Archived Hunting Parties

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.
May 31, 2014
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Okay, as we all know, there are things called factions in this server. Another thing we know is that it's fun to explore the wilderness worlds. Sometimes, you and a group of friends will just go out in the wilderness, and explore, hunt, etc. Obviously, someone could turn on you. What I'm suggesting is a little thing called "Hunting Parties". This would be accessed in g, or group, chat. This would be only temporary, and maybe cost 10r plus 5r for each additional player. Maybe it would last an hour, or two, and you could pay to extend the time. Another thing this would be used for is mining, or resource gathering. you wouldn't need to be in the same faction, so you don't need to leave your faction just to be in another one for an hour. It's just a little team.
The Pros:
  • You can't be hurt by your friends. If they really are good people, they won't turn on you, but still, accidents happen.
  • Better chat. There are several options for chatting in a group. Local, but what if you're out of range? General, but what about the cooldown time? Direct, but I'm not the only one who knows how hard it is to talk to seven people in that. Faction or alliance, but what if you can't talk to them in that?
  • It would make it easier to explore in a group, a faster way to keep in touch, and it would make roleplay explorations better.
The Commands:
I'm no coding expert, but I guess the format is similar to factions.
  • /g create (Name. This would be used to identify what group you're trying to join.)
  • /g invite player
  • /g join party
  • /g leave
  • /g kick player
  • /g extend time (The number of half hours goes here. Maybe each half hour added onto the first 2 hours would be 5r.)
  • /g disband
  • g refund (This would disband the group and give back all the money you spent on it, but only within the first half hour.)
Okay, that's all. Feel free to add you're own suggestions!
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
it would be a good sink whole for regals, but you can just ally with players factions. If your premium and they attacked you by enemy your faction, just dont attack :P
The thing is that not everyone has access to being an officer to ally the faction. I have had quite a few friends who joined an enemy fac but we still stayed friends. If you are a leader or officer in a fac, would you listen to a member/ or recruit asking you to ally this random faction that you have no clue who they even are?
The thing is that not everyone has access to being an officer to ally the faction. I have had quite a few friends who joined an enemy fac but we still stayed friends. If you are a leader or officer in a fac, would you listen to a member/ or recruit asking you to ally this random faction that you have no clue who they even are?
about 58376746378756 Millions year ago when I owned a small faction, We had a few enemies because some of My friends *COugh* nat *cough* Liked to raid, and there was this recruit that came into the faction, and he Started instantly saying "Ally {Enemy fac name}* plz, dey r friends" and I was just there like "No?..." and then he had this huge fit about how I was being unfair and neglecting My factions needs. So yeah I can kind of Agree with this part of text in the quote, and with this Idea.
I'll adress the three main points:

Friendly fire:
Instead of having yet another plugin that takes care of the whole pvp aspect of it, better ally those factions or work it out with your officers/leader so you can have that relation.

Chats where you can add only specific people are a feature I would welcome and who would be possible to code. But then again, we are focussing on things such as tps and bugs.

Faster way to keep in touch:
You can always switch to voice communication, for having only your group in it. Private channels can easely be made on our teamspeak and are by far superior then having to write all your messages.

Coding wise, /g is already in use :P Good idea but it can be achieved with other methods.

about 58376746378756 Millions year ago when I owned a small faction, We had a few enemies because some of My friends *COugh* nat *cough* Liked to raid, and there was this recruit that came into the faction, and he Started instantly saying "Ally {Enemy fac name}* plz, dey r friends" and I was just there like "No?..." and then he had this huge fit about how I was being unfair and neglecting My factions needs. So yeah I can kind of Agree with this part of text in the quote, and with this Idea.

And if that is your problem, kick and tell them to join this other is the obvouis solution.
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I say the comsept of the idea is nice and it sounds great but you can ally those factions and use ally chat