House Levarie


Queen of Sharks
Jun 23, 2016
Reaction score
Sacramento, California.
Noble House Levarie

@Cirenety, @The_DarkKnight_, @skullpanda90, @Heaven_of_ash, @Gartono, @GoldenAisles, @Completely_Evan, @DrDrago, @GrimDeValhalla, and @NeilAucoin.


General Information:


Ithanian - Citoye - Ailor

House Religion:
Unionism although the Levarie family isn't entirely devout.

House Motto:
Famille Avant L'ennemi. (Translation: Family Before the Enemy.)

House Trade:
Apothecaries/Teas Incenses/Medical Supplies

House Colors:
Green for the primary color, Silver for the secondary color, and Black as the accent color.

House Symbol:
The house animal is a deer, although the Levarie family is normally portrayed as an open flower.

House Land:
Louveciennes and Orilionin Suzerain, Both used for trade as well as housing for family members.

House Emblem:




Within the family, apothecary supplies were a huge benefit for the raise of money along with status. These products ranged from medicine, incenses, and teas that would help the village's well being. Over time the people kept buying the products from the Levarie family that they could eventually expand the trade to other regions. While the income kept trickling to their name, they began to grow the status of the family along with claiming more land for their personal use. Till eventually, they reached a satisfactory limit of land and money for a small village along with an Estate.


Family Traits:

Hair Color: The Levarie's hair color is commonly a caramel blonde or a honey blonde, Though some members are born with honey brown or caramel brown hair.

Eye Color: Eye color among the family is commonly known to range from baby blue, to a turquoise color. However, it's possible to have jade colored eyes although it's not common within the family.

Skin Color: The Levarie family commonly have a skin complexion ranging from a Regalian White to a slightly tan complexion.

Height: Within the average heights of the family members, the lowest for a woman is a height of 5'4 while the tallest is 5'10 which is a part of the most recent generation. The tallest a man within the family can be is 6'2 while the shortest is 5'6.

Accent: Most of the family hold a full Ithania accent, if not slightly dulled by spending years in Regalia.


Art Done by @skullpanda90
From left to right is Noel Levarie, Renesme Levarie, and Claire Levarie.



The Levarie family began as a small, closely knit family of herbalists who sold a large amount of their products to the town and were well known for their useful goods, however, they didn't begin to suddenly earn a large sum of profit. They began by providing all they had and could afford to their sons, Geoffrey and Edmon in order to give them all they needed to start them off with their lives. As their two sons grew up they used their nurtured talents to aid their parents in their work by standing at the side of the street and spreading the word of their stall. Soon, their income began to grow, enabling Absolon and Astri, the parents of the two sons to gather more expensive and greatly needed herbs to sell to the townspeople.

Slowly the family expanded their business to nearby towns, the Levarie family of four continued to receive a steady and plentiful amount of money. The two sons met women whom they fell in love with and married, causing the family to grow. Around the time when their business began to boom the wife of Geoffry, Abella, fell pregnant and nine months later gave birth to Marthis Levarie though his birth took the life of Abella. The family took this tragic event and used it to work harder in order to raise Marthis well.

The efforts of the family rewarded them well, giving them enough money to purchase a county named Louveciennes in Suzerain and build an estate established in the Levarie name. Edmon and his wife Kalle soon after had two children, first a boy named Maxime and then a girl named Charlotte. Sadly, Astri died soon after the two children were born, in 230 AC, on March 17th.

Geoffrey now realized that sadly his father would follow into the end, went to take the reins and follow in the family's steps with his brother by his side. Two years later Absolon passed away due to physical complications along with old age at the age of seventy-two on August 3rd, 232AC.


The two brothers, Now determined to keep the family's bloodline and status that was achieved by their now deceased parents hard work, They began to work together to raise their children in a healthy environment as well as keep their business thriving. Eventually, The two brothers cracked under the pressure and make a decision to send their children to boarding school in order to be educated. Although Geoffrey and Edmon tried to continue the family business themselves, They were both growing too old and too tired to continue working themselves so hard. They made a decision to expand their trade to Regalia, The two brothers alternating each year and taking their good with them to the great city. Once Marthis came of age, The two brothers lead him to take the reins of the family name while the brothers lead an easy life style back in Regalia. As time went by, Marthis Levarie found love with a woman named Sabine, Whom he soon married in 232 AC. The Noble family lived a hard working yet happy lifestyle and with their pooling wealth, Decided to purchase a second county named Orilion in order to have a second location to sell their goods and house their workers, As well as expand their business further.

Sadly, Geoffery fell ill soon after the purchase of the county as his immune system grew weaker after years of laborious work, Leading to his death in 271 AC, His brother soon following a year later. The memory of the two were kept close to Sabine and Marthis though through the morning a happiness emerged, Brought by the arrival of their first child, Noel Levaire, In 272 AC. The family became happier and more at peace with themselves and the loss of the two treasured family members and made the decision to have a second child. Their second daughter, Renesme Levarie, Was born in 278 AC. Then they had two other daughters, Valentina and Claire Levarie afterwards. Valentia in 280 AC and Claire in 283 AC.

On the other side of the family, the two children of Edmon and Kalle, Charlotte and Maxime, had married and were both expecting their first children. Charlotte gave birth first to Amadeus, Then his younger brother Clemence and then their younger sister Aceline. The three grew up slightly estranged from their cousins though did spend time together at family dinners and Noble events. Soon after Amadeus' birth, Lea gave birth to a boy whom she named Lucien and then a year later gave birth to Eliot. The two brothers grew up closely with Amadeus, Clemence and Aceline thought they aren't seen often in current times.


Now, The Levarie family are not commonly acknowledged for their members, Nor their accomplishments but more their wealth. The family seemed to always been more concerned with their money, This mostly prominent within the most recent generation. The people behind the name were well known for being a very reserved family and this is how it remained until they lost a significant sum of their money when their stocks went bad. Their customers suddenly came back with complaints, Some saying their medicines didn't work and others saying they received detrimental side effects. The Levaries clawed to fix things as fast as they could but the damage had been done. During these times the once great family had to resort to selling even their own possessions to stay afloat.

To make things worse, Marthis soon fell ill and was in dire need of medicine. The two eldest sisters conversed with their family and came to the decision that they couldn't afford the medicine, Which Marthis understood. Thought this took a heavy toll on Sabine as she slowly watched her husband lose himself to the sickness and pass away.

The family spent a large sum of time mourning his death before the remaining family set things into motion once more. Noel Levarie was handed the family as Renesme made the decision to go to all ends to protect her family. Claire and Valentia put their heads down and studied up on all things relevant to the family for hours on end, The cousins left to bring in customers once more.

The family then went to Regalia in 302 AC in order to raise their profit of trade, Which is where the family currently resides with their regained title.


Family Tree:

Red - Deceased

Blue - Playable

Green - Played

Orange - Pending

Purple - Unplayable

Absolon Levarie (87 at Death) Father of Geoffrey, and first started the trade of the Family. Astri Levarie (72 at Death) Wife of Absolon and mother of Geoffry and Edmon.

Geoffry Levarie (70 at Death) The passed Grandfather of the Levarie's, respected in memory. Father of Marthis Levarie, husband to Abella. (Had green eyes like Valentina.)

Abella Durand (32 at Death) Wife of Geoffery and mother to Marthis, died in labor

Edgard Durand (78 at Death) Father of Abella, husband of Dasai.

Dasai Thomas (60 at Death) Mother of Abella Levarie, wife of Edgard.

Edmon Levarie (50 at Death) Father of Charlotte Levarie, husband of Kalle, brother of Geoffry.

Kalle Gard (45 at Death) Mother of Charlotte Levarie, wife of Edmon.

Marthis Levarie (56 at Death) The previous head of the family, and father of the sisters. Husband of Sabine Levarie, remembered fondly.

Dace Vinelle (84) Father of Samuel Vinelle, husband to Camila.

Camila Moreau (78) Mother of Samuel Vinelle, wife to Dace.

Samuel Vinelle (55) Father of Amadeus, Aceline, Garan, and Clemence.

Charlotte Levarie (48) Mother of Amadeus, Aceline, Garan, and Clemence.

Sabine Levarie (59) Mother of the sisters, currently in Ithania handling business there

Noel Levarie @Cirenety (33) - Oldest and current Head of the Family Name, Manages the Members and Business.

Renesme Levarie @Heaven_of_ash (27) - Second oldest sister, passionate and stubborn.

Valentina Jade Levarie (25)- Blunt and sarcastic but loves her friends and family. Green eyes.

Claire Marietta Levarie @skullpanda90 (22)- Youngest of the Levarie Family, brat.

Clemence Vinelle @The_DarkKnight_ (27) - Close cousin of the family, humble.

Amadeus Vinelle @Gartono (30) - Cousin of the family, expressive personality.

Aceline Vinelle @GoldenAisles (20) Cousin of the family, quiet and shy.

Lea Donnadieu (47 at death) Wife of Maxine Levarie, Mother to Lucien and Elliot Donnadieu.

Maxime Levarie (49) Older brother of Charlotte Levarie, Father to Lucien and Elliot Donnadieu.

Lucien Donnadieu (26) Older brother to Elliot, Extroverted and strong willed.

Elliot Donnadieu (24) Younger brother to Lucien, Pure hearted and family orientated.

House Staff Positions:
Maids - 0/3



Butlers - 1/3
- Jurin Fi' Rathel played by @GrimDeValhalla. Butler of the family.



Messengers - 1/2
- Francis Liolen played by @NeilAucoin. Messenger of the family.


House-Guards - 2/5
- Alain Aloys played by @Completely_Evan. Guard of the family.

- Vi'san Svensson played by @DrDrago. Guard of the family.





Family Staff Application: Ran by @Heaven_of_ash


RP References:

Race of the character:

Position applying for:

Previous/Current Characters:

Time Zone:

How often are you active?:

Roleplay Strengths:

Roleplay Weaknesses:

Reason for applying In the Form of an IC letter:

Brief backstory:

Skype (PM Please):


Family Application: Ran by @Cirenety.
Character applying for:


RP References:

Previous/Current Characters:

Time Zone:

How often are you active?:

Roleplay Strengths:

Roleplay Weaknesses:

Reason for Applying?:

Skype (PM Please):


Skype (Optional, but GREATLY Preferred. Please PM as well to @Cirenety, @Heaven_of_ash, or @skullpanda90:

Thank you for reading and all the people who helped in this long project! ^~^
Editing may vary.
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Character: Alain Aloys
IGN: Spooky_Evan
RP References: Race of the character: Ailor- Ithanian
Position applying for: Guard
Previous/Current Characters: Afamrail Daril, Ben Sykes.
Time Zone: Central
How often are you active?: Daily.
Roleplay Strengths: Combat
Roleplay Weaknesses: OOC arguments.
Reason for applying In the Form of an IC letter:
Dear House of Levarie,
I Alain Aloys present myself to you as a master Turall, offering my skill and blade to serve your family with the best of my ability. Write back soon.

-Alain Aloys, Turall of Ithania.

Brief backstory:
Approved Sheet
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Character: Alain Aloys
IGN: Spooky_Evan
RP References: Race of the character: Ailor- Ithanian
Position applying for: Guard
Previous/Current Characters: Afamrail Daril, Ben Sykes.
Time Zone: Central
How often are you active?: Daily.
Roleplay Strengths: Combat
Roleplay Weaknesses: OOC arguments.
Reason for applying In the Form of an IC letter:
Dear House of Levarie,
I Alain Aloys present myself to you as a master Turall, offering my skill and blade to serve your family with the best of my ability. Write back soon.
-Alain Aloys, Turall of Ithania.

Brief backstory:
Approved Sheet
Age: 75

IGN: badluckpanther

RP References: @zomgsevey @GrimDeValhalla @Gartono

Position applying for: Butler

Previous/Current Characters: Triston Bones and Alphonse Kaymen.

Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time

How often are you active?: An hour a day

Roleplay Strengths: Not very likely to get frustrated, more or less calm.

Roleplay Weaknesses: I may go afk at times and leave role play on pause.

Reason for applying In the Form of an IC letter: "Dear, Levarie Family. I'm looking for a line of work and would like to apply for a job at your estate. I hope to keep in contact with your family through further mailing. Thank you.
"Signed, Zeroth"

Brief Backstory: Zeroth lived a rather normal life in a small village secluded in the Elven Empire surrounded by snow. He spent most of his time reading and learning ice magic which made him very anti-social, for taking more time into books that social interaction. He grew up an only child and primarily spoke to his parents than others. After some time his father died at the age of 198 when Zeroth was only 56, his mother then following two years after that. Something that deeply struck him for change was his mother's last wish, "Branch out and get to know people..." So within her memory he decided to follow her wishes which took him to a well known Alorian hotspot, Regalia. Zeroth then tried to spend his time to socialize with others, but coming off creepy to most. He continued with the usual routine, and went back to his time alone studying. Zeroth then learned of the Levarie Family along with them hiring through, overhearing others gossip about it. Zeroth then took the idea of joining the as a worker and due to his mother's wishes. Zeroth decided it would be a nice way to socialize with others and started to write to the family.

Personality: Zeroth is rather unsocial with others, no matter how hard he tries he's severely distant. He barely ever talks and instead takes to be quiet, however, he holds a passion for music and is an avid pianist.

Appearance: Zeroth has light blue eyes, and white hair. Although he's seventy-five he still holds his appearance from his early twenties. Zeroth commonly has a cold expression which people commonly mistake for a different idea of his personality.

Quirks: Loves music, can play the piano very well, and he's very shy. Additionally, Zeroth is an expert ice mage due to the 61 years of learning the magic
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Character: Vi'san Svenson

IGN: DrDrago

RP References: @conflicttFTW, @CRASHIR

Race of the character: Northerner

Position applying for: Guard

Previous/Current Characters: Reiden Nishimura

Time Zone: GMT

How often are you active?: Mainly weekends and more during holidays

Roleplay Strengths: Combat roleplay

Roleplay Weaknesses: Still don't know a lot on lore of certain races and bad at keeping up to date with what is happening

The reason for applying In the Form of an IC letter:

Dear house Levarie

It would be a pleasure to be able to work alongside your house and an old friend Renesmee. I would hope you could allow a Skagger into your house.

Your's Vi'san

Brief backstory: Vi'san Svenson
Age: 75

IGN: badluckpanther

RP References: @zomgsevey @GrimDeValhalla @Gartono

Position applying for: Butler

Previous/Current Characters: Triston Bones and Alphonse Kaymen.

Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time

How often are you active?: An hour a day

Roleplay Strengths: Not very likely to get frustrated, more or less calm.

Roleplay Weaknesses: I may go afk at times and leave role play on pause.

Reason for applying In the Form of an IC letter: "Dear, Levarie Family. I'm looking for a line of work and would like to apply for a job at your estate. I hope to keep in contact with your family through further mailing. Thank you.
"Signed, Zeroth"

Brief Backstory: Zeroth lived a rather normal life in a small village secluded in the Elven Empire surrounded by snow. He spent most of his time reading and learning ice magic which made him very anti-social, for taking more time into books that social interaction. He grew up an only child and primarily spoke to his parents than others. After some time his father died at the age of 198 when Zeroth was only 56, his mother then following two years after that. Something that deeply struck him for change was his mother's last wish, "Branch out and get to know people..." So within her memory he decided to follow her wishes which took him to a well known Alorian hotspot, Regalia. Zeroth then tried to spend his time to socialize with others, but coming off creepy to most. He continued with the usual routine, and went back to his time alone studying. Zeroth then learned of the Levarie Family along with them hiring through, overhearing others gossip about it. Zeroth then took the idea of joining the as a worker and due to his mother's wishes. Zeroth decided it would be a nice way to socialize with others and started to write to the family.

Personality: Zeroth is rather unsocial with others, no matter how hard he tries he's severely distant. He barely ever talks and instead takes to be quiet, however, he holds a passion for music and is an avid pianist.

Appearance: Zeroth has light blue eyes, and white hair. Although he's seventy-five he still holds his appearance from his early twenties. Zeroth commonly has a cold expression which people commonly mistake for a different idea of his personality.

Quirks: Loves music, can play the piano very well, and he's very shy. Additionally, Zeroth is an expert ice mage due to the 61 years of learning the magic
Character: Vi'san Svenson

IGN: DrDrago

RP References: @conflicttFTW, @CRASHIR, @CresentLight

Race of the character: Northerner

Position applying for: Guard

Previous/Current Characters: Reiden Nishimura

Time Zone: GMT

How often are you active?: Mainly weekends and more during holidays

Roleplay Strengths: Combat roleplay

Roleplay Weaknesses: Still don't know a lot on lore of certain races and bad at keeping up to date with what is happening

The reason for applying In the Form of an IC letter:

Dear house Levarie

It would be a pleasure to be able to work alongside your house and an old friend Renesmee. I would hope you could allow a Skagger into your house.

Your's Vi'san

Brief backstory: Vi'san Svenson
Character: Posydia 'Van Quilas

IGN: Wolfiecat940

RP References: @GrimDeValhalla @CRASHIR @Eternal_Wrath @PosidonX7 (and other people in the chat)

Race of the character: Avanthar-Alior mix

Position applying for: House Guard

Previous/Current Characters: Delaorien, Nomylia, and Suji.

Time Zone: UTC

How often are you active?: My life (Mostly everyday, like you know, unless irl problems)

Roleplay Strengths: Her ability to fight is quite impressive and so has her build, though it is still feminine, it still has a good muscle to it. Ever since her training has started, she finds herself capable of seeing further away then most and has used it to her advantage in many situations.

Roleplay Weaknesses: Over the years, Posydia has developed a weakened left hand and it pains her to try grasping with it which she surely hopes it won't be a problem. Another odd weakness would be her haemolacria, a condition where you cry blood and is still unsolvable to this day.

Reason for applying In the Form of an IC letter:
Dear house Levarie,
I am writing this letter to you in hopes to be accepted as one of your noble house guards. It has always caught my eye of being a house guard and seeing an opening for being able to protect both your establishment and the family within would be an honor. May you write back, both to bring bad or good news.
Posydia 'Van Quilas

Brief backstory: Posydia has a more serious type of personality and doesn't mess around to much.She wasn't always like this until she was trained to fight by her alior father,who also fathers her half-brother. Their father was teaching them around the school of viridian, though she soon branched of and started to train herself based around her own physical abilities.

Skype: I'm in the call with you.
Regarding roleplay strengths and weaknesses, It regards to yourself as a roleplayer rather than your character, And sadly all slots for a guard have been filled. Your application is very impressive though, And I will be sure to tag you if a slot opens up for your character.
Character: Posydia 'Van Quilas

IGN: Wolfiecat940

RP References: @GrimDeValhalla @CRASHIR @Eternal_Wrath @PosidonX7 (and other people in the chat)

Race of the character: Avanthar-Alior mix

Position applying for: House Guard

Previous/Current Characters: Delaorien, Nomylia, and Suji.

Time Zone: UTC

How often are you active?: My life (Mostly everyday, like you know, unless irl problems)

Roleplay Strengths: I have improved a lot of my roleplaying over the months of playing, being involved in roleplay, and reading both wiki and forums. Though I have mostly been experienced in house guard roleplay.

Roleplay Weakness: Though I can easily learn, I am not the best at knowledge about different magic abilities, seeing as most of it changed since I've been here.

Reason for applying In the Form of an IC letter:
Dear house Levarie,
I am writing this letter to you in hopes to be accepted as one of your noble house guards. It has always caught my eye of being a house guard and seeing an opening for being able to protect both your establishment and the family within would be an honor. May you write back, both to bring bad or good news.
Posydia 'Van Quilas

Brief backstory: Posydia has a more serious type of personality and doesn't mess around to much.She wasn't always like this until she was trained to fight by her alior father,who also fathers her half-brother. Their father was teaching them around the school of viridian, though she soon branched of and started to train herself based around her own physical abilities.

Skype: I'm in the call with you.
I'm happy to say, Approved!
Character: Jurin Fi' Rathel (aka FROYO!!!)

IGN: GrimDeValhalla

RP References: @CRASHIR @Eternal_Wrath @PosidonX7 (and other people in the chat)

Race of the character: Avanthar

Position applying for: Butler

Previous/Current Characters: Mac Tire first char, Taveric , current ,Gue, also current , Ve, kinda old, Jurin, new char, also the one I'm using here.

Time Zone: GMT

How often are you active?: Wait you can stop playing massive?!?

Roleplay Strengths: Well my strengths I'm a generally a nice person unless you some how piss me off, I take myself as a hell lot better than before. I'm always trying to be positive in the rp times even though if I be yelled it oocly ;-; ill still try to be good old me!.

Roleplay Weakness: Oh I know this one! my slighty powergamy self which is no more though reason for that little old me never said the words attempt id always assumed you knew I was attempting but that le problem is fixed cause I was a dip shiz! well I mean I still am have you seen my grammer?.

Reason for applying In the Form of an IC letter:
Dear house Levarie,

I am writing to you today to apply for butler I feel like I would be great as this jo as my wife treats me like one anyway, and I'm looking for a job that's is peaceful, I'd serve you well.

Yours Sincerely

Jurin Fi' Rathel(Aka Froyo , elsa and any other name that goes with ice ye pricks!)

Brief backstory: Taveric being an Isldar even though he would never want to serve people but his wife scares the ever living shite out of him he has now taking easy going back way of life being easy going. even though he will still have his personality and is lovely isldar kinks. (cough is so not an expert ice mage cough I'm coming for you panther!!! cough)

Skype: I swear I'm not talking to you right now.
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Character: Taveric Yurkier (aka FROYO!!!)

IGN: GrimDeValhalla

RP References: @CRASHIR @Eternal_Wrath @PosidonX7 (and other people in the chat)

Race of the character: Isldar

Position applying for: Butler

Previous/Current Characters: Mac Tire first char, Taveric , current ,Gue, also current , Ve, kinda old, Jurin, new char.

Time Zone: GMT

How often are you active?: Wait you can stop playing massive?!?

Roleplay Strengths: Well my strengths I'm a generally a nice person unless you some how piss me off, I take myself as a hell lot better than before. I'm always trying to be positive in the rp times even though if I be yelled it oocly ;-; ill still try to be good old me!.

Roleplay Weakness: Oh I know this one! my slighty powergamy self which is no more though reason for that little old me never said the words attempt id always assumed you knew I was attempting but that le problem is fixed cause I was a dip shiz! well I mean I still am have you seen my grammer?.

Reason for applying In the Form of an IC letter:
Dear house Levarie,

I am writing to you today to apply for butler I feel like I would be great as this jo as my wife treats me like one anyway, and I'm looking for a job that's is peaceful, I'd serve you well.

Yours Sincerely

Taveric Yurkier (Aka Froyo , elsa and any other name that goes with ice ye pricks!)

Brief backstory: Taveric being an Isldar even though he would never want to serve people but his wife scares the ever living shite out of him he has now taking easy going back way of life being easy going. even though he will still have his personality and is lovely isldar kinks. (cough is so not an expert ice mage cough I'm coming for you panther!!! cough)

Skype: I swear I'm not talking to you right now.
Character: Arcaena Elieth
IGN: Hexanone
RP References: @Ghirko, @Chrome_Eevee, @FaithEmber, @PosidonX7
Race of the character: Cielothar - Isldar
Position applying for: Maid
Previous/Current Characters: Lucina Aeroheart, Yoshihiko Kasai, A'olis, Ventus Elvyre, Furea Flamvell
Time Zone: GMT
How often are you active?: Well, 2 hours on weekdays, anytime in the evening (in my timezone) during weekends.
Roleplay Strengths: I can play a variety of characters that each display a wide range of emotions all in different ways, I make good use of body language and clear detailing of how a character moves to allow others to get a grasp on what said character is like, I can also use things such as the seeming tonal changes in characters around me to provide a more human response!
Roleplay Weakness: I really can't initiate rp on my own, I need a friend to be there to catalyse it so I can.. "Break the shoes in" I suppose?
Reason for applying In the Form of an IC letter:
- The letter would be written in very eloquent and smooth cursive text, masterful-

Dear house, Levarie
I am Arcaena Elieth, I have been searching for jobs for my brother and myself in Regalia but have been turned down for most upon in-job trials overstraining my rather weak body, but I do hope that you will be able to put up with my... tendencies. My brother will serve well as a messenger too... Though he's writing his own letter. I hope to hear from you.

Thank you for reading,
Arcaena Elieth

Brief backstory: Arcaena was born in a small town near windgarden with her brother, mother and father, they lived a quiet life and once Aroticon, her brother decided he was bored of the town he took Arcaena and left for Regalia, upon arriving there they managed to but a few months rent for a rather decent house, but are in the need of money, and a job, to keep paying for it. Arcaena has spent most of her life frail and sickly, having been taught to a mage level in both Stone Shell and Frozen shard magics, she is near perfect at almost all household tasks as she was mostly housebound due to sickness. She's better now, but still frail, and her left knee buckles every so often due to it's weakness.

Skype: Totally wasn't an idiot and put my skype here...
Character: Arcaena Elieth
IGN: Hexanone
RP References: @Ghirko, @Chrome_Eevee, @FaithEmber, @PosidonX7
Race of the character: Cielothar - Isldar
Position applying for: Maid
Previous/Current Characters: Lucina Aeroheart, Yoshihiko Kasai, A'olis, Ventus Elvyre, Furea Flamvell
Time Zone: GMT
How often are you active?: Well, 2 hours on weekdays, anytime in the evening (in my timezone) during weekends.
Roleplay Strengths: I can play a variety of characters that each display a wide range of emotions all in different ways, I make good use of body language and clear detailing of how a character moves to allow others to get a grasp on what said character is like, I can also use things such as the seeming tonal changes in characters around me to provide a more human response!
Roleplay Weakness: I really can't initiate rp on my own, I need a friend to be there to catalyse it so I can.. "Break the shoes in" I suppose?
Reason for applying In the Form of an IC letter:
- The letter would be written in very eloquent and smooth cursive text, masterful-

Dear house, Levarie
I am Arcaena Elieth, I have been searching for jobs for my brother and myself in Regalia but have been turned down for most upon in-job trials overstraining my rather weak body, but I do hope that you will be able to put up with my... tendencies. My brother will serve well as a messenger too... Though he's writing his own letter. I hope to hear from you.

Thank you for reading,
Arcaena Elieth

Brief backstory: Arcaena was born in a small town near windgarden with her brother, mother and father, they lived a quiet life and once Aroticon, her brother decided he was bored of the town he took Arcaena and left for Regalia, upon arriving there they managed to but a few months rent for a rather decent house, but are in the need of money, and a job, to keep paying for it. Arcaena has spent most of her life frail and sickly, having been taught to a mage level in both Stone Shell and Frozen shard magics, she is near perfect at almost all household tasks as she was mostly housebound due to sickness. She's better now, but still frail, and her left knee buckles every so often due to it's weakness.

Skype: Totally wasn't an idiot and put my skype here...
Character: Verise Faucon
IGN: GoldenAisles
RP References:Race of the character: Ithanian
Position applying for: Maid
Previous/Current Characters: Vsubaki Nishimura, Valerie Dera
Time Zone: Central
How often are you active?: I have an odd schedule, but I get on when I can.
Roleplay Strengths: Being able to rp is a strength, right?
Roleplay Weaknesses: CRP
Reason for applying In the Form of an IC letter: This would be written in complete Ithanie.
Dear House of Levarie,
I am Verise Faucon, and I also hail from Ithanie. I am in need of work, as I have no architectural plans that have been commissioned to me. I have skills in not burning down a kitchen to cook, and am well versed in cleaning. Help a fellow Ithanian out a bit, eh?
-Verise, or the Architect.

Brief Backstory: Verise just came to Regalia to escape an abusive family. She's an architect too, and is really not interested in telling her story to other people.
Character: Verise Faucon
IGN: GoldenAisles
RP References:Race of the character: Ithanian
Position applying for: Maid
Previous/Current Characters: Vsubaki Nishimura, Valerie Dera
Time Zone: Central
How often are you active?: I have an odd schedule, but I get on when I can.
Roleplay Strengths: Being able to rp is a strength, right?
Roleplay Weaknesses: CRP
Reason for applying In the Form of an IC letter: This would be written in complete Ithanie.
Dear House of Levarie,
I am Verise Faucon, and I also hail from Ithanie. I am in need of work, as I have no architectural plans that have been commissioned to me. I have skills in not burning down a kitchen to cook, and am well versed in cleaning. Help a fellow Ithanian out a bit, eh?
-Verise, or the Architect.

Brief Backstory: Verise just came to Regalia to escape an abusive family. She's an architect too, and is really not interested in telling her story to other people.
Although @Heaven_of_ash isn't currently available, due to my role as well.
Approved! ^~^

Dear House of Levarie,

My name is Octavia Rose Josephine, and I am a student under Aloys' knowledge. As his student, I risk my life for him. It means that if his service is dedicated to the Levaries, my services also goes to the family. I will do my every power to protect the family from any mean of danger and continue to learn under Aloys' teachings.
- Octavia Rose Josephine, Aloys' Apprentice

My In-Game Name: CrescentLight
RP References: @Spooky_Evan @CRASHIR @GoldenAisles @Eternal_Wrath @PosidonX7 @GrimDeValhalla @Malou_Winter @Wolfiecat940

Dear House of Levarie,

My name is Octavia Rose Josephine, and I am a student under Aloys' knowledge. As his student, I risk my life for him. It means that if his service is dedicated to the Levaries, my services also goes to the family. I will do my every power to protect the family from any mean of danger and continue to learn under Aloys' teachings.
- Octavia Rose Josephine, Aloys' Apprentice

My In-Game Name: CrescentLight
RP References: @Spooky_Evan @CRASHIR @GoldenAisles @Eternal_Wrath @PosidonX7 @GrimDeValhalla @Malou_Winter @Wolfiecat940
Although @Heaven_of_ash isn't currently available, due to my role as well. Along with the work effort along with beauty. I'm glad to say.
Approved! You have passed and made it pass our 3/3 amount of guards. Great job! ^~^
Character applying for: Amadeus Vinelle

IGN: gartono

RP References: @CRASHIR @Eternal_Wrath @Empaul

Previous/Current Characters: Valor Le'Core, Amat Solis, Soulist Xachavier, Fy Daril, Ikaiko Mordida,

Time Zone: EST, Ohio.

How often are you active?: 4-5 days a week, maybe more.

Roleplay Strengths: I'm flexible.

Roleplay Weaknesses: Specifics in emoting

Reason for Applying?:
"Dear Family,
I have finally finished my studies within Ithania, and I have acquired much source for my work. Though, I suppose an alchemist never finishes his work, yes? I will be staying with you all in Regalia as the new environment will provide new studies for my research. It will also be lovely to spend time with the dearest of people in my eyes. I also have a few souvenirs waiting!~

Skype (PM Please): You already have it ;3

IC Talents?: Alchemy (Levels 9-10; Very talented). Persuasive.
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Character applying for: Amadeus Vinelle

IGN: gartono

RP References: @CRASHIR @Eternal_Wrath @Empaul

Previous/Current Characters: Valor Le'Core, Amat Solis, Soulist Xachavier, Fy Daril, Ikaiko Mordida,

Time Zone: EST, Ohio.

How often are you active?: 4-5 days a week, maybe more.

Roleplay Strengths: All the strengths? I'm flexible.

Roleplay Weaknesses: I am unsure. I have been told that I have none.

Reason for Applying?:
"Dear Family,
I have finally finished my studies within Ithania, and I have acquired much source for my work. Though, I suppose an alchemist never finishes his work, yes? I will be staying with you all in Regalia as the new environment will provide new studies for my research. It will also be lovely to spend time with the dearest of people in my eyes. I also have a few souvenirs waiting!~

Skype (PM Please): You already have it ;3

IC Talents?: Alchemy (Levels 9-10; Very talented). Persuasive.
Hello! Please do add specific strengths and weaknesses, I would also like to point out that all roleplayers can improve and everyone has a weakness. It is very good to have your weak points down in order to know what you are going to improve upon, And I mean no offense by this!
Other wise,
Character: Aceline Vinelle
IGN: GoldenAisles
RP References: Well, most of you know me, sooo...
Race of the character:
Ailor- Ithanian
Position applying for: Cousin
Previous/Current Characters: Verise Faucon, Vsubaki Nishimura, Valerie Dera
Time Zone: Central
How often are you active?: Wacky schedule.
Roleplay Strengths: Just- I can rp.
Roleplay Weaknesses: CRP
Reason for applying?:

My dearest Cousins,
It appears you've stolen my brother. I'll be coming to stay with you all and watch over him, as he is a trouble maker. I'm sure you've found this out already, though. I will be there soon.
~Aceline the Great.

Skype? You've got it already.

Ic talents: Able to cook, clean, and do many basic chores. Also plays the violin very well.
Character: Francis Liolen

IGN: NeilAucoin

RP References: I could get a few if necessary but I haven't asked anyone for permission

Race of the character: Ailor (Ithanian)

Position applying for: Messenger

Previous/Current Characters: I've had about 20 characters, but the most significant ones would be Francis Liolen (my main), Jae-Hwa Chang, and Balthazar Orston

Time Zone: EST

How often are you active?: Around 4 hours on week days and 6 to 12 hours on weekends (or days off)

Roleplay Strengths: Magic RP and portraying weaknesses

Roleplay Weaknesses: Combat RP (with weapons) and keeping up to date with world progression events

Reason for applying In the Form of an IC letter:

*Francis Liolen would pull out a fresh piece of parchment and write yet another letter, hoping this may be the one that finally gets him the job he has been looking for*

To the Great House Levarie,

I am Francis Liolen. It has always been my belief that every noble house should have one, if not several couriers; in fact I believe they are essential. If you would ever-so graciously allow me to do so, I would offer my services as a courier to you; and should any other services be needed I would not hesitate to lend a hand. I seek but to serve your great house and make my many skills available to you, and I assure you you would not be disappointed in my services. All I would ask in return is for fair compensation, and if I have not convinced you of my competence I would be more than willing to meet in person to reassure you that I am right for this position. Please consider this offer, as I'm sure it could benefit us both.

Your humble servant,
Francis Liolen

Brief backstory: Francis Liolen spent his early life (in Ithania) doing lots of manual labor, then isolated himself to learn Ellon magic before moving on to Alma magic, which he learned in Farah'deen while also learning the Abwahid archery style. Afterwards, Francis joined the Regalian military for a while and now occasionally does work for the Regalian government as an Alma mage.
(Under Review) Character App:

Skype (PM Please): NeilAucoin
Character: Francis Liolen

IGN: NeilAucoin

RP References: I could get a few if necessary but I haven't asked anyone for permission

Race of the character: Ailor (Ithanian)

Position applying for: Messenger

Previous/Current Characters: I've had about 20 characters, but the most significant ones would be Francis Liolen (my main), Jae-Hwa Chang, and Balthazar Orston

Time Zone: EST

How often are you active?: Around 4 hours on week days and 6 to 12 hours on weekends (or days off)

Roleplay Strengths: Magic RP and portraying weaknesses

Roleplay Weaknesses: Combat RP (with weapons) and keeping up to date with world progression events

Reason for applying In the Form of an IC letter:

*Francis Liolen would pull out a fresh piece of parchment and write yet another letter, hoping this may be the one that finally gets him the job he has been looking for*

To the Great House Levarie,

I am Francis Liolen. It has always been my belief that every noble house should have one, if not several couriers; in fact I believe they are essential. If you would ever-so graciously allow me to do so, I would offer my services as a courier to you; and should any other services be needed I would not hesitate to lend a hand. I seek but to serve your great house and make my many skills available to you, and I assure you you would not be disappointed in my services. All I would ask in return is for fair compensation, and if I have not convinced you of my competence I would be more than willing to meet in person to reassure you that I am right for this position. Please consider this offer, as I'm sure it could benefit us both.

Your humble servant,
Francis Liolen

Brief backstory: Francis Liolen spent his early life (in Ithania) doing lots of manual labor, then isolated himself to learn Ellon magic before moving on to Alma magic, which he learned in Farah'deen while also learning the Abwahid archery style. Afterwards, Francis joined the Regalian military for a while and now occasionally does work for the Regalian government as an Alma mage.
(Under Review) Character App:

Skype (PM Please): NeilAucoin

*Noel would receive word from her sister Renesme about the recent letter sent to the household, as she wished for Noel to make sure to go over the received application. Noel then taking the letter gingerly, stating "Thank you Esme, I will write back to this individual. It has... Sparked my interest to say the very least." Renesmee would then leave Noel for the basic and typical writing Noel would commonly do for the family. Noel then grabbing a fresh paper along with an envelope, then began to write in reply to the application for the Levarie staff.*

Dear Francis Liolen,
From the letter you sent you to our housing, I wish to have a discussion with you. I believe that you are up to the standards along with the ideologies I wish for you to uphold within the role of a messenger. As the Countess and head of the Levarie household, I will gladly meet with you as to discuss the aspects of the job you applied for. Additionally, I am quite intrigued with the many skills you mentioned within your letter, if I would be able to, I wish to be told more of these skills. If you may meet with me at the Levarie Luxe et Herbes shop at Chatois Lane Two at around Five within the evening on February 26rd, if you can make it on that time and date, that would be divine. Sadly, if you can't make it to this scheduled day, send another letter to the house stating a comfortable time within your limitations.

Madame Noel Michelle Levarie.
Countess of Louveciennes.
Inheritor of Levarie Luxe et Herbes.

OOC Information:
Hello! Alright I'll cut to the chase, so my time zone for the discussion of Francis and Noel (Maybe one of Noel's Sisters too) would be at February 26, 2017. The time would be at 5:00 PM, PST which during the timezone of GMT would be at 9:00 AM. If the time needs to be rearranged I will gladly do so and understand. Overall, I'm looking forward to the discussion and I'll add you on Skype after the meeting if he meets qualifications for the family's main needs as a messenger. Anyways, thank you so much for applying and I hope your day goes swell! ^^ Also I will add you to Chatois Lane Two later on for the meeting.
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*Noel would receive word from her sister Renesmee about the recent letter sent to the household, as she wished for Noel to make sure to go over the received application. Noel then taking the letter gingerly, stating "Thank you Esme, I will write back to this individual. It has... Sparked my interest to say the very least." Renesmee would then leave Noel for the basic and typical writing Noel would commonly do for the family. Noel then grabbing a fresh paper along with an envelope, then began to write in reply to the application for the Levarie staff.*

Dear Francis Liolen,
From the letter you sent you to our housing, I wish to have a discussion with you. I believe that you are up to the standards along with the ideologies I wish for you to uphold within the role of a messenger. As the Countess and head of the Levarie household, I will gladly meet with you as to discuss the aspects of the job you applied for. Additionally, I am quite intrigued with the many skills you mentioned within your letter, if I would be able to, I wish to be told more of these skills. If you may meet with me at the Levarie Luxe et Herbes shop at Chatois Lane Two at around Five within the evening on February 26rd, if you can make it on that time and date, that would be divine. Sadly, if you can't make it to this scheduled day, send another letter to the house stating a comfortable time within your limitations.

Madame Noel Michelle Levarie.
Countess of Louveciennes.
Inheritor of Levarie Luxe et Herbes.

OOC Information:
Hello! Alright I'll cut to the chase, so my time zone for the discussion of Francis and Noel (Maybe one of Noel's Sisters too) would be at February 26, 2017. The time would be at 5:00 PM, PST which during the timezone of GMT would be at 9:00 AM. If the time needs to be rearranged I will gladly do so and understand. Overall, I'm looking forward to the discussion and I'll add you on Skype after the meeting if he meets qualifications for the family's main needs as a messenger. Anyways, thank you so much for applying and I hope your day goes swell! ^^ Also I will add you to Chatois Lane Two later on for the meeting.
That all works for me, I should be on all day on the 26th so the time shouldn't be an issue. Anyways, thanks, and I'll see you then!
Character: Aceline Vinelle
IGN: GoldenAisles
RP References: Well, most of you know me, sooo...
Race of the character:
Ailor- Ithanian
Position applying for: Cousin
Previous/Current Characters: Verise Faucon, Vsubaki Nishimura, Valerie Dera
Time Zone:
How often are you active?: Wacky schedule.
Roleplay Strengths: Just- I can rp.
Roleplay Weaknesses: CRP
Reason for applying?:

My dearest Cousins,
It appears you've stolen my brother. I'll be coming to stay with you all and watch over him, as he is a trouble maker. I'm sure you've found this out already, though. I will be there soon.
~Aceline the Great.

Skype? You've got it already.

Ic talents: Able to cook, clean, and do many basic chores. Also plays the violin very well.

Due to the effect and benefits you
have given the family. Along with the basic understanding of your character and contributions of role play I remember, I will gladly.
However, I will be pulling two staff members, along with your maid. The other member is being pulled due to reasons I was given as of recent. I do hope you understand. + 1 more ;w;
Thank you! ^^
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Character: Ai Adixna

IGN: Nixces

RP References: @edgyminc , @ledilote , @UnderwaterSun , @howtocry

Race of the character:

Position applying for:
Previous/Current Characters:
Maria Valnet, Natalie Le'maris, Michiko Ando, Aiyah Vendithas, N'mira Lea Nathanial, anddd *BREATHES INNNN* Aikane Lu.
Time Zone:EST

How often are you active?:
Weekly, I am available till 5:40 ish. During a weekend im basically on all day/

Roleplay Strengths: Im moderate at combat Rp, Im good at making conversation, good at building IC relation ships/

Roleplay Weaknesses: I have trouble keeping track of emotes, I have somewhat trouble with placing commas.

Reason for applying In the Form of an IC letter:

To whom it may concern,

Hello~! Let me introduce myself to you first off, I am Aimora Lee Adixna, though I go by Ai. I am a twenty four year old nelfin, known as a Isldar. And I am truly interested in your job offer as a guard, I am trained with a long spear that I use to battle with. I am fast on my feet, and perfectly capable of protecting your household. I devote to you my loyalty, and you may rest assured that your household is safe in my hands.


Brief backstory:
Aimora was raised in regalia to two isldar parents, she grew up in a loving household. At age fifteen she was trained by her father who was fully trained with his own spear like weapon. Whist her mother trained her somewhat with air magic. Her parents grew very old and tired, and had a peaceful passing, She now lives with a Drow, under the name of Vulre in regalia.
Character: Ai Adixna

IGN: Nixces

RP References: @edgyminc , @ledilote , @UnderwaterSun , @howtocry

Race of the character:

Position applying for:
Previous/Current Characters:
Maria Valnet, Natalie Le'maris, Michiko Ando, Aiyah Vendithas, N'mira Lea Nathanial, anddd *BREATHES INNNN* Aikane Lu.
Time Zone:EST

How often are you active?:
Weekly, I am available till 5:40 ish. During a weekend im basically on all day/

Roleplay Strengths: Im moderate at combat Rp, Im good at making conversation, good at building IC relation ships/

Roleplay Weaknesses: I have trouble keeping track of emotes, I have somewhat trouble with placing commas.

Reason for applying In the Form of an IC letter:

To whom it may concern,

Hello~! Let me introduce myself to you first off, I am Aimora Lee Adixna, though I go by Ai. I am a twenty four year old nelfin, known as a Isldar. And I am truly interested in your job offer as a guard, I am trained with a long spear that I use to battle with. I am fast on my feet, and perfectly capable of protecting your household. I devote to you my loyalty, and you may rest assured that your household is safe in my hands.


Brief backstory:
Aimora was raised in regalia to two isldar parents, she grew up in a loving household. At age fifteen she was trained by her father who was fully trained with his own spear like weapon. Whist her mother trained her somewhat with air magic. Her parents grew very old and tired, and had a peaceful passing, She now lives with a Drow, under the name of Vulre in regalia.
Thank you for applying! Sadly, Judging by the amount of characters you have, I dont think you will have enough time to adequately roleplay as a member of the Levarie house, A Guard none the less. I have roleplayed with you before and am aware of you in depth understanding of roleplay concepts, The only issue is the amount of characters you have.
Thank you for applying!
Character applying for:
Valentina Jade Levarie


RP References:
I have yet to ask permission, but I'm sure @JennaLikesCoffee and several more will vouch for me.

Previous/Current Characters:
Estelle Esma Emory (Current but discardable)
I am fully willing to get rid of all my characters when I join a house and dedicate all my time towards that house.

Time Zone:
Eastern Standard Time (EST).

How often are you active?
I am a relatively new player, however, I am accustomed to playing Minecraft for five hours+ on the weekdays and over seven on the weekends.

Roleplay Strengths:
When roleplaying I tend to morph into the character I have established. I get extremely comfortable with the person I am acting as I become one with the character.

Roleplay Weaknesses:
Because I type decently fast I tend to make typos when I am roleplaying. I have a bad habit of trying to correct these typos.

Reason for Applying?:
I am applying for Valentina Jade Levarie because she frankly reminds me of myself. I also feel that the Levarie House was the exact house I was looking for. Also, most of the roles are filled out which means that there is an established roleplay environment. This will provide an entertaining and fulfilling experience.

Skype: I will PM my skype if I get this role.