House Culture: Gallovian
House Religion: Unionism/Old Gods
House Seat: Sturnworth Castle, Penfork
House Title Level: County
House Colors: Forest Green, Black, Silver
House Motto: "We Hold The Wall"
House Values: Loyalty, Perseverance,
House Political Stance: Centre-Right
House Foreign Policy: Interventionist
Sworn Banners: House Duyne, Clan Cuilarne, Clan Korgin, Clan Locke, Clan Persey, Clan Dumnall, Clan Macgille, Clan Waters
Physical Features
Males: The men of House Norinn typically stand between 5'8 - 6'4. Their build can vary depending on educational background. Males often undergo exhaustive physical training and are known to be stout and broad-shouldered. Their hair is commonly on the browner scale accompanying their blue and green eyes.
Females: The women of House Norinn are usually at a height between 5'5 - 5'11. The women are generally educated on navigating the complex avenues of courtly politics and as such will have slimmer builds as compared with men. Though warrior women are not so uncommon with the Norinns. Hair and eye color mirror that of Norinn men, of course.
Family Holdings
Penfork is a riverside town which sports a sizable harbour. It is best known for its shipbuilding and being a hub for trade in the north, positioned en route to the Crown Isle.
Sturnworth Castle is the hilltop fortress which began as a motte and bailey for early Norinn rulers. The castle overlooks Penfork town and the River Penn, still serving as the home of the Norinn family.
Bannickburgh Castle was taken during the reign of King Oswyn I and established as a royal highland fortress, protecting the western roads to Penfork. The castle is headquarters for House Norinn's Edmuirrian Knights, chiefly Blackmarks.
Chief Utridd I "Bear-Scourger" ? BC - 18 AC
Records remain uncertain as to the exact origins of House Norinn, though the family commonly holds that their earliest ancestors escaped Old Ceardia and travelled to the north of the Regalian Archipelago, past the white cliffs of Armendhale, and up the River Penn, where they settled. Norinn, an ancient name, has never had its etymology fully unraveled. Some believe it to mean 'Northern Settlers' or 'North Keepers', though many hold it to have a meaning more ancient than the Archipelago's settlement, finding its root in Old Ceardia. The earliest accredited primogenitor is a man whose origins are similarly disputed. A large grizzly of a man believed to have been called 'Utridd, Chief of the Cliffs' And 'Protector of the Penn' by other, more modern, accounts. Utridd was more famously known by locals as 'Bear-Scourger' for his bold encounter with a Gallovian Black Bear, in which he miraculously both survived and killed the bear, forever donning its pelt as a symbol of pride. Despite the loss of an eye and disfigurement of his face, Utridd went on to solidify the Norinn legacy by defeating other local clans and annexing their holds into that of Clan Norinn, bringing the province under their control.
Chief Kinnred I "Bard-Hide" 18 AC - 28 AC
Kinnred Norinn ruled ruthlessly over the Pennlands, devasting local crops and slaughtering anyone to stand in his way when it came to dealing with opponents. Through ruling with an iron fist, he accomplished nothing more than resentment from many of his subjects, though was a feared and versed champion of his warrior class whom enjoyed many privileges under Kinnred's rule. After ten years of violent conquest, Kinnred was slain in battle by a rival clan, the Cuilarnes of Tal Moranh.
King Oswyn I "The Wise" 28 AC - 55 AC
For all his faults, if there was one thing Kinnred did well it was establish a dynasty that was feared and known. This attracted interest from throughout Clannadh Alba and sealed an alliance with Clan Blarach of the Western Shore through marriage. Oswyn, eldest son to Kinnred, had long shunned his father's ways. Immediately, he set to building rather than destroying and began the conversion of Sturnworth Castle from the wooden fort it was to a mighty fortress of stone. Oswyn also improved and expanded Penfork, envisioning his projects to befit kingship. The marriage to Lillias Blarach, the most powerful family west of the lochs, meant the Norinn dynasty was properly secure. Oswyn and Lillias had numerous children themselves, with many being used to cement alliances with other prominent clans. The Cuilarnes of Tal Moranh posed the largest threat to Norinn-Blarach hegemony. Oswyn met them in battle in 34 AC at Weirgost, before seizing their seat, Bannickburgh Castle, forcing the Cuilarnes to bend the knee. Oswyn had already begun to modernize Clannadh Alba to the best of his ability, admiring much of what the Regalian Empire had trailblazed and adopting it for the clans. Oswyn established similarly, a system of noble titleage with respect to Gallovian customs and brought the court system up to speed. With the unification of Norinn and Blarach holdings, Clannadh Alba was united, and thus, King Oswyn Norinn styled himself "King of the Albas" with his wife made queen with roughly equal powers despite pressure from neighbors for a fully patriarchal model. Lillias was actually known more for her martial abilities than Oswyn was, who preferred to oversee the economy and legal processes. The greatest challenge Oswyn and Lillias faced was from the Skaggers who had begun to greatly encroach on Alban territory. They already possessed a foothold on the coastal islands and were blocking trade from Penfork to the Regalian Heartland. The Blarach fleet was dispatched to meet them alongside some Penfork vessels, marking the Battle of Cinwy Waters. This marked a crucial victory against the Skaggers, but could not keep them at bay forever.
King Lenmund I "The Follied" 55 AC - 83 AC
Following Oswyn's death, the Alban crown passed to Lenmund. Under Oswyn, the Albas had enjoyed relative peace and stability. It was expected Lenmund would build on his father's legacy and expand the Albas into the islands, but this was not to be. Barely a year into Lenmund's reign, his elder sister, Caoimhe, felt betrayed by the fact Oswyn did not honor her mother's wishes and pass the crown to her as eldest. She cast off the name Norinn and instead reclaimed her mother's, regaining Atherdin and all Blarach holdings which eagerly supported her cause. From there, she declared herself "Queen of the West" and pressed her claim for independence from the Albas. This infuriated Lenmund who called his banners to war. Luckily for him, his father had spent valuable resources securing the loyalty of numerous Alban clans including the Korgins, Lockes, Perseys, Dumnalls, and Macgilles. Both factions amassed large, expensive armies for the war for the highlands, at first scoring a few castles from each other, seeing Lenmund had favored political odds. Lenmund's ruthless treatment of surrendering clans saw a shift of loyalties in the contested provinces though, and defections left his army isolated from supplies. This is where his sister, Queen Caoimhe Blarach, met him in the field and after several long hours of fighting, defeated the Norinn at the "Battle of the Burning Wood" named for the forest and hamlet of Scailin which caught fire during the carnage. This battle saw the Norinns and their bannermen in full retreat and Lenmund captured by Caoihme, being forced to surrender to her demands. Lenmund returned to Penfork a disgraced king, though maintained the title. However, in his surrender he ceded full control of the Albas, thus becoming merely "King of the Penn".
King Kinnred II "The Cunning" 83 AC - 99 AC
Kinnred II inherited the dilemmas of his father. Penfork had been starved of trade from Skagger conquests, no longer having the Blarach fleet to intervene, and the honor of the Norinn clan had not been repaired since the Burning Wood, suffering nothing but defeats from the Skagger and their unruly subordinate clans. Kinnred opted to seek marriage for his own children outside the usual sphere of Gallovian politics, marrying his heir to a Velheim by the name of Anora, an ancestor of House Krupp. Kinnred aimed to treat with the Skaggers, using means of diplomacy to turn them against each other and forge alliances with those who proved the most benefit. This allowed trade to return to Penfork, with income used to rebuild the Norinn army and form a fleet. While he was known to be a man of much planning, Kinnred contracted a passing disease and died before he could see the turn of the century.
Duke Roddric I "The Brazen" 99 AC - 116 AC
Roddric's rule as King of the Penn did not survive as long as he'd hoped. The political maneuvering of his father to sate the Skagger warbands did not last, and before long they were engaging in raids and open warfare with Penfork. Alas, the Regalian Empire had also been at the brunt of their raids and had already begun campaigns north. House Blarach of Atherdin proved itself an ally of the Regalian Empire and successfully warred against the Skaggers, submitting to Regalian rule and being bountifully rewarded for their sacrifice. Roddric was not so keen to forego Norinn kingship though, and first led troops against the combined Regalian forces. The first few months went smoothly until the Empire was fully aware of the Norinn presence. This prompted them to send a larger army which defeated the Norinn force at the "Battle of Camduin's Plain". Roddric managed to escape the field with a quarter of his army remaining and bolstered themselves at Sturnworth. Penfork had recently suffered a catastrophic raid from Skaggers while the Norinn fleet was away, and Roddric was pressured to admit defeat by his advisors. Graciously, in bending the knee, Emperor Leomar I respected Roddric's military traditions and allowed him to keep his holdings as Duke of the Northmark and the Penn. It was Roddric who would coin Norinn's Words "We Hold The Wall" referencing the literary boundary against the Skagger Hordes in Clannadh Alba.
Duke Lenmund II "The Old" 116 AC - 136 AC
Lenmund was born the second son to Roddric and was not intended for greatness. His elder brother, Osric, refused the throne, instead preferring to venture the seas in search of lost artifacts. Lenmund was faithful to the Old Gods, particularly those Norinn had favored for years, like Bard, and dedicated many worship places to them. Lenmund did not care for military matters, though occasionally delegated to his sons the task of expelling the Skaggers from the isles to keep the Regalians satisfied.
Archduke Edmuirr I "Holy Sword" 136 - 169 AC
Lenmund's elder sons were both killed by Skaggers on the island of Hourn, with Lenmund himself passing shortly after to old age. This left a very young Edmuirr, Lenmund's youngest son, the duchy, with only his mother and advisors to guide him. One of such advisors was a Unionist missionary who had been permitted close proximity to the Duke's family by his mother and political pressures from the capital at the time. Edmuirr would be the first Norinn to spend a lot of time in the Regalian capital and at Basta for education. There, he would adopt the Unionist faith and return to Penfork a young man. The Regency Council was actually relieved to see him returned because several riots had broken out over the identity of Edmuirr's mother as a Unionist. Edmuirr responded by quickly putting down his own subjects and forcefully converting them to Unionism. This only spurred more outrage, causing Edmuirr to invite foreign knights from Basta and Vixhall to crush the revolts. This was the introduction of Regalian knights to Norinn society, seeing them commemorated for their strength and duty to the Everwatcher. These knights would be given status permanently in Penfork as "Knights of the Bear" or the Knights of the Edmuirrian Order more formally. The Edmuirrians were settled in Bannickburgh Castle, established as their headquarters and from there on used to crush any Old Gods riots against Unionist authority in Penfork. Edmuirr did not stop there, tearing down every Old Gods grove of worship including those built by his ancestors. For his faith and devotion to the Empire, and worst treatment of Skagger bands, Edmuirr was made an Archduke, and served a great deal of time at court with various positions.
Archduchess Elswith I "The Careful" 169 AC - 192 AC
Edmuirr was not known to be fond of women and only sired two girls later in life. When Elswith, the eldest of the two, assumed the Archduchy, a rift was furthered between her and the rest of the Norinns, most of whom keeping to the Old Gods. Elswith was determined to keep them in line, though preferred to use more subtle means. She lessened the penalties her father had cemented and paved the way for free religious exercise in the Archduchy. Miraculously, she kept all knives at bay, and carried out the last push against the Skagger Horde, doubling the amount of Norinn soldiers sent to the Regalian Army.
Archduke Lenmund III "The Headstrong" 192 AC - 216 AC
Lenmund not only furthered the focuses of his mother but outright threw off Unionism altogether and reembraced the Old Gods. While applauded by most his subjects, this resulted in Lenmund's reign being characterized by instability. By 216 AC, the Regalian Empire was experiencing the consequences of the Purple Bleeding. While Penfork's merchants were minimally involved in the lending, Lenmund knew an opportunity when he saw one. He was not particularly fond of his treatment at court, particularly for his anti-Unionist tendencies, and felt the best way to stunt his political rivals was by meeting the moment to declare open rebellion against the Regalian State. Lenmund adorned the ancient Norinn crown and declared the Albas to no longer be paying taxes to the State, answering only to the Imperial Family and demanding protectorate status rather than core provinceship in the Empire. Naturally, this did not bode well with State officials who saw Lenmund's army crushed in wolds of Kintyr. Many of House Norinn's own Edmuirrian knights had turned on Lenmund and fought for the Regalians given their strong faith in Unionism. Lenmund himself was slain in battle before being hanged from the highest pine as an example to those who would dare revolt against the State.
Duchess Catrianne I "The Witch" 216 AC - 228 AC
Displeased with House Norinn's rebellious activity, their offenses against Unionism, and their disposability given the Skagger threat had been quelled, the Norinns were returned to ducal status, losing numerous holdings in the southern lowlands near Kintyr. Catrianne, Lenmund's eldest daughter, was his chosen successor, supported by the more powerful clans. Her younger brother, James, was both decrepit and deformed, appearing sickly and weak despite his youth. Nevertheless, James had a talent for persuasion, and wielded support from the Unionist Edmuirrian Knights and Celates. These actors claimed Catrianne was unfit to rule the Duchy, accusing her of malpractice with savage beasts and witchcraft. James and his supporters riled the lowland peasantry with these allegations and formed an army against his sister. Catrianne maintained the backing of the clans and engaged in a brutal, five year long war against her kin which saw intervention from various families across the Empire. After a series of defeats, Catrianne was cornered in Sturnworth Castle and sieged for two months before surrendering. James showed her no mercy though, burning her at the stake for her crimes.
Duke James I "The Imp Duke" 228 AC - 240 AC
James never truly did cease scheming. Even after winning the duchy, he celebrated by later backstabbing his own supporters. James was neither faithful nor just, and punished the Edmuirrian Order by granting knighthood to his commonborn soldiers, using his fresh sports to slaughter the senior Bear Knights. He removed the Unionist traditions from the Order entirely, greatly damaging its prestige in the eyes of the Crown and decimating any chance at the Edmuirrians earning Imperial respect from Emperor Handorien IV. The Order was replaced by cutthroats and loyalists to House Norinn, not valuing chivalry or faith. James then used these brute knights to keep his political rivals in check, raiding their homes and holding their families hostage when an ultimatum was needed. This painted James' rule as cruel and undignified, greatly harming the Norinn reputation for the time.
Grand Duke Ostric I "The Just" 240 AC - 261 AC
Ostric was the eldest nephew of James, and son of Catrianne whom he had deposed, having come to power by winning the loyalty of the Edmuirrian Knights upon James' death and couping his cousin at Sturnworth Castle before he could ascend. From there, Ostric put his cousins and their mother on trial, finding his uncle's marriage to have never been validated, and thus was annulled. He then decreed that all his cousins were in fact bastards and ascended in their stead. Nevertheless. all of these bastards would go on to form their own cadet branches and operate with their own devices, which Ostric permitted. After taking the duchy, Ostric committed its resources to the betterment and expansion of the Empire. As a devout Unionist, he normalized the duchy's status and increased powers of the Unionist clergy. Ostric frequently traveled back and forth between the capital and Penfork, assuming offices in the judiciary and positions at court. This seeing his accumulated prestige rewarded with a raising to Grand Duke.
Count Oswyn II "The Patient" 261 AC - 294 AC
Oswyn inherited the Grand Duchy with high hopes from all those surrounding him. His father had him called that of his namesake, the King of the Albas, and wed to a Blarach, repairing long-damaged relations with their distant kin. Expectations were high. Oswyn's many long years were met with little short of complacency, however. Nonetheless, Oswyn valued education above all else. A learned man, he spent most his time in his studies. Not a charismatic or inspiring leader, Oswyn was more of a scholar, observing the theories of men. Moreover, he ensured his eldest was well exposed to the Typhonus court at Calemburg and that language, the arts, and literature of Regal culture be put on display at Penfork. He opened a bank, greatly expanded Penfork's trade routes, and built Penfork's great temple dedicated to Juvin, God of Wisdom. Despite this, Oswyn is most often critiqued for his lack of action and failure to cease the moment. He grew old, seeing the Penfork Grand Duchy reduced to only the County of Armendhale as the years dwindled by. Shortly after the Gallowegian Mining Crisis of 292 AC, Oswyn bent the knee to Margrave Willard Coen of Galloy, marking the end of the direct vassal relationship between the Norinns and House Kade.
Lord-Protector Reynold Norinn I "The Stout" 294 AC - 309 AC
While Reynold was disgruntled by his father's idleness, he did little to turn back time. Throughout his youth he served as a soldier and military commander, serving in the Empire's wars practically all his life. Reynold transformed the Norinn Guard, which once served Alban kings, into a brutally effective mercenary battalion, parading them about the Archipelago and against foreign powers. Reynold's wife was the one to ensure his children were all well educated, and handled most the affairs at home whilst Reynold and his brother Godfrey galavanted about the realm. Under the reign of Cedromar Kade, Reynold enlisted himself, his nephew Gregory, and a number of the Highland mercenaries into the newly formed Blackmark Chapter in Vultaro. After receiving his accreditation, Reynold and his merry men returned to Clannadh Alba, adding the new Blackmarks to the ranks at Bannickburgh and questing about the highlands rooting out those deemed to be anti-Kade or anti-nobility, mainly faulting jacobins and Old Gods worshippers. Reynold developed a militant, ruthless reputation in his own lands, and avoided the Imperial Court and the capital as best he could. Alas, he remained a faithful Howlester and later Mac Conall bannerman, participating in the various Archipelago confrontations of his lieges. However, he resented rule under the Goretaan Throng, referring to this short period of Clannadh Alban history as "The Occupation". The provocation of forced Urlan Symbiosis in Clannadh Alba. Reynold aligned himself with other Gallovian clans in opposition to the Urlan of the Goretaan, and led his Blackmarks, whom he called "Bearmarks", in numerous assaults against them. He was one of the first nobles to resign from Goretaan's feudal council and was later spared forced symbiosis which all his colleagues endured. Reynold did not eradicate the threat as he hoped, with the Urlan gaining a sizable foothold in the highlands and lochs, but did prevent their expansion into Armendhale. Reynold continued to resist until the Urlan Peace which put an end to the fighting, though remained a staunch opponent of Goretaan rule until their replacement by the Mac Conalls. In untimely fashion, his wife Tabithe, a Reinard before marriage and aunt to Lord Chancellor Augustin Reinard, was taken by illness. In a state of grief and madness, Reynold abdicated the barony to his eldest son.
Count Lamont Norinn I 309 AC - Present
At the age of 21, Lamont assumed the responsibilities of the barony. Trained in statecraft and diplomacy rather than warfare, Lamont was an unusual Norinn ruler from the start. The death of his mother casted his initial year into darkness. Eventually, the old actors in the Archipelago withdrew from sight and House Norinn was returned direct vassalage to House Kade, being restored the full County of Armendhale. Lamont decided to move most of the family to the Regalian capital in hopes of regaining Imperial favor and prestige for his house. The idea was protested by a great deal of his kin at first, though Lamont was intent on succeeding. It was up to his generation to bring glory to a house which had largely faded with the trials of time. This is where we find our story today.
Clan-Styled Tartan of House Norinn
Played Family Members
Countess-Dowager Morag Norinn née Blarach 233 AC - Morag Norinn was wife to the deceased Count Oswyn II, is mother to Baron Reynold, and grandmother to the current Count Lamont, as well as all the Norinn's youngest generation. She prides herself in upkeeping her practices as a priestess and was even a skilled fighter in her prime. Furthermore, she is the great-aunt to Countess Natharia Blarach and the most recent link connecting the Norinn-Blarach kinship. - @IGutTheMidasTuch
Lord-Protector Reynold Norinn 253 AC - Reynold Norinn, son of Count Oswyn II is the retired Patriarch of House Norinn. He is a renowned tactician and leader of men. - @Nathan
Lord Godfrey Norinn 259 AC - The third son of Oswyn II, Godfrey has long been a proud supporter of Reynold's vision for the family as a capable commander in his own right. - @onearmsquid
Joining House Norinn
While anyone may apply, it is important to note that in joining a noble family certain IC and OOC expectations will be required of you. House Norinn is built on a high level of OOC trust and respect that all members must mutually assure. Similar to playing a knight or city law enforcement, the player must be in good standing with server administration and commit themselves to good behavior. Moreover, Norinns are expected to know both the world and family lore and roleplay a Norinn according to the family's theme. Finally, all applicants are to agree to respect and adhere to the family's OOC leadership in all matters pertaining to House Norinn.
Family Application
To join a Cadet Branch or Banner Family, tag the leader of that family in your application.
In Game Username:
Discord (May send in Forum DM):
Desired Character Name:
Character Relation to Count Lamont:
Character Concept:
Nobility Experience:
Why House Norinn?:
Staff Application
It is often preferred that applicants work as House Staff or House Guards for the Norinns and get to know them before applying to play a family member.
In Game Username:
Discord (May send in Forum DM):
Character Name:
Character Sheet:
Desired Job (House Guard, Servant, Cook, Advisor, Etc):
IC Letter to Lady Constance Norinn:
@AColorfulPigeon @Nathan
House Culture: Gallovian
House Religion: Unionism/Old Gods
House Seat: Sturnworth Castle, Penfork
House Title Level: County
House Colors: Forest Green, Black, Silver
House Motto: "We Hold The Wall"
House Values: Loyalty, Perseverance,
House Political Stance: Centre-Right
House Foreign Policy: Interventionist
Sworn Banners: House Duyne, Clan Cuilarne, Clan Korgin, Clan Locke, Clan Persey, Clan Dumnall, Clan Macgille, Clan Waters
Males: The men of House Norinn typically stand between 5'8 - 6'4. Their build can vary depending on educational background. Males often undergo exhaustive physical training and are known to be stout and broad-shouldered. Their hair is commonly on the browner scale accompanying their blue and green eyes.
Females: The women of House Norinn are usually at a height between 5'5 - 5'11. The women are generally educated on navigating the complex avenues of courtly politics and as such will have slimmer builds as compared with men. Though warrior women are not so uncommon with the Norinns. Hair and eye color mirror that of Norinn men, of course.
Penfork is a riverside town which sports a sizable harbour. It is best known for its shipbuilding and being a hub for trade in the north, positioned en route to the Crown Isle.
Sturnworth Castle is the hilltop fortress which began as a motte and bailey for early Norinn rulers. The castle overlooks Penfork town and the River Penn, still serving as the home of the Norinn family.
Bannickburgh Castle was taken during the reign of King Oswyn I and established as a royal highland fortress, protecting the western roads to Penfork. The castle is headquarters for House Norinn's Edmuirrian Knights, chiefly Blackmarks.
Chief Utridd I "Bear-Scourger" ? BC - 18 AC
Records remain uncertain as to the exact origins of House Norinn, though the family commonly holds that their earliest ancestors escaped Old Ceardia and travelled to the north of the Regalian Archipelago, past the white cliffs of Armendhale, and up the River Penn, where they settled. Norinn, an ancient name, has never had its etymology fully unraveled. Some believe it to mean 'Northern Settlers' or 'North Keepers', though many hold it to have a meaning more ancient than the Archipelago's settlement, finding its root in Old Ceardia. The earliest accredited primogenitor is a man whose origins are similarly disputed. A large grizzly of a man believed to have been called 'Utridd, Chief of the Cliffs' And 'Protector of the Penn' by other, more modern, accounts. Utridd was more famously known by locals as 'Bear-Scourger' for his bold encounter with a Gallovian Black Bear, in which he miraculously both survived and killed the bear, forever donning its pelt as a symbol of pride. Despite the loss of an eye and disfigurement of his face, Utridd went on to solidify the Norinn legacy by defeating other local clans and annexing their holds into that of Clan Norinn, bringing the province under their control.
Chief Kinnred I "Bard-Hide" 18 AC - 28 AC
Kinnred Norinn ruled ruthlessly over the Pennlands, devasting local crops and slaughtering anyone to stand in his way when it came to dealing with opponents. Through ruling with an iron fist, he accomplished nothing more than resentment from many of his subjects, though was a feared and versed champion of his warrior class whom enjoyed many privileges under Kinnred's rule. After ten years of violent conquest, Kinnred was slain in battle by a rival clan, the Cuilarnes of Tal Moranh.
King Oswyn I "The Wise" 28 AC - 55 AC
For all his faults, if there was one thing Kinnred did well it was establish a dynasty that was feared and known. This attracted interest from throughout Clannadh Alba and sealed an alliance with Clan Blarach of the Western Shore through marriage. Oswyn, eldest son to Kinnred, had long shunned his father's ways. Immediately, he set to building rather than destroying and began the conversion of Sturnworth Castle from the wooden fort it was to a mighty fortress of stone. Oswyn also improved and expanded Penfork, envisioning his projects to befit kingship. The marriage to Lillias Blarach, the most powerful family west of the lochs, meant the Norinn dynasty was properly secure. Oswyn and Lillias had numerous children themselves, with many being used to cement alliances with other prominent clans. The Cuilarnes of Tal Moranh posed the largest threat to Norinn-Blarach hegemony. Oswyn met them in battle in 34 AC at Weirgost, before seizing their seat, Bannickburgh Castle, forcing the Cuilarnes to bend the knee. Oswyn had already begun to modernize Clannadh Alba to the best of his ability, admiring much of what the Regalian Empire had trailblazed and adopting it for the clans. Oswyn established similarly, a system of noble titleage with respect to Gallovian customs and brought the court system up to speed. With the unification of Norinn and Blarach holdings, Clannadh Alba was united, and thus, King Oswyn Norinn styled himself "King of the Albas" with his wife made queen with roughly equal powers despite pressure from neighbors for a fully patriarchal model. Lillias was actually known more for her martial abilities than Oswyn was, who preferred to oversee the economy and legal processes. The greatest challenge Oswyn and Lillias faced was from the Skaggers who had begun to greatly encroach on Alban territory. They already possessed a foothold on the coastal islands and were blocking trade from Penfork to the Regalian Heartland. The Blarach fleet was dispatched to meet them alongside some Penfork vessels, marking the Battle of Cinwy Waters. This marked a crucial victory against the Skaggers, but could not keep them at bay forever.
King Lenmund I "The Follied" 55 AC - 83 AC
Following Oswyn's death, the Alban crown passed to Lenmund. Under Oswyn, the Albas had enjoyed relative peace and stability. It was expected Lenmund would build on his father's legacy and expand the Albas into the islands, but this was not to be. Barely a year into Lenmund's reign, his elder sister, Caoimhe, felt betrayed by the fact Oswyn did not honor her mother's wishes and pass the crown to her as eldest. She cast off the name Norinn and instead reclaimed her mother's, regaining Atherdin and all Blarach holdings which eagerly supported her cause. From there, she declared herself "Queen of the West" and pressed her claim for independence from the Albas. This infuriated Lenmund who called his banners to war. Luckily for him, his father had spent valuable resources securing the loyalty of numerous Alban clans including the Korgins, Lockes, Perseys, Dumnalls, and Macgilles. Both factions amassed large, expensive armies for the war for the highlands, at first scoring a few castles from each other, seeing Lenmund had favored political odds. Lenmund's ruthless treatment of surrendering clans saw a shift of loyalties in the contested provinces though, and defections left his army isolated from supplies. This is where his sister, Queen Caoimhe Blarach, met him in the field and after several long hours of fighting, defeated the Norinn at the "Battle of the Burning Wood" named for the forest and hamlet of Scailin which caught fire during the carnage. This battle saw the Norinns and their bannermen in full retreat and Lenmund captured by Caoihme, being forced to surrender to her demands. Lenmund returned to Penfork a disgraced king, though maintained the title. However, in his surrender he ceded full control of the Albas, thus becoming merely "King of the Penn".
King Kinnred II "The Cunning" 83 AC - 99 AC
Kinnred II inherited the dilemmas of his father. Penfork had been starved of trade from Skagger conquests, no longer having the Blarach fleet to intervene, and the honor of the Norinn clan had not been repaired since the Burning Wood, suffering nothing but defeats from the Skagger and their unruly subordinate clans. Kinnred opted to seek marriage for his own children outside the usual sphere of Gallovian politics, marrying his heir to a Velheim by the name of Anora, an ancestor of House Krupp. Kinnred aimed to treat with the Skaggers, using means of diplomacy to turn them against each other and forge alliances with those who proved the most benefit. This allowed trade to return to Penfork, with income used to rebuild the Norinn army and form a fleet. While he was known to be a man of much planning, Kinnred contracted a passing disease and died before he could see the turn of the century.
Duke Roddric I "The Brazen" 99 AC - 116 AC
Roddric's rule as King of the Penn did not survive as long as he'd hoped. The political maneuvering of his father to sate the Skagger warbands did not last, and before long they were engaging in raids and open warfare with Penfork. Alas, the Regalian Empire had also been at the brunt of their raids and had already begun campaigns north. House Blarach of Atherdin proved itself an ally of the Regalian Empire and successfully warred against the Skaggers, submitting to Regalian rule and being bountifully rewarded for their sacrifice. Roddric was not so keen to forego Norinn kingship though, and first led troops against the combined Regalian forces. The first few months went smoothly until the Empire was fully aware of the Norinn presence. This prompted them to send a larger army which defeated the Norinn force at the "Battle of Camduin's Plain". Roddric managed to escape the field with a quarter of his army remaining and bolstered themselves at Sturnworth. Penfork had recently suffered a catastrophic raid from Skaggers while the Norinn fleet was away, and Roddric was pressured to admit defeat by his advisors. Graciously, in bending the knee, Emperor Leomar I respected Roddric's military traditions and allowed him to keep his holdings as Duke of the Northmark and the Penn. It was Roddric who would coin Norinn's Words "We Hold The Wall" referencing the literary boundary against the Skagger Hordes in Clannadh Alba.
Duke Lenmund II "The Old" 116 AC - 136 AC
Lenmund was born the second son to Roddric and was not intended for greatness. His elder brother, Osric, refused the throne, instead preferring to venture the seas in search of lost artifacts. Lenmund was faithful to the Old Gods, particularly those Norinn had favored for years, like Bard, and dedicated many worship places to them. Lenmund did not care for military matters, though occasionally delegated to his sons the task of expelling the Skaggers from the isles to keep the Regalians satisfied.
Archduke Edmuirr I "Holy Sword" 136 - 169 AC
Lenmund's elder sons were both killed by Skaggers on the island of Hourn, with Lenmund himself passing shortly after to old age. This left a very young Edmuirr, Lenmund's youngest son, the duchy, with only his mother and advisors to guide him. One of such advisors was a Unionist missionary who had been permitted close proximity to the Duke's family by his mother and political pressures from the capital at the time. Edmuirr would be the first Norinn to spend a lot of time in the Regalian capital and at Basta for education. There, he would adopt the Unionist faith and return to Penfork a young man. The Regency Council was actually relieved to see him returned because several riots had broken out over the identity of Edmuirr's mother as a Unionist. Edmuirr responded by quickly putting down his own subjects and forcefully converting them to Unionism. This only spurred more outrage, causing Edmuirr to invite foreign knights from Basta and Vixhall to crush the revolts. This was the introduction of Regalian knights to Norinn society, seeing them commemorated for their strength and duty to the Everwatcher. These knights would be given status permanently in Penfork as "Knights of the Bear" or the Knights of the Edmuirrian Order more formally. The Edmuirrians were settled in Bannickburgh Castle, established as their headquarters and from there on used to crush any Old Gods riots against Unionist authority in Penfork. Edmuirr did not stop there, tearing down every Old Gods grove of worship including those built by his ancestors. For his faith and devotion to the Empire, and worst treatment of Skagger bands, Edmuirr was made an Archduke, and served a great deal of time at court with various positions.
Archduchess Elswith I "The Careful" 169 AC - 192 AC
Edmuirr was not known to be fond of women and only sired two girls later in life. When Elswith, the eldest of the two, assumed the Archduchy, a rift was furthered between her and the rest of the Norinns, most of whom keeping to the Old Gods. Elswith was determined to keep them in line, though preferred to use more subtle means. She lessened the penalties her father had cemented and paved the way for free religious exercise in the Archduchy. Miraculously, she kept all knives at bay, and carried out the last push against the Skagger Horde, doubling the amount of Norinn soldiers sent to the Regalian Army.
Archduke Lenmund III "The Headstrong" 192 AC - 216 AC
Lenmund not only furthered the focuses of his mother but outright threw off Unionism altogether and reembraced the Old Gods. While applauded by most his subjects, this resulted in Lenmund's reign being characterized by instability. By 216 AC, the Regalian Empire was experiencing the consequences of the Purple Bleeding. While Penfork's merchants were minimally involved in the lending, Lenmund knew an opportunity when he saw one. He was not particularly fond of his treatment at court, particularly for his anti-Unionist tendencies, and felt the best way to stunt his political rivals was by meeting the moment to declare open rebellion against the Regalian State. Lenmund adorned the ancient Norinn crown and declared the Albas to no longer be paying taxes to the State, answering only to the Imperial Family and demanding protectorate status rather than core provinceship in the Empire. Naturally, this did not bode well with State officials who saw Lenmund's army crushed in wolds of Kintyr. Many of House Norinn's own Edmuirrian knights had turned on Lenmund and fought for the Regalians given their strong faith in Unionism. Lenmund himself was slain in battle before being hanged from the highest pine as an example to those who would dare revolt against the State.
Duchess Catrianne I "The Witch" 216 AC - 228 AC
Displeased with House Norinn's rebellious activity, their offenses against Unionism, and their disposability given the Skagger threat had been quelled, the Norinns were returned to ducal status, losing numerous holdings in the southern lowlands near Kintyr. Catrianne, Lenmund's eldest daughter, was his chosen successor, supported by the more powerful clans. Her younger brother, James, was both decrepit and deformed, appearing sickly and weak despite his youth. Nevertheless, James had a talent for persuasion, and wielded support from the Unionist Edmuirrian Knights and Celates. These actors claimed Catrianne was unfit to rule the Duchy, accusing her of malpractice with savage beasts and witchcraft. James and his supporters riled the lowland peasantry with these allegations and formed an army against his sister. Catrianne maintained the backing of the clans and engaged in a brutal, five year long war against her kin which saw intervention from various families across the Empire. After a series of defeats, Catrianne was cornered in Sturnworth Castle and sieged for two months before surrendering. James showed her no mercy though, burning her at the stake for her crimes.
Duke James I "The Imp Duke" 228 AC - 240 AC
James never truly did cease scheming. Even after winning the duchy, he celebrated by later backstabbing his own supporters. James was neither faithful nor just, and punished the Edmuirrian Order by granting knighthood to his commonborn soldiers, using his fresh sports to slaughter the senior Bear Knights. He removed the Unionist traditions from the Order entirely, greatly damaging its prestige in the eyes of the Crown and decimating any chance at the Edmuirrians earning Imperial respect from Emperor Handorien IV. The Order was replaced by cutthroats and loyalists to House Norinn, not valuing chivalry or faith. James then used these brute knights to keep his political rivals in check, raiding their homes and holding their families hostage when an ultimatum was needed. This painted James' rule as cruel and undignified, greatly harming the Norinn reputation for the time.
Grand Duke Ostric I "The Just" 240 AC - 261 AC
Ostric was the eldest nephew of James, and son of Catrianne whom he had deposed, having come to power by winning the loyalty of the Edmuirrian Knights upon James' death and couping his cousin at Sturnworth Castle before he could ascend. From there, Ostric put his cousins and their mother on trial, finding his uncle's marriage to have never been validated, and thus was annulled. He then decreed that all his cousins were in fact bastards and ascended in their stead. Nevertheless. all of these bastards would go on to form their own cadet branches and operate with their own devices, which Ostric permitted. After taking the duchy, Ostric committed its resources to the betterment and expansion of the Empire. As a devout Unionist, he normalized the duchy's status and increased powers of the Unionist clergy. Ostric frequently traveled back and forth between the capital and Penfork, assuming offices in the judiciary and positions at court. This seeing his accumulated prestige rewarded with a raising to Grand Duke.
Count Oswyn II "The Patient" 261 AC - 294 AC
Oswyn inherited the Grand Duchy with high hopes from all those surrounding him. His father had him called that of his namesake, the King of the Albas, and wed to a Blarach, repairing long-damaged relations with their distant kin. Expectations were high. Oswyn's many long years were met with little short of complacency, however. Nonetheless, Oswyn valued education above all else. A learned man, he spent most his time in his studies. Not a charismatic or inspiring leader, Oswyn was more of a scholar, observing the theories of men. Moreover, he ensured his eldest was well exposed to the Typhonus court at Calemburg and that language, the arts, and literature of Regal culture be put on display at Penfork. He opened a bank, greatly expanded Penfork's trade routes, and built Penfork's great temple dedicated to Juvin, God of Wisdom. Despite this, Oswyn is most often critiqued for his lack of action and failure to cease the moment. He grew old, seeing the Penfork Grand Duchy reduced to only the County of Armendhale as the years dwindled by. Shortly after the Gallowegian Mining Crisis of 292 AC, Oswyn bent the knee to Margrave Willard Coen of Galloy, marking the end of the direct vassal relationship between the Norinns and House Kade.
Lord-Protector Reynold Norinn I "The Stout" 294 AC - 309 AC
While Reynold was disgruntled by his father's idleness, he did little to turn back time. Throughout his youth he served as a soldier and military commander, serving in the Empire's wars practically all his life. Reynold transformed the Norinn Guard, which once served Alban kings, into a brutally effective mercenary battalion, parading them about the Archipelago and against foreign powers. Reynold's wife was the one to ensure his children were all well educated, and handled most the affairs at home whilst Reynold and his brother Godfrey galavanted about the realm. Under the reign of Cedromar Kade, Reynold enlisted himself, his nephew Gregory, and a number of the Highland mercenaries into the newly formed Blackmark Chapter in Vultaro. After receiving his accreditation, Reynold and his merry men returned to Clannadh Alba, adding the new Blackmarks to the ranks at Bannickburgh and questing about the highlands rooting out those deemed to be anti-Kade or anti-nobility, mainly faulting jacobins and Old Gods worshippers. Reynold developed a militant, ruthless reputation in his own lands, and avoided the Imperial Court and the capital as best he could. Alas, he remained a faithful Howlester and later Mac Conall bannerman, participating in the various Archipelago confrontations of his lieges. However, he resented rule under the Goretaan Throng, referring to this short period of Clannadh Alban history as "The Occupation". The provocation of forced Urlan Symbiosis in Clannadh Alba. Reynold aligned himself with other Gallovian clans in opposition to the Urlan of the Goretaan, and led his Blackmarks, whom he called "Bearmarks", in numerous assaults against them. He was one of the first nobles to resign from Goretaan's feudal council and was later spared forced symbiosis which all his colleagues endured. Reynold did not eradicate the threat as he hoped, with the Urlan gaining a sizable foothold in the highlands and lochs, but did prevent their expansion into Armendhale. Reynold continued to resist until the Urlan Peace which put an end to the fighting, though remained a staunch opponent of Goretaan rule until their replacement by the Mac Conalls. In untimely fashion, his wife Tabithe, a Reinard before marriage and aunt to Lord Chancellor Augustin Reinard, was taken by illness. In a state of grief and madness, Reynold abdicated the barony to his eldest son.
Count Lamont Norinn I 309 AC - Present
At the age of 21, Lamont assumed the responsibilities of the barony. Trained in statecraft and diplomacy rather than warfare, Lamont was an unusual Norinn ruler from the start. The death of his mother casted his initial year into darkness. Eventually, the old actors in the Archipelago withdrew from sight and House Norinn was returned direct vassalage to House Kade, being restored the full County of Armendhale. Lamont decided to move most of the family to the Regalian capital in hopes of regaining Imperial favor and prestige for his house. The idea was protested by a great deal of his kin at first, though Lamont was intent on succeeding. It was up to his generation to bring glory to a house which had largely faded with the trials of time. This is where we find our story today.
Clan-Styled Tartan of House Norinn
Countess-Dowager Morag Norinn née Blarach 233 AC - Morag Norinn was wife to the deceased Count Oswyn II, is mother to Baron Reynold, and grandmother to the current Count Lamont, as well as all the Norinn's youngest generation. She prides herself in upkeeping her practices as a priestess and was even a skilled fighter in her prime. Furthermore, she is the great-aunt to Countess Natharia Blarach and the most recent link connecting the Norinn-Blarach kinship. - @IGutTheMidasTuch
Lord-Protector Reynold Norinn 253 AC - Reynold Norinn, son of Count Oswyn II is the retired Patriarch of House Norinn. He is a renowned tactician and leader of men. - @Nathan
Lady Bronwyn Norinn 285 AC - Bronwyn Norinn was born a bastard to a Norinn banner family, Clan Locke, but grew up closely acquainted with Count Lamont. Upon his ascension, he adopted her into House Norinn as his sister. Bronwyn means to prove her worth to the family and will do anything it takes to expand the House's influence, having an exceptional mind for business and communication. - @soggytoenails
Count Lamont Norinn 288 AC - Lamont Norinn is eldest son to Reynold and Tabithe Norinn and the current Count of Penfork. He leads the family in the capital and is known to have studied statecraft in Ithania. - @Nathan
Count Lamont Norinn 288 AC - Lamont Norinn is eldest son to Reynold and Tabithe Norinn and the current Count of Penfork. He leads the family in the capital and is known to have studied statecraft in Ithania. - @Nathan
Countess Amber Norinn-Silverberry 292 AC - Amber Norinn is a renowned and highly capable Viridian Knight and the Countess of Baybridge. She married Count Lamont Norinn, joining the Houses of Norinn and Silverberry.
Ser Edmund Norinn 290 AC - Edmund Norinn is secondborn son to Reynold and Tabithe Norinn. A Viridian Knight with a sense for honor and duty, Edmund is wishing to expand his family's militaristic pride. - @YoitsKing
Lady Constance Norinn 293 AC - Constance Norinn is the youngest child to Reynold and Tabithe Norinn. Constance is still adjusting to life in the capital and developing many different talents. Something to note would be her interest in birds, which she has blessed her family with, despite the occasional annoyance to her siblings. - @AColorfulPigeon
Ser Orrick Norinn 256 AC - The second son of Oswyn II, Orrick pursued legal studies through the Viridian Order, becoming trained as a Montefalco and developing a strong reputation as a justicar. - @WexfordSer Edmund Norinn 290 AC - Edmund Norinn is secondborn son to Reynold and Tabithe Norinn. A Viridian Knight with a sense for honor and duty, Edmund is wishing to expand his family's militaristic pride. - @YoitsKing
Lady Constance Norinn 293 AC - Constance Norinn is the youngest child to Reynold and Tabithe Norinn. Constance is still adjusting to life in the capital and developing many different talents. Something to note would be her interest in birds, which she has blessed her family with, despite the occasional annoyance to her siblings. - @AColorfulPigeon
Lady Alyssa Norinn 286 AC - Alyssa Norinn is eldest child of Orrick and Aefre Norinn. A passionate explorer and adventurous soul, she is outspoken and intrepid, and often acts as a black sheep of the family with her unique perspectives. - @Jute_Len
Ser Gregory Norinn 287 AC - Gregory Norinn is secondborn to Orrick and Aefre Norinn. Having followed his uncle to be trained as a Blackmark, Gregory is in many ways was more like his uncles than his own father. He means to serve the family in a military capacity and ensure the House's enemies are valiantly crushed. - @CanadienEh
Ser Gregory Norinn 287 AC - Gregory Norinn is secondborn to Orrick and Aefre Norinn. Having followed his uncle to be trained as a Blackmark, Gregory is in many ways was more like his uncles than his own father. He means to serve the family in a military capacity and ensure the House's enemies are valiantly crushed. - @CanadienEh
Lord Godfrey Norinn 259 AC - The third son of Oswyn II, Godfrey has long been a proud supporter of Reynold's vision for the family as a capable commander in his own right. - @onearmsquid
Cadet BranchesHouse Norinn-Silverberry led by Countess Amber Norinn-Silverberry. This branch joined House Norinn through Countess Amber Silverberry's marriage to Count Lamont Norinn. The Silverberrys are seasoned Viridian Knights that have governed the Province of Camborne for centuries, continuing to do so as Counts of the Norinn dynasty. @Sorc3r3ss
House Norinn-Sartre led by Baroness Irene-Laure Norinn-Sartre. Irene is a socialite leading the Norinn Ithanian branch which was seeded in the reign of Count Oswyn II. They hold lands in their own right and are some of Penfork's most reliable trading partners. - Reserved for @Messtro
House Norinn-Reinhardt led by Charlotte Reinhardt. Charlotte's parents were close with Baron Reynold which saw her bestowed the Norinn name by Count Lamont. Unfortunately, the Count and Charlotte's relationship grew rocky and such status was revoked, though the Reinhardts remain a well established Wirtem Cadet Branch of House Norinn. @Aesukimx
House Norinn-Vszaladesz led by Ser Sebastian Norinn-Vszaladesz of the Viridian Order. The Szabadok Vszaladesz' were admitted recently to House Norinn as a cadet branch following Alyssa Norinn's marriage to the Knight-Count. Prior to their marriage, House Vszaladesz was a prime ally of House Norinn and Countess Beatrix Vszaladesz served as Consul under Count Lamont in the year 311 AC. The family retains noble status as a Norinn Cadet Branch with titular lands in Baldmark.
House Norinn-Vszaladesz led by Ser Sebastian Norinn-Vszaladesz of the Viridian Order. The Szabadok Vszaladesz' were admitted recently to House Norinn as a cadet branch following Alyssa Norinn's marriage to the Knight-Count. Prior to their marriage, House Vszaladesz was a prime ally of House Norinn and Countess Beatrix Vszaladesz served as Consul under Count Lamont in the year 311 AC. The family retains noble status as a Norinn Cadet Branch with titular lands in Baldmark.
While anyone may apply, it is important to note that in joining a noble family certain IC and OOC expectations will be required of you. House Norinn is built on a high level of OOC trust and respect that all members must mutually assure. Similar to playing a knight or city law enforcement, the player must be in good standing with server administration and commit themselves to good behavior. Moreover, Norinns are expected to know both the world and family lore and roleplay a Norinn according to the family's theme. Finally, all applicants are to agree to respect and adhere to the family's OOC leadership in all matters pertaining to House Norinn.
Family Application
To join a Cadet Branch or Banner Family, tag the leader of that family in your application.
In Game Username:
Discord (May send in Forum DM):
Desired Character Name:
Character Relation to Count Lamont:
Character Concept:
Nobility Experience:
Why House Norinn?:
Staff Application
It is often preferred that applicants work as House Staff or House Guards for the Norinns and get to know them before applying to play a family member.
In Game Username:
Discord (May send in Forum DM):
Character Name:
Character Sheet:
Desired Job (House Guard, Servant, Cook, Advisor, Etc):
IC Letter to Lady Constance Norinn:
@AColorfulPigeon @Nathan
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