Archived Idea: Add Werewolves

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Nov 4, 2013
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Massive Craft needs more variety! The werewolf plugin adds this variety, it is already compatible with vampire and has support for it so you cannot be both vampire and werewolf, and with clans incorporated into the werewolf plugin people can band together as not just factions, werewolf clans.
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(facepalm) What is the value of this? Really, what will werewolves add to MassiveCraft?
Yes, and let's add a high-school, and maybe even a love-triangle plugin, and even go back in time and pitch the idea to Stephanie Meyer. (facepalm)
This has been suggested so many times, and every time it has been rejected. Besides, there is a new race similar to warewolves that will be added soon.
As spartan said, staff just don't care for adding werewolves into massivecraft. This isn't Twilight. Besides, there is quite the diversity of species already existing and to come. Just check out the awesome species concepts and artwork monmarty has posted on the forums for these current and future species.
And then we'll rename Massivecraft Twilight! Yup, we're not adding werewolves, I can guarantee you that.
If they added werewolves, that would just bring in emo hoodied twilight wannabe's.
There will be something of similarity to wolves, technically this thread doesn't really have much point because there are already wolves.
About werewolves...
No, we do not wish for this to completely become twilight, and neither do a good amount of players want to see OTHER players treating this like twilight. This idea has been suggested Too Many Times. It's very unintelligent at this point to suggest it yet again, as it's been seen, and immediately rejected. Not the slightest of support from me.
Massive Craft needs more variety! The werewolf plugin adds this variety, it is already compatible with vampire and has support for it so you cannot be both vampire and werewolf, and with clans incorporated into the werewolf plugin people can band together as not just factions, werewolf clans.

๖ۣۜThere already are a ton of races that aren't taken advantage of, but have great potential.

๖ۣۜWant something along the lines of a werewolf? Choose to be a Thylan, and just be the more humanoid form of it {If the lore is anything like the Tigran, I'm assuming}.

๖ۣۜWant to be a sea Serpent? Choose to be a Maiar within game, and set up the shape of your character within the form of a Naga on the MorePlayerModels, or just RP that you look like it.

๖ۣۜWant to be a Dragon? Too bad.

๖ۣۜYou really gotta look at what we currently have before you recommend something for the future, there are just so many threads for more races, but the ones we have are already wonderful and taken for granted. There also is a difference between an honest idea, and something that is rather a bad idea. If you look around the server, there already are a ton of people whom don't take the Vampyric thing correctly, so I'd assume people wouldn't be so grand with the Werewolf, as well.

-1 Support
... I made a joke about twilight.
Why are you asking about guns.
Also, guns have been removed from lore.
I was actually quoting someone I saw on general chat lately. Should have made that more obvious.
Btw I didn't actually get the Twilight reference first time I read this. Now I feel like an idiot. ._.
Why is everyone thinking about Twilight?! I mean, Twilight is not the only story that has vampires and werewolves in it. There are also vampires and werewolves in "The Elder Scrolls", which was pretty sure a big inspiration for Massivecraft.
I do not support this idea either, I'm just confused why (almost) everyone mentions Twilight...
Neither do I like Twilight just btw.
Why is everyone thinking about Twilight?! I mean, Twilight is not the only story that has vampires and werewolves in it. There are also vampires and werewolves in "The Elder Scrolls", which was pretty sure a big inspiration for Massivecraft.
I do not support this idea either, I'm just confused why (almost) everyone mentions Twilight...
Neither do I like Twilight just btw.

The Twilight reference is because many Vampiric role players treat vampires like they are misunderstood good guys and like to go running in the daylight. We don't want to see werewolves crop up and see similar issues.
Werewolves exist beyond twilight, be more open-minded people! If you google werewolf, twilight doesn't even show up. Besides, werewolves can't even be "misunderstood good guys...running in the daylight," as their powers really are only active at night and while in moonlight, whereas I believe a vampire, as is, can blood lust and jump higher any time of day.

Here's my proposal:
Remove the vampire concept. That's more closely associated with twilight and it also brings in the "misunderstood" crowd, as we've all seen. Pretty much all current vampire powers can be associated with witches. Townsfolk hated witches, they would burn witches, if the townsfolk tried to drown a woman and she lived then she was a witch, they had mysterious powers, etc.

If we want to still have a creature of the night but remove the vampires, then werewolves are actually a great suggestion. They are only active at night in the moonlight, the double jump makes sense, the blood lust makes sense, burning would be removed as they would be human during the day, and instead of drinking blood they could eat humans.

What do you guys think?
What I wish werewolves would be like:

What they will end up like:

Yes, I love Innistrad. You can't take it from me. ;-;
Werewolves exist beyond twilight, be more open-minded people! If you google werewolf, twilight doesn't even show up. Besides, werewolves can't even be "misunderstood good guys...running in the daylight," as their powers really are only active at night and while in moonlight, whereas I believe a vampire, as is, can blood lust and jump higher any time of day.

Here's my proposal:
Remove the vampire concept. That's more closely associated with twilight and it also brings in the "misunderstood" crowd, as we've all seen. Pretty much all current vampire powers can be associated with witches. Townsfolk hated witches, they would burn witches, if the townsfolk tried to drown a woman and she lived then she was a witch, they had mysterious powers, etc.

If we want to still have a creature of the night but remove the vampires, then werewolves are actually a great suggestion. They are only active at night in the moonlight, the double jump makes sense, the blood lust makes sense, burning would be removed as they would be human during the day, and instead of drinking blood they could eat humans.

What do you guys think?

To the first part you said, twilight is a very popular thing, as people will immediately usually relate Vampires and werewolves to this.
The Twilight reference is because many Vampiric role players treat vampires like they are misunderstood good guys and like to go running in the daylight. We don't want to see werewolves crop up and see similar issues.

To the second part of your post, this isn't easy. You are removing from the lore, races plugin, and ANY type of recollection of something that already exists, that's literally like taking candy from someone, giving them vegetables, and making them forget that candy existed or was allowed in the first place.

To the third part, it would allow too many openings for God-Roleplay in the fact that it is eating humans, drinking blood is something much less, and won't have someone raging about your character not being dead so often.

I still disagree to this idea, and You rating me PINK CLOUD when my suggestions and Critique in this very thread are supposed to be told and expressed towards suggestions and ideas for the server.
Werewolves exist beyond twilight, be more open-minded people! If you google werewolf, twilight doesn't even show up. Besides, werewolves can't even be "misunderstood good guys...running in the daylight," as their powers really are only active at night and while in moonlight, whereas I believe a vampire, as is, can blood lust and jump higher any time of day.

Here's my proposal:
Remove the vampire concept. That's more closely associated with twilight and it also brings in the "misunderstood" crowd, as we've all seen. Pretty much all current vampire powers can be associated with witches. Townsfolk hated witches, they would burn witches, if the townsfolk tried to drown a woman and she lived then she was a witch, they had mysterious powers, etc.

If we want to still have a creature of the night but remove the vampires, then werewolves are actually a great suggestion. They are only active at night in the moonlight, the double jump makes sense, the blood lust makes sense, burning would be removed as they would be human during the day, and instead of drinking blood they could eat humans.

What do you guys think?
At the moment because of Twilight, werewolves and vampire connect to it. It isn't my fault, its just what it is. That is why I think we should keep werewolves away from the server. Nothing against werewolves, just most of us don't want people to think massivecraft is another Twilight. Easy as that.
That's pretty much how tigran newbs are currently, plus werewolves are regular humans during the day, so I don't imagine that would be a problem exactly

I get where you're coming from, and perhaps the combination of vampires and werewolves is too close a concept, which is why I proposed the witch alternative
Valmyr please read my post, it can be pertitent to your replacement of vampires.
That's pretty much how tigran newbs are currently, plus werewolves are regular humans during the day, so I don't imagine that would be a problem exactly

I get where you're coming from, and perhaps the combination of vampires and werewolves is too close a concept, which is why I proposed the witch alternative

๖ۣۜPersonally, I get where you're coming from, and you were optimistic about it, I'll give you that,

๖ۣۜSad part about it is not everyone is a good RPer, some people base their character completely off other stories, or they just don't want to read the lore. Also, I've noted that there are of course Vampyric lovers, but when Werewolves are added, all it really takes is someone to use it poorly for it to be considered a noob disease, just like Vampyrism.
To the second part of your post, this isn't easy. You are removing from the lore, races plugin, and ANY type of recollection of something that already exists, that's literally like taking candy from someone, giving them vegetables, and making them forget that candy existed or was allowed in the first place.

To the third part, it would allow too many openings for God-Roleplay in the fact that it is eating humans, drinking blood is something much less, and won't have someone raging about your character not being dead so often.
This is not a good example. Please explain in different terminology, as witches aren't vegetables in comparison to candy vampires

I admit, eating humans is not choice wording, I was just trying to translate the drinking blood concept. Werewolves would eat their prey I'm sure, but this doesn't mean that it has to be human, and it also doesn't mean that they would be "flesh hungry" (bloodthirsty) at night, as they would still have food in their stomach from the day.
This is not a good example. Please explain in different terminology, as witches aren't vegetables in comparison to candy vampires

I admit, eating humans is not choice wording, I was just trying to translate the drinking blood concept. Werewolves would eat their prey I'm sure, but this doesn't mean that it has to be human, and it also doesn't mean that they would be "flesh hungry" (bloodthirsty) at night, as they would still have food in their stomach from the day.

๖ۣۜWell, this IS Regalia, that we're talking about. Sure, they'd eat animals, but they can't and aren't able to control themselves once altered into the wolf form. Meaning, it really just comes down to the closest thing that is alive and full of meat... Again, I see your logic, but it doesn't fit how easy this is said and how hard it really is done in RP terms.
It amazes me how stupid some of the responses are to this thread. Really does.
Valmyr if you want a better terminology, perhaps I should state it like this:
Your suggestion for the removal of vampires does not seem like a good idea, as roleplay administrators have spent COUNTLESS hours upon vampiric lore, and Cayorian has worked his fingers off in coding plugins specifically created FOR the vampire race. They are already roleplay organizations created against and for vampires, there are the regalian guards looking for them specifically, and countless roleplay introductions created as vampires or including them.
Its not easy to remove this, and what I did was called an exaggeration, the candy vampires, and witches the vegetable.
You knew what I meant by each position, and quite frankly, auto correct is quite the damned Peice of technology preventing me from using larger words that it understands, and you cannot simply suggest an overhaul to something with lots of time spent into it, and yes, people will make the skins like the current tigrans, there is no denial of that.
๖ۣۜWell, this IS Regalia, that we're talking about. Sure, they'd eat animals, but they can't control themselves once altered into the wolf form. Meaning, it really just comes down to the closest thing that is alive and full of meat... Again, I see your logic, but it doesn't fit how easy this is said and how hard it really is done in RP terms.
In your opinion, what would be the difficulties of roleplaying this out? If you can elaborate I will address your individual points as to avoid ambiguity
Valmyr, werewolves are not getting added. It has been said by lore staff, that transforming would be impossible. since werewolves transform, they can't exist in the lore. Also how will adding werewolves add more variety? We want people RPing as pure races, not cursed ones.
In your opinion, what would be the difficulties of roleplaying this out? If you can elaborate I will address your individual points as to avoid ambiguity

๖ۣۜRoleplaying realistically. If you wouldn't attack the nearest person or animal once you changed, it would be God-RPing/Poor sporting of RPing as a Werewolf in a way. Or delaying the changing of form into a werewolf, that would be God-RP as well.

๖ۣۜNot many people RP realistically anymore, as an example, I TRY to RP as realistic as possible, thinking of how exactly I would think, and what I would do in the situation. Plus, another Werewolf fight in the tavern really isn't needed. I have had two RP fights there before, yes, but that was against a Drunkard whom swung first and against a Vampyre whom was obvious, open, and was trying to hop away from any hunters. We all know how annoying these fights can become, sometimes.

๖ۣۜLet alone, if you have read much about Werewolves, they're mindless eaters. They really don't care what is there. They just eat it. They're sworn enemy is a Vampyre, that they can identify by scent and by sound.

๖ۣۜI am not gonna lie though, you are using quite big words but you are sort of missing the points that I have already given.
๖ۣۜThey can't and aren't able to control themselves once altered into the wolf form. Meaning, it really just comes down to the closest thing that is alive and full of meat... Again, I see your logic, but it doesn't fit how easy this is said and how hard it really is done in RP terms.
Valmyr if you want a better terminology, perhaps I should state it like this:
Your suggestion for the removal of vampires does not seem like a good idea, as roleplay administrators have spent COUNTLESS hours upon vampiric lore, and Cayorian has worked his fingers off in coding plugins specifically created FOR the vampire race. They are already roleplay organizations created against and for vampires, there are the regalian guards looking for them specifically, and countless roleplay introductions created as vampires or including them.
Its not easy to remove this, and what I did was called an exaggeration, the candy vampires, and witches the vegetable.
You knew what I meant by each position, and quite frankly, auto correct is quite the damned Peice of technology preventing me from using larger words that it understands, and you cannot simply suggest an overhaul to something with lots of time spent into it, and yes, people will make the skins like the current tigrans, there is no denial of that.
For clarification, there has been talk of removing the races plugin for a replacement, do they intend to replace the vampire plugin as well with this update?

The witches would serve as a replacement with less possible abuse, in my opinion. The (disbanded) Crimsons and similar organizations would focus on hunting and killing witches, it'd be the same concept from their perspective, just with a different word. My suggestion is more to service the alternative perspective, that of the vampires. The current vampires that come to mind (Luthien Ryciera catcat1305) cringe with the rest of us at the newb vampires, and while this would affect their characters significantly, the ratio of worthwhile vampires to vampires in general is fearsome, and I'm sure they would support a solution, though perhaps not one that would affect their characters so strongly. Nonetheless, I'd love to hear their opinion on my suggestion and the counterarguments. Also, I'm not sure what you meant exactly by the candy and vegetables, because neither seems more desirable than the other to me.
For clarification, there has been talk of removing the races plugin for a replacement, do they intend to replace the vampire plugin as well with this update?

๖ۣۜThe talk also states that races are going to stay within RP and they're going to replace it with a long, elaborate MMO plugin for skill points and such. And, no, they don't. They planned to modify it. If you see the thread it was on, I am pretty sure they just adjusted the Vampyric slightly, but they kept it.
Also, I'm not sure what you meant exactly by the candy and vegetables, because neither seems more desirable than the other to me.
๖ۣۜThe point is that you are refusing to see other people's perspectives... Plenty of kids out there hate Vegetables and would prefer to have candy in it's place...
๖ۣۜYou aren't seeing both sides of the issue, which is also what is making a lot of your arguments actually quite invalid.
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