House Waldgrave

Dec 9, 2016
Reaction score

Basic Info
Culture: Alt-Regalian
House Colours: Red and Black.
Business: Stone production/stonemasonry as well as
architectural design and construction.
General Appearance: Most Waldgrave's have medium brown hair and blue eyes.

Many members of the family have also turned out to
be very tall, but it is unknown wether it is coincidence
or wether their length is a family trait.
General idea of the family: The family is a strongly belieiving Unionist family. Most members of the family are jingoist, and the Waldgrave's pride themselves in their family's long history of military prowess.

Family Lore



Family Tree

Names in Green are playable.
Names in
Blue are played.
Names in
Red are deceased.
Main Branch:
- Peter Waldgrave
- Rosalina Waldgrave (54)
- Jonathan Waldgrave (38) @SalsaPotater
- Victoria Waldgrave (ded) - Jonathan's Wife
- Ludwig Waldgrave (20) - Jonathan's Son
- Marie Waldgrave (15) - Jonathan's Daughter
- Albrecht Waldgrave - Jonathan's Brother (30)
- Elizabeth Waldgrave - Albrecht's Wife (33)
- Isalda Waldgrave - Jonathan's Sister(35)
- Gabriel Waldgrave - Jonathan's Brother(27)

- Johannes Waldgrave - Jonathan's Brother (36)
- Matilda Waldgrave - Johannes Wife (34)
- Isak Waldgrave - J&M's Son (16)
- Gunhild Waldgrave - J&M's Daughter (13) @Legoclub22

First Side Branch:
- Karl Waldgrave - Jonathan's Uncle (57)
- Katherin Waldgrave - Karl's Wife (55)
- Benedicta Waldgrave - K&K's Daughter (23)

- Hans Waldgrave - K&K's Son (25)
- Markus Waldgrave - K&K's Son (37)
- Agnes Waldgrave - Markus' Wife (36)
- Margareta Waldgrave - M&A's Daughter (18)
- Frida Waldgrave - M&A's Daughter (16)

Second Side Branch:
- Gunhild Waldgrave - Jonathan's Aunt (58)
- Friedrich Eisenhauer - Gunhild's Husband
- Helena Waldgrave - G&A's Daughter (23)

- Nikolaus Waldgrave - G&A's Son (16)
- Christine Abelbaum - G&A's Daughter (33)
- Leopold Abelbaum - Christine's Husband (37)
- Otto Abelbaum - C&L's Son (14)
- Lukas Abelbaum - C&L's Son (17)

Current staff members:
Hilt Brandburgh Admir - House Guard @NarfTheGoat
Rolgok Beastslayer - House Guard @SpinSpinDizzy
Merrick Strong-Arm - House Guard @The_SpartanMiner
Markus Stoneater - House Guard @Martyr_321


Staff and Family Applications
Family application form:


Who are you applying for?:
Reason for applying:
Recent experience in the noble scene?:
Any other characters? (Please provide character sheet if possible)
In-game punishments:
How active are you?: (include your timezone)
Do you have access to Skype?
Why should we accept you into the family?
One or more roleplay strengths:
One or more roleplay weaknesses:
Roleplay references (DO NOT TAG ME):


Staff application form:

Character name:
What position you are applying for:
Character sheet: (Preferred however not required)
Do you have access to Skype?:
Reason for applying:
In-game punishments:
How many characters do you currently play?:
How active are you?:

Staff positions available:
- House Guards
- Servants
- Weapon Instructors
- Cooks


I reserve the right to boot any and all players from the family should I wish to do so.
No mages, vampires or possessed are allowed in the family.
Failure to adhere to our guidelines will result in your expulsion, which shall be followed by the character
you have played being returned to us.
By applying to play a member of this family you agree to the terms stated above.

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IGN: Mechrotic

Who are you applying for?: Gabriel Waldgrave

Reason for applying: We've talked in game but I've been wanting to join a fresh family and work towards nobility for a while now.

Recent experience in the noble scene?: Other than rescuing Aetius from his kidnapping experiencing, no.

Any other characters?: I also play Johnathon Gael and Alexzander Nightgale.

In-game punishments: I have no currently standing or previous in game punishments.

How active are you?: I am very active playing around 25 hours a week.

Do you have access to Skype?: You can bet your bottom dollar I have Skype!

Why should we accept you into the family?: You should accept me to the family because I think I can bring a lot to the table both in and out of character and because I was waiting 45 minutes for you to write this thread.

One or more roleplay strengths: I think that my top 3 roleplay strengths are commitment, adaptability, and my extensive knowledge of Alorian lore.

One or more roleplay weaknesses: My primary weakness as a roleplayer is difficulty engaging roleplay with new people.

Roleplay references (DO NOT TAG ME): @The_SpartanMiner @nattiecece @DanTheKamikaze
IGN: xref74
Who are you applying for?: Albrecht
Reason for applying: I need a cool family like dis
Recent experience in the noble scene?: Xerack
Any other characters?
In-game punishments:
Warning for misusing help chat
How active are you?: Every day unless i have school work
Do you have access to Skype? Yep
Why should we accept you into the family? Because I can bring a good roleplay to the family
One or more roleplay strengths: I can tell a character's story by dropping hints through RP
One or more roleplay weaknesses: My grammar isn't the best, but its improving
Roleplay references (DO NOT TAG ME): @Ghirko @MaximusStark
I vouch lol
IGN: xref74
Who are you applying for?: Albrecht
Reason for applying: This noble family is everything that I aspire my characters to be a Jingoist, militarised and tall
Recent experience in the noble scene?: House Crux
Any other characters?
In-game punishments: N/A
How active are you?:
(include your timezone) Usually everyday unless I have stuff to do GMT
Do you have access to Skype?Yes
Why should we accept you into the family?
Because I can bring a good story and RP to the family
One or more roleplay strengths: I can initiate Roleplay quite easily
One or more roleplay weaknesses: My grammar can be bad sometime for example I can't spell some words. I can also be pushy at times
Roleplay references (DO NOT TAG ME): @Ghirko @MaximusStark
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IGN: LittleShep101
Who are you applying for?: Ludwig Waldgrave
Reason for applying: You are pestering me to death, and it seems like somewhat new RP
Recent experience in the noble scene?: Skald Valdemar another character is a noble who talks and hangs out with alot of nobles, Jamie Dirdil another character is a guard and talks with nobles occasionally, and I was once a Q'uerbo pet to the Lampero family
Any other characters?
(Please provide character sheet if possible):
In-game punishments: Muted for Saying "Sorry forgot you were muted" after I asked them a question
How active are you?:
(include your timezone) Very active You should know, mst
Do you have access to Skype?: Yes!
Why should we accept you into the family?: You requested my yourself for me being good at RP
One or more roleplay strengths: I am overall pretty good and dont have a specific 'strength'
One or more roleplay weaknesses: Probably forgeting to add + or keep a long conversation boring
Roleplay references (DO NOT TAG ME): @Eccetra @Mandyquaky @WrongChat @AtticCat @MCMANN32 @Sevak And enough said
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IGN: LittleShep101
Who are you applying for?: Ludwig Waldgrave
Reason for applying: You are pestering me to death, and it seems like somewhat new RP
Recent experience in the noble scene?: Skald Valdemar another character is a noble who talks and hangs out with alot of nobles, Jamie Dirdil another character is a guard and talks with nobles occasionally, and I was once a Q'uerbo pet to the Lampero family
Any other characters?
(Please provide character sheet if possible):
In-game punishments: Muted for Saying "Sorry forgot you were muted" after I asked them a question
How active are you?:
(include your timezone) Very active You should know, mst
Do you have access to Skype?: Yes!
Why should we accept you into the family?: You requested my yourself for me being good at RP
One or more roleplay strengths: I am overall pretty good and dont have a specific 'strength'
One or more roleplay weaknesses: Probably forgeting to add + or keep a long conversation boring
Roleplay references (DO NOT TAG ME): @Eccetra @Mandyquaky @WrongChat @AtticCat @MCMANN32 @Sevak And enough said
Trial period for you little bird.
IGN: Legoclub22
Who are you applying for?: Gunhild Waldgrave (The young one)
Reason for applying: I want to get back into Noble RP, but I lack the time to write all the family stuff, and I'd love to be a part of you guys' family.
Recent experience in the noble scene?: Yes. Good old Rothschild the savage.
Any other characters?: You never should have asked. I have probably around 30 characters past and present, two are approved, one is in the works.
Jonathan Herran, Benedict Rothschild, Reiner Langer
In-game punishments: I don't have any, and probably never will.
How active are you?: I don't tend to say I'm that active, few times a week for a few hours each, but I'm told I'm on almost every day. I'm on CST.
Do you have access to Skype?: I do, and you have me on it.
Why should we accept you into the family?: Because I'm an outstanding roleplayer and overall member of the community, I can bring joy and laughter to your family.
One or more roleplay strengths: My emotions are disconnected from my roleplay for the most part, I'm not usually going to get salty over something that happened IC. I've been roleplaying for a long time, and have played multiple different types of characters over that period of time. I also am really good at portraying a character of almost any type, I can seamlessly become them, even roleplay more than one at a time.
One or more roleplay weaknesses: I'm not always the best combat roleplayer, usually because I'm afraid of being powergame-y. I don't always get notified to changes in the lore, so sometimes I'm not fully up to date.
Roleplay references: @John_Fo_Life / @Johnmanbevil (Idk which it is), @Puagrace, @MrH_ , @2001Pokemon2003 , @Brownwizard , @iaydenbee(He can't make a forums account), @goldwolfgaming(Unsure of his Forums name)
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IGN: Biggums9001
Who are you applying for?: Marie Waldgrave
Reason for applying: Interest in growing my noble experience. And, of course, finding a family to play with, as being the head of one isn't always the most fun. Gotta take order sometime!
Recent experience in the noble scene?: House Ta'ren, Birkwood (Staff), Diadochos, and Bigge (Trial).
Any other characters? Beep & Boop
In-game punishments: None
How active are you?: EVERY DAY DUDE I DON'T HAVE A LIFE!!!!
Do you have access to Skype? Of course I do!
Why should we accept you into the family? I mean, you don't really have to... I would only play as this character more than half of my time on massive, and I'll make a character application, a week after being accepted. And I will strive to play her with the best of my abilities.
One or more roleplay strengths: Prolonging a conversation. I find myself extremely social, and implementing that in my characters is a great thing that I do. I will be extremely social, and will talk with borderline ANYBODY!
One or more roleplay weaknesses: Most forms of combat rp. I'm able to do guard rp, but not straight up combat rp, sewer brawls crap.
Roleplay references (DO NOT TAG ME): @KingBrooke @HelloFroyo @Wexford

(More can be provided)

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IGN: The_SpartanMiner
Who are you applying for?: Family Bodyguard
Reason for applying:
I did talk to you IG and you said it was a good idea. I also think that Noble roleplay could hone my roleplay skills and knowledge of the Regalian Nobles
Recent experience in the noble scene?:
Civil arrest with Aeitus and I have spoken with other Nobles.
Any other characters?
Niykolai Kevucci and Xolum-Tei
In-game punishments:
a mute for an hour
How active are you?: (include your timezone) I get on when I can 5-6 times a week for around 4-5 hours a day. Central Standard Time.
Do you have access to Skype? I do.
Why should we accept you into the family? I feel that I may be a proper and loyal bodyguard, as well as a good friend. I am also a relatively good builder if that amounts for anything. I have been a part of group roleplay before and I would like to experience the family and enjoyment of a Noble family.
One or more roleplay strengths: I am a good and supportive character. I can be relied on and often help people with their characters and am a relatively good story-maker. I am also a good conversation maker, as I can spark a convo with almost anyone. I feel that I am a good combat roleplayer as well.
One or more roleplay weaknesses: I do have a problem with typing properly, but that is because I type relatively fast. I am also terrible at remembering lore and history of Aloria.
Roleplay references (DO NOT TAG ME): @Mechrotic , @Legoclub22, @TheSquidySquid, @Fellbeast58blue
IGN: The_SpartanMiner
Character name:
Merrick Strong-Arm
What position you are applying for:
House Guard
Do you have access to Skype?:
Yes I do
Reason for applying:
I feel that I may be a proper and loyal bodyguard, as well as a good friend. I am also a relatively good builder if that amounts for anything. I have been a part of group roleplay before and I would like to experience the family and enjoyment of a Noble family.
In-game punishments:
I have been muted twice. Once for talking inappropriately in general chat, the other for posting a link too many times.
How many characters do you currently play?: Only 2 actively, Breils-Tei (young Tigran child), and Merrick Strong-Arm
How active are you?: I get on when I can 5-6 times a week for around 4-5 hours a day. Central Standard Time.
IGN: The_SpartanMiner
Character name: Merrick Strong-Arm
What position you are applying for: House Guard
Do you have access to Skype?: Yes I do
Reason for applying: I feel that I may be a proper and loyal bodyguard, as well as a good friend. I am also a relatively good builder if that amounts for anything. I have been a part of group roleplay before and I would like to experience the family and enjoyment of a Noble family.
In-game punishments: I have been muted twice. Once for talking inappropriately in general chat, the other for posting a link too many times.
How many characters do you currently play?: Only 2 actively, Breils-Tei (young Tigran child), and Merrick Strong-Arm
How active are you?: I get on when I can 5-6 times a week for around 4-5 hours a day. Central Standard Time.
Just for reference, you may want to get an approved app
IGN: _Capitalx_
Who are you applying for?: Marie Waldgrave
Reason for applying: Because You told me to
Recent experience in the noble scene?: Ya
Any other characters? (Please provide character sheet if possible) I can't Aint no body got time for dat
In-game punishments: None EWW
How active are you?: (include your timezone) A lot I cant count
Do you have access to Skype? Ya who doesn't
Why should we accept you into the family? Because I am popular and cool
One or more roleplay strengths: My Face
One or more roleplay weaknesses: Your Face
Roleplay references (DO NOT TAG ME): You. SAVAGE
IGN: _Capitalx_
Who are you applying for?: Marie Waldgrave
Reason for applying: Because You told me to
Recent experience in the noble scene?: Ya
Any other characters?
(Please provide character sheet if possible) I can't Aint no body got time for dat
In-game punishments: None EWW
How active are you?:
(include your timezone) A lot I cant count
Do you have access to Skype? Ya who doesn't
Why should we accept you into the family? Because I am popular and cool
One or more roleplay strengths: My Face
One or more roleplay weaknesses: Your Face
Roleplay references (DO NOT TAG ME): You. SAVAGE