How Would You Like Your Character To Die?

Terenzio 'Everetti':
Terenzio should die in the most badass, movie-like way possible. It should just involve a lot of badassness, joking, fighting, and it should peferably change the future rapidly. I'd feel most comfortable with his death, if he dies during a fight with a political high figure, an important crime boss, somebody who took everything from Terenzio he ever had or ruined his life, or Sophie Baver (which is probably pretty unlikely). Preferably, in the end of the fight, Terenzio AND his opponent should die, but he should keep his badass presence until the end. Maybe he would die while defending his closes friends or inofficial family from someone at least just as dangerous as Terenzio. Almost similiar to the Johnny Gat Airplane scene (with Terenzio as Johnny).

Ludwig Fuchs:
I haven't really thought a lot about how he should die, but I'd probably feel comfortable in any way, if it involves good roleplay and has a good reason. Since Ludwig is a fencer, a hobby cider brewer, and a Wynter butler, his death should involve at least one of these three aspects. Dying during a fencing duel, while defending nobles, or burn to death while being locked in his little home brewery upstairs, would be good options.

Sin Hiang:
The Naga chick would probably die RP-wise during a big PvP war which involves RP. She is not really my favorite character, so I wouldn't really care much about how she should die. I only RP with her outside of Regalia and is more or less a test character, and my only way to RP in Sylvan which makes sense for my characters.

Tristan Nava de Lo:
He "died" at the bridge at the Rift portal while facing a Kade. So it was kind of like the ending of Star Wars Ep III. Only with less fighting, jumping and distruction involved... And more talking. Okay it was almost nothing really like it.
Brutis:he would die protecting echo (A dear friend of his).

Hennry: would die from the guards (Helped a vampire)

Fred I: will die a death of war or assassanation.
Estelle Rowley: Well, I'd like her to die while travelling, sooo by a dire wolf or something, I guess.

Tallulah Silkvar: I'd like her to die with friends and family around, so perhaps die of illness. Or die peacefully in her sleep.

Katrina: She's a tigran, so just a normal, peaceful death.

Charlotte Fuchs: She's almost completely brand new, so I don't know.
"I want to depart this life with honorable steel piercing my heart and a piercing epigram on my lips," - Cyrano De Bergerac
Asioa: She'd die protecting nature.
D'awwww! I enjoy death when my last actions were to protect someone or something you truly care for.

Isabella: She'd probably die in a peaceful place, more likely from a disease of some sort.
Ellie: That's why she's weird. I have no clue how she'd die.
Abigail: Probably in a battle, a bloodied one, ofcourse.
The only way Dirge would be able to die, and me be happy with it, is for him to go down protecting someone he cares for. Either his sister, or one of the nobles he's had the opportunity to guard.

That or from massive opium overdose, I mean, who wouldn't want to smoke out to death?
Noah Blackday
Noah would be at the tavern looking at the sealing in total rest and as everything gets to much and stabs himself with his sharpend sandstone sword.
When people would be trying to help, he eventually tries to rip his own heart out. (Gross I know, he is kinda crazy, a drunk crazy bastard)

Jemo Nassar
He would die traveling in the desert and suddenly a sadier strikes and after a bloody battle (The sadier having no trouble at all) dieing and beeing burried in the dunes.

I can imagine Nari dying alone in her bed one day, or defending her lover until she loses her last breath.

( Ryver has a meat shield! @ConfinedPandora )
You have been an adequate meat shield, and nobody can ever take that away from you. ^.^
I would want my character to die from something funny/epic. Maybe choking on her raspberry tea? =.=
๖ۣۜI've always had the ream to have Nendai become known as the snake who was willing. No sad deaths by himself, no innocent demise by illness or accident, he has to kill a noble. Nendai-Ki Hensha's hate to nobles are strong, from the fact knowing they could make a fancy pair of boots from him or they were part of the Chrysant war. Nendai has to kill at least one high-ranked / popular noble, and then become slain by the Guards or the remaining nobles around him. If I don't die by noble, than maybe he should die by being part of the Brute Squad. Always wanted to be part of it, at least he dies by beating and biting the shit out of someone.
Hokule'a would probably be eaten by her children so that they have adequate nourishment for their little squirmy bodies.
Ramuthra Aduros: Well, he's a Dakkar. Used to RP as him a lot, but because SOME PEOPLE *Cough cough "Kades" cough cough* made Dakkar KOS…. Never use him anymore. He would die in an amazing way. First, he would start a fight with the Emperor for outlawing Dakkar, then get dragged away by the guards, burn their hands off with his high body temperature, sacrifice them to Hael, then get a bucket of water poured on him by some little freshwater fish's poop (SEE WHAT I DID THERE???????????????????????????????????).

Feanor Rythen: He would die most likely in some freakish magic accident, or just by being legit. Maybe get struck by lightning a few thousand times and die, or just get bored and jump into a fire. His funeral though… VIKING FUNERAL ALL DAY E'RYDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would like Lance to die like the guy in the Million Ways to Die In The West trailer , the guy who's head is crushed by a giant block of ice .
Jack Bramble - Slowly dying with a small smile on his face, knowing that he has lived a good life, completing good deeds. In his deathbed, as he promised himself numerous times, he shall drink the wine that he has allowed to mature for the duration of his life, as almost a symbol of how good life can be with time.
Either that or he dies with honour in combat, screaming for his wine. Either of those will do.
Wuvee is one of those little creatures that can live an indefinite amount of time, but /if/ he were to die, it would likely be after becoming grievously wounded by someone, or something either by accident in the crossfire of someone else's battle, or simply out of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
I'd have the moon land on top of me exploding over the course of 3 days...

But in all seriousness, I would be murdered by a witch, vampire, or my secondary tigran terrorist character.

Makes me wonder how Massivecraft characters would react if they had three days left to live.
Miu Ehla : Die happily sleeping under her Tree she considered a 'home'.
Lilac Lileu : I'm not very sure yet, but maybe go crazy and be killed by the guards.
A'hii : I would want her to Die a noble's pet, I'm not sure if she'll ever even become a pet however.
this is such an old thread oml.

It scares me to think about characters dying. -shudder-
Buuut...Tierney would probably die from EVERYONE SHE DAMN KNOWS JUST DROPPING OFF. Or die trying to protect sumthin'.
Annette: She has a pretty good chance at dying almost any day, but if I got to choose how... Probably dying with some sort of "valiant evil" way. Like, getting caught by the guards for vampirism, and saying some cheeky line before being beheaded. Then she gets to party in the underworld with @SilentsAppeal and @lonekwolf

Vivienne: She would just die by falling down a flight of stairs or something odd like that.

Lisette: Well, probably some epic Fallisma vs Somebody else fight in the sewers.

Viktoria: Too many parties, cigars, and drinks with @Pendragxn
Duval - I'd like him to die asleep, finally able to rejoin his long-dead wife.

Sarro - Should die exploring something new he's never seen before. I think he'd enjoy death - he gets to make the greatest journey of all, and explore what no living person can explore.

Alibaha - Death in combat for sure. He'd never settle for dying old & in bed.

Magnus - Old & In Bed, this one. He's not the sort to die young or in battle.

Makoto - In combat if she could choose, but failing that she'd take her own life rather than die infirm, sick, or of poison.
Viktoria: Too many parties, cigars, and drinks with @Pendragxn
Yes please.


Pepin Typhonus: Pepin's death.. hm. Quick and painless. Thinking about my poor Pepin suffering is terrible. :C

Adelaida Leskov: I'd want Addie to have a dramatic death filled in flames. Probably her and Jon ( @Bioverse ) going into a shop, Ada getting angry and setting the place ablaze. She'd probably laugh at the pain. What a sadist.

Leuthar: By having his suicide intervened on by an actual murder. The next day, his soul is cleansed from all his sins causing it to snow in Regalia for the first time in the year.

Then he'd made amends with Tiber in the void as they wait for the next void invasions so they can try to live again because it makes total sense.

Elias: I think Elias would reach a point later in his life where he'd done almost all that he possibly could and simply become bored with life. Nothing left to learn or do for him, so he'd just quit.
  • Jason: I would like him to die saving someone close to him, a friend, or maybe a family member. However, when I think realistically, he's much more likely to commit suicide, which is... kinda sad, seeing as he's been around for ages.
  • L'areni: I'd rather him have a peaceful death in old age, but he's a Klein, and lets face it. Sometimes, they get eaten.
  • T'aryn: Probably saving T'rory, the guy she loves. That or she'll be killed by a fellow vampire.
  • Silas: Flaming, bloody, and explosive. I also think he'd like it that way.
  • Santa: Drinking himself to death, or being killed in a barfight.

Also, how I want to die? Something really funny, preferably with squids, cats, and illegal fireworks.
Abigail: Abby won't have a fancy death, mainly because I don't want her to die. If anything, she'd either die from old age, or get sick and die. That or liver failure, if she were to start drinking heavier.
Oakley: Ooh boy. I have a number of ways I'd like Oakley to go out. Like a public execution, where she could spew heretical nonsense before the axe meets her neck. Or, I'd want her to piss off a person who's good at archery, and have her say something along the lines of "I bet he can't hit me from there" only for her to get shot.
Zoë: I'm not sure yet, as she's a relatively new character. But I do know I want her to become an undead after she's killed.
William : Probably killed hunting a beast
Deha: Deha, much to his despair, would probably go peacefully. Either he'd slip into a coma after not hanging out by heat for a few days, death through sickness, or his armor gets the best of him in old age.
Jahi: Worked to death.
Ipo: Suffocate on land, or get hit by/ hit a boat. Or maybe even get eaten by a sea-serpent.
Edvar: Either being a fallisma gets the best of him, or he possibly commits suicide after being cured and becoming socially crippled.
Niantha Aalvira:
I'd like for Ni to live to be a super old grandma plant, so old that eventually she doesn't remember how to climb stairs or something silly and dies as a consequence.
Either that or be possessed by the virtue of Mercy and sacrifice herself for some greater cause. But that's really far out there!