House Of Batunoglu


That Guy
Nov 14, 2014
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  • Name Meaning: Batunoglu roughly translates to "son of Batu" in the Guneyce language, with the House's founder Mustafa naming the line after his father Batu.
  • Race: Ailor
  • Culture: Guneyliler
  • Religion: Ibadet
  • Family Trade: Military, Pottery
  • Location: Regalia and Sendras
  • Status: Commoner
Brief History
The ancestors of the House Batunoglu began as lowly commoners living in the Guneyliler Empire in Sendras, eventually finding a manageable family trade as potters and craftsmen. At this point in time, the house was nonexistent due to lack of both notable status and family name due to the Guneyliler culture being entirely unfamiliar with the concept of surnames. Their fate would change under Mustafa Bey, whose parents had sent him away to Regalia to train as a Bloodcast Knight and hopefully find a better life for himself. While in Regalia, Mustafa learned more about the world outside of Sendras and slowly began forming ideas outside of the norms of his homeland. Deciding to take on more Regalian standards, Mustafa broke with Guneyli naming tradition by adopting a surname and founding the House of Batunoglu in honor of his father, but still kept to his Guneyliler cultural roots. Though mostly viewed as strangers from a strange land, the Batunoglus work to faithfully aid the Regalian Empire while still staying true to their Ibadet faith.

Family Traits
Physical Traits
  • Due to their purely Guneyliler heritage from Sendras, the Batunoglus almost uniformly have tan skin and dark hair, though their eye colors can include various shades of brown and green. Average male height is between 5'5" to 6'0", while women range from 5'2" to 5'8".
Family Values
  • Charity - The law of zakat is ingrained into the mindset of the Batunoglus, with the house head instructing family members to give to those in need and always remember their own once impoverished roots.
  • Piety - Batunoglus are solidly Ibadet, following the writings of the Prophet Mergen with albeit varying degrees of dedication. Shame is brought on those who waver in their Ibadet belief or turn away from the mercy of the almighty Yaradan.
  • Discipline - Untrained minds and wills are the instruments to one's downfall, with both male and female Batunoglus encouraged to perfect their emotional and mental composure to overcome future challenges, while also avoiding those vices such as alcohol and debauchery that can make one lethargic or sinful.

Write-in characters for all branches of the family are acceptable, though mainline or personal children will be more closely discussed. I'm keeping the family line open for the sake of flexibility and character creativity.

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