House Tyrannian, one of the lesser houses of nobility (but nonetheless infamous for its infighting) can trace its heritage all the way back to 100 AC, when Paullus the Gallant established the small province of Carroburgen in the Western side of the Angle Veers. Paullus and his colleagues settled in Carroburgen for two reasons; the first being that the province was easily protected by bandits or raiders (given that it was on an island), and the second being the wealth of marble that lay in the stone. All generations following Paullus utilized marble as the main export of the province, fortifying a reputation as stone masons and miners. Today, the quarries in Carroburgen run deep; large crevices with white, jagged walls, somewhat resemblant of the province's capital fortress: Arce Sepulcrum. House Tyrannian is more known for its clinging to the Proto-Regalian language and old culture. However, to the Tyrannians, Proto-Regalian is like a religion. Every child and adoption to the house takes a Proto-Regalian name, and the same goes for House Tyrannian's subservient cadet branch, House Hadrianus.
Paullus the Gallant, so named for his chivalrous nature and his prowess in swordsmanship, established the province of Carroburgen in 100 AC. Carroburgen was immediately controlled and taken ownership of by Paullus himself, naturally. For the most part, Paullus was a popular ruler until his death in 131 AC, whereupon he declared the control of Carroburgen would pass to his son, Herius, in his will. There was a small moment of indecision among the small population, but the populace begrudgingly accepted Paullus's declaration given the good he did for them in life. Herius, however, was not a particularly popular ruler. His strong fist and abusive nature brought the Carroburgen people to call him a tyrant and eventually the moniker "Tyrannian," which he gladly accepted as a surname.
As time passed, the unrest in Carroburgen eventually headed into a revolt- almost akin to a civil war but on a much lesser scale. The leaders of both sides were two men of rivalling houses within the province; Hadrian of the house Latro and Magnantine of the house Tyrannian. It was a war fought for only a year and ended in the winter of 173 AC when Magnantine killed Hadrian in Arce Sepulcrum, a sight which inspired the Tyrannian house colors; red and white. Those who saw the event unfold remarked of the stark contrast between the scarlet red blood and the white marble floor of Sepulcrum. In the same minute that Hadrian's body touched the smooth ground, Magnantine declared that for Hadrian's treason, all of Hadrian's descendants were to be bound in service to House Tyrannian. Magnantine's father, Herius, commended Magnantine's actions and named Magnantine his heir over the rather lazy firstborn Tyrannian, Carolus.
Two years after the revolt of 173, Magnantine was murdered in his sleeping chamber by Manilia Latro, sister of Hadrian Latro. Manilia was swiftly executed and Hadrian's line further indebted to House Tyrannian. Those with what became known as Hadrian's Curse took the surname Hadrianus to distance themselves from their Latro counterparts. Following Magnantine's death and Herius's death a year later, the rule of Carroburgen fell to then-teenager Canus Tyrannian, who ruled the province peacefully for sixty years. Once Canus died in 236, Paullus II Tyrannian inherited control and further defined House Hadrianus's status of servitude during his reign. Through his mercy, Paullus II enacted the Declarationem de Servitutem, which specified that the Hadrians were not to be mere servants to the Tyrannians as some before him had interpreted, but they were to protect the Tyrannians- a reversal of the wrong done to Carroburgen in 173. Some Carroburgen historians attributed this change of heart to Paullus II's friendship with Arruns Hadrianus and the inherent militaristic nature of the Hadrians.
In 254, Paullus II passed away and his son, Cassius, assumed control of Carroburgen. However, in 305, he retired and allowed his firstborn son, Gallus, to take his place as the ruler of Carroburgen. As of 305 AC, Gallus Tyrannian still controlled Carroburgen but held no title, as all titles and landholders were given a blank slate to work off of in 305 by Emperor Cedromar I. In the early months of 306, however, Gallus reached the title of baron and was named the Protector of the Veers for successfully defending against a Harhold invasion. On top of this, one baronial family and a family from Hinter Calem (Winslough) both pledged allegiance to House Tyrannian.
Arce Sepulcrum
Arce Sepulcrum, or Castle Tomb in Common, is the capital fortress of Carroburgen. It has stoodfast as the province's sole defense ever since its birth in 100 AC, and has been the sight of many births and deaths in the Tyrannian family.
The first province that has ever been under control of House Tyrannian, Carroburgen is one of the Empire's few marble production lines. The Tyrannian family tends to live in a rather Spartan fashion as a result of the low demand for marble, but Carroburgen is by no means a province of poverty. After the introduction of Old ex-Rebel citizens, however, the province has begun to prosper as a result of a larger labor force.
Keerlebos is the second province gained by House Tyrannian, taken during the reign of Gallus Tyrannian and chosen as a result of the marble that lay there and its proximity to the Eastern coast. It is a landlocked province, unlike Carroburgen, but is a comfortable place to live in nonetheless.
Yet another province bordering Artiemus holdings, Kaalburg is more of a symbol of friendship between the two alliances than anything else. Its marble quarries are less full than those of Keerlebos and Carroburgen, but is still quite valuable to House Tyrannian.
The sigil of House Tyrannian is the white stallion.
Red and white.
The only cadet-branch of House Tyrannian, House Hadrianus is bound to service for the Tyrannians as a result of Hadrian Latro's treason against Carroburgen and its ruler. The members of Hadrianus have come to terms with this, but still get rather touchy when their servitude is brought up. Male members of House Hadrianus are enlisted in Hadrian's Legion, the House Guard of House Tyrannian. Their duty is to protect all members of House Tyrannian, but are to prioritize the protection of the patriarch, which at this time, is Gallus. The weapons used by the Hadrians are always large weapons like the voulge, pike, halberd, claymore, or greatsword. Combat schools frequently used by the Hadrians are Lancyon, Blackmark, and Feer-Drakken. The females of House Hadrianus are given jobs as maids for the Tyrannians, or in some cases are released from the hereditary contract of Hadrian. Members:
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Paullus the Gallant, so named for his chivalrous nature and his prowess in swordsmanship, established the province of Carroburgen in 100 AC. Carroburgen was immediately controlled and taken ownership of by Paullus himself, naturally. For the most part, Paullus was a popular ruler until his death in 131 AC, whereupon he declared the control of Carroburgen would pass to his son, Herius, in his will. There was a small moment of indecision among the small population, but the populace begrudgingly accepted Paullus's declaration given the good he did for them in life. Herius, however, was not a particularly popular ruler. His strong fist and abusive nature brought the Carroburgen people to call him a tyrant and eventually the moniker "Tyrannian," which he gladly accepted as a surname.
As time passed, the unrest in Carroburgen eventually headed into a revolt- almost akin to a civil war but on a much lesser scale. The leaders of both sides were two men of rivalling houses within the province; Hadrian of the house Latro and Magnantine of the house Tyrannian. It was a war fought for only a year and ended in the winter of 173 AC when Magnantine killed Hadrian in Arce Sepulcrum, a sight which inspired the Tyrannian house colors; red and white. Those who saw the event unfold remarked of the stark contrast between the scarlet red blood and the white marble floor of Sepulcrum. In the same minute that Hadrian's body touched the smooth ground, Magnantine declared that for Hadrian's treason, all of Hadrian's descendants were to be bound in service to House Tyrannian. Magnantine's father, Herius, commended Magnantine's actions and named Magnantine his heir over the rather lazy firstborn Tyrannian, Carolus.
Two years after the revolt of 173, Magnantine was murdered in his sleeping chamber by Manilia Latro, sister of Hadrian Latro. Manilia was swiftly executed and Hadrian's line further indebted to House Tyrannian. Those with what became known as Hadrian's Curse took the surname Hadrianus to distance themselves from their Latro counterparts. Following Magnantine's death and Herius's death a year later, the rule of Carroburgen fell to then-teenager Canus Tyrannian, who ruled the province peacefully for sixty years. Once Canus died in 236, Paullus II Tyrannian inherited control and further defined House Hadrianus's status of servitude during his reign. Through his mercy, Paullus II enacted the Declarationem de Servitutem, which specified that the Hadrians were not to be mere servants to the Tyrannians as some before him had interpreted, but they were to protect the Tyrannians- a reversal of the wrong done to Carroburgen in 173. Some Carroburgen historians attributed this change of heart to Paullus II's friendship with Arruns Hadrianus and the inherent militaristic nature of the Hadrians.
In 254, Paullus II passed away and his son, Cassius, assumed control of Carroburgen. However, in 305, he retired and allowed his firstborn son, Gallus, to take his place as the ruler of Carroburgen. As of 305 AC, Gallus Tyrannian still controlled Carroburgen but held no title, as all titles and landholders were given a blank slate to work off of in 305 by Emperor Cedromar I. In the early months of 306, however, Gallus reached the title of baron and was named the Protector of the Veers for successfully defending against a Harhold invasion. On top of this, one baronial family and a family from Hinter Calem (Winslough) both pledged allegiance to House Tyrannian.
Arce Sepulcrum
Arce Sepulcrum, or Castle Tomb in Common, is the capital fortress of Carroburgen. It has stoodfast as the province's sole defense ever since its birth in 100 AC, and has been the sight of many births and deaths in the Tyrannian family.
The first province that has ever been under control of House Tyrannian, Carroburgen is one of the Empire's few marble production lines. The Tyrannian family tends to live in a rather Spartan fashion as a result of the low demand for marble, but Carroburgen is by no means a province of poverty. After the introduction of Old ex-Rebel citizens, however, the province has begun to prosper as a result of a larger labor force.
Keerlebos is the second province gained by House Tyrannian, taken during the reign of Gallus Tyrannian and chosen as a result of the marble that lay there and its proximity to the Eastern coast. It is a landlocked province, unlike Carroburgen, but is a comfortable place to live in nonetheless.
Yet another province bordering Artiemus holdings, Kaalburg is more of a symbol of friendship between the two alliances than anything else. Its marble quarries are less full than those of Keerlebos and Carroburgen, but is still quite valuable to House Tyrannian.
The sigil of House Tyrannian is the white stallion.
Red and white.
The only cadet-branch of House Tyrannian, House Hadrianus is bound to service for the Tyrannians as a result of Hadrian Latro's treason against Carroburgen and its ruler. The members of Hadrianus have come to terms with this, but still get rather touchy when their servitude is brought up. Male members of House Hadrianus are enlisted in Hadrian's Legion, the House Guard of House Tyrannian. Their duty is to protect all members of House Tyrannian, but are to prioritize the protection of the patriarch, which at this time, is Gallus. The weapons used by the Hadrians are always large weapons like the voulge, pike, halberd, claymore, or greatsword. Combat schools frequently used by the Hadrians are Lancyon, Blackmark, and Feer-Drakken. The females of House Hadrianus are given jobs as maids for the Tyrannians, or in some cases are released from the hereditary contract of Hadrian. Members:
- Caius Hadrianus - @Aespair
- Brutus Hadrianus
- Decius Hadrianus - @Varisus
- Cnaeus Hadrianus
- Junia Hadrianus
- Tremellia Hadrianus
- Gallus Tyrannian - @Aespair
- Aulus Tyrannian
- Cassius Tyrannian
- Paullus III Tyrannian - @Salier
- Atria Tyrannian - @EpsilonPanda
- Azara Tyrannian - @DeltaInsomnia
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