House Kreiger Of Hinter Calem


Mar 3, 2017
Reaction score
Regalian Empire
Roleplay Guilds
House Norinn


House Kreiger

House Sigil: A Black Bear.

House Colours: Forest Green and Midnight Black.

House Motto: "Family First."

House Culture: Alt-Regalian, Ailor.

House Religion: Strictly Unionist.

House Values: Loyalty, Endurance, Strength.

House Patriarch: Peter Kreiger

Former House Patriarch: Robert Kreiger

House Trade: Militaristic family. The Kreigers own and train their own mercenary company that often serves as a professional House Guard, the
Leder Häute, or Leather Hides.



The Kreigers hail from Hinter Calem and from a castle called Stürmischesburg.


Physical Appearance:

Males: The men of the family normally appear as more heavily built, having a lot of strength in their torso, very muscular, and naturally built wrestlers and heavy, damaging weapon wielders such as large swords, axes, and polearms like the halberd. They tend to have blue eyes, though the 2nd line could have spawned a pair of green. They also normally have paler skin, though there are exceptions. And they range in height normally from 5'10 to 6'3 in height when fully grown.

Females: Females normally are less as heavy as the males, though there are always exceptions. They are tall, fair skinned and normally more flexible.Like the males, they tend to have blue eyes with an exception of perhaps green in the 2nd line of course. They normally range in height from 5'7 to 5'11 when fully grown.

Members of the Kreiger Family tend to have very individual personalities. Usually desiring wealth, and powerful political positions. You can choose your own personality for your character though.

Family Tree (Green = Playable, Orange =Unplayable, Red = Dead, Blue = Played):

First Line:

Robert Kreiger, 62: Robert died fighting for survival when a handful of his own guardsmen betrayed him at Stürmischesburg.

Elise Kreiger, 59: Elise fled somewhere unknown after her husband was butchered.

Victoria Kreiger, 29: Victoria was the eldest but due to their father favouring a male heir to his title more, Victoria was forced to support Peter as heir rather than herself. Other than that you may create her backstory and personality along with relations to other family members.

Peter Kreiger, 26: Being the eldest son of his father Peter grew up constantly being taught how to run a castle, manage an army, use his head, and do battle. He became a Warrior in Tenpenny, and helped to start training his own men as Captain of the Leather Hides. He then set out for Regalia later on in search of making a name for himself. @NathanPlayzMC_14

Second Line:

Ecbert Kreiger, 55:
Ecbert is Robert's younger brother. Like his brother he became a very capable commander of men and fighter. He often feuded with Robert and desired the titles Robert held. He eventually left Hinter Calem in search of rallying support to usurp the first line's authority. @RedSentinel

Marie Kreiger, 24: Marie died giving birth to her last daughter.

Richard Kreiger, 37: Richard grew up close with his father, becoming a skilled fighter. Other than that you may create their backstory and personality along with relations to other family members.

Ernest Kreiger, 34: Ernest was always more of a student and philosopher than a fighter. He prefered reading a book on his spare time rather than having a spar. For this his father often bullied and pressured him. Other than that you may create their backstory and personality along with relations to other family members.

Rebecca Kreiger, 32: Rebecca grew up without a mother, her father and brother Richard often influencing her, she started to adapt to the ways of combat and the art of fighting. Other than that you may create their backstory and personality along with relations to other family members.

Third Line:

Augustin Kreiger, 39: Augustin found himself in the center of both enjoying politics, loving literature, and being capable in a spar. Though his actual birth mother was unknown, his father loved him so much he never cared to share the secret, not even with his bastard son.

House Guard:

Leather Hides' Captain of the Guard:

Leather Hides' Lieutenant of the Guard:

Leather Hides' Sergeants:

Leather Hides' Veteran Guardsmen:

Leather Hides' Guardsmen:

Leather Hides' Footmen:

Leather Hides' Recruits:

To apply for the Leather Hides please send an IC letter to Peter Kreiger or meet with him in-game.

OOC Information:

To apply for a Kreiger character please enter the following information:


Character you are applying for:

Brief character backstory and personality:

How would you rate your Roleplaying Quality (What kind of RP do you prefer the most? Combat, Noble, Socializing, etc.)?:

How familiar are you with Massivecraft Lore and Roleplaying in General?

Do you have discord?:

To apply for the House Guard please enter the following information:


Character's Name:

Character's Age:

Character's Race:

Character's Gender:

Character's Combat School/Experience:

Do you have discord?:

IC letter to Peter Kreiger:

Last edited:
Sorry this still needs a bit of editing. Though feel free to apply.
IGN: RedSentinel

Character you are applying for:

Eckbert Kreiger

Brief character backstory and personality:

Eckbert is the kind of man who sits mulling over the rest of the room one moment, and blusters into it like an angry wind the next. He's extraordinarily proud, as well as completely blunt in his remarks. That being said, he's also incredibly courageous, almost to the point of recklessness, possessing no fear seemingly in some situations.

He spent most of his life in the shadow of his older brother, sparking an intense ambitious and competitive streak in the man, who enlisted in the School of Leadership at a 17. While the two started out close, ambition quickly drove them apart, until Eckbert left the family holdings entirely to seek his own military forces to usurp his brother. Some claim that he was responsible for Richard's assassination, but there are faint whispers that in his brothers last moments he actually took up a sword to percent the demise of his once rival.

Do you have discord?: Yup

How would you rate your Roleplaying Quality (Which kinds of RP do you prefer the most)?:

On a scale of 1-10, I like to think of myself as at least a 7 or 8. My RP is entirely interaction driven, meaning I focus my RP development more on the conversations, emotes, and characterization more than skills or plots, even if I utilize those to move forward a Roleplay.

Are you new to Massivecraft?:

Been here about a year now officially.

Please PM me your discord. Welcome to House Kreiger.
House Kreiger is currently no longer Recruiting as I have been focusing more on other families. Though, we will likely re-open Family Recruitment in the future. PM me if you have any questions.