House Malafronte


The oldest of all shrubberies
Jul 7, 2016
Reaction score
Victoria, Australia



Montanian Dressolini.

Or and Sable { Shimmering Gold & Charcoal Black }.
Or, a Radiant Chalice Sable

"Il denaro apre tutte le porte." { "Money opens all doors." }
Moneylending & Banking.
Traditional Unionism.
Wealthy Commoners.




The first Malafronte was a man born by the name of Biagio Baccari, to an immigrant family from Daendroque in 201 AC. Tracing Malafronte heritage beyond this point is nigh impossible as the immigrant family dropped all their Daendroc ties and name. Biagio Baccari was trained as an entertainer, although not the traveling entertainers of the Daendroque, instead he was a theatre actor from Montania. His career enjoyed brief middling success as a small roles. However it was not to last. The theatre hit hard times and eventually was forced to declare bankruptcy.

Now without work, poverty loomed over Biagio Baccari. However the man still had some skill, he only needed to ply them differently. He became one of the periods most successful mountebanks (charlatans). Starting with relatively small cons, such as fraudulent medical cures, and moving on to larger ones he was able to use his skills as a thespian in a new light. His largest con involved 'selling' a major Montanian monument.

The Malafronte Bank began as a money laundering scheme, but has since grown into the family business. Similarly the name Malafronte was adopted when Baccari became marred by poor reputation. Biagio's schemes were eventually uncovered, but only after his death. The Malafronte family is careful to keep Biagio's true history cloistered, and publically consider him to be an actor turned moneylender. Outside of the family only a few scholars from the School of History are aware of this information.


The Malafronte bank began to rise to prominence around 240 AC, starting from Montania, Biagio built a strong base as the most prominent moneylender to the lower and middle class in the region. However, banking was never Biagio's calling, and it was his child, Piero, who would become the true power behind the family. On 248 AC, at the age of 22, Piero quietly inherited the bank as his father chose to relax and enjoy his earnings. For the next twelve years Piero expanded aggressively, opening branches in Calemberg, Vultaro, Pays Sud, Loiree and other smaller Regalian provinces.The family rather quickly became a thorn in the side of other local moneylenders.

Their 'rise' to power was in fact, more the absence of a fall. As during 260 AC the Regalian Pessimism set in. Growth ground to a halt, and so too did Piero's rapid expansion through the Isles. Very shortly, clients began to need to default on their debts and financial ventures fell through. This very easily could have been the end of the family. Instead, it was where Piero, and by extension the Malafronte family, gained their reputation for ruthlessness.

Piero Malafronte began the still ongoing practice of hiring 'reformed' criminals to act as their Esattore (debt collectors). A reputation as unrelenting collectors quickly developed with intimidation tactics clearly being used. Rumors of everything from beatings to mock executions began to crop up, yet either no substantial evidence was found, or any investigation would quickly be shut down with a few well placed bribes and persuasions. Many of the families of those who failed to fulfill a loan would end up destitute during this twenty five year period.

Eventually, the Regalian Pessimism ended and honest profits became viable again. Many of the smaller moneylenders were devastated by the effects the long period had, and if the truth be told the Malafronte Bank had times of struggling to keep afloat too. Yet they emerged into a power vacuum. Having at least a somewhat functioning bank still, they quickly filled the spot left behind by devastated money-lenders. Branches spread across the Archipelago, flooding wealth into Malafronte coffers


On his seventieth birthday (296 AC), now an aging man, Piero chose to abdicate his position as head of the family to his own son, Giovanni. Giovanni Malafronte had a brief and uninteresting reign mostly remembered for his dramatic death on 299 AC. While returning from the market, the carriage he and several other family members were using suddenly caught alight. This accident lead to the death of many family members as the carriage was engulfed before anyone had the chance to leave. Of the remaining Malafronte, Salvestro inherited the family and the bank.

After establishing himself as family head the next six years went relatively smoothly for the Malafronte family, continuing steady growth as they adapted to the two rapid changes in leadership. During the Qadir Invasion and the Bone Horror Crisis the Malafronte Family kept their cards close to their chest. They stashed as much of their wealth as they could into either secure assets or safe hiding places during both occupations. While their losses were not negligible, once again they proved more fortunate than their competitors.

Of late the Malafronte Family have made the choice for their main line to travel to the city of Regalia. They aim to expand their business into the heart of the Empire. And, perhaps more importantly, to begin an attempt at targeting wealthier clients rather than their usual lower and middle class loans. They also have machinations of, through political cunning, acquiring a landed title. They mostly desire this out of an attempt to gain social standing, as no member of the family has any experience running a holding. The family actually prefers its wealth to be in banking than in land as it finds it easier to maneuver financially when your assets are not tied to one specific region. Despite their lack of a landed title the Malafronte are however an proving to become an extremely wealthy family.




"Cunning slyness" A Malafronte values the cunning of an individual above all else. A good Malafronte is a cunning Malafronte. To them, it is the peak of culture, that a society goes from fighting each other with sticks and stones and begins using words, schemes, and politics. And as such they believe to survive in a modern world one must be cunning.


Despite the above a Malafronte will always stick to a word or agreement they made. They will reward those under them and those who aid them. And while they keep a careful eye on their underlings, expecting a power grab, they in turn show them the respect due. After all, if you can not rely on your agreements then you can't be trusted to act in a logical way, and are useless the family.


Politically, the Malafronte align themselves with leftism due to their value in trade and the merchant class. They see the merchant class as the most cunning, and the most useful. Their ideal Regalian Empire would be a competitive economic powerhouse. They support policies that encourage the merchant class, and are firmly against restrictions on them.


The Malafronte family has a liking for for art and culture. They have given patronage to a small handful of musicians and sculptors. In the past they also offered it to playwrights, but have not done so recently. Several members know how to play an instrument.


Unavailable for the time

  • Piero Malafronte (Age 79): Once the most feared name among debtors in Montania, Piero lead the family through the Regalian Pessimism. Now he is an aging man, but still an intimidating figure.
  • Filippa Malafronte (Age 67): Piero's second wife. No blood relation to the rest of the family.
  • Lucia Malafronte (Age 54): Piero's daughter. Aunt to Salvestro, Francesca and Castellucci
  • Bernardo Malafronte (Age 51): Uncle to Salvestro, Francesca and Castellucci. He and his wife are currently managing family business in Montania while the remaining family are in Regalia.
  • Salvestro Malafronte (Age 35): Family Patriarch, responsible for overseeing the bank and keeping the family together. Played by @ElderShrub .
  • Francesca Malafronte (Age 31): Sister to Salvestro and Castellucci, wife of Achmed. Somewhat of a romantic although still a cunning and careful woman.
  • Castellucci Malafronte (Age 30): Younger brother of Salvestro and Francesca. A trusted right hand man of Salvestro who helps keep the family peace.
  • Achmed Malafronte (Age 31): Husband of Francesca Malafronte. The Qadir is a long time friend to the family. Played by @Sparrow26 .
  • Adelina Malafronte (Age 19): Legitimised bastard daughter of Salvestro. Played by @AgentSmall .
  • Alexandre Malafronte (Age 21): Arranged marriage to Adelina. Chose to take the Malafronte name. Member of a silk trading family. Played by @WalnutNinja.
(Note: Family tree and members may change as more players are added or shuffled around to where they fit. This is not set in stone of yet.)


  • The Malafronte family continue their practice of hiring 'reformed' criminals to act as debt collectors to this day.
  • Salvestro Malafronte seems to have a soft spot for Slizzar. The family was never involved in the Chrysant War, being merchants not fighters. The Bank hires a surprising amount of the snake-folk, whom are generally quite apt at financial work. However, due to their low population they are still not overly common.
  • Salvestro's brother-in-law, Achmed, has taken the family name after being disowned by his own family. The reason for this disownership is not publically known.
  • There has been rumours that Adelina Malafronte, Salvestro's bastard daughter, is in fact the product of an incestuous relationship. This is in part evidenced due to her strong prominence of family traits. However this rumour remains unproven and unlikely. The Malafronte Family deny any such accusations, claiming they are the fabrication of vengeful debtors.
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Family Application Template:
Current characters:
Skype (Is required, just a yes will do):
Character name:
Character concept:

We're more than willing to try and accommodate anyone who wishes to join, so long as they are a decent roleplayer and their character fits the mold of a Malafronte. And yes we are currently accepting!

(More to be added later)
Family Application Template:
Current characters: Adela Jones
Skype (Is required, just a yes will do): Yes
Character name: Francesca Malafronte
Character concept: I am thinking about making Francesca a romantic, she will really love art and singing. Her and her sister are going to be very competitive, she is going to be very family oriented. She loves to work with economics and money. She is a very competitive girl, she is a very polite lady though. She is always focused on the bank and how she can make it better, I was also thinking about making her a little mischievous and sneaky. She wants the bank to be successful so she will do whatever she needs to do to reach that certain goal. While her brother likes to keep the family at peace, she is the one who will probably cause most of the drama in the family. Her goal is to make the family grow to spread the bank business!

Thank you for reading my application!
IGN: Boneweeble
Current characters: Victor Staltwel
Skype: yeah boi
Character name: Piero Malafronte
Character concept:

I am really eager to play a character that has somewhat ungracefully phased into their older years, someone who struggles completely accepting their decline of power and health, despite maintaining a stoic and commanding presence. I'd want to make Piero a larger man, as often metabolisms get the better of us as we grow old, and I'd fule him with an underlying bitterness that he may not be taken as seriously as an old man, for he knows he's sharp enough to thwart competition, but he knows he'd never be favoured over someone younger and in better health. Because of this, Piero may attempt to backseat drive or micromanage the family, feeling that the death of Giovanni was an intentional assassination by competition, and could have been avoided if only the man had listened to his advice. He will likely display his opinions strongly and voice what he has to say to the family, even if they sit and eyeroll, and even if he knows they hold more modern ideas. His personal morals will align with believing that change from the old ways is detrimental, needless and a week display of submission.
Thank you for the application Camegg, however I fear you are not the person we are looking for. Thus I regretably must decline your application. I wish you the best of luck with all of your characters however, and hope to meet them sometime.

Thanks for the application Boneweeble. I've seen you around and I've little doubt you can breath life into Piero's character if you are still interested. Send me a message either in game of via the forums and we can get things sorted! Consider yourself accepted.

Also remember, you don't need to take a listed character, if you would like to propose and addition to the family not in the tree pleasedo so, it's not set in stone yet.

Finally, I fear Kandosiika has decided to put their efforts into other characters and is no longer playing Castellucci. Best of luck to whatever character you play Kandosiika, and Castellucci is now open again.