in a system where willing buyers are inhibited by obfuscation in item locations. I was just suggesting an increase in regals from voting as an easily identifiable solution while there are probably better solutions that someone else can realize which are currently beyond my knowledge.
You're assuming that players aren't spending money because items are too expensive. I simply do not believe this is remotely close to the truth. Admittedly, I've never been seriously involved in the lore item market, but for every other category of item, excluding a few exceptions in things like pink koth items, the max prices are in the 150r ish range. Last I checked a stack of diamond blocks went for 400r. A set of god armor, 150r. These are prices which a new player can make in a day. These are also end-game items; there's nothing beyond this that new players would want in terms of vanilla items, other than more of these items. So I simply don't buy the fact that giving new players more money is going to increase market flow. It's not that they can't buy, it's that there's just no reason to.

Unlocking prot 5/sharp 6 was a big problem on my previous server, and our owner actually tried to remove the source of these items (despite the source being rare and expensive) months after implementation due to their effects. They would devalue enchanting levels to a high degree for everyone except new players and the donation incentives (items4all) will be lessened significantly in importance. If you're concerned about the items4all being too abundant/powerful, a different kind of nerf/item sink to equipment should be added (if McMMO repair modification is not feasible).
Pvp-balance wise this is a non-issue due to MassiveCombat and the ability to easily tweak damage values. Items4all were a complete failure, in pretty much everyone's eyes. I'm pretty sure most of the staff are even willing to admit that. They ruined the economy, and were allowed to go on for far longer than they should have; Marty said somewhere or another at some point that they had intended to change them and just never got around to it. All adding a new tier would do is lessen the supply. There is literally nothing bad that could come of that. It'll make it a bit harder for new players sure, but it would still be significantly easier than most pvp servers to get a set of top tier armor. Adding a new tier would more or less have the exact same effect as an item sink, and would be much more feasible than any alternative item sink I could think of. You wouldn't have to give out stupid amounts of regals, diamonds, etc.; you would just add a recipe and watch the supply be literally halved.

I've got dub chests and dub chests of god gear, and if I can turn those into a higher tier, then I'll just have slightly less dubs and dubs. But still dubs and dubs.
Yes, and you also have dubs and dubs which are worth a whole lot more. Having dubs and dubs of god pieces which are worth 40r a piece doesn't really mean a ton. I mean, like 2k for a dub of god armor? That's a bit absurd. Yes, new factions will have to grind a bit harder, but they can still make money, which isn't any harder, and then buy from older factions. It would actually make creating sets as a source of income viable again.
But jes those 2 go hand in hand

Active pvp means more armor broken meaning more being used meaning higher demand = higher cost

And vice versa. Fix pvp fix armor cost
But jes those 2 go hand in hand

Active pvp means more armor broken meaning more being used meaning higher demand = higher cost

And vice versa. Fix pvp fix armor cost
The armor broken in pvp is negligible, particularly when staff refuse to make it cost more than 10 diamonds to fix a set. It also doesn't actually affect the god armor economy since god armor rarely if ever breaks, since people just repair it. It has minimal effect on the diamond economy since it takes such a low number of diamonds and there's people who have dubs and dubs of dimaond blocks.
The armor broken in pvp is negligible, particularly when staff refuse to make it cost more than 10 diamonds to fix a set. It also doesn't actually affect the god armor economy since god armor rarely if ever breaks, since people just repair it. It has minimal effect on the diamond economy since it takes such a low number of diamonds and there's people who have dubs and dubs of dimaond blocks.
Then id argue... letting people keep armor on death... is making it not work?
Still would not be possible without editting mcmmo, as mcmmo would have to read that value and adjust the amount it takes accordingly, which is not currently supported by mcmmo.
If McMMO edits aren't a possibility, a custom plugin could be written to replace McMMO repair with the repair value stuff implemented, and the current McMMO repair stats can easily be exported to the new system with McMMO repair being deactivated. This is definitely more work, but unless a better solution is formulated (which will probably require a similar amount of work) it's the best system I've seen that will increase diamond or equipment cost without offsetting something else negatively.

Sure. Why not?
You're assuming that players aren't spending money because items are too expensive. I simply do not believe this is remotely close to the truth. Admittedly, I've never been seriously involved in the lore item market, but for every other category of item, excluding a few exceptions in things like pink koth items, the max prices are in the 150r ish range. Last I checked a stack of diamond blocks went for 400r. A set of god armor, 150r. These are prices which a new player can make in a day. These are also end-game items; there's nothing beyond this that new players would want in terms of vanilla items, other than more of these items. So I simply don't buy the fact that giving new players more money is going to increase market flow. It's not that they can't buy, it's that there's just no reason to.
I'm saying players aren't spending money because they have to be frugal due to the sum of the necessities costing a lot of money for a player who just joined and has no real way of making money besides job island/voting. While a god armor set, god tool set, and a quarter stack of diamond blocks would be affordable to any constantly active new player within a week or two of starting on the server, the player is going to have to purchase many other items in the upcoming days/weeks/months (building materials, potion ingredients, food, etc). If the player has a good excess of money to spend after purchasing the necessities/keeping enough for tax or eventually renting a location, then he or she will purchase items from the market with this excess that are needed for whatever. Without this money, the player will most likely look to a faction for the items or try to grow/harvest them personally which causes excess materials and a lack of buyers. The economy isn't 100% determined by diamonds and god armor.

Here's how I view an increase in regals from voting affecting the economy:
Actively voting players gain around 300-400 regals more per week from voting. New players put most of this money right back into the market/money sinks after a short period of time. Experienced players build up currency for larger purchases/rent money and purchases from the market. Old players build up the money to pay for rent indefinitely and to have cash flow for petty cash purchases.
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Then id argue... letting people keep armor on death... is making it not work?
Oh, absolutely. I'd love to see armor drop on death, but ya know, roleplayers :P

If McMMO edits aren't a possibility, a custom plugin could be written to replace McMMO repair with the repair value stuff implemented, and the current McMMO repair stats can easily be exported to the new system with McMMO repair being deactivated. This is definitely more work, but unless a better solution is formulated (which will probably require a similar amount of work) it's the best system I've seen that will increase diamond or equipment cost without offsetting something else negatively.
Considering the tech department is more or less dead, and works on other things when it's not, I don't really see a plugin being written for this happening.

I'm saying players aren't spending money because they have to be frugal due to the sum of the necessities costing a lot of money for a player who just joined and has no real way of making money besides job island/voting. While a god armor set, god tool set, and a quarter stack of diamond blocks would be affordable to any constantly active new player within a week or two of starting on the server, the player is going to have to purchase many other items in the upcoming days/weeks/months (building materials, potion ingredients, food, etc). If the player has a good excess of money to spend after purchasing the necessities/keeping enough for tax or eventually renting a location, then he or she will purchase items from the market with this excess that are needed for whatever. Without this money, the player will most likely look to a faction for the items or try to grow/harvest them personally which causes excess materials and a lack of buyers. The economy isn't 100% determined by diamonds and god armor.

Here's how I view an increase in regals from voting affecting the economy:
Actively voting players gain around 300-400 regals more per week from voting. New players put most of this money right back into the market/money sinks after a short period of time. Experienced players build up currency for larger purchases/rent money and purchases from the market. Old players build up the money to pay for rent indefinitely and to have cash flow for petty cash purchases.
Honestly I disagree because most of the other items are negligible in terms of contributions to the economy, since they only go for a couple regals a stack, but I don't really feel like pushing the point any further, I think I've made my argument well enough.
How would a weekly increase in regals per week possibly deflate it with an oversaturation of material goods present? The increased regals would cause a sustained increase in trading activity due to higher income/new income in people who didn't vote before in contrast to the current scenario where regals are sitting and they are only being used to pay rent/upkeep.

Drastic solutions are the thing which will actually have potential to break the economy. Your solution sounds like it will cause a huge increase in regals with the first/second parts occurring and the third part will have no participants due to their overabundance in supplies. Money is a thing which has no end and is highly desired by all players, while materials/builds will always have a price relative to their value. Until a proper end to this line of thought is proposed, enacting it will lead to runaway inflation and a stagnation of the opposite type (everything costs too much).

The problem doesnt lie in people not spending money. Deflation is when you lose purchasing power. That's what we have right now. 1 regal is worthless. By adding more regals, you're further reducing purchasing power and increasing the problem. We don't need to trade, because one person can easily obtain all the materials they need and manufacture the rest (not to mention gift4alls). Simply tossing more regals at us isnt going make us spend more. People would spend their money, if there was something worth spending it on, which currently there really isnt, being that most "end game" or valuable items are chump change right now.

Here's the "drastic solution" I was refering to: Yes, it will flood the economy with regals, but it will also take regals out by encouraging trade, because suddenly materials have a set value. If I sell all my god gear and make a fortune to an adminshop, that gear is gone and out of the economy and it has to be remade. If I have more money, I'll be willing to pay more for that god gear because my purchasing power increases. I get more value for my dollar. So what I sold it to an adminshop for, let's say 700, I'd be willing to pay around 1000 for it back. This will also help distribute that wealth between "wealthier PvPers" and "working class PvEers".
The problem doesnt lie in people not spending money. Deflation is when you lose purchasing power. That's what we have right now. 1 regal is worthless. By adding more regals, you're further reducing purchasing power and increasing the problem.
Simply tossing more regals at us isnt going make us spend more. People would spend their money, if there was something worth spending it on, which currently there really isnt, being that most "end game" or valuable items are chump change right now.
The exact opposite is true because the current type of deflation present in the server's economy causes a strong increase in purchasing power (inflated economies have low individual purchasing power). 1 regal is worth too much relative to the actual value of items when compared to the sources of regals.

I suggested for a steady increase in the creation of regals to be added to counteract the stagnant market and to lower the value of the regal; however, I've thought about this a bit over the past week and I think this solution would require a higher activation effort than what is currently present/viable.

Here's the "drastic solution" I was refering to: Yes, it will flood the economy with regals, but it will also take regals out by encouraging trade, because suddenly materials have a set value.

First I want to point out that adding an adminshop would definitely be a drastic solution regardless of opinion as any addition like this invariably changes the server economy's form.

Diamonds having a set value would increase the price substantially, but there's still the problem of diamond usage which isn't being addressed. I doubt that any strong diamond selling will occur after this change and instead it will only encourage players to become diamond miners as it will be by far the best way to gain regals/value over time. The flooding will occur at the start, but along with this the flow of regals will be increased substantially more than my voting solution's effect which is what you apparently do not want. This is what will possibly break the economy, not the first part.

If I sell all my god gear and make a fortune to an adminshop, that gear is gone and out of the economy and it has to be remade.
I get more value for my dollar. So what I sold it to an adminshop for, let's say 700, I'd be willing to pay around 1000 for it back. This will also help distribute that wealth between "wealthier PvPers" and "working class PvEers".[
Your post only addresses the removal of diamonds through adminshops. Regardless, this godgear adminshop solution causes vote4all master items to have a fixed value which could cause other problems with the source of these items that have to be considered.