House Thornwell Of Trieg


JayP's buddy
Sep 22, 2015
Reaction score
The great North



Basic Information

House name
House Thornwell


Unionist Divine

The family's official trade consists of the processing and trade of the Dark Wald lumber, as well as shipbuilding and seafaring.

Side-business consisting of cloth trade out of Fidston.

Political standing
Conservative Jingoists

Family status
Untitled Noble family

Family flora
Mundane forest rose

Family fauna

Family Guard
The Warding Drakes


Family History

House Thornwell has its roots firmly planted in Dragenthal. The House was founded by Havel and Rosabeth Thornwell in the year of 234 AC. The origin of the name comes from the small cottage Havel and Rosabeth used their inheritance to acquire. The cottage was located at the borderline of the Drachenwald forest, by the coastline. The luscious rose bushes bordering the property bore beautiful, yet prickly roses that inspired the name of the gottage, and eventually the family name.

The Origins of the Houses success came from humble beginnings; Havel was a woodcutter and carver, and made his living felling trees, and selling the logs for a high price. As the years went by, and the profits raked in, Havel realized that he could maximize it by processing some of the logs and using his carving and architectural skills to build ships. That way, he could also transport the goods himself and avoid having to use middlemen. Havel and Rosabeth funded the Thornwell Shipyard in the year of 245 AC, and under the steady leadership of Rosabeth, they hired dozen employees to aid in the building and transport of their ships. Their first child Jeremiah was born a year later, being the first second-generation Thornwell to live within the family cottage.

Jeremiah took over the family business when he came of proper age, and helped push it into the new age. Jeremiah made sure every member of his family adopted the Sanchella Unionist faith, and pushed his children to play an active role in the business, grooming them to be leaders when he would eventually be unable to lead. Jeremiah was far from an honest man, though. He quickly saw the benefit in having a shipyard that was located far from the nearby township, and began subtly smuggling contraband among his usual goods. The profits from this helped make the family very rich, and Jeremiah could suddenly afford to have his children sent off to official academies to get proper tutorage in different arts. He sent his oldest son Alden off to become a naval admiral, his middle son Harris was sent off to become a Viridian, and his youngest son Anthony became a successful Tenpenny commander until his eventual death.

Jeremiah's wife passed on in the year of 292 AC. and her death impacted the family hard. Jeremiah was stricken with guilt and grief, and secluded himself from the business and his family. The mantle was passed on to his eldest son Alden. Alden worked tirelessly for years to help support the business, and keep it on a stable ground. He made it less reliant on the trade of contraband, instead building and selling ships to the navy to help improve their profits. His family branched out from their home in Dragenthal when Alden's cousins James and Celestria moved to Regalia, and established their own criminal ring. News of their exploits reached Alden, and they angered him immensely. The foolishly violent and thoughtless actions of his cousin James, and Celestria's seemingly unwillingness to restrain him could jeopardize business; the decision was tough, but Alden had one of his men sent out to hunt James down. With James Thornwell's maniacal spree ended in quiet, business went as normal. The family profits grew, and expanded over Dragenthal. It was evident that they could do much better, and this was why Alden made the decision to move the families base over to Regalia, and establish a second shipyard here. The move was completed in the year of 305 AC.


Family Biology

Thornwell Males

Thornwell males tend to have rather striking features, with strong jawlines and defined cheekbones. Their noses are almost always above average in size, with thick nose ridges. Their looks can't be described as particularly attractive or unattractive, the males often remaining rather average in looks, aside from a few exceptions. Their hair is rarely tended with much, and is as such often kept rather long, the colors vary from the darker shades of brown, all the way to Black. Their eye colors are almost always green, with some brown here and there.
The Males are built sturdily, often engaging in physical labor that makes them muscular and strong. Their height tends to be around the average spectrum of 5'7 to 6'0 tall.

Thornwell females

Thornwell females, unlike the males, are mostly all conventionally attractive in some way; though retain some of the features the males have. They have the same defined jawlines as the males, though they tend to be rounder. Their cheekbones are more defined, with softer cheeks. Unlike the males, their noses tend to be smaller, with sloped nose-ridges. The Thornwell females have similar hair to the males, with the same tones, though they tend to care for it more. Their eye colors are all universally green, unlike the males that can have some brown-tones. The women have a rather curvaceous build, with a rather high fat percentage in the hips. Their height varies between 5'3 to 5'8.


Family Traits

Cunning Businessmen
Thornwells are all taught the intricacies of trade and bartering at a young age, and grow up to be skilled businessmen and women. They can easily distinguish good deals from poor ones, and have a knack for persuasion. Despite all being taught these skills, not every Thornwell chooses to keep these skills, or utilize them.

Strong bonds
Thornwells have a strong bond to one-another. This bond is one that has been fueled from their youth, as the young Thornwells often have to rely on one-another during their more shady trades.

Common Regular proficiencies
  • Short Swords (+5 due to culture)​
  • Naval Admiralty​
  • Naval Command​
  • Commanding Speech​
  • Battle Command​
  • Sneaking​
  • Quick Fingers​
  • Forgery​
  • Syndicate Contacts​
  • Diplomacy​
  • Commerce​

Common Cultural proficiencies
  • Architecture​
  • Carving​
  • Ship Sailing​

Family Members


Deceased / Avaliable / Played

  • Havel Thornwell, Deceased
  • Rosabeth Thornwell, 84
    • Jeremiah Thornwell, 61
    • Franny Thornwell, Deceased
  • Alden Thornwell, 38 - [Link] - @Optimalfriskies - A ruthlessly efficient and skilled Admiral.
  • Anne Thornwell (Divorced), 39
  • Richard Thornwell, 20 - @Milkqy - An aspiring Viridian knight a few months shy of graduating.
  • Heather Thornwell, 35 - [Link] - @TrashCanFicus

  • Harris Thornwell, 33 - A brilliant Viridian Knight with a lengthy carreer.
  • Antony Thornwell, Deceased
  • Grace Thornwell nee Mayer, Deceased
  • Byron Thornwell, Deceased

  • Phoebe Thornwell, 53
  • Celestria Orataure nee Thornwell, 28 - @Femma
  • Frey Orataure, 10 - NPC


Applications are
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Application format
  • IGN:
  • Previous approved character applications:
  • How much time do you spend on Massivecraft weekly?:
  • Do you have Discord?:
  • References:
  • Character you're applying for:
  • Short description of the character:
  • Roleplay strengths and weaknesses:
  • Past family experience:
Last edited:
  • IGN: NameBadge
  • Previous approved character applications:
  • How much time do you spend on Massivecraft weekly?: Depends on work and server population. Average... 21 hours; 3 hours a day at least?
  • Do you have Discord?: Yep. SnugglyKittens#0797
  • References: I mean, Yourself and Battle, if I needed one?
  • Character you're applying for: Gwendolyn Thornwell
  • Short description of the character:
    • One of the younger Thornwells, Gwen sought guidence from those around her, and often turned to her uncles and aunts to seek approval or suggestion into what she might be doing. She had been raised around a love for sailing and as such, had happily joined the school of Captaincy at what age she could, having been supported by existing kin. An only child to now deceased parents, Gwen found herself craving more time with her remaining family members, and looked to prove she could be an asset to the family, despite her young age or her gender. It was likely that she lacked a certain refining that only mothers could offer, but one was not without faults. When it came to hobbies, likes and dislikes, Gwen was likely found reading. She had a love for books; stories or history or other varying texts. She also found dancing quite enjoyable. Personality wise, Gwen was very impressionable, and often mimiked those of her kin who she shadowed.
  • Roleplay strengths and weaknesses:
    • Weaknesses: Your very typical lack of concentration in busy settings. Also not a huge fan of slums RP.
    • Strengths: I like combat RP.
  • Past family experience:
    • Started Massivecraft about a year ago and have had only one major character; Sizzle, who is part of d'Vaud and Ravenstad. I've helped to prganise and plan and maintain d'Vaud with Crines as best I can over the past year.
  • IGN: NameBadge
  • Previous approved character applications:
  • How much time do you spend on Massivecraft weekly?: Depends on work and server population. Average... 21 hours; 3 hours a day at least?
  • Do you have Discord?: Yep. SnugglyKittens#0797
  • References: I mean, Yourself and Battle, if I needed one?
  • Character you're applying for: Gwendolyn Thornwell
  • Short description of the character:
    • One of the younger Thornwells, Gwen sought guidence from those around her, and often turned to her uncles and aunts to seek approval or suggestion into what she might be doing. She had been raised around a love for sailing and as such, had happily joined the school of Captaincy at what age she could, having been supported by existing kin. An only child to now deceased parents, Gwen found herself craving more time with her remaining family members, and looked to prove she could be an asset to the family, despite her young age or her gender. It was likely that she lacked a certain refining that only mothers could offer, but one was not without faults. When it came to hobbies, likes and dislikes, Gwen was likely found reading. She had a love for books; stories or history or other varying texts. She also found dancing quite enjoyable. Personality wise, Gwen was very impressionable, and often mimiked those of her kin who she shadowed.
  • Roleplay strengths and weaknesses:
    • Weaknesses: Your very typical lack of concentration in busy settings. Also not a huge fan of slums RP.
    • Strengths: I like combat RP.
  • Past family experience:
    • Started Massivecraft about a year ago and have had only one major character; Sizzle, who is part of d'Vaud and Ravenstad. I've helped to prganise and plan and maintain d'Vaud with Crines as best I can over the past year.
  • IGN: Milkqy
  • Previous approved character applications:
    I have more, but Nienna Soryn is my best as of this time.
  • How much time do you spend on Massivecraft weekly?: From 6- 12 weekdays (Sometimes earlier) and a lot during weekend days.
  • Do you have Discord?: You have it~!
  • References: Dreamaxia , Trashcanfiscus, Wolfiecat940
  • Character you're applying for: Richard Thornwell
  • Short description of the character: I believe you told me everything was pre-written, which im 100% alright with.
  • Roleplay strengths and weaknesses: I'm weak when it comes to grammar, though I can manage. I struggle at certain times with some spelling as well though it isn't common. My strengths are character development and design, adding personality to characters and overall emoting with good descriptions.
  • Past family experience: House Silevon and House Norwood before they stopped being active.
  • IGN: Milkqy
  • Previous approved character applications:
    I have more, but Nienna Soryn is my best as of this time.
  • How much time do you spend on Massivecraft weekly?: From 6- 12 weekdays (Sometimes earlier) and a lot during weekend days.
  • Do you have Discord?: You have it~!
  • References: Dreamaxia , Trashcanfiscus, Wolfiecat940
  • Character you're applying for: Richard Thornwell
  • Short description of the character: I believe you told me everything was pre-written, which im 100% alright with.
  • Roleplay strengths and weaknesses: I'm weak when it comes to grammar, though I can manage. I struggle at certain times with some spelling as well though it isn't common. My strengths are character development and design, adding personality to characters and overall emoting with good descriptions.
  • Past family experience: House Silevon and House Norwood before they stopped being active.
  • IGN: @WrongChat
  • Previously approved character applications: A lot.
  • How much time do you spend on Massivecraft weekly?: Few hours.
  • Do you have Discord?: You have it.
  • References: We've roleplayed a lot, I'm sure you have some sort of idea of my abilities.
  • Character you're applying for: Richard Thornwell.
  • Short description of the character: Men who live in containment for the entirety of their youth, don't become men- this was an early realization for Richard Thornwell, though he was months away from graduating the man contemplated why he was truly there. As young adults are, stupid, hysterically rebellious, and overbearingly confident Richard left the academy without notice to his family or friends… he seemingly disappeared as he truly was free for the first time in his life, he could be anyone and do anything. Finally experiencing life beyond stone walls and training routines, his family were devastated by the absence of Richard, so much so that when they caught wind of him spending his days within Girobalda they barely even paid attention to his absence due to the the pure grief the family went through- letting him do what he wanted the family soon forgot he was a Thornwell at all, until a few months after he turned twenty, the man moved back toward home hesitantly. Moving back to Regalia has been awkward for the whole of the family. (Any of this can be changed to your liking).
  • Roleplay strengths and weaknesses: I'd say communication and creating an interesting narrative within the family.
  • Past family experience: Norrvakts mainly. Though a lot of other smaller houses.
but which side of the crisis?
  • IGN: @WrongChat
  • Previously approved character applications: A lot.
  • How much time do you spend on Massivecraft weekly?: Few hours.
  • Do you have Discord?: You have it.
  • References: We've roleplayed a lot, I'm sure you have some sort of idea of my abilities.
  • Character you're applying for: Richard Thornwell.
  • Short description of the character: Men who live in containment for the entirety of their youth, don't become men- this was an early realization for Richard Thornwell, though he was months away from graduating the man contemplated why he was truly there. As young adults are, stupid, hysterically rebellious, and overbearingly confident Richard left the academy without notice to his family or friends… he seemingly disappeared as he truly was free for the first time in his life, he could be anyone and do anything. Finally experiencing life beyond stone walls and training routines, his family were devastated by the absence of Richard, so much so that when they caught wind of him spending his days within Girobalda they barely even paid attention to his absence due to the the pure grief the family went through- letting him do what he wanted the family soon forgot he was a Thornwell at all, until a few months after he turned twenty, the man moved back toward home hesitantly. Moving back to Regalia has been awkward for the whole of the family. (Any of this can be changed to your liking).
  • Roleplay strengths and weaknesses: I'd say communication and creating an interesting narrative within the family.
  • Past family experience: Norrvakts mainly. Though a lot of other smaller houses.
The character is played, would you like to apply for another one?
  • IGN: TeenySeaTrash
  • Previously approved character applications: Ke'wince Gavenmore, Gllo'jjiëa Corr
  • How much time do you spend on Massivecraft weekly?: This last week not much due to exams, but I should start getting a few hours a day, varying on weekends
  • Do you have Discord?: Yes
  • References: Milkqy, Eldershrub
  • Character you're applying for: Heather Thornwell
  • Short description of the character: Heather is a strong-willed woman with the determination to meet her aspirations. Her heart of gold is a cherry-on-top, doing what is right. With an affinity for Naval-esque professions, she attended the school of Captaincy. She wants to do whats best for her family in terms of status and well-being, helping with the family business as needed.
  • Roleplay strengths and weaknesses: I have trouble initiating RP, though I can typically relate to the character to bring them to life, creating a better character when I get into a conversation.
  • Past family experience: None
  • IGN: TeenySeaTrash
  • Previously approved character applications: Ke'wince Gavenmore, Gllo'jjiëa Corr
  • How much time do you spend on Massivecraft weekly?: This last week not much due to exams, but I should start getting a few hours a day, varying on weekends
  • Do you have Discord?: Yes
  • References: Milkqy, Eldershrub
  • Character you're applying for: Heather Thornwell
  • Short description of the character: Heather is a strong-willed woman with the determination to meet her aspirations. Her heart of gold is a cherry-on-top, doing what is right. With an affinity for Naval-esque professions, she attended the school of Captaincy. She wants to do whats best for her family in terms of status and well-being, helping with the family business as needed.
  • Roleplay strengths and weaknesses: I have trouble initiating RP, though I can typically relate to the character to bring them to life, creating a better character when I get into a conversation.
  • Past family experience: None
Pop me a message via Discord @ Optimalfriskies#4318 so we can discuss the idea