Blue Blood Noble Family House Mecatl


Jul 26, 2021
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「 "I'll keep you safe. Try hard to concentrate.
Hold out your hand, can you feel the weight of it?
The whole world at your fingertips. Don't be afraid.
Our mistakes, they were bound to be made.." 」


『||GENERAL INFORMATION || to note one's identity.
『House Name』Mecatl (Meh-Cah-tul)
….『Etymology』Generations before Ahuilizti Mecatl's rule of the family name, their lineage ran a small factory which created stitching thread, which is why the name means "rope". Due to ongoing wars, the family was poor and chose to make the thread in order to meet demand. After years of manufacturing, the family gained wealth and was able to afford education. Due to their knowledge of the threads the family head at the time decided to study medicine, which guided their future from then on.
『Medical Prowess』Providing medical efficacy to every reachable corner.
….『Educated』Strong with knowledge of the world and sciences.
….『Primogeniture』Unless unfit, the Eldest child inherits and guides the family.
….『 Maquixtl Culture』Cultural ties and a vast, rich history.
『Countess of Arda Ezalt』Currently held by Izel Mecatl.
『Symbols and Ideologies』
『 Sigil』A Snake.
….『Colors』Red, White, Gold.
….『Religion』Mana - Estellon Worship.
….『Trade』Medicinal production.​

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『||FAMILY LORE|| to note one's history.
The Mecatl Family was founded originally within the lands of Mandu in the year 234 AC. This is when Izel's Grandfather, Ahuilizti Mecatl, had his diplomatic work and medical discoveries raise their prestige to the point they were recognized outside of the island. They voyaged to Regalia and the family has been medicine orientated ever since and raised its members to become skilled in mundane and arcane medicine. Ahuilizti Mecatl led the family triumphantly for years, until he fell ill and died at the age of 387 leaving Izel to the name and granting her the title Countess.
Family members are predominantly Maquixtl in this scholarly family. They are a family that follows the path of Estellon, specifically the Goddess known as Mana. Their loyalty to Estel is strong as they spend their time researching the arcane, alchemy, and medical sciences to bring good health to others. The family has the wealth of a barony. Much of the wealth came from running medicine around Mandu, which is represented in Regalia by the Sacred Winds Clinic.
Additionally, the Mecatl family runs a large production and distribution of alchemical and medicinal supplies. This varies between remedies to high end equipment. Lastly, it is common to see the last name Mecatl in medical textbooks or research papers from the Perpustakaan Besar.

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『||CURRENT FAMILY LINEAGE|| Current Main Line of the Mecatl Aristocracy.
…. Countess Izel Mecatl (@WildSages): The eldest child of Eleuia and Necahual Mecatl, and the Countess and Matriarch of the family.
…. Siralli (@Ceilidhe): Current partner of Countess Izel Mecatl,.
▏…. Lady Allynna Mecatl (@WitchenRefugee): Eldest daughter of Countess Izel Mecatl who was adopted in the family.
▏This is outdated.

New Family members OPEN for application! Custom creation is welcomed!

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『|| APPLICATION AND RULES || footsteps to follow.
『List of Rules, Terms and Agreements』
⋮ Your Mecatl should be a character that you spend at least half of your time as. You are free to have other characters, but must maintain an active level as your aristocrat.
⋮ Act like an aristocrat, ICly and OOCly. Be respectful to others OOCly, and have good conduct. Not adhering to good OOC etiquette can be grounds for ejection from the family.
⋮ All members of the Mecatl family must be versatile and well-knowledged in the lore of Massivecraft, lore of aristocracy, military and the familiar subjects that involve a person of aristocracy.
⋮ No permanent affliction arcs, having short ones now and then are welcome.
⋮ Characters that are being applied for can have a character pitch explained in the personality part of the application. We are pretty flexible as to what is allowed except for criminals and aberrants.​

『Family application』
To note, you can decide to pick an available character, which is preferred. However, you are more than welcome to design your own character with reason! Character relations can be flexible and discussed in DMs as well.​
『IGN』(Your in-game name on Minecraft.):
『References』 (Optional. People who would be willing to vouch for your roleplay abilities. Ensure that you ask for permission to tag them before doing so. Good references can make your approval process way easier on you.):
『Roleplay Experience』 (Your previous experience in roleplay.):
『Discord Tag』 (Discord is needed for the chats.):
『Character Name』 (Your desired Mecatl character.):
『Character Relation』(How are they related to the family?):
『Character Age』(The age you would like this character to be.):
『Personality Description』(Your general idea for the character's personality.):​
For those wanting to work for House Mecatl, send a letter to Countess Izel Mecatl.​
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『Roleplay Experience』Been roleplaying on several servers since 2014. I've been playing on Massive since 2017. Within Massive I've mostly done mundane or family RP, but on other servers I'm usually aiming for diplomatic roles of some sort.
『Discord Tag』 Sasspai#0001
『Character Name』 Cualli Mecatl
『Character Relation』Sister to Matriarch Countess Izel Mecatl and second born sibling.
『Character Age』35
『Personality Description』An artificer with a deep love for magical and alchemical medical practice. Her goal is to further the families name with her own apothecary. Being the middle child, she often feels her accomplishments don't bare as much as her brothers and definitely her sisters.
『References』 : @Faith_Bug @KitchenRefugee
『Roleplay Experience』 : I have been roleplaying on Massive since the summer of 2021. I have not had any noble/aristocratic roleplay as of yet, but I am experienced in most other fields, including a great deal of medic rp.
『Discord Tag』 : Pebs#7418
『Character Name』 : Larsen Mecatl
『Character Relation』: Youngest son of Countess Izel Mecatl.
『Character Age』: 19
『Personality Description』: A medic and technician of great ambition, Larsen has spent most of his life burying his nose into various books and studies. He has always been a gentle soul, trying to do all he can to care for those around him and highly apposed to harming others, holding a mindset of rehabilitation over punishment.