Archived I Know That I Shouldn't Post This, But It Doesn't Make Sense!

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I am: Reaver's toy + Ben's booty's worshipper
Jun 21, 2013
Reaction score
First off, I realise that race suggestions aren't being taken but I have to say this.
I was playing in massivecraft, I had a only little bit of blood (food level) left and I looked in my chest, I saw cobblestone on the first 2 spaces of the chest, and then i realised the third space. There was raw meat. I was curious and got it out of the chest, I ate it and hoped it would help me regain my hunger. It did not, which confused me. As all capable people know, meat comes from animals and raw meat would contain a substantial amount of blood and according to every folk tale/every story vampires feed on this very substance.

So if vampires were to obtain a certain amount of raw meat they (or it), would definately be able to drink/suck the blood out of the meat, correct? (and I believe any sane vampire would drink out of raw meat if neccesary). So do you really think that this should just be ingnored? I mean come on, really? All those amazing perks, bugs and ideas but this idea was exluded???

If you agree/disagree feel free to post a comment
(But please make your comments appropriate)
I would really appreciate it if this idea would be put into concideration.
Thankyou for reading. ^-^

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Well if you could suck out the blood from raw meat, that would kinda defeat the purpose of vampires hunting people and animals (alive) down.
yes but raw meat would be obtained by killing/hunting animals, which defeats the purpose of your post ^-^
A lot of decisions are made to block something that "makes sense" in favor of gameplay balance. Same story with not being able to drink water bottles as maiar and gain food.
Wait... where do you think the meat would come from? It would come from hunting and killing an animal that was living of course... Also, animals have become quite rare to find so, the only place you would be able to collect lots of raw meat would be fishing. But fishing takes time and is tedious, so vampires would still hunt people and animals.
It still does not make that much sense to me.
Maiar not being able to use bottles is understandable but wouldnt it be better for maiar to use buckets? Buckets would be the better choice, as they are harder to collect the crafting materials and it takes time to regain hunger in water for maiar so, if it was a bucket it would have a larger amount. A large amount of water (Like in a bucket) would only have to increase about 2 hunger and there could be a certain amount of time before it takes effect, as it would time time to drink a bucket of water.
yes but raw meat would be obtained by killing/hunting animals, which defeats the purpose of your post ^-^

Look I can post whatever I want. (Just not extremely horrible things.)

If you know that you shouldnt post this stuff, then dont. When you kill the animal, your player takes the meat, not the freaking liver or lungs. I dont think there is enough blood on the meat to satisfy a vampire. I mean, have you seen those weird vampire japanese movie? That stuff was sick. :&
And the same could be done with agni? (sorry if that is the incorrect race) But instead it could be done with lava buckets, lava is a lot harder to collect ik but, if so, a lava bucket would be able to regain 4 hunger and should take less time to make it even
Well fallen, I did not say that the meat should regain a lot of hunger did I? It could just do about 1/2 of 1 hunger and the value could get higher depending on the type of meat/what animal.
But why block when you could boost the gameplay a bit on each race to make it even?
and I agree fallen, the movies are pretty gruseome... and at sometimes darn right funny!
Well, meat wouldnt be that bad. But a vampire could have a stack of meat...
to everyone other then the OP
this guy wont listin to logic reasons so im going to give in a RP one

to ltz_kiddo
vampires must have fresh blood. Blood goes bad and loses its... bloodiness. If a vampire was to drink stale blood they would probably get an infection in their teeth or something.
Ok overlord, well a time limit could be set (anywhere between 1-5 ingame hours) or there could be a custom recipe. And wth is bloodiness?
Oh and btw, if someone was to drink blood they would probably get infections anyways...
and look for the typo in your signature
and look for the typo in your signature

if there is a typo point to out so i can fix it

Ok overlord, well a time limit could be set (anywhere between 1-5 ingame hours) or there could be a custom recipe. And wth is bloodiness?
Oh and btw, if someone was to drink blood they would probably get infections anyways...

bloodiness is, "the measure of how bloody something is measured in standard wound outputs"

and this just seems like a lot of work for little gain (or even a loss)
Well there wouldn't be any loss. Oh and the typo is Anoymous, it should be Anonymous (sorry if it is a username)
Well there wouldn't be any loss. Oh and the typo is Anoymous, it should be Anonymous (sorry if it is a username)

no, its not a user name, thanks for spotting that. And i found another one while i was changing it.

As for loses as you can see many people don't like this idea. Also I believe vampire lore says they only drink blood of living animals (if not one of the staff should wright it in to stop people suggesting this).
First off, I realise that race suggestions aren't being taken but I have to say this.
I was playing in massivecraft, I had a only little bit of blood (food level) left and I looked in my chest, I saw cobblestone on the first 2 spaces of the chest, and then i realised the third space. There was raw meat. I was curious and got it out of the chest, I ate it and hoped it would help me regain my hunger. It did not, which confused me. As all capable people know, meat comes from animals and raw meat would contain a substantial amount of blood and according to every folk tale/every story vampires feed on this very substance.

So if vampires were to obtain a certain amount of raw meat they (or it), would definately be able to drink/suck the blood out of the meat, correct? (and I believe any sane vampire would drink out of raw meat if neccesary). So do you really think that this should just be ingnored? I mean come on, really? All those amazing perks, bugs and ideas but this idea was exluded???

If you agree/disagree feel free to post a comment
(But please make your comments appropriate)
I would really appreciate it if this idea would be put into concideration.
Thankyou for reading. ^-^


I'm sorry but I would disagree with this. This would infact, "Defeat the purpose" of the vampire in massivecraft. There is a number of things that "In tale" would make sense to be added to create that realistic feature, to Massivecraft. However, in turn, if Vampires could eat meat, they wouldn't every need to worry about obtaining blood from humans, and it would give Vampires a even more OP advantage, and the mods have tried very hard to keep it all equal.
Lets also go back to when vampires could drink potions of fire resistance, and basically be flying OP humans.
Oh well, it was just a thought :P
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