House Of Brilonde


capturing hearts with a butterfly net.
Sep 23, 2016
Reaction score






Motto: L'esperance du salut - "The hope of salvation"
Culture: Breizh
Values: Strength, Will, Influence
Lordship: Brilonde
Title: County
Current Leader: Matriarch Renaire of Brilonde​

Sigil: An angel of war descending from the heavens to greet a lost soldier in
his most desperate hour.
Colors: Cobalt and Silver
Religion: Unionist.
Trade: The art of war. All the way from swords, to medicine, to outfitting.


MALES: The of Brilonde men often have an inescapable air of intimidation and might.
Their builds are often muscular and beyond from the mandatory training, every then-boy
would have to endure from a young age, though the odd scholar may rear his head on
occasion. Stark, black hair and blue eyes are the most prominent palette within all the
men, but it isn't unheard of for cousins and the like to don lighter, warmer shades of brown
hair and green eyes. These colours paired with strong, sharp facial features are sights most
worthy of note. Considering their upbringing - one of gruelling activity on both their corporal
strength and intellect, they cannot help but feel much more knowledgeable than others which
induces aggressive and vain behaviours. Those men who managed to escape from pursuits within
the military, however, are often found more sagely and queer, though the traits of coldness are inescapable.

FEMALES: The of Brilonde women find themselves greatly similar to their male counterparts,
as most had been raised with swords in their hands all the same. Leniency towards their
choices concerning careers can be noted, however, for their bodies can range all the way
from slim, to plump, to muscular. The ladies are tall creatures which hold the same
homogenous raven hair and striking azure eyes, colouring visages that were seemingly
taken straight from sculptures. Though the further the relation is to the core members of
the family, the more you are likely to feast your eyes upon wheat browns and other, lighter
colours. They behave and work in ways which may seem austere and boastful to the common
outsider, but are built on rigour and triumph which numb their outward expression. Taught
and told everything from homemaking to the rare commanding, a woman of Brilonde is entirely shaped from her own motivations.



Blue - Played
Green - Open
Grey - Unavailable
Red - Deceased
Purple - Open under stipulation.


Gregair of Brilonde (58) - Brother of Philard and Albus, husband to Claudianne.
Claudianne of Brilonde (54) - Wife of Gregair.
Arthane of Brilonde (37) - Eldest son of Gregair, former Patriarch.
Mikhael of Brilonde (35) - Second-born to Gregair.
Eddair of Brilonde (26) - The third, yet proudest son. Acomplished great things.
Maudtirre of Brilonde (25) - Daughter of Gregair, twin to Jeanair.
Jeanair of Brilonde (25) - Son of Gregair, twin to Maudtirre.
Renaire of Brilonde (21) - Youngest Daughter, Matriarch. @bewitchings

Albus of Brilonde (41) - Brother of Gregair and Philard- @Svyatogorye
Possible bastards.
Philard of Brilonde (55) - Brother of Gregair and Albus, husband to Delindie of Brilonde.
Delindie of Brilonde (49) - Wife of Philard, mother of Alinaire, Selintirre, and Ophedie.
Alinaire of Brilonde (19) - Terror triplet.
Selintirre of Brilonde (19) - Terror triplet.
Ophedie of Brilonde (19) - Terror triplet.

Tentyr of Brilonde (48) - Brother of Allegridie and Isatirre, husband to Tristaire.
Tristaire of Brilonde (46) - Mother of Stephyr and Augustirre, wife of Tentyr.
Augustirre of Brilonde (26) - Daughter of Tristaire and Tentyr.​
Allegridie of Brilonde (45) - Sister of Tentyr and Isatirre. Married to swords.
Isatirre of Brilonde (43) - Sister of Tentyr and Allegridie, wife of Apolthane.
Nevard of Brilonde (46) - Father of Phebetirre and Saredael, husband of Isatirre.
Phebetirre of Brilonde (17) - Daughter of Nevard and Isatirre, sister to Saredael.
Saredael of Brilonde (25) - Son of Nevard and Isatirre, brother to Phebetirre.

Leuthane of Brilonde (48) - Son of Clovael, husband to Louidie.
Louidie of Brilonde (43)- Wife of Leuthane, mother to Ceudard and Caianne.
Ceudard of Brilonde (26) - Son of Leuthane and Louidie, brother of Caianne. @Banard
Caianne of Brilonde (35) - Daughter of Leuthane and Louidie, sister of Ceudard. @dulcissima
Elletirre of Brilonde (44) - Cousin of Leuthane, wife to Galdard.
Galdard of Brilonde (50) - Husband of Elletirre, father to Yulardenne and Victael.
Yulardenne of Brilonde (27) - Daughter of Elletirre and Galdard, sister of Victael.
Victael of Brilonde (26) - Son of Victael and Elletirre, brother of Yulardenne.
If you wish to play a Brilonde, feel free to contact my discord (bewitchings#1738) with a small
concept in mind and we'll be sure to work it out from there.

Same goes for staff! We'll happily take servants/guards/etc.​
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I can't tell which character is available for what, the contrast of colors isn't particularly high.