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House Mecatl's Stance On The Corsairs Fleet


Jul 26, 2021
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To the citizens of Regalia,
Concerning the Corsairs fleet and my position on this matter, I, as a noble nurtured within the heart of Mandu, a realm where Asha and Maquixtl coexist harmoniously, have sought to navigate the complex path ahead. The Asha are my kin, as are the occult and all others. It is indeed a formidable decision to make, determining where the Mecatl House shall align, but my conviction is unwavering. House Mecatl hereby declares our formal alignment with the Corsairs fleet, with a distinct emphasis on our solidarity with the Asha.

It would be counterproductive and unjust to deny them access to Regalia's ports based solely on actions they may have taken against foreign entities. Our commitment to diplomacy and the preservation of alliances should always be a guiding principle in our approach to such matters. Further clarifications can be made with me in person.

May the Compassion's Hand, Mana, guide yours,

Izel Cemelli Yollohtli Mecatl
Countess of Arda Ezalt in the province of Mandu
Matriarch of House Mecatl
Guild Leader of the Sacred Winds Guild for the Advancement of Science and Arcana

TLDR: Basically just covering where house mecatl stands in this progression! <3​
A shorter Asha reads out a letter to an Asha Godborn. Lurching for pen and paper for the first time since having entered the city, he begins to write, the utensil comically small in his gold-furred hand. He first wrote a message in intricate, formal, and hieratic Ibeth- the sort often used in Baskarr text- before he asked the other Asha to copy what he had written into Common below.

Behold the words of Akhet's thousandth son.

As the power of the Sun warms his fur and gives life to his being, does the House Mecatl offer him a similar radiance. He offers an anecdote from a Diviner's wisdom:

"The people upon the Great Journey once cried:
'O Akhet, greatest of the Gods, gift upon us your people the mightiness of their ancestors, so they might remake All That Is Just. All That Is Just was very great'.
And Akhet, greatest of the Gods answered:
'My people, I can not give that gift, because I am no longer alone in the Heavens. I am the greatest of Your Gods, but a hundred gods now roam the land of All That Is Just. My people, you must find those who are just, to remake All That Is Just alongside my people; so that All That Is Just can be very great'.
So the people cried once more:

'Yes, our Lord of Sunlight! We will find those who are just, and remake All That Is Just. Excellent is your being! We are just.'"

Akhet's thousandth son believes that House Mecatl is amongst those who are just now. So then let brilliant sunshine radiate through their souls, so long as House Mecatl does not forget to be just; and to remake All That Is Just.

Tchay, son of Akhet and Ines