House von Kalterwald is a heavily purist household. The family has ties with the Grauwald chapter of the Lothar Order and will encourage, if not force their family members into serving under the order or at least following it's ideals. They're know for their military prowess and cruelty when it comes to the slaughter of occult. The family promotes the retain of chained penitent mages, openly supporting any mistreatment that comes their way.
The family gained their noble title over 7 generations ago, when Ser Deidrick and his wife, Adelhide lead a village wide battle against occult in the hopes of protecting both their land, their silver mines and their people. They managed to wipe out a fair portion of the sanguine inhabiting the land and where ennobled for their efforts.
﴾ - Overview - ﴿
Family Type: Regalian Court Family
Colors: Black, Purple, Silver
Primary Heritage: Ailor
Primary Spoken Languages: Calem, Common
Primary Religion: Unionism
Source of Income: The procurement and trade of silver goods.
Deiderick von Kalterwald ✟
The start of the von Kalterwald family. Him and his wife lead a siege against the sanguine in the area. He was known to be a kind man, offering a hand to those in need. He died 13 years after he was ennobled, surrounded by family and friends.
Alwin von Kalterwald ✟
The son of Deiderik. He was known for his full radicalized views against the occult. He kept a close eye on his people and a closer eye on his family. In his final years, he locked himself away. Alwin died alone.
Edgar von Kalterwald
The only son of Alwin. He began to fight and soon Edgar became a Knight, fighting under the Empire and vowing to die for it. It is said that Edgar planted a rose for every occult slain by his hand and every mage he dragged into 'repentance.' The von Kalterwald garden is bustling with black roses. Edgar died in his own field of roses, succumbing to the wounds he took when the estate was attacked in the dead of night.
He began the family gravesite.
Bertholdt von Kalterwald ✟
The son of Edgar, Bertholdt did not take to fighting and dying, to the dismay of both his father and his sister. Bertholdt spent his days in peaceful solitude. He welcomed the world with open arms and it became his downfall. Bertholdt died within the forest. He was not recovered in full.
Celina von Kalterwald ✟
The Eldest daughter of Edgar. Celina, much like her father, was a fighter. Where her brother stat under a tree to knit, Celina took to the estate's courtyard, practicing move after move over and over again until her legs gave way. Celina was a hunter, known for finding and tracking down those who slipped past her grasp. Celina had three children though the family insists she only had two. She died on the battlefield. Her body was recovered clutching the family emblem, a smile on her face.
Klaus von Kalterwald ✟
Klaus has a pristine white crypt in the center of his own section of the family garden. At age 15 he became a Squire for the Order, hoping to make his Mother proud. Yet, within a month of joining he grew weak. A virus overtook Klaus, beginning as a mere tingle in the fingers and a weakness in the knees. Three weeks into his Squireship he was bedbound. He died scared and alone in a dark infirmary far from home. A crypt was made for him with windows pouring light in so he may never be trapped in the dark. He is buried with his cousin. He will never be left alone.
Casimir von Kalterwald ✟
The Eldest son of Celine. Unlike his mother, Casimar was not a typical swordsman. He was too weak. Rather he was known for his incredible ability to assist his allies. Casimar could spot an opening in someones form and order a sword to pierce it almost instantly. Casimir died fighting, when his allies fell and he became overwhelmed by enemies, unable to properly fight back.
Adrian von Kalterwald ✟
The son of Bertholdt. Adrian was known to be kind to those who met him and cruel to those who opposed him. He strived for knowledge on the occult and how magic works within a person. He began to test, something that was quickly burned to the ground by his Mother. Adrian was not seen again.
Alois von Kalterwald ✟
The daughter of Adrian von Kalterwald. She was a natural born leader and, much like her Aunt, a strong fighter. Alois died part way through her Squireship, she believed herself to be big and strong, charging into the frontlines barely armoured. Alois soon found there were things in this world bigger and stronger. She has been buried beside Klaus, the two once having an unbreakable bond.
Eric von Kalterwald ✟
The son of Casimir. Not much is known of Eric. He had no interest in fighting or dying for the order, rather preferring to lock himself away and strum solemn tunes. Eric left home part way into his 20's, going to find his own way in life.
Edith von Kalterwald ✟
Edith began the chain of recent cruelty within the family. She demanded her children fight and she demanded her children die. She began drilling their legacy into them. Stating they were nothing without the order and shall be left with nothing should they deny it. Edith left her people to rot. She died in her bed, seemingly poisoned.
Alrick von Kalterwald ✟
The most recent ex-count of Rundstede. Alrick was a sinister man, scaring his family into utmost respect. He, much like his mother, closed the estate's doors leaving those in the village to fend for themselves. Alrick died on the 1st of March, 315 AC. He closed his eyes and drifted away. A death many say he did not deserve. He has been buried at the estate. -
Valeska von Kalterwald
The most recent Countirh of Rundstede and eldest child of Alrick Valeska has been raised for this moment and often visits their estate. Valeska takes care of their people, tending to their needs. They reside in Regalia, assisting in the ever going fight against occult. They believe taking on penitents is repentence and is truly the best thing a mage could do.
Diana von Kalterwald
The youngest Daughter of Alrick, Diana is a young noble trying to find her place in the world, trying to live up to the heavy expectations of her family. This expectation has lead Diana to join the Lothar order. She is still a young squire that has a lot to learn but she hopes to make her family proud one day. - WIP!
- None, at this moment
[ To join House von Kalterwald, please message @rot.Ang0re on discord with a generalized idea. I'm more than happy to assist in character creation should you need it.]
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