House Infamare


The G0atfather
Aug 3, 2013
Reaction score
a hole in the ground
a hole in the ground

House Infamare

Race: Ailor
Culture: Dressolini
Wealth: upper class (8/10)
Trade: Gambling || Crime

A Dressolini family from Montania in the eastern part of The Regalian Archipelago. A family seated in gambling and crime, house Infamare are cunning and loyal, but power hungry and greedy. Dedicated to furthering their power, they will do almost anything to push it further, except betray one another. A family with a penchant for extravagant parties and artifacts.

In their line of work they are also quite generous to those who have nothing, accepting many with into their criminal organization. So long as the members of the organization are loyal, the Infamare family always pays well for hard work. Betrayal, however, is met with heinous retaliation. They strongly value an eye for an eye mentality, which goes both in the positive and negative. An Infamare always rewards those who help them.



Rochela Infamare || Constantine's mother || 76 || Available

A strong woman, wise in her old age and a devout follower of unionism. She let's her son's illegal ways slide in respect for her late husband, who worked with Constantine in a few of his endeavors.

Constantine Infamare || Patriarch || 53 || @Llama_Farmer
Head of the Infamare family, Constantine is an intelligent man who works to gain wealth and power for his family using gambling and crime to his disposal.​

Mina Infamare || Constantine's wife || 48 ||Available
Loyal to Constantine, Mina trusts her husband to do what is necessary for the family. A woman of finer things, Mina loves throwing parties and other extravagances.
Dino Infamare || Constantine's brother || 40 || NPC
An integral part to Constantine's operations, Dino makes sure everything runs smoothly in Montania while Constantine works in Regalia.

Camilla Infamare || Constantine's sister || 32 || Available
Master of intrigue, Camilla knows how to get important contacts using her charm and intelligence.

Romero Infamare || Constantine's son || 21 || Available
Doing what his father never achieved, Romero is currently serving in the Regalian military learning how to fight and serve the emperor.

**If you apply for one of these, I will work with you to make a character you enjoy playing but you have to work with me as well**

The Infamare, being a rich family, require staff and being a crime family, they need guards. You can apply for one of your characters to fill these positions in the family. This would inherently put you into the Infamare crime organization (not a great gang yet).







Family values
  • Family: Above all else the Infamare cares about each other and are inherently loyal to the family, even above their religion. This was taught by Constantine's father and followed by Constantine.​
  • Unionism: The Infamare family are devout unionist, though some of their members bend the rules for the gain of the family. The main values they hold from unionism is that Ailor are superior and the emperor is holy.​
  • Intelligence: The Infamare strongly value intelligence and cunning in both their family members and friends. It is very important for their business practices as well.​

Physical Traits
Being of Dressolini decent the Infamare generally have a tanned skin tone as well as black hair. For Dressolini they are rather tall, possibly due to anglians marrying into the family a few generations back. Despite this, the Infamare still stay in the range of 5'9 to 6'0 feet even. Their body shapes are generally Average to Athletic in muscle mass or Average to Chubby in Fat content.

Mental Traits
The Infamare are a cunning and clever bunch with a strong sense of loyalty. The family pushes for intellectual study as well as study in Dressolini fencing or some form of combat. They also tend to enjoy festivities, whether it be balls, tournaments, or normal parties. The Infamare are also quite greedy and power hungry, wanting more and more. This doesn't necessarily make them blind to consequences though they can lose sight of things occasionally.​

To join the family you must have a clean record with rp, fill out the applications below, and be at least somewhat active. I want to roleplay with my family. Everything else required is described in the application below

Family Application
Tag me: (@Llama_Farmer)
IGN: (In game username)
Timezone: (EST, CST, PST prefered)
Any in game punishments?: (Things that show up in /seen)
Any roleplay punishments?: (Please be honest here, I wish to go for nobility at some point and it is important to know any restrictions you have in roleplay. If you don't want to tell it publicly, dm me)
Activity level: (How active are you a week?)
Have you done crime rp before?: (self explanatory)
Have you participated in noble/rich rp before?: (Not necessarily as a noble/rich character but as a family staff member, guard, ect)
previous character application: (Doesn't need to be accepted, just can't have been rejected)

Which character do you want to play?: (One listed above or someone new?)
What changes do you want to make, how do you want to play them?: (Self explanatory)
Do you need a skin made for the character?: (Self explanatory)

Staff Application
Tag me: (@Llama_Farmer)
IGN: (In game username)
Timezone: (EST, CST, PST prefered)
Any in game punishments?: (Things that show up in /seen)
Any roleplay punishments?: (Please be honest here, I wish to go for nobility at some point and it is important to know any restrictions you have in roleplay. If you don't want to tell it publicly, dm me)
Activity level: (How active are you a week?)
Have you done crime rp before?: (self explanatory)
Have you participated in noble/rich rp before?: (Not necessarily as a noble/rich character but as a family staff member, guard, ect)

Character application: (Application for the character who is applying for the job)
In character letter: (Have a letter written by your character to apply for staff, make sure to include race, age, name, and what position they are applying for.)
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