Blue Blood Noble Family House Rhodris


The Watcher
Apr 22, 2014
Reaction score
The Mitten





House Rhodris is a longstanding Breizh family hailing from the lands of Kintyr. They are renowned stonemasons within the lands, claiming responsibility for the upkeep of countless strongholds within the entire region. As infighting within Kintyr remains ever-constant, the Rhodris name has been on the rise with their more recent involvement alongside the Petty Kings. Sonmes is where they call home, in the lands of Tirrdwr: "Lands of the Watchers."


The Rhodris family believe deeply in the Dydd y Farn - The Doomsday Prophecy. This stems from their persistent involvement in the Aelriggan Order, of which they claim to have helped in the refoundation of 270 AC. Every Patriarch across many generations of House Rhodris has maintained steadfast loyalty for the Emperor and their Petty Kings, earning their stay as low nobility by answering every call ever made of them. They are predominantly Unionist, with scarce notes of members worshiping Fornoss and Draconic religion.


House Rhodris has only ever been heard of within the Capital when they are called upon, despite only ever being just across the bay from Regalia. Rumors about such a fact varied from mundane to extravagant; That the Rhodris were afraid of water, to rumors that the Azure Order had learned how to keep Dathonair from entering the city unless wanted by the Emperor - And that one House Rhodris must have had deep connections to them. Alas, 312 AC marks the break of this 'curse': The House Rhodris has landed in the Capital on their own terms.

House Information

Head of House
Count Emyr Rhodris.
House Sigil
A Hooded Crow.
House Colors
Steel Blue, Burgundy and Deep Brown, Primary.
Silver, Black, Minor.
House Words
"May you be warned."
Castle Tŷr y Lleuad within the barony of Caerdydd, province of Sonmes.
Wealth and Trade
Stonemasonry, Major Source.
Taxes, Major Source.
Coal, Major Source.
Agriculture, Minor Source.
Kintyr Petty Kings Coffers, Minor Source.
Moral Values
Loyalty, Integrity, Pride.
Political Stance
Conservative despite pro-Occult progressive leanings.

History Summary

Many generations of House Rhodris claim notable history that has yet to be written and confirmed: These tales, fables, and rumors date before their first footnote in history, dating before 100 AC. The Rhodris hold a strong belief in family involvement with the longstanding history of the Aelriggan Order, that the descendants of one Bryn 'Cynbelaur', a follower of the Weards of Eirlys considered a 'chief of light.' Minor, aspiring historians comment that this is why the House Rhodris so passionately believes in the Dydd y Farn, as belief is held that their bloodline travels as far back as the heralded meeting of three religions.
House Rhodris was first penned in history on April 14th, 122 AC. They are the descendants of the famed Meilyr Rhodris: An honor-bound warrior renowned for his swordsmanship and command in battle. Amidst the many loyalists, he flew strides above the common man, serving as a claimed pivotal military figure in beating back the Skagger Horde - A multitude of times. His hard work did not go unnoticed, garnering the attention of the Blessed Henri III. Meilyr was bestowed the barony of Caerdydd along Tirdwrr, serving as a faithful watcher of the shores of Kintyr that stood across from the wild Drixagh.
Meilyr, and his two generations of descendants to follow, dutifully served both Blessed Henri III and Lilienmar III in the war against the Skagger Horde. Both of the latter two generations, Barons Alwyn & later Osian, voraciously agreed with Emperor Lilienmar's open opinion of the destruction of the Velheim north. As the strength of the idea waned, so too did the power of House Rhodris. Their military might was their strong suit, and so when the days of the Skagger Horde ended they fell into a stagnant era. The Rhodris were only noted in history for their offspring becoming strong military officers.

House Rhodris reappears in the history books around 220 AC, in the reign of Handorien II. The Breizhmen had continued their stagnant yet stable family practice of producing strong military commanders. This came to fruition as the Purple Bleeding occurred in Regalian history, where the current patriarch of Rhodris at the time, Baron Aeron Rhodris I, reaffirmed his loyalty to the Emperor and engaged tirelessly in the military suppression of anti-imperial sentiments. This marked as much a dark time in the Rhodris's personal history as it did the Empire, as it was a time that forced the House into a self-preservation mode for its survival amongst the many fallen noble houses. They rose to a County at this time, and Count Aeron I pledged to work for the acts he had done following the Purple Bleeding.

In the aftermath of the Purple Bleeding, and three generations following the end of the Skagger Horde, House Rhodris forcibly inserted themselves into the ever-consistent infighting of Kintyr. This was not as a military House, however; instead, Count Aeron I made true to his pledge: The House Rhodris would begin to work at restoring the aging and damaged strongholds of Kintyr. They both trained their offspring and hired the most famous of stonemasons they could to begin the long, arduous process to come. House Rhodris isn't noted to make any significant impact in the history books of Kintyr for generations to come, as they worked both honestly and earnestly to regain honor lost during the era of Count Aeron I. These generations of patriarchs are held in high regard by all Rhodris, as they returned their House to the rightful, honorable image they all are proud to belong to. Numerous amounts of strongholds rose on the map of Kintyr due to the hardwork of these Patriarch and their workforce, including Tŷr y Lleuad, where the family now resides. House Rhodris soon became one of the powerhouses of stone masonry within the Breizhmen region and used the notoriety to pledge to one of the stronger Petty Kings of Kintyr. One Meilyr Rhodris II is credited for reaffirming the House as one of military and might in 252 AC, entering the infighting of Kintyr once more.

In 270 AC, the House Rhodris name reappears within minor history books alongside the rise of the Aelriggan Order. Meilyr Rhodris II, who pledged to one of the major Ducal (Petty King) families of Kintyr, assisted in the creation and formation of the Knightly Order, however minor his work may be credited. Meilyr II offered his secondborn to the order like the Ducal families had done so long ago with the Dathonair initially - Jac Rhodris II. As years went on, the presently living Scurlock Rhodris took up the patriarchy in 281 AC. Unlike the other Rhodrises, Scurlock held much more political ambition within Kintyr. After what was considered years of neutrality, Scurlock grew more involved in the infighting of Kintyr. He quietly began to pledge fealty to multiple sides of the infighting, using the position in attempts to garner numerous alliances.

This piled up, and in 295 AC all of Scurlock's work swept up into a flurry of action. He declared an illegal casus belli on an Anglian province neighboring Kintyr: Riddere. It was lacking any true historical ties that Rhodris held to the region, and the multiple vassal pledges Scurlock made all came into the limelight. The aspiring politician dragged multiple Breizh Dukes into a 'war', which did not turn out as he planned. The Dukes gave Scurlock no support, and instead thrown to the wolves as he was used in the hasty negotiations to squash the attempt. Scurlock was forced to abdicate from his position as a result of his politicking, lacking an heir, and thrusting his brother Jac Rhodris II into the position of Baron of Sonmes. It's been recorded that Scurlock Rhodris turned towards Unionism to redeem both the House and himself in the eyes of the public.

Lord Jac II restored the name of House Rhodris quickly, primarily as a result of his tenure as an Aelriggan Knight. He was renowned amongst them as an honorable, compassionate Knight who quickly put a good light on the family name. He pledged House Rhodris to numerous wars to come, such as the Ranger Crisis, L'Elvellen War, to the Dread War. His military efforts were taken positively from the population of Kintyr, and it would soon be his downfall. Rumors have spread that the late lord Jac II suffered a devastating curse during the Dread War, one that he carried slowly for four years, until his untimely demise. He is succeeded by his son, Emyr Rhodris, whom lord Jac II had pledged to the Aelriggan Order before becoming the Baron (and later Count, largely in part of his military efforts) of Sonmes. Count Emyr is recorded as the first Aelriggan Knight heir in Rhodris family history.


The Main Line

Jac Rhodris II, 262 AC - 311 AC [ NPC ]
The late Count of Sonmes, who died in his bed in early 311 AC. He was a renowned Knight of the Aelriggan Order, having earned reputation among his brother-in-arms for his compassion and discipline. He was an active, peacekeeping Lord that worked to keep the constant Kintyr infighting from breaking into all-out wars. Rumors are that his death was of a terrible curse.

Síomha Rhodris, 264 AC - Present [ NPC ]
The widow of House Rhodris following Jac's death. She is a Fornoss Worshipping noblewoman hailing from the province of Mull. The mother of the main line married into the family to keep Kintyr border tensions from breaking into a small, localized war between Breizh and Clannadh Alba counties.

Emyr Rhodris I, 287 AC - Present [ @BeashSlap ]
The current Patriarch of House Rhodris. He is the eldest son of the late Jac, following in his father's footsteps as Aelriggan Knight. Emyr is one of the newest arrivals to the political scene of Regalia, having been absent from the public eye of Kintyr, only seen in the privacy of local lords' homes, ever since being entitled his County.

Unnamed Rhodris, 288 AC - Present [23]
A currently available sister of the Rhodris bloodline.

Reunan Rhodris, 289 AC - Present [ @xX_OliverOnly_Xx ]
The youngest of the Rhodris mainline. Reunan is a Viridian Knight of the Eulenburg Chapter, having spent the last 8 years within the Calem regions. He is a chivalrous and gregarious man who dedicates his life to protecting the innocent and upholding the law.
Other Notable Rhodris & Court

Scurlock Rhodris, 255 AC - Present [ @Testlo ]
A zealot Armageddon-Unionist Reverend, who faced a scandal early into his rule in 278 AC. Such an event would make the Rhodris take up the robes, and pass the Patriarchy to the late Jac II. Uncle to the current Patriarch, brother of Jac Rhodris II.

Ilyaatz Bel-Ceïgrann, Court Mage of House Rhodris [ @Jouster ]
Known as 'Bairn of Haar' among the local Breizhman, Ilyaatz is both a well-traveled and well-educated scholar among all things arcane. He went under servitude for House Rhodris following a cooperative mission including him, Mist Wardens, and those of the family. It was a meeting between the late Jac Rhodris II and Ilyaatz that brought him under the family's wing in the late Count's favor.


If you are interested in joining House Rhodris, know that only one mainline spot is available: The sister. Cousins/Uncles/Aunts are available, but I will be picky as I do not wish for many Rhodris to be running around.

The Court of House Rhodris is almost always recruiting. Ask me on discord, but expect to usually find Emyr in-game to express your interest - Or he may express such to you.

Message me on discord (@Beash) with your interest and ideas.

Thank you Mantareya for your peer review (:
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