Archived Idea For Dakkar Traits (massivetraits Plugin Idea)

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May 23, 2014
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Maybe on of the traits for Dakkar could be like a Molten Rock skin.This trait could enable Dakkar's to swim for like 15 seconds before the skin breaks and they start taking damage.There could be regular intervals in the chat like "5 seconds remaining for Molten Rock Skin".
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That would unbalance a dakkar. What next? Oxygen tanks for maiar? Gosh
That would unbalance a dakkar. What next? Oxygen tanks for maiar? Gosh
Unbalance? How so?
It's not like this would certify that they would become a 100% all terrain race. Besides, traits are a balancing system in themselves. Good traits cost a few bad ones, which is why overpowered traits shouldn't be disregarded instantly in threads such as this.
And it's the humans who have the oxygen tank. (1.7.2 water breathing potion.) Maiars would have a "water breathing tank" instead if that's what you meant.
How traits are balanced is completely re-visioned in the new MassiveTrait system, which is being tested now. If things stay as they are presently, one will be able to choose fire resistance, lava swimming, heal in lava, and satiate in lava and then choose any of the possible negative traits to balance the point cost. Of course there will also be the possibility that one doesn't have all the traditional Dakkar traits. Maybe you are a half-breed, you're a Dakkar that never learned to swim, or some of your traits come from the study of magic. The trait system does not require a lore compliant approach to choosing traits, but remember that use of traits in roleplay in Regalia does, so you will need to choose traits accordingly for your needs.
How traits are balanced is completely re-visioned in the new MassiveTrait system, which is being tested now. If things stay as they are presently, one will be able to choose fire resistance, lava swimming, heal in lava, and satiate in lava and then choose any of the possible negative traits to balance the point cost. Of course there will also be the possibility that one doesn't have all the traditional Dakkar traits. Maybe you are a half-breed, you're a Dakkar that never learned to swim, or some of your traits come from the study of magic. The trait system does not require a lore compliant approach to choosing traits, but remember that use of traits in roleplay in Regalia does, so you will need to choose traits accordingly for your needs.
Then....wouldnt you need to reset your traits to tailor each character you had? I would either to need reset or have a preset skillset for each character I have, right?
Maybe on of the traits for Dakkar could be like a Molten Rock skin.This trait could enable Dakkar's to swim for like 15 seconds before the skin breaks and they start taking damage.There could be regular intervals in the chat like "5 seconds remaining for Molten Rock Skin".
Well for one, having a sheet of molten rock covering your skin would just as quickly be extinguished by water.
It depends on how hot it was and what substance it was made out of. If it was hot enough, chances are that it would act like a force field at first.
In my opinion the whole thing seems sort of unnecessary. Why would the Dakkar want to be near water anyways?
In my opinion the whole thing seems sort of unnecessary. Why would the Dakkar want to be near water anyways?
The question isn't why would it want to be near water, it's why would it end up being near water. The earth's surfacece (and probably Aloria too) is made up of 70.8 percent water, and 29.2 land. I'm sure that you've seen it stated multiple times that travel is a big part of Massivecraft. So a race like Dakkar would have to have some protection against the water that they would inevitably end up crossing.
The question isn't why would it want to be near water, it's why would it end up being near water. The earth's surfacece (and probably Aloria too) is made up of 70.8 percent water, and 29.2 land. I'm sure that you've seen it stated multiple times that travel is a big part of Massivecraft. So a race like Dakkar would have to have some protection against the water that they would inevitably end up crossing.
I think instead of that, the Nether should be improved upon more so that the Dakkar wouldn't need to leave it.
Then....wouldnt you need to reset your traits to tailor each character you had? I would either to need reset or have a preset skillset for each character I have, right?
yes, the current thought is that traits would be able to be changed in Regalia after a 30 sec time not moving. This would allow people to try out different trait packages, change packages for different characters, but not change traits in the midst of battle.
yes, the current thought is that traits would be able to be changed in Regalia after a 30 sec time not moving. This would allow people to try out different trait packages, change packages for different characters, but not change traits in the midst of battle.
Ahh, I see.. But would it be possible to maybe have like a set of skills that are for your characters so that you wouldn't have to reset it each time you wanted to change characters?
Ahh, I see.. But would it be possible to maybe have like a set of skills that are for your characters so that you wouldn't have to reset it each time you wanted to change characters?
Although this has been mentioned, it probably doesn't make sense for the server to store multiple trait load-outs per person. I'll certainly be making a macro for the Macro/Keybind Mod once I find a couple of sets that I want to switch between. I might just write the commands in a notepad doc and copy them in until I'm sure of the set-up, and being so old, I'll probably just write them down on a piece of paper so I don't forget them as a first step. Any of these client side solutions will make it easier to switch between characters, and the Macro/Keybind solution probably gives a player more flexibility than a plugin solution could.
Although this has been mentioned, it probably doesn't make sense for the server to store multiple trait load-outs per person. I'll certainly be making a macro for the Macro/Keybind Mod once I find a couple of sets that I want to switch between. I might just write the commands in a notepad doc and copy them in until I'm sure of the set-up, and being so old, I'll probably just write them down on a piece of paper so I don't forget them as a first step. Any of these client side solutions will make it easier to switch between characters, and the Macro/Keybind solution probably gives a player more flexibility than a plugin solution could.
Ah, yes, the copy+paste commands would work xD thanks
Does my traits in massive trait, have to be backed up by lore. Or is rp traits another thing. I am confused.
Does my traits in massive trait, have to be backed up by lore. Or is rp traits another thing. I am confused.
To you, and all else, considering MassiveTraits doesn't yet exist, it might be best to wait. All your questions will be answered then.
Does my traits in massive trait, have to be backed up by lore. Or is rp traits another thing. I am confused.
It can be lots of fun to think about why your character has a certain set of traits, but MassiveTraits does not require any specific lore or rp for choosing traits.
It can be lots of fun to think about why your character has a certain set of traits, but MassiveTraits does not require any specific lore or rp for choosing traits.
But as I had always been, my RP characters traits (things only used in rp) requires lore. I guess. Thank you for the help.
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