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Played Character Hypatia

This character is actively played.


holy person
Jul 15, 2021
Reaction score

Dame Hypatia of the Émérites

formerly of the Order of Silence

Character Information
  • Full Name: Hypatia Marsalle-Pouvoir Acier Couer Vallier Faucon de Theloise
  • Heritage & Culture: Ithanian Ailor
  • Age: 56
  • Gender & Pronouns: Female (she/her)
  • Religion: Purist Unionist
  • Occult: N/A
  • Character Occupation: Lothar Knight of the Émérites Chapter

Appearance Information:
  • Eye Color: Blue
    • with a halo of green about the iris' outer rim, the hues blending like watercolours.
  • Skin Color: Fair
    • close to pallid, but there's a warm ruddiness in the face suggests good health.
  • Hair: Greying Brown
    • particularly towards the roots, where it bleeds into the darker oak colour.
  • Height: 5'11
    • and taller still with the lifted riding boots that accompany the Émérites' habit.
  • Body Type: Lithe musculature,
    • a scholar's physique that has been put through trial after trial to improve both endurance and martial prowess.

Skill Information:
  • Hobbies and Talents: Cleric Talent
    • The divine reward of piety is godly magick, something the Émérites Hypatia wields with great care. Such talents were once used in daily ritual, but now, the pale luminescence of her power is summoned almost exclusively as a means of mending the injuries of her comrades in the Lothar Order.
  • Mechanics: Ailor Mechanics
  • Languages: Common, D'Ithanie
    • Born in Ithania, the Dame is equal parts fluent in both D'Ithanie and the common tongue. Her travels and diplomatic work have introduced a variety of other languages to her repetoire, but only in the form of greetings, farewells and other simple vocabulary.

  • Born to a wealthy Toulonne family, Hypatia is the eldest of twelve children. As the heir apparent to her mother, much effort was made to groom her for the position, but all attempts were foiled by the rebellious youth. Instead Hypatia used her position to abscond to the countryside, often escaping her handlers to adventure alone, inspired by romantic stories of knights errant.
  • The trajectory of her life would be changed on one such adventure, after having smuggled herself aboard a merchant ship bound for the capital. Stormy weather capsized the ship, and as Hypatia sank beneath the waves, her last breath was spent crying for aid. When she awoke, coughing up sea water like her lungs were full of it, she was in the cabin of a naval skip that had spotted her.
  • Changed by the brush with death, and convinced it was the Everwatcher who had predestined her rescue, Hypatia vowed her life to the Silent Sisters - further complicating her family's succession plans. Here she dedicated most of her life as a crystal sister, owing to her familial connections.
  • Gradually, Hypatia would be radicalized by her assigned blade sister, an adherent to the Armaggedon Cult, and following the apotheosis of Celestina and Eoin, joined her defector sisters in creating the Émérites Chapter. Since becoming a knight by way of the chapter being welcomed into the Lothar order, Hypatia has sharpened her martial training, and taken up a position in the capital. Here she represents the order by way of helping cull occult elements in the city, and lobbying nobles to support the Armaggedon Cult.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities

Attack Stat: Faith
Defense Stat: Wisdom
Stance: Command Stance

Though a capable warrior herself, the seasoned Émérites is most deadly in a vantaged position where she can reign over the battlefield, incensing her comrades with exalting sermon and prayer.

  • Constitution: 4
    • Shield Phalanx
    • Shield Deflect
    • Shield Bunker
    • Shield Wall
    • Shield Block (Free Pack)
    • Mounted Getaway (Ailor Pack)
  • Wisdom: 5
    • Champion Command
    • Overwhelm Command
    • Resist Command
    • Defend Command
    • Attack Command
    • Degrading Command (Ailor Pack)
  • Faith: 5
    • Sacred Healing
    • Sacred Gear
    • Sacred Siphon
    • Sacred Circle
    • Sacred Revive
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