Archived Hunger Games To Massivecraft

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The Venomous
Oct 20, 2012
Reaction score
London, Orpington
Hello MassiveCraft :) I'm sure many of you have heard of the Minigame - Hunger Games, or many of you may like to call it, The Survival Games. The Hunger Games is actually based off the offical Movie, and the books, and due to such relation between Minecraft Items and Hunger Games, I'm guessing the founder decided to make such game. Now, the Server Regalia and the Minigame Hub runs is quite left with so much space left throughout the day, so I am suggesting that Massivecraft either, create their own plugin of Automated Hunger Games, or gain one from bukkit. I will now show you a video, by CaptainSparklez, recording his hunger games gameplay.
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You implied that if we were to have a sci-fi server, there would be a flame war between that server and the medieval server, therefore you think that if we add on things that differ from medieval rp, it will cause flame wars. I completely disagree with this point of view because sci-fi has nothing to do with medieval fantasy and vice versa.
You implied that if we were to have a sci-fi server, there would be a flame war between that server and the medieval server, therefore you think that if we add on things that differ from medieval rp, it will cause flame wars. I completely disagree with this point of view because sci-fi has nothing to do with medieval fantasy and vice versa.

Let's forget about the sci-fi example. My point is that people in the minigame universe can use general and can talk with people in the roleplay universe. Besides more players will just slow it down. When one of the servers gets more than like 60-70 players the ticks slow down. Anyway people were saying if a hunger games is added there will be people who only play massivecraft for hunger games. Known as hunger-gamers. These people DO take up slots and can slow one of the servers down. Besides do you think people socialize as they are killing each other in the arena? No! Most (or some) of these people won't be a part of the community or forums. Now if you were to add a hunger games that had a requirement of 25+ power level, you would have people who actually play the server and are part of the community. Also what I didn't point out earlier was that Quake isn't as popular as the Hunger Games.
One problem with your "Hunger Gamers" theory. I doubt Massive will develop a community of those kind of players because, as other people have stated, there are entire servers dedicated to HG who frankly do a much better job at setting up Hunger Games matches than Massive ever will. Currently, Massive is being advertised as a Medieval Roleplay server, will little or no mention of minigames in most of its advertisements. There is little or no reason for these "Hunger Gamers" to actually come on Massive with the way its currently being advertised. Regardless of what you think, "Hunger Gamers" will not instinctively know that Massive has hunger games and proceed to dedicate weeks to playing it on Massive. People who play Hunger Games on Massive will mainly play it because of the community, as I have stated before. There is no reason for completely new people on Massive to play Hunger Games when there are servers that do the mechanics and plugins much better than Massive can.
One problem with your "Hunger Gamers" theory. I doubt Massive will develop a community of those kind of players because, as other people have stated, there are entire servers dedicated to HG who frankly do a much better job at setting up Hunger Games matches than Massive ever will. Currently, Massive is being advertised as a Medieval Roleplay server, will little or no mention of minigames in most of its advertisements. There is little or no reason for these "Hunger Gamers" to actually come on Massive with the way its currently being advertised. Regardless of what you think, "Hunger Gamers" will not instinctively know that Massive has hunger games and proceed to dedicate weeks to playing it on Massive. People who play Hunger Games on Massive will mainly play it because of the community, as I have stated before. There is no reason for completely new people on Massive to play Hunger Games when there are servers that do the mechanics and plugins much better than Massive can.

You won the argument but
Gotta give you something for the gif (clap)
The Medieval Universe and the Minigame Universe are 2 different things, try not to blend the two together.
If i kill someone in minigames it doesnt mean i killed them in the medieval universe.

No. Oh God, no. We will have a swarm of players who are only there for hunger games. The non-premiums can't get into the server because of the hunger games players.

The server has 500 player slots as of this moment. s1 has 700 slots alone. I dont think there will be THAT many hungergames players rushing to it at once.

I think Hungergames would be nice, it would create another aspect of minigames that people could enjoy without having to go off massivecraft to do so.
The Medieval Universe and the Minigame Universe are 2 different things, try not to blend the two together.
If i kill someone in minigames it doesnt mean i killed them in the medieval universe.

The server has 500 player slots as of this moment. s1 has 700 slots alone. I dont think there will be THAT many hungergames players rushing to it at once.

I think Hungergames would be nice, it would create another aspect of minigames that people could enjoy without having to go off massivecraft to do so.

The Great Thortuna has spoken! All hail Thortuna!!! and Cay...
I like this is idea personally, I don't think that it should have its own universe though. I like the idea that it would be a minigame however and I think if it only allowed maybe one or two games of 40-50 players at a time, it would be great. This assures that a hunger games
would not overpower the medieval universe but would still be worthwhile and fun.
Out of all this... Really their are servers with tons of people on them playing hunger games...
Don't make a big production out of it... This server really isnt made for hunger games since it tries its best to stick with the more older times of civilization, hunger games is based off the future... That would be stupid to me
it is only set in 2108 not that far in the future
I mean most people have played Hunger Games before, If you have you know how many hackers are there. It really just takes the fun out of it. But if you can prevent hackers its a good idea :P

How many hackers there are**^
Waste of server space... That's all I can say. If you want to play Hunger Games, go to a specialty server to play it.
Waste of time. If people want to play Hunger Games, they play a Hunger Games server. They don't think, "Hey, I want to play Hunger Games. I'm gonna go play on Massivecraft even though there are servers dedicated only to HG and I'd have a better time playing on those servers."
i have two grudges with this, first: if the mini games part of the server is seperate shouldn't we just have two different forums so stuff doesn't get confused? i mean this SHOULD be a role play specific forum for the medieval universe. and my second is that i don't want people to "settle this in hg" because i already don't like solving fights in rp with pvp.
Kirby12352 and Lady Rose if you looked at the argument I made against Trolledpan, it addresses the issues you're presenting.

As for you patrickdxs, I don't really understand your second point. People can already go to minigame to settle fights, how would adding HG really do anything?
Kirby12352 and Lady Rose if you looked at the argument I made against Trolledpan, it addresses the issues you're presenting.

As for you patrickdxs, I don't really understand your second point. People can already go to minigame to settle fights, how would adding HG really do anything?

it is just more popular thus more people will call me out to fight them there when i don't want to settle a rp matter with pvp in the first place.
I hope yall realize that the minigames universe hosts its own set of players, and that if it fills up, it wont fill up the medieval universe, or any part of it.
another point: why should the staff waste time working out how to get the plugin to work then which maps then which parts of the plugin will be allowed and then how it will be advertised and how to make it better so it's not the same hg that EVERY server has. honestly telling someone a hunger games server ip would be much faster then setting up hunger games then keeping it up to date.
1) Patrick if you don't want to settle a rp fight with pvp you do realize you could just tell that person right?
2) Putting a HG plugin on massive should be relatively easy, and you only really need one map.
3) Massivecraft really doesn't need any unique hunger games, just the basic form of it.
4) How would we tell them? We can't tell them on Massivecraft, that'd be advertising, and getting a good group of people together on the forums can be rather difficult, not to mention planning a specific time to play Hunger Games.
5) As I said before, you don't need to keep it up to date.
1) Patrick if you don't want to settle a rp fight with pvp you do realize you could just tell that person right?

not when they claim rp fights can only be settled with pvp and the losers character dies >.<. i just don't want to give them any more reason to say pvp is a viable choice over actual combat role play. and i just think implementing it would either a: cause more trouble because people want more maps more features and demand it be as up to date as possible with muttinations and all this new stuff in hg. or b: no one will play it because they will just go onto a hg server and play it with all the cool features there. thus making it being implemented both a waste of time and tempting fate for something to go wrong. I don't mind if they do it i just think it isn't the wisest choice of action.
Well as I said before players will play HG on Massivecraft for the community, not new maps or additions to the plugin.
can we get a lock this will turn into a flame war otherwise
How will this turn into a flame war? Most of the arguments on this thread have been fairly calm and logical.
Unded do you have any reason for disagreeing? Please say what it is if you do, and remove your rating if you don't have a reason.
Unded do you have any reason for disagreeing? Please say what it is if you do, and remove your rating if you don't have a reason.

I don't feel I need to explain myself, as it has been stated much over, but if you insist: My reasons are pretty much the same as the opposition that has already been stated. Yes, I understand it pertains to the mini-games universe and not Medieval, but I don't see why the admins need to go to the trouble of adding a hunger games arena. If you want to PvP, we have arenas that already exist for it. Yeah, it's not exactly the same, but there are going to be plenty of people who come to MassiveCraft not because it is a great server, but because they see the words "hunger games" printed on it. I just don't find the idea appealing of adding a hunger games arena the likes of which so many servers add because they can't get a following any other way. Massive is a perfectly healthy, functioning server. I understand that some of you who are loyal players on the server want it because you enjoy both, but I just don't see much practicality in it, when you can just go to a great server that specializes in it, as opposed to a great roleplay server that does a little HG.
Unded as I have said before, Massivecraft is advertised as a medieval roleplay server, therefore the amount of people that would join it due to it having hunger games would be minimal or none at all. Adding Hunger Games into Massivecraft allows the community to play together easily, rather than spending time and effort organizing games on different servers.
I guess having hunger games wouldn't hurt.. And mini game universe is different than medieval, so it probably won't affect it. If it does, I am sure we can do something about it later.
You implied that if we were to have a sci-fi server, there would be a flame war between that server and the medieval server, therefore you think that if we add on things that differ from medieval rp, it will cause flame wars. I completely disagree with this point of view because sci-fi has nothing to do with medieval fantasy and vice versa.

Dude... Read my other posts before you say this stuff :P
Should this be locked? It's kinda old and never gonna change anything.
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