Archived How Do You Feel About The +50% Mcmmo Premium Buff?

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Lamb of the OCCVLT
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
Please share your feelings about this. I have some ideas that I feel could potentially be a nice replacement to this, but I would like to know how MassiveCraft's players felt about this first.

EDIT: Upon reading enough feedback from this thread, I will create a thread detailing some constructive criticism and new ideas that I have in mind in the Feature & Idea Discussion section.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Ehem, they've had this perk for a while now. Thought any types of complaints had died out.
Truthfully, not a big fan, but, hey, non-premiums have diamond armour, I think we've got it pretty good.
I feel there's no reason for this thread, as it seem's it would just cause unnecessary arguments.

As long as it is conducted with civil discussion and good argument, I really don't see what the problem is. I will do my best to ask people to not flame and be polite, etc. But yes, there is a reason for the thread, and I wrote that reason in the original post.

Ehem, they've had this perk for a while now. Thought any types of complaints had died out.
Truthfully, not a big fan, but, hey, non-premiums have diamond armour, I think we've got it pretty good.
Yes, they've had this perk now. Which is why now we are able to speak on the subject; we've sat with it for a while, got to know it well enough, and we can express our feelings about it.

Are people terrified of discussion, simply because of the risk of possible controversy? Lemmings. (I keed <3)
Support the server get cool stuff. I haven't noticed a change in enemy aggression I really don't have an issue with it.
I have noticed that my lvling up is way faster, and I am very happy about that. It could use a TINY bit of nerfing, like 40% instead of 50%, but that's just my opinion - too easy isn't fun :)
Unluvable the only type of avoiding is from people again flaming against the perks, premium, silver, cayorian, and the server.
But I literally couldn't care much less for the Mcmmo perk, I see no extra sign of aggression or people's skill exploding to level 12000, I really don't see a huge difference. Sure it would be nice for it to be lower, but I just literally wouldn't care.
Unluvable the only type of avoiding is from people again flaming against the perks, premium, silver, cayorian, and the server.
But I literally couldn't care much less for the Mcmmo perk, I see no extra sign of aggression or people's skill exploding to level 12000, I really don't see a huge difference. Sure it would be nice for it to be lower, but I just literally wouldn't care.

"...people's skill exploding to level 12000..."

It's interesting you say that! I have seen people get to 7000 in a week (hitting 1,000 in certain abilities), and I'm sure there are more hardcore examples. In other cases, if you pay attention closely to the McMMO skill highscore, there have been people who have jumped from the 1000's to the 2000's in axes, mining, and other abilities. The fact that you don't personally experience a problem does not preclude the actual existence of that problem.

But yes, thanks for sharing.
My flame senses are tingling....
Unluvable I never said such didn't exist, I was stating there wasn't much for me to be aware about that would worry me in any way. Also, ok, we know its quite faster, mining and so is quick to raise, and spending too much time in a darkroom contributes. I managed in about 2 days to jump from 30 axes to 450, which really just means I raised my Mcmmo skill and not my real skill.
I just really don't much feel there is a huge bit to complain about.
๖ۣۜCouldn't care less. We got our diamond armour, and we can still participate, McMMo or not. Not too sure as to why this was created, however. It doesn't appear to be getting responses of removing the 50% McMMo...
Premiums pay for their perks, they earn it. I think premiums deserve the perks they have.
If you want the perks that prems have, then just pay for it, it's easy ;w;

I'm not a Premium, but when I get enough in game silver I'll be trying to buy it.
Do I like the fact premiums get MCMMO 50% faster? No! Why the heck would I enjoy making it easier for people to beat my face into the ground? Could it be worse? Thinks back to MassiveArmor. Yeah, it could definitely be a lot worse. Just calm down, and try looking at the bright side of things. After all, compared some former buffs premiums have had 50% MCMMO isn't the worst, especially after they gave us diamond armor.
๖ۣۜCouldn't care less. We got our diamond armour, and we can still participate, McMMo or not. Not too sure as to why this was created, however. It doesn't appear to be getting responses of removing the 50% McMMo...

Thank you for your opinion, sir. The reason why this was created was for me to ascertain how people felt about this particular premium benefit. We will see in the next couple days of how a decent sample of MassiveCraft players feel about this. I hardly doubt a sample size of less than 10 is enough to make judgment of that.

Premiums pay for their perks, they earn it. I think premiums deserve the perks they have.
If you want the perks that prems have, then just pay for it, it's easy ;w;

I'm not a Premium, but when I get enough in game silver I'll be trying to buy it.

To clarify, I am a premium. I enjoy helping the server, I love the server, I have so much fun with it. I think it's rad! I like to help the server by donating, voting, but also promoting civil discussion in ways to improve the server. Because, to be frank, Cayorion and the hard working staff have their hands full. So let's give 'em a hand!

From this point onward, I would like people to stop posting with things like, " I don't care...", "my flame senses are tingling hnnng~~", or "prems earned it!". Yes, premiums certainly should get something. Whether that something is a good thing for the server as a whole is something worth talking about. This thread is to encourage thoughtful discussion, not to shut people up about something they feel strongly about.
Thank you for your opinion, sir. The reason why this was created was for me to ascertain how people felt about this particular premium benefit. We will see in the next couple days of how a decent sample of MassiveCraft players feel about this. I hardly doubt a sample size of less than 10 is enough to make judgment of that.

To clarify, I am a premium. I enjoy helping the server, I love the server, I have so much fun with it. I think it's rad! I like to help the server by donating, voting, but also promoting civil discussion in ways to improve the server. Because, to be frank, Cayorion and the hard working staff have their hands full. So let's give 'em a hand!

From this point onward, I would like people to stop posting with things like, " I don't care...", "my flame senses are tingling hnnng~~", or "prems earned it!". Yes, premiums certainly should get something. Whether that something is a good thing for the server as a whole is something worth talking about. This thread is to encourage thoughtful discussion, not to shut people up about something they feel strongly about.

Whoa dude, chill. She was just saying that premiums deserve something for donating. Nothing wrong with that.
..I wasn't meaning to... I was just posting my opinion... Sorry...


This wasn't focused on you at all, just to the general people in thread. I sincerely apologize if I came off that way. I really love that people are participating and sharing their opinions, but as you can gather from the previous posts, I am starting to lose a little hope. Thank you, Teddie!

Whoa dude, chill. She was just saying that premiums deserve something for donating. Nothing wrong with that.

I really don't understand why people are telling me to "chill" or "calm down". All I am doing is clarifying the intent of this thread.

As I said earlier, unnecessary arguments.

You're not helping! ;<
Ya tits
You wanted our opinions and thoughts, here they are, squared out to your face and being straight forward.
Its too late now, people have already took advantage of it. Removing it now would just make the situation even worse. I think staff should have thought it through more before implementing it. What they could do however is nerf axes armor damage so armor doesnt get 5 shotted.
This wasn't focused on you at all, just to the general people in thread. I sincerely apologize if I came off that way. I really love that people are participating and sharing their opinions, but as you can gather from the previous posts, I am starting to lose a little hope. Thank you, Teddie!

I really don't understand why people are telling me to "chill" or "calm down". All I am doing is clarifying the intent of this thread.

You're not helping! ;<

Telling people to stop sharing their opinion is being a huge control freak and to be honest bro, your opinion isn't of anymore value than the other people who have posted on this thread. So please, kindly get off your high horse.
To the people who rated my post "Read More", read this quote:

From this point onward, I would like people to stop posting with things like, " I don't care...", "my flame senses are tingling hnnng~~", or "prems earned it!".

This guy isn't even staff and he's dictating what people can and can't post because it conflicts with his opinion. I mean, WOW.
I think it's a bit to buff. Maybe 35% sounds more reasonable - I truly don't think the trade for Diamond armor makes up for the buff for prems.
I mean, I understand that paying for the game should give you perks, but I think it's a but un-rational to go from alright player to OP player from donating to the game.
When I think of "they earned it" - I don't think of players using money to get a quick access, I think of someone working there ass off to achieve it. That's like saying, someone can get a promotion because they paid their boss, over someone who's been working their ass off in that workplace.

I think it should work better if maybe just buffing their damage decided by their level of combat skill. For instance (Not right amount) - Say their axe skill was 200 and they got 10% damage advantage, maybe that player (when buying prem) got 12% but then once they got their axe up to 600 and their damage at regular would be 30% advantage, Prems got 40% - That way, the more you work on your skills, the higher you're perks are worth it.

To the people who rated my post "Read More", read this quote:

This guy isn't even staff and he's dictating what people can and can't post because it conflicts with his opinion. I mean, WOW.

I don't think it's what you said per say, I think it's the way you said it that got you those ratings.
Ah, I agree, but there are also premiums who spent days trying to make enough silver in game to buy premium from someone else.
To the people who rated my post "Read More", read this quote:

This guy isn't even staff and he's dictating what people can and can't post because it conflicts with his opinion. I mean, WOW.

Dude seriously you are acting as if he is doing something wrong when this whole time he's just been trying to have a constructive conversation. Sorry to say this but just saying "I don't care" or something of that nature is not constructive and it just fills the post with unnecessary fluff. If someone doesn't care about the topic then leave it be so people that do care or are interested in their peers opinions can discuss it.

Unluvable In regards to your post, I think that the buff is a bit over powered and that they should at least make it like 30-40% and even that is pushing it. This is coming from the point of view of a premium who feels it is much more rewarding to have to work for her MCMMO levels. If it is too easy it will become boring. Although I agree with Snake in the sense it is probably already too late because the damage is already done but still it wouldn't hurt to lower it a little.

If that is lowered what other perk would be suitable to replace it? What would make people that have not yet gotten premium and those who already have want to get it or get it again? What would make it worth it because unfortunately most people won't want to donate to the server unless they get something in return?
I would have had it changed a long time ago, if we could.

Mcmmo only allows a 50% boost, 100% boost or a 200% boost. We are considering changing some of the sourcecode of MCMMO, but prefer not to do this.
This feature is way to op for massive since you can get 13000 power level in 2 weeks if you train a lot. in my opinion i would rather have this removed than having it staying since it cannot be reduced and if people want high mcmmo stats it should take time not seconds
I think every ability or perk you give premiums is overpowered if normal users can't use it at all. For example, premiums being only able to wear diamond armor was very overpowered, but normal players are still able to level up with mcMMO, just not as much/quick as premium players, but they still can participate. Same for portals: Premium players can create them, but normal players can still use it. Just my 2 cents.
I think its completely ok, but now that regular peasants can wear diamond armor, premiums need something more for their bucks, I say raise the buff to %200
I would have had it changed a long time ago, if we could.

Mcmmo only allows a 50% boost, 100% boost or a 200% boost. We are considering changing some of the sourcecode of MCMMO, but prefer not to do this.

Could you clarify what you mean by "... if we could"? Do you mean that between having a McMMO bonus and not at all, there was no real middle ground and the staff had decided that they indeed wanted some form of McMMO bonus as a premium perk?
Could you clarify what you mean by "... if we could"? Do you mean that between having a McMMO bonus and not at all, there was no real middle ground and the staff had decided that they indeed wanted some form of McMMO bonus as a premium perk?

I think he means that mcmmo only offers these 3 bonus levels. Meaning you can set it to +50% , +100% or to +200% xp but not anything else.
Do I like the fact premiums get MCMMO 50% faster? No! Why the heck would I enjoy making it easier for people to beat my face into the ground? Could it be worse? Thinks back to MassiveArmor. Yeah, it could definitely be a lot worse. Just calm down, and try looking at the bright side of things. After all, compared some former buffs premiums have had 50% MCMMO isn't the worst, especially after they gave us diamond armor.

Hold the flame until we can have a civil discussion.
I voted the wrong thing by accident.

By the way, I say they should raise it by 100%
Er this thread might cause more arguments than we need...
I'd like to ask of everyone that is saying "This thread will cause more arguments than is needed, hurr hurr hurr" To please stop. Unluvable asked for you to share your opinions, not dispute the purpose of this thread.
I personally don't like the 50% bonus. It allows premiums to level up way too fast. I would think that 10% or 20% would be better.
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