House Heinrich


Dragon of Semperis
Nov 19, 2015
Reaction score



An oil painting, showing one of the few ponds in the duchy of Lutherstadt. The water is known for it's high amount of minerals.



The first member of House Heinrich was born in 146 A.C. in Regalia, by Franz Hein and Josefin Richter. With the birth of Steuert Heinrich, in year 189 A.C. and as the first person with the family name "Heinrich", the origin of House Heinrich started. Steuert Heinrich was a cherished and charming young man, known for his pride and the good work he did. He showed a great interest in masonry and the creation of sculptors. At the age of 23 he firstly met his future wife Gertrude Heinrich and married her two years later.

First Contact with the Coens

Steuert and Gertrude grew stronger together, clearly showing the amount of feelings they had for each other, and finally met the House Coen in year 216 A.C.. After learning of their forges, Steuert and Gertrude decided to befriend the other house Coen and see them as close friends and supporters. After establishing positive relations with the kind family, House Heinrich was funded for a time by the House Coen to kickstart their business, further inspiring the Heinrichs to further endeavour into their trade and the families work.

At the end of a single decade of work, they decided to immigrate to Regalia, mostly to be near the befriended House Coen and to expand their business. As soon as Steuert and Gertrude arrived they settled themselves down in a brick house near the harbor, which they built themselves, where they proceeded to reside in for several years and planned their future together and that of the family.

A new spark of live

Several years passed by, the business grew and the family would start to gain more attention, thanks to their rare business, and finally got a steady income of money and resources. And finally, after 16 years in Regalia, Alaric Heinrich was born in year 242 A.C. in the small harbor house. Over the years the family grew, new children were born and at the same time a life would end. Steuert passed away in 253 A.C., holding Gertrudes hands as he would breathe the last bit of air out of his lungs, and passing on the family to Josif Heinrich. Josif wasn't the oldest one of Steuert's children, but the smartest one and most calm one of all.

A gift from the Emperor

Josif expanded the family business over the following years and even started to work with the military, helping building castles, or even joined them in wars and fights. Years passed by, but at the same time the House grew and got respected by the others, especially since they would continue to follow the House's roots and to continue their business over one hundred years without changing their path. One night a letter arrived at the small Harbor House Business. An invitation from the Emperor himself, asking the family to meet him and discuss something. They accepted the invite and visited the Emperor just a few days later, finally noticing what may happen. Josif was granted a Barony for his work and his help in the Military. He continued his work, soon leading to a Lordship.

Moving on

The family continued their business, even as holders of a barony, and continued to grew. At the same time the next head of the family was chosen, Niko Heinrich. With Niko as the new title holder and as the next patriarch of the family he continued to lead the business. His doings caused the family to earn the County of Lutherstadt, making them a High Noble Family in the empire of Regalia. However, Nikos behaviour changed over the years and rumours spread all over the city, stating that the patriarch of the family had turned insane and that he would support the gangs in Regalia.

A new path

With Niko slowly leading the family towards a dead end and no one able to take over the family they started to lose their titles and even some of their land. The first thing, which they would lose, was their lordship and one of the baronies. Niko wouldn't change his behaviour, even after being talked to by his own family, it was nearly as if he would have lost all remaining sanity from the many battles he fought in the past. Months and finally years passed, leaving the family only with one county and one barony. The total downfall and the end of fate of the family was nearly reached, just for Freya Heinrich to appear.

Freya Heinrich, Nikos aunt, was arriving back in Regalia after a longer travel, only to find her family. She was shocked, confused, but was surely understanding the cause of the downfall after she was informed by Carla and Margo Heinrich. After several talks with other houses on the matter Freya Heinrich took control over the titles, the remaining land and the company in nearly unnatural time, even stabilizing the situation in just a handful of months due to her quick selection of appropriate allies and even earned the Großherzogtum Lutherstadt back for her family. From there on she was the new matriarch of the Heinrich Family, leading it towards a greater future.

War, Love and Divorce

After months the situation of the family calmed down, the peaceful facade was recreated and finally the time for a marriage has arrived. The marriage between Freya Heinrich and Jannik Sinclair. Yet, two weeks before the wedding one of the darkest events in the history of Regalia took place. Shades of dead people started to take on forms, copying their dead selfs and turning into Deathlings. Thousands of them started to stream the streets of the city, each of them serving under the icy hands of Freya Lo. Acting fast as always the family was able to escape to Kronau, a castle of the Coen family in the cold mountains of the isles.

Arriving at the castle wasn't easy, yet each of them survived the first shock. And one thing didn't changed; The Love between Jannik and Freya. Even in the middle of a fierce war between the echos of the past and the Ailors of Regalia they decided to marry and place a symbol of hope for those in Kronau. Fighting battles as a married couple and finally winning the war, destroying the last Deathlings in a final fight. Returning home was never as easy as this time, may it be the feeling of love and hope or just the confidence of the family that made it so easy.

Yet with the reforming government and the change of the emperor, which took place shortly after the Deathling events, the love started to fall apart. Jannik and Freya gained position in two different government areas, Jannik as general of the Obermark and Freya gained a position as State Reichsrat Consul. By misusing his powers and doing several wrong moves with the army under his lead, which caused several conflicts, Jannik was removed from the position and trialed. Seen as a dishonorable person in the family Freya decided to divorce from Jannik, awaiting approval of the Supreme Reverend to do so.


Family Information

Heinrich (Hein-rich)

Family Motto
Alt-R; "Folge deinem Pfad, selbst wenn er mit Dornen bestückt ist." | Common; "Follow your own path, even if it's filled with thorns."

Family Sigils
White-feathered owl and a blue rose

Family Colors
Dark Navy Blue: The Navy blue color represents the families travel and moving to Regalia. As such it's a symbol of their past and of the families growth.

Dark Grey: The Grey color should show the family's main business as masonries. It's often described by family members as a connection from the past to the current time and that they will always follow their path and don't change their direction.

Silver: The Silver color is representing the families action in the military and that they would fight for the empire, whenever their help is needed as fighter and warriors.

Family Culture
Alt-Regalian: The Heinrich family is one of the few Alt-Regalian Families left in Regalia, carrying on the culture, dialect and even their way to think. As such most members of the family grew up in the culture and learned to speak Alt-Regalisch in a very young age, beside from the common language. However, most parts of the family are often influenced by other cultures, creating a bit of freedom from them language- and culture-wise.

Unionism: Most of the Heinrichs are Unionist which are actively practicing the religion. However they have a limited tolerance, which is really more of an apathy, toward practitioners of other religions and turn a blind eye to the private worship of others, as long as the followed faith is legal in the empire.

Fighting Style
Female Style - Heinricher Klingentanz

The fighting style for nearly every female born Heinrich is known by the name of "Heinricher Klingentanz", which can be translated to "Heinricher Bladedance". The style requires two short swords or daggers and is a combination of fast slices and slashes, created through the spinning motions of the female's body. Since the attacks often have similar movements to dancing, the fighting style is often compared to a mixture of show fighting and real fighting. However, the style itself was created to inflict more wounds which aren't necessarily as deep as, say, a focused strike. This causes the enemy to slowly whittle down and fail to realise the blood loss due to the various strikes. As such it is known that the original style came from the Turall school and was later on taught by private tutors or own family members to be adjusted to the female members of the family. However, due to the decreasing amount of female family members the fighting style is slowly vanishing, especially since most female members of the family decide against a close-range fighting style for themselves.

Male Style - Heinricher Fechtsturm
The male born Heinrichs are often taught the "Heinricher Fechtsturm", which can easily be translated to "Heinricher Fencestorm". Males are taught to use long swords or rapiers for this fighting style, however, most weapons can be used for it just as long as they aren't too heavy. The style requires the male to do quick stabbing like motions, which are used as finte for the real attack. As such they cause their enemy to block the false attacks, just to place a hit at an blind spot. The style is also known for it's ability to parry an enemy's attacks a lot easier, due to the finite position of the own weapon.


Mental Traits
  • Solemn: The Heinrichs fall toward the extreme end of the spectrum when it comes to formality. Every matter they concern themselves in is one of great gravity and their occasionally somber demeanor is a reflection of this. Their prim comportment is, essentially, a survival skill in the world of courtly politics.
  • Staunch: The dedication and tenacity of the House Heinrich know no bounds. Each and every member is tirelessly committed to the betterment of themselves, and the family as a whole. Upon selecting a goal, they will work ceaselessly until it is accomplished.
  • Loyal: Every member of the family is known for the loyalty towards the empire and these above them. As such each of them learn in a very young age to follow orders, may it be through the family itself or the Lutherstadt Kriegsakademie. They do also learn to be loyal towards their own ideals and the promises they gave towards others.

Physical Traits
Male Born Members of the Heinrich Family

The average height of a Heinrich man is at around, 6 feet, although the tallest reach heights around 6'3", often peaking out of most Ailor males due to their height. Each male born Heinrich is known for the dark hair color, ranging from jet black over dark brown, and can be easily identified by it. The hair color is mostly derives from their Alt-Regalian origin, however, the browner spectrum is often a result of their mixing gene-pools and as such are drawn from various other Ailor cultures. Each male born Heinrich may also adorn a beard, kept in place by shaving. The eye color of the family is quite distinct as nearly every member displays an ocean blue hue but it can vary from member to member between a bright, nearly ice-like blue to a dark navy blue. Some members are known having green eyes, depending on their family branch, but these are a rare sight in the Heinrich family. Each male member is well-trained, giving them often a bulky and strong masculine appearances. As such, most of the male bear broader chests and thicker arms. When it comes to body hair, Heinrich men usually display both dark and far reaching tuffs that cover most of the body.


Female Born Members of the Heinrich Family

The average height of a female Heinrich is often between 5'9'' and 6'2'', making them a bit smaller than their male counterparts. However, like all born Heinrichs, they possess jet black or dark brown hair. Unlike the males, females often protrude browner hair, due to their mothers often marrying into the family and bringing in new genes. Like the male born Heinrichs, the females also display blue eyes, often ranging from a bright azure color to the dark navy blue color, however, green eyes are also well spread under the female's. To no surprise, female born Heinrichs have a weaker body build, making them extremely thin and often giving them the appearance that their bones might break at the slightest impact. Females are also never noted to be seen with body hair which is likely to display their organisation within their own day-to-day lives. As expected; they're rather useless when it comes to physical impact force, however, their agility is a lot higher than the male ones.



Family Properties


The Lutherburg is one of the few castles which can actually be found in the county of Lutherstadt. It's known for both it's age and stability against siege attacks. It was originally built by Steuert Heinrich himself and was his final project before he died. As such the castle was especially created as a safe retreat for his family and some civilians in war-like situations as it is able to withstand at least two siege attacks. Many civilians are calling it Heinrichsburg, considering that Steuert Heinrich designed and produced it.


The Lutherburg was build near a river to make a possible escape easier and to solve the problem of fresh and clear water in war.


The Weißeulentürme (white-owl-towers) are two of the few private properties owned by the Heinrich family. The Weißeulentürme are as their translation implies: small towers, standing in Lutherstadt and Regalia which are used by the Heinrich family to store and train owls. The trained owls are often used by messengers between Lutherstadt and Regalia, carrying letters from one side of the empire to the other. Because of this, the Heinrichs are also known for keeping several owls for their communication.

Heinrich Haus

The Heinrich Haus (Heinrich Estate/House) is the main residence within the Holy city of Regalia. Most members who live in said city reside inside this estate and can often be seen lurking about it. Being one of the few noble estates in Regalia, the Heinrich Haus has three separate floors and one basement that is fairly large.

Heinrich Masonry

The Heinrich family has worked within this trade ever since their first generation: Steuert Heinrich with his works in Lutherstadt. They continue to prosper in terms of refinement in their craft and carefully consider both the terrain and the location in which new forts and castles will be built. They even go so far as to press uneducated clients and advise against or for certain actions to be taken in order to create a more assurable and defensible keep.


Previous Patriarchs and Matriarchs

  • Franz Hein, the father of the first Heinrich and patriarch of the Hein Family
  • Josefin Richter, the mother of the first Heinrich and matriarch of the Richter Family
  • Steuert Heinrich, the first registered member of the Heinrich Family and the first patriarch
  • Josif Heinrich, the first titleholder and holder of the "Schneewald"-County, second patriarch
  • Niko Heinrich, the careless gadabout who almost caused the total destruction of the family, third patriarch of the family
  • Freya Heinrich, the savior of the family after Niko's doings, now the Lost One


Family Members

Generation One

Franz Hein - Deceased
Josefin Richter - Deceased

Generation Two

Steuert Heinrich - Deceased
Gertrude Heinrich - Deceased

Dorsey Heinrich - Deceased
Adalbert Heinrich - Deceased

Kristina Heinrich - Deceased
Emmet Heinrich - Deceased

Generation Three

Josif Heinrich - Deceased
Koreana Heinrich (57) - Playable

Hans Heinrich - Deceased
Adelaide Heinrich - Deceased

Otto Heinrich (62) - Unplayable
Elvira Heinrich (60) - Playable

Freya Heinrich (46) - Unplayable

Adi Heinrich - Deceased
Chay Heinrich (51) - Playable

Erma Heinrich (44) - Playable
Derek Heinrich (47) - Playable

Brendan Heinrich - Played by @Vivamente

Generation Four

Matthias Heinrich (47) - Played by @dboy_101
Niko Heinrich (34) - Played by @Coolkillerbob22
Astrid Heinrich - Assassinated

Serihilde Heinrich (28) - Played by @{Insert Forum Username Here}

Alfons Heinrich (26) - Played by @Vivamente
Emmalyn Heinrich (28) - Played by @violattes

Konrad Heinrich (27) - Deceased
Marie Heinrich (24) - Played by @mochalattes

Rosalia Heinrich (22) - Played by @_Owlet
Carla Heinrich - Assassinated
Lewis Roland Heinrich (22) - Played by @onearmsquid

Arnold Heinrich (21) - Played by @Masterman120

Frenzimar Heinrich (28) - Played by @TutiDias

Margo Heinrich (22) - Playable

Generation Five

Astrid Heinrich (4 Months) - Unplayable


Staff Members

  • FREE


  • FREE


Every member of the Heinrich family or staff needs to follow specific rules to create a good and mannered roleplay. To make this possible, we are using Skype to communicate with one another in order to plan more fulfilling events. We also make use of this medium to question incoming members (if you want to apply for a position as a family or staff member). Test-Roleplay (or trial) is used to find whether or not you have RP etiquette and if you are fitting to the character itself or even the family at all.

The most important rules you should follow are;

  • Try to use your character as your main character as we ask you to spend most of your time on it.
  • Try to input as many traits as possible that relate to the Heinrichs when creating characters so that they can be clearly identified as such.
  • We accept collared mages, however, no vampires or undeads! The Heinrichs are accepting when it comes to magic, as long as it is used within the law and isn't acting against it. Most Heinrichs are non-mages.
  • Act in a manner befitting of a respectable noble. (Rebellious characters to the family will not be tolerated).
  • Communicate with each other in a good and friendly tone, regardless of it's a good friend, a family member, or other nobles and players!
  • Try to add as much history into your character sheet as possible, including the Lutherstadt Kriegsakademie and how history of Regalia relates to them.

Application Forms

Members of the Family

  • IGN (Your account name):
  • Reason for Applying (Why would you like to join the Heinrich family?):
  • Have you had an approved character before? (Yes/No, please provide a link):
  • How often are you online? (Please state your usual hours as well as your timezone):
  • References (Anyone else who may support your roleplaying skills. Please ask them before tagging them, as we might talk to them!):
  • Mutes, Jails, Bans, ETC.:
  • Greatest Strength in Roleplay (Something that you bring to the table. Be it vocabulary or just a cool character):
  • Greatest Weakness in Roleplay (Something you have trouble with in role play. E.G. emote chat, grammar, spelling):
  • Character Name:
  • Character Age:
  • Character Gender (M/F):
  • Physical Description (A brief physical description of the character):
  • Personality (A few sentences on the personality of your character):
  • Biography (How or where did your character grew up? Did your character had any event involvements? ETC.):

Staff Members

  • IGN (Your account name):
  • Reason for Applying (Why would you like to join the Heinrich family?):
  • References(Anyone else who may support your roleplaying skills. Please ask them before tagging them, as we might talk to them!):
  • Mutes, Jails, Bans, ETC.:
  • Character Name:
  • Character Age:
  • Character Application:
  • IC-Letter (You should address the letter to the Heinrich family):
Okay, so im going to make a maid one, if that's okay?
Okay, so im going to make a maid one, if that's okay?
Fill out this template.
  • IGN (Your account name):
  • Reason for Applying (Why would you like to join the Heinrich family?):
  • References(Anyone else who may support your roleplaying skills. Please ask them before tagging them, as we might talk to them!):
  • Mutes, Jails, Bans, ETC.:
  • Character Name:
  • Character Age:
  • Character Application:
  • IC-Letter (You should address the letter to the Heinrich family):
IGN (Your account name):

Reason for Applying (Why would you like to join the Heinrich family?):
Personally the idea of joining an actual family within the roleplay scope of MassiveCraft has always been a plan of mine, however I've never really had the opportunity upon now to start applying to join for one. I think it'll be far more enjoyable to surround myself in an atmosphere with familiar people, rather than being a lone roleplayer as it get's rather tedious at times. I'd like to improve myself on the style of roleplaying and to become more adept to this type of roleplay manner.

Have you had an approved character before? :
Unfortunately I've had terrible troubles with actually creating an account on this website ever since I joined the server almost a month back, It's only until today I've managed to actually get an account ( which of course took a long amount of time and tedious minutes trying to contact staff ect. But I have been meaning to apply to get an official character approved, but obviously technical problems have prevented me on doing so.​
How often are you online? (Please state your usual hours as well as your timezone):
My timezone is GMT, and it varies. Weekdays I try to get on for 4-5 hours depending on my work schedule and most weekends I'm on pretty much all day, with time in between for breaks to rest and collect myself. However if this alters or I get upcoming plans that will take me away from being online I'll message the appropriate people, however this situation is highly unlikely to occur.

References (Anyone else who may support your roleplaying skills. Please ask them before tagging them, as we might talk to them!):
Unfortunately when roleplaying it's been very staggered with whom I have been doing it with, it hasn't usually been with one sole person. It's quite often new people almost everytime I try to roleplay, because I haven't found others who'd like to frequent roleplay with me, I've found it rather difficult as most people are in close-knit groups so It's been hard to find people who'd like to roleplay daily with me.

Mutes, Jails, Bans, ETC.:
None of any.

Greatest Strength in Roleplay (Something that you bring to the table. Be it vocabulary or just a cool character):
I find my strength in roleplay is creativity and being able to adapt to various characters, each having a personality of their own, unique to one another. Keeping etiquette and various things individualised for one character is also something to tie within that,

Greatest Weakness in Roleplay (Something you have trouble with in role play. E.G. emote chat, grammar, spelling):
Quite often the mechanics in MassiveCraft throw me off and I forget the symbols such as "+" and various others and I slip up every so often when emoting. However something that is a weakness in mine, I'm not the best at fighting in roleplay, however I don't believe I will be doing that very often.

Character Name:
Rosalia Heinrich

Character Age:
22 years​
Character Gender (M/F):

Physical Description (A brief physical description of the character):
Rosalia is a petite woman, being fairly slender and thin, her collarbone protrudes prominently and is often a key identification for those asking of her, her eyes are borderline green however have blue tints surrounding the pupil. She reaches the height of 5"9 and dresses in a long dark grey gown with navy and blue embroidery residing on the shoulders and mid waist, with comfortable black front lace shoes which are hidden by the gown.

Personality (A few sentences on the personality of your character):
Rosalia is a timid woman who is solely dedicated towards her family name, proud to have Heinrich blood in her veins she shows this through her pride to be apart of the Noble family and makes this clear in social gatherings to position herself with pride and loyalty. However Rosalia is very short-tempered, if something highly irritates her, she shall make that known and can lead to having a sharp tongue. However this demeanour is only shown if something is persistent to annoy her. Towards her family members she is nothing but a warm and kindred person, always willing to help with any issues or queries, and has a warm maternal instinct when it comes to young, feeling a sense of protection she needs to give towards them even if they are not her own flesh and blood. However her kind nature often causes her misfortune with those who sometimes trick her, and use that kindness for their own advantage.
Biography (How or where did your character grew up? Did your character had any event involvements? ETC.):
Rosalia spent most of her childhood residing in the Heinrich haus with her siblings and various other family members, she was a very religous child and spent a lot of her time practising Unionism at a very young age being solely dedicated to the spirit. However after she aged to her "teens" she grew curious with Heinricher Klingentanz and tried her best to persuade her parents to allow her to practice this fighting style, however due to the lack of physicallity with her body (being a fairly sickly child, always coming down with a cold/illness) she threw her curiosity away and dedicated her time studying, learning and reading vast amount of books, she was often berated for remaining indoors for most of her childhood, not really stepping out of the house unless it was a social gathering or a specific family event. Having visited Lutherburg it was the first time she had properly seen what an impact her family had with the people and found herself in awe at what her lineage had accomplished, determined to make her name well-known as an inspired teen. Now in her early adulthood she has been questioning marraige and whether or not to take the plunge and have a family of her own, however being rather unsure due to her close connection with her family. Keeping her time occupied she often visited the areas of Regalia and help those less fortunate, alongside practising herbalism, learning how to create medicinal concoctions, rubs and salves. As well as frequenting Unionism sermons.

-Thank you for reading.
IGN (Your account name):

Reason for Applying (Why would you like to join the Heinrich family?):
Personally the idea of joining an actual family within the roleplay scope of MassiveCraft has always been a plan of mine, however I've never really had the opportunity upon now to start applying to join for one. I think it'll be far more enjoyable to surround myself in an atmosphere with familiar people, rather than being a lone roleplayer as it get's rather tedious at times. I'd like to improve myself on the style of roleplaying and to become more adept to this type of roleplay manner.

Have you had an approved character before? :
Unfortunately I've had terrible troubles with actually creating an account on this website ever since I joined the server almost a month back, It's only until today I've managed to actually get an account ( which of course took a long amount of time and tedious minutes trying to contact staff ect. But I have been meaning to apply to get an official character approved, but obviously technical problems have prevented me on doing so.
How often are you online? (Please state your usual hours as well as your timezone):
My timezone is GMT, and it varies. Weekdays I try to get on for 4-5 hours depending on my work schedule and most weekends I'm on pretty much all day, with time in between for breaks to rest and collect myself. However if this alters or I get upcoming plans that will take me away from being online I'll message the appropriate people, however this situation is highly unlikely to occur.

References (Anyone else who may support your roleplaying skills. Please ask them before tagging them, as we might talk to them!):
Unfortunately when roleplaying it's been very staggered with whom I have been doing it with, it hasn't usually been with one sole person. It's quite often new people almost everytime I try to roleplay, because I haven't found others who'd like to frequent roleplay with me, I've found it rather difficult as most people are in close-knit groups so It's been hard to find people who'd like to roleplay daily with me.

Mutes, Jails, Bans, ETC.:
None of any.

Greatest Strength in Roleplay (Something that you bring to the table. Be it vocabulary or just a cool character):
I find my strength in roleplay is creativity and being able to adapt to various characters, each having a personality of their own, unique to one another. Keeping etiquette and various things individualised for one character is also something to tie within that,

Greatest Weakness in Roleplay (Something you have trouble with in role play. E.G. emote chat, grammar, spelling):
Quite often the mechanics in MassiveCraft throw me off and I forget the symbols such as "+" and various others and I slip up every so often when emoting. However something that is a weakness in mine, I'm not the best at fighting in roleplay, however I don't believe I will be doing that very often.

Character Name:
Rosalia Heinrich

Character Age:
22 years
Character Gender (M/F):

Physical Description (A brief physical description of the character):
Rosalia is a petite woman, being fairly slender and thin, her collarbone protrudes prominently and is often a key identification for those asking of her, her eyes are borderline green however have blue tints surrounding the pupil. She reaches the height of 5"9 and dresses in a long dark grey gown with navy and blue embroidery residing on the shoulders and mid waist, with comfortable black front lace shoes which are hidden by the gown.

Personality (A few sentences on the personality of your character):
Rosalia is a timid woman who is solely dedicated towards her family name, proud to have Heinrich blood in her veins she shows this through her pride to be apart of the Noble family and makes this clear in social gatherings to position herself with pride and loyalty. However Rosalia is very short-tempered, if something highly irritates her, she shall make that known and can lead to having a sharp tongue. However this demeanour is only shown if something is persistent to annoy her. Towards her family members she is nothing but a warm and kindred person, always willing to help with any issues or queries, and has a warm maternal instinct when it comes to young, feeling a sense of protection she needs to give towards them even if they are not her own flesh and blood. However her kind nature often causes her misfortune with those who sometimes trick her, and use that kindness for their own advantage.

Biography (How or where did your character grew up? Did your character had any event involvements? ETC.):
Rosalia spent most of her childhood residing in the Heinrich haus with her siblings and various other family members, she was a very religous child and spent a lot of her time practising Unionism at a very young age being solely dedicated to the spirit. However after she aged to her "teens" she grew curious with Heinricher Klingentanz and tried her best to persuade her parents to allow her to practice this fighting style, however due to the lack of physicallity with her body (being a fairly sickly child, always coming down with a cold/illness) she threw her curiosity away and dedicated her time studying, learning and reading vast amount of books, she was often berated for remaining indoors for most of her childhood, not really stepping out of the house unless it was a social gathering or a specific family event. Having visited Lutherburg it was the first time she had properly seen what an impact her family had with the people and found herself in awe at what her lineage had accomplished, determined to make her name well-known as an inspired teen. Now in her early adulthood she has been questioning marraige and whether or not to take the plunge and have a family of her own, however being rather unsure due to her close connection with her family. Keeping her time occupied she often visited the areas of Regalia and help those less fortunate, alongside practising herbalism, learning how to create medicinal concoctions, rubs and salves. As well as frequenting Unionism sermons.

-Thank you for reading.
IGN (Your account name):

Reason for Applying (Why would you like to join the Heinrich family?):
I am applying to join the Heinrich family because I've seen quite a few noble families and the idea of being apart of one seems like a fun experience and something new to try on MassiveCraft. It also, in my eyes, could help to improve my roleplaying skills while being apart of a roleplay family rather than roleplaying alone.

Have you had an approved character before? (Yes/No, please provide a link):
Yes, I've got two but one I cannot play as because of lore change.
Marigold Fayre:
Elora Caithel:

How often are you online? (Please state your usual hours as well as your timezone):
My timezone is EDT and I am mostly on daily for about 2-5 hours, depending on my schedule for certain days which are mainly Thursdays and Fridays. Though, if a roleplay event were to take place I would try to make time in my schedule to come on for it.

References (Anyone also who may support your roleplaying skills. Please ask them before tagging them, as we might talk to them!):
@mochalattes, who is a much better roleplayer than I am and has taught me a good bit. Besides her, there isn't anyone else I roleplay with frequently that I could use as a reference.

Mutes, Jails, Bans, ETC.:

Greatest Strength in Roleplay (Something that you bring to the table. Be it vocabulary or just a cool character):
I'd have to say my strength in roleplay is grammar and spelling; as well as making a character's personality and traits stand out.

Greatest Weakness in Roleplay (Something you have trouble with in role play. E.G. emote chat, grammar, spelling):
In roleplay, I mainly struggle with combat roleplay since I don't usually get involved with it. Though, I do hope to improve my knowledge in this form of roleplay soon.

Character Name:
Emmalyn Heinrich

Character Age:
28 years

Character Gender (M/F):

Physical Description (A brief physical description of the character):
Emmalyn's body type is scrawny, though her hips are fairly larger causing her to have a bit of curves. She has long dark brown hair that comes off as black from afar, making her eyes which are a dark navy blue shade with a hint of green shown in the halo surrounding her pupil. Emmalyn is 5'10 and is dressed in a long dark navy blue dress that has silver accents along with a slit in the front that shows a dark grey underskirt that hides her black leather boots that cut off above the ankle.

Personality (A few sentences on the personality of your character):
Emmalyn comes off as high maintenance at first, though as you get to know her she's a humble woman with a great attitude about her. While she is loyal to her family and close friends, she can be very skeptical when meeting new people who are mainly underclass and has trust issues. Though she can be uneasy around new people, she does try to treat them with kindness though is very cautious. She may seem to be outgoing and confident, but is very sensitive to what other's might say about her and tries to act stronger than she is.

Biography (How or where did your character grow up? Did your character have any event involvements? ETC.):
While Emmalyn was married into the Heinrich family, she still has a bit of nobility in her blood. She grew up in Regalia being raised by her mother, Elena Colaire, who was married to a nobleman named Gregor Colaire, who came from a noble family who got their success off of military ranks. The family's home was located in Regalia, a ways away from the main estate. During her childhood, Emmalyn was an only child and had all of Elena's attention focused on her. As she grew up, Elena taught Emmalyn all the ways of a true noblewoman though was also taught to be cautious and not to easily trust people. Her mother also taught her how to sew, which was a hobby of Elena's that would soon be passed down to Emmalyn whom also enjoyed making dresses and other clothing items. As her teenage years started to come to an end, she was introduced to the Heinrich family and soon met Alfons whom she would soon fall in love with and later marry, earning herself a place in the Heinrich family.

(I'm not sure if I interpreted Emmalyn's place in the family correctly. I wasn't sure if she had been married into it or what, but that is what I went with. Please let me know if I need to change her story.)
IGN (Your account name):

Reason for Applying (Why would you like to join the Heinrich family?):
I am applying to join the Heinrich family because I've seen quite a few noble families and the idea of being apart of one seems like a fun experience and something new to try on MassiveCraft. It also, in my eyes, could help to improve my roleplaying skills while being apart of a roleplay family rather than roleplaying alone.

Have you had an approved character before? (Yes/No, please provide a link):
Yes, I've got two but one I cannot play as because of lore change.
Marigold Fayre:
Elora Caithel:

How often are you online? (Please state your usual hours as well as your timezone):
My timezone is EDT and I am mostly on daily for about 2-5 hours, depending on my schedule for certain days which are mainly Thursdays and Fridays. Though, if a roleplay event were to take place I would try to make time in my schedule to come on for it.

References (Anyone also who may support your roleplaying skills. Please ask them before tagging them, as we might talk to them!):
@mochalattes, who is a much better roleplayer than I am and has taught me a good bit. Besides her, there isn't anyone else I roleplay with frequently that I could use as a reference.

Mutes, Jails, Bans, ETC.:

Greatest Strength in Roleplay (Something that you bring to the table. Be it vocabulary or just a cool character):
I'd have to say my strength in roleplay is grammar and spelling; as well as making a character's personality and traits stand out.

Greatest Weakness in Roleplay (Something you have trouble with in role play. E.G. emote chat, grammar, spelling):
In roleplay, I mainly struggle with combat roleplay since I don't usually get involved with it. Though, I do hope to improve my knowledge in this form of roleplay soon.

Character Name:
Emmalyn Heinrich

Character Age:
28 years

Character Gender (M/F):

Physical Description (A brief physical description of the character):
Emmalyn's body type is scrawny, though her hips are fairly larger causing her to have a bit of curves. She has long dark brown hair that comes off as black from afar, making her eyes which are a dark navy blue shade with a hint of green shown in the halo surrounding her pupil. Emmalyn is 5'10 and is dressed in a long dark navy blue dress that has silver accents along with a slit in the front that shows a dark grey underskirt that hides her black leather boots that cut off above the ankle.

Personality (A few sentences on the personality of your character):
Emmalyn comes off as high maintenance at first, though as you get to know her she's a humble woman with a great attitude about her. While she is loyal to her family and close friends, she can be very skeptical when meeting new people who are mainly underclass and has trust issues. Though she can be uneasy around new people, she does try to treat them with kindness though is very cautious. She may seem to be outgoing and confident, but is very sensitive to what other's might say about her and tries to act stronger than she is.

Biography (How or where did your character grow up? Did your character have any event involvements? ETC.):
While Emmalyn was married into the Heinrich family, she still has a bit of nobility in her blood. She grew up in Regalia being raised by her mother, Elena Colaire, who was married to a nobleman named Gregor Colaire, who came from a noble family who got their success off of military ranks. The family's home was located in Regalia, a ways away from the main estate. During her childhood, Emmalyn was an only child and had all of Elena's attention focused on her. As she grew up, Elena taught Emmalyn all the ways of a true noblewoman though was also taught to be cautious and not to easily trust people. Her mother also taught her how to sew, which was a hobby of Elena's that would soon be passed down to Emmalyn whom also enjoyed making dresses and other clothing items. As her teenage years started to come to an end, she was introduced to the Heinrich family and soon met Alfons whom she would soon fall in love with and later marry, earning herself a place in the Heinrich family.

(I'm not sure if I interpreted Emmalyn's place in the family correctly. I wasn't sure if she had been married into it or what, but that is what I went with. Please let me know if I need to change her story.)
Reason for applying
Recently, there have been more activities regarding nobles on the server, I thought that it would be really interesting to join a noble
family such as the Heinrich's will be 1; a learning experience to better understand how noble families work, and 2; to get in on the roleplay.
Have you had an approved character before?
No, I have not. Though I have tried to make a character application for one of my other characters, but
due to personal reasons- I wasn't able to finish and further just decided it'd be better to just leave it.
How often are you online?
I'm online almost every day. Monday to Friday, 3 or 4PM to atleast 9 or 12AM. lilac
But weekends (Saturday-Sunday) I'm basically always on. ( EST time zone by the way. )
Mutes, Jails, Bans etc.
Was jailed about 2-3 months ago for skin stealing, this was when I had nobody to actually make/shade my skins though.
Greatest strengths in roleplay.
I'd say my greatest strengths in roleplay are specifying small details on the character.
Say if some other character was trying to inspect my own, I'd make sure the person knows exactly what my character has. When it comes to traits and other things, I do make sure to point those out in the characters dialogue and actions.
Greatest weaknesses in roleplay.
Combat roleplay. I am still new to the whole thing so making emotes involving CRP is going to be
a bit of a challenge for me. I am sure I'd learn better as time goes on, but CRP is literally my worst weakness that I have for roleplay.
Character name.
Marie Heinrich
Character age.
Character gender.
Physical Description.
Marie's body build is Curvaceous, the 5'11 woman has blue sky like eyes with a bit of aqua in it if you actually pay attention to her eyes. Marie's hair has jet black hair with some dark brown highlights blended into the back of her head, making her hair seem a bit more lighter then it actually is for anyone that looks at her from at least 2-4 feet away. Marie wears a red dress that go all the way down to her feet, the dress has metal like fabric lined on the hem of it, making the dress a bit more fancy, and with her body build, attractive. Marie's dress also has 1 pocket on each side of it, allowing her to carry around anything small such as regals. She also wears dark brown boots that reach all the way up her knee, but not fully, just so she can move around freely without any disruptions. Marie always wears a necklace to represent her family and to also remind her of it as she is away from them.
Marie will come off as a professional freak when anyone first meets her, but, getting to know her better is a whole different story. As any character gets closer to Marie, she will start to shed her real personality and traits. She can be very respectful towards her friends and family members, but can also spot when someone is using her for her abilities, making her smart and aware of her surroundings. Marie can also have a bit of sass when it comes to her /friends/, but of course only in a playful way. Marie is very kind when It comes to people she knows close, she'll always try to improve her social skills by interacting with the character more. Marie will also be careful of any untrusted people, ( New characters that she's just met. ) always making sure to get to know the person well before telling them about herself or even bothering to talk to them.
Marie wasn't the type of person to stay at home and just do nothing, she had a heart pure of curiosity- trouble and interest. When Marie was in her toddler years, she would always snoop around in the bookshelf to 'read' about the region ( Aloria ). As Marie was growing up, in her toddler years, she would always question her older siblings about what is happening in the outside world (Outside of the Heinrich Haus) and if she was able to do anything to improve it, but since she was a toddler, her determination would always lead elsewhere and lead her to try and solve the new problem she discovers. As Marie got older and more involved in serious issues, her family finally introduced her to the religion Unionism. Marie Heinrich was absolutely in love with the religion and wanted to make sure she wouldn't break any rules that follow with it. She does follow the religion deeply, but isn't really interested into learning more about it, for remembering things like this is actually quite difficult for her. Now, in her present life she's growing and learning from her own mistakes as she does so. She is very respectful towards her family and friends but still keeping her fun personality at bay. She always tends to make sure everyone is having fun as long as it's under the right circumstances.
Reason for applying
Recently, there have been more activities regarding nobles on the server, I thought that it would be really interesting to join a noble
family such as the Heinrich's will be 1; a learning experience to better understand how noble families work, and 2; to get in on the roleplay.
Have you had an approved character before?
No, I have not. Though I have tried to make a character application for one of my other characters, but
due to personal reasons- I wasn't able to finish and further just decided it'd be better to just leave it.
How often are you online?
I'm online almost every day. Monday to Friday, 3 or 4PM to atleast 9 or 12AM. lilac
But weekends (Saturday-Sunday) I'm basically always on. ( EST time zone by the way. )
Mutes, Jails, Bans etc.
Was jailed about 2-3 months ago for skin stealing, this was when I had nobody to actually make/shade my skins though.
Greatest strengths in roleplay.
I'd say my greatest strengths in roleplay are specifying small details on the character.
Say if some other character was trying to inspect my own, I'd make sure the person knows exactly what my character has. When it comes to traits and other things, I do make sure to point those out in the characters dialogue and actions.
Greatest weaknesses in roleplay.
Combat roleplay. I am still new to the whole thing so making emotes involving CRP is going to be
a bit of a challenge for me. I am sure I'd learn better as time goes on, but CRP is literally my worst weakness that I have for roleplay.
Character name.
Marie Heinrich
Character age.
Character gender.
Physical Description.
Marie's body build is Curvaceous, the 5'11 woman has blue sky like eyes with a bit of aqua in it if you actually pay attention to her eyes. Marie's hair has jet black hair with some dark brown highlights blended into the back of her head, making her hair seem a bit more lighter then it actually is for anyone that looks at her from at least 2-4 feet away. Marie wears a red dress that go all the way down to her feet, the dress has metal like fabric lined on the hem of it, making the dress a bit more fancy, and with her body build, attractive. Marie's dress also has 1 pocket on each side of it, allowing her to carry around anything small such as regals. She also wears dark brown boots that reach all the way up her knee, but not fully, just so she can move around freely without any disruptions. Marie always wears a necklace to represent her family and to also remind her of it as she is away from them.
Marie will come off as a professional freak when anyone first meets her, but, getting to know her better is a whole different story. As any character gets closer to Marie, she will start to shed her real personality and traits. She can be very respectful towards her friends and family members, but can also spot when someone is using her for her abilities, making her smart and aware of her surroundings. Marie can also have a bit of sass when it comes to her /friends/, but of course only in a playful way. Marie is very kind when It comes to people she knows close, she'll always try to improve her social skills by interacting with the character more. Marie will also be careful of any untrusted people, ( New characters that she's just met. ) always making sure to get to know the person well before telling them about herself or even bothering to talk to them.
Marie wasn't the type of person to stay at home and just do nothing, she had a heart pure of curiosity- trouble and interest. When Marie was in her toddler years, she would always snoop around in the bookshelf to 'read' about the region ( Aloria ). As Marie was growing up, in her toddler years, she would always question her older siblings about what is happening in the outside world (Outside of the Heinrich Haus) and if she was able to do anything to improve it, but since she was a toddler, her determination would always lead elsewhere and lead her to try and solve the new problem she discovers. As Marie got older and more involved in serious issues, her family finally introduced her to the religion Unionism. Marie Heinrich was absolutely in love with the religion and wanted to make sure she wouldn't break any rules that follow with it. She does follow the religion deeply, but isn't really interested into learning more about it, for remembering things like this is actually quite difficult for her. Now, in her present life she's growing and learning from her own mistakes as she does so. She is very respectful towards her family and friends but still keeping her fun personality at bay. She always tends to make sure everyone is having fun as long as it's under the right circumstances.
Approved with changes to character!
IGN: Somethingunder16
REASON FOR APPLYING: Recently many events have been going on with Noble families and Regalia over all. I really love to RP and be involved in such events so I thought I should try to join a Noble Family to be more involved. A few of my friends are also trying to join into this Noble House so I wanted to try with them.
HAVE YOU HAD AN APPROVED CHARACTER BEFORE: No, I was going to try and get one but sadly after a few family losses, I have not really had the time to fully type one out or do so. I may not have time to do so either because of more family events that are coming up and my recent mental stability.
HOW OFTEN ARE YOU ONLINE?: I am normally online Monday Through Thursday from 9 Central time to about 12 Central time (At night) And during the weekends sometimes I will be on earlier or in the afternoon instead.
GREATEST STRENGTHS IN ROLEPLAY: I would say I am very good at making unique characters that have different personality types and adapt in different ways to certain situations. I am also good at using the rules needed in Roleplay. If a player tells me I'm wrong about something I'm not, I will calmly tell them so, if I am wrong, I will accept this and not get mad or overreact to it. My main strength is my characters though because they always turn out to either be someone you love a lot, or someone you completely despise.
WEAKNESS IN ROLEPLAY: I am not the best speller in the world. This can challenge me at sometimes and may slow down RP just a little bit but not by much. I tend to have to use auto correct a lot when I am typing in general and sometimes can't catch my spelling errors. I plan to work on this though.
CHARACTER NAME: Laura Heinrich
CHARACTER DESCRIPTION (PHYSICAL): Laura is a body that is built with curves and edges. She is a woman that stands at roughly 6'0" and is almost like a stick except for her curves at her hips. She has a pretty straight jawline and she has cheeks that aren't very chubby or puffy at all. Her lips are round and big like her eyes that are navy blue like the color of a deep ocean. If you were up close to Laura you could almost submerge yourself into her eyes and let the ocean of them swallow you whole. Her hair is a very dark brown almost like spruce tree bark on a winter day. The roots are a bit darker than the ends though, almost making the top of her hair seem very close to black, and the bottom of her hair seeming a lot closer to a dark brown. Laura isn't the classiest of women because of her background which is clearly reflected by her clothing choice. She wears a light, baby blue dress that cuts off right at her knees. This dress is made from fabric that is very fine but when looking closer, the dress overall looks a bit worn. The dress has sleeves with white ruffles on the ends and have small flower imprinted designs on them. She wears a pair of dark brown boots (Almost resembling the color of her hair) that go almost all the way up to where her dress stops. She has her ears pierced with small silver rings going through them that once served as her parents wedding bands. She wears these to always be deeply connected with her parents even though they may be in the after life. Other than that she has a silver necklace with a beautiful silver blooming flower charm resting in the middle. This resembles how Laura is always willing to grow and adapt to find the better in life.
BIOGRAPHY: Though Laura has had her tough spots in life, she never stays ignorant and always wants to learn. Ever since she was a small child she always had the need to be better than her piers. No matter what they did she always had to be better. Either it be reading or arithmetic or both, she always wanted to learn more than them. Growing up, around the age of eight, she began to get involved in musical instruments and learned how to play the piano. To this day she is a lovely piano player though she rarely shows off her skills. Once she reached her teen years, she still went through schooling and played the piano on the side. Her dad taught her how to play piano when she was little, however when she was twelve he died of a disease. Never the less as stated she kept pushing through her teen years. Once she was the age of sixteen, her sister had developed multiple disorders including depression and eating disorders and had to be taken away to a mental hospital. A year later her closest friend passed away along with her mother, both hanging themselves because of personal trauma and heartbreak. Laura kept pushing through this all and became a success in her town from the age of eighteen till she was twenty two. She had written songs and played old classic for many people and was paid and loved by many. Sadly though, after developing what is commonly known in today's time as bipolar disorder, she stepped away from the piano to help herself become a better person. To this day she still loves to grow and learn more about herself and the people around her, and always has the time and patience to talk to people who need to talk.
Last edited:
IGN: Somethingunder16
REASON FOR APPLYING: Recently many events have been going on with Noble families and Regalia over all. I really love to RP and be involved in such events so I thought I should try to join a Noble Family to be more involved. A few of my friends are also trying to join into this Noble House so I wanted to try with them.
HAVE YOU HAD AN APPROVED CHARACTER BEFORE: No, I was going to try and get one but sadly after a few family losses, I have not really had the time to fully type one out or do so. I may not have time to do so either because of more family events that are coming up and my recent mental stability.
HOW OFTEN ARE YOU ONLINE?: I am normally online Monday Through Thursday from 9 Central time to about 12 Central time (At night) And during the weekends sometimes I will be on earlier or in the afternoon instead.
GREATEST STRENGTHS IN ROLEPLAY: I would say I am very good at making unique characters that have different personality types and adapt in different ways to certain situations. I am also good at using the rules needed in Roleplay. If a player tells me I'm wrong about something I'm not, I will calmly tell them so, if I am wrong, I will accept this and not get mad or overreact to it. My main strength is my characters though because they always turn out to either be someone you love a lot, or someone you completely despise.
WEAKNESS IN ROLEPLAY: I am not the best speller in the world. This can challenge me at sometimes and may slow down RP just a little bit but not by much. I tend to have to use auto correct a lot when I am typing in general and sometimes can't catch my spelling errors. I plan to work on this though.
CHARACTER NAME: Laura Heinrich
CHARACTER DESCRIPTION (PHYSICAL): Laura is a body that is built with curves and edges. She is a woman that stands at roughly 6'0" and is almost like a stick except for her curves at her hips. She has a pretty straight jawline and she has cheeks that aren't very chubby or puffy at all. Her lips are round and big like her eyes that are navy blue like the color of a deep ocean. If you were up close to Laura you could almost submerge yourself into her eyes and let the ocean of them swallow you whole. Her hair is a very dark brown almost like spruce tree bark on a winter day. The roots are a bit darker than the ends though, almost making the top of her hair seem very close to black, and the bottom of her hair seeming a lot closer to a dark brown. Laura isn't the classiest of women because of her background which is clearly reflected by her clothing choice. She wears a light, baby blue dress that cuts off right at her knees. This dress is made from fabric that is very fine but when looking closer, the dress overall looks a bit worn. The dress has sleeves with white ruffles on the ends and have small flower imprinted designs on them. She wears a pair of dark brown boots (Almost resembling the color of her hair) that go almost all the way up to where her dress stops. She has her ears pierced with small silver rings going through them that once served as her parents wedding bands. She wears these to always be deeply connected with her parents even though they may be in the after life. Other than that she has a silver necklace with a beautiful silver blooming flower charm resting in the middle. This resembles how Laura is always willing to grow and adapt to find the better in life.
BIOGRAPHY: Though Laura has had her tough spots in life, she never stays ignorant and always wants to learn. Ever since she was a small child she always had the need to be better than her piers. No matter what they did she always had to be better. Either it be reading or arithmetic or both, she always wanted to learn more than them. Growing up, around the age of eight, she began to get involved in musical instruments and learned how to play the piano. To this day she is a lovely piano player though she rarely shows off her skills. Once she reached her teen years, she still went through schooling and played the piano on the side. Her dad taught her how to play piano when she was little, however when she was twelve he died of a disease. Never the less as stated she kept pushing through her teen years. Once she was the age of sixteen, her sister had developed multiple disorders including depression and eating disorders and had to be taken away to a mental hospital. A year later her closest friend passed away along with her mother, both hanging themselves because of personal trauma and heartbreak. Laura kept pushing through this all and became a success in her town from the age of eighteen till she was twenty two. She had written songs and played old classic for many people and was paid and loved by many. Sadly though, after developing what is commonly known in today's time as bipolar disorder, she stepped away from the piano to help herself become a better person. To this day she still loves to grow and learn more about herself and the people around her, and always has the time and patience to talk to people who need to talk.
Approved however with character edits!
Fill out this template.
  • IGN (Your account name):
  • Reason for Applying (Why would you like to join the Heinrich family?):
  • References(Anyone else who may support your roleplaying skills. Please ask them before tagging them, as we might talk to them!):
  • Mutes, Jails, Bans, ETC.:
  • Character Name:
  • Character Age:
  • Character Application:
  • IC-Letter (You should address the letter to the Heinrich family):


I forgot what a Character Application meant...

Do I need to get it approved by a staff member first or do I write it here and get it approved by you?

Stupid question, I know, but plz answer...


I forgot what a Character Application meant...

Do I need to get it approved by a staff member first or do I write it here and get it approved by you?

Stupid question, I know, but plz answer...
It doesn't need to be approved just quite yet, however it does need to be at least submitted and pending review.
  • Im in the middle of mine, I'll finish it tomorrow! Its not detailed enough yet.
  • IGN: _JayP_
  • Reason for Applying: I've never been on the Noble side of Regalia, and I see fit for it to change.
  • Have you had an approved character before?: Yep!
  • How often are you online?: Little to none on the weekdays, but basically 24/7 on the weekends.
  • Mutes, Jails, Bans, ETC: Nope, I am a good boy o
  • Greatest Strength in Roleplay: I would say my vocabulary, but on a bad day I don't try very hard. I can also CRP pretty well, given the common fight. I can very well describe my environment.
  • Greatest Weakness in Roleplay: It would be my loss of interest. If I lose interest in a character, I usually shelf it and move on.
  • Character Name: Serihilde Heinrich
  • Character Age: 28
  • Character Gender: Male
  • Physical Description: Serihilde is a still young man, very lazily keeping up with his ripped build. As his other male kin, he would have two eyes, both a very dark navy blue. His hair would display a jet black, very curly approach. The only thing he really cares about is his well-kept clean face. He doesn't wish for a beard, as he wishes to remain a young figure. He stood a tall 6'2, placing himself on the taller side to most other Heinrichs'.
  • Continuation of the Physical Description, Cloth wise: Serihilde's fashion statement consisted of a navy blue jacket, having a black undershirt underneath. The jacket matching his eyes, his undershirt matching his hair. His pants were a black, keeping the same look as his undershirt. The undershirt would peek out of the jackets' wholes, rolled back once.
  • Personality: Serihilde's personality consists of his ignorance for manners, being finally free from his shackles in Lutherburg. He is always around for his friends, being a friendly, carefree soul. He mostly drifted around the tavern, attempting at his best the politician role. Around Nobility, he always is ready to impress. His unknown manners by his common friends blow out through his actions, being a gentleman to any noblewoman he should meet. He dreams of being a stellar politician for House Heinrich, beginning with small things, leading up to a few goals he has in mind.
  • Biography: Serihilde is a very optimistic free spirit, letting his home in Lutherburg occupy him until he was twenty. He moved from there to the holy city, ready for diplomacy at it's best. He was getting bored by the known things of life, hopefully finding more purpose in Regalia. As he got there, everything was well, until the Freya Lo occupation. He hid in Lutherburg most days, slowly learning more languages. At the untimely suicide of Freya Lo, he took the opportunity and threw himself into the diplomatic scene. He was rather well, but no mention of him in the huge scheme of things. He opted out after an inconspicuous illness caught him, bed ridding him for a month. He continued to read about the news, every so often going from high to low diplomatically. He sent himself back to Lutherburg, spending some time with his mother and father, and regaining his strength. He spent the next few years there, returning a few months ago. He is ready for more diplomacy, *cracks knuckles* and he isn't going home until he gets what he wants.
Last edited:
  • IGN: _JayP_
  • Reason for Applying: I've never been on the Noble side of Regalia, and I see fit for it to change.
  • Have you had an approved character before?: Yep!
  • How often are you online?: Little to none on the weekdays, but basically 24/7 on the weekends.
  • Mutes, Jails, Bans, ETC: Nope, I am a good boy o
  • Greatest Strength in Roleplay: I would say my vocabulary, but on a bad day I don't try very hard. I can also CRP pretty well, given the common fight. I can very well describe my environment.
  • Greatest Weakness in Roleplay: It would be my loss of interest. If I lose interest in a character, I usually shelf it and move on.
  • Character Name: Serihilde Heinrich
  • Character Age: 28
  • Character Gender: Male
  • Physical Description: Serihilde is a still young man, very lazily keeping up with his ripped build. As his other male kin, he would have two eyes, both a very dark navy blue. His hair would display a jet black, very curly approach. The only thing he really cares about is his well-kept clean face. He doesn't wish for a beard, as he wishes to remain a young figure. He stood a tall 6'2, placing himself on the taller side to most other Heinrichs'.
  • Continuation of the Physical Description, Cloth wise: Serihilde's fashion statement consisted of a navy blue jacket, having a black undershirt underneath. The jacket matching his eyes, his undershirt matching his hair. His pants were a black, keeping the same look as his undershirt. The undershirt would peek out of the jackets' wholes, rolled back once.
  • Personality: Serihilde's personality consists of his ignorance for manners, being finally free from his shackles in Lutherburg. He is always around for his friends, being a friendly, carefree soul. He mostly drifted around the tavern, attempting at his best the politician role. Around Nobility, he always is ready to impress. His unknown manners by his common friends blow out through his actions, being a gentleman to any noblewoman he should meet. He dreams of being a stellar politician for House Heinrich, beginning with small things, leading up to a few goals he has in mind.
  • Biography: Serihilde is a very optimistic free spirit, letting his home in Lutherburg occupy him until he was twenty. He moved from there to the holy city, ready for diplomacy at it's best. He was getting bored by the known things of life, hopefully finding more purpose in Regalia. As he got there, everything was well, until the Freya Lo occupation. He hid in Lutherburg most days, slowly learning more languages. At the untimely suicide of Freya Lo, he took the opportunity and threw himself into the diplomatic scene. He was rather well, but no mention of him in the huge scheme of things. He opted out after an inconspicuous illness caught him, bed ridding him for a month. He continued to read about the news, every so often going from high to low diplomatically. He sent himself back to Lutherburg, spending some time with his mother and father, and regaining his strength. He spent the next few years there, returning a few months ago. He is ready for more diplomacy, *cracks knuckles* and he isn't going home until he gets what he wants.
I would like to join because I want to join a good family and I've heard really good things about you guys
I have an application in progress
I'm online often, Central time
No punishment
Strength: I like to be social with people, I try not to let people bring me down if I make a mistake
Weakness: I've only been role playing for a month now but people say I decent at it
Margo Heinrich
Margo has an athletic build from all the exercise, She has black hair and blue eyes, however she wears a dress that shows a bit of skin, making her stand out in social places with her family and people usually ask if she's a Heinrich. With her athletic build she can look very feminine and beautiful when she chooses to be making men stare at her. She looks very young to match her age
Margo is a kind young lady and loves to socialize with other people. She is best friends with a Rosalia Heinrich (yes I did get her permission you can ask her @_Owlet). With her kindness she can be stubborn and strong making her a match in an arguement. She chooses her words wisely for the greatest impact on the person she is talking to.
Margo's parents (unknown as of right now) were surprised when she was born because of her brown hair and brown eyes. They tried to make her an elegant girl but she just wanted to explore And make friends with anyone close to her. In her teen years she was a little rebellious but tried to be as elegant as the other noble girls to fit in like most teenage girls did. This is where she learned to use her words. When she hit 18 she would begin practicing a bow until she mastered it Andy could formidably use it with ease. All of these thing can make her an enemies nightmare or a friends dream.

P.S I have skype and discord but no mic sry
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I would like to join because I want to join a good family and I've heard really good things about you guys
I have an application in progress
I'm online often, Central time
No punishment
Strength: I like to be social with people, I try not to let people bring me down if I make a mistake
Weakness: I've only been role playing for a month now but people say I decent at it
Margo Heinrich
Margo has an athletic build from all the exercise, She has black hair and blue eyes, however she wears a dress that shows a bit of skin, making her stand out in social places with her family and people usually ask if she's a Heinrich. With her athletic build she can look very feminine and beautiful when she chooses to be making men stare at her. She looks very young to match her age
Margo is a kind young lady and loves to socialize with other people. She is best friends with a Rosalia Heinrich (yes I did get her permission you can ask her @_Owlet). With her kindness she can be stubborn and strong making her a match in an arguement. She chooses her words wisely for the greatest impact on the person she is talking to.
Margo's parents (unknown as of right now) were surprised when she was born because of her brown hair and brown eyes. They tried to make her an elegant girl but she just wanted to explore And make friends with anyone close to her. In her teen years she was a little rebellious but tried to be as elegant as the other noble girls to fit in like most teenage girls did. This is where she learned to use her words. When she hit 18 she would begin practicing a bow until she mastered it Andy could formidably use it with ease. All of these thing can make her an enemies nightmare or a friends dream.

P.S I have skype and discord but no mic sry
Hello, I regret to inform you that we have DENIED your application under the following reasons:

- You are fairly new, granted that we general don't consider this as a negative, but we have had reports that you may not be completely familiar with the server's lore and we demand quite a bit out of our family members.

- You have applied to many families, one right after another, it seems. I like that you wish to get involved but it doesn't really show us that you are going to follow one of our rules. The rule we are referring to is:
  • Try to use your character as your main character as we ask you to spend most of your time on it.
If you decide to apply again, I do urge that you seek out one, if not more of our family members and roleplay with them so we may get a better grasp on you.

  • IGN: Cansyphilaids
  • Reason for Applying: Noble RP has always been an interest of mine, though I never capitalized on said interest, and when I did find the courage to apply, it was normally deleted.
  • Have you had an approved character before?: A lot. A lot. I've even written a few for others. Here. Are*. A. Few**. For. You.
  • How often are you online?: Fluctuates a lot, but I'm usually online from Thursday, 3:30 PST, to Sunday, 12:00 PST. I'm not usually on on Mondays, Tuesdays, or Wednesdays.
  • References: @Goldifish @BirthFather @essentialess
  • Mutes, Jails, Bans, ETC.: Muted 3 years ago for calling someone a b***** in general chat. Never again. Since been wiped from my record.
  • Greatest Strength in Roleplay: I can write like. Really quickly. That aside, I'm quite well-versed in the lore, and my combat roleplay has radically improved since my days as a filthy powergamer.
  • Greatest Weakness in Roleplay: I repeat words often, and my emotes can get a bit foggy from time to time.
Arnold Heinrich (21) - Playable
  • Physical Description: Arnold is a far cry from what's expected of a Heinrich. He's weak, at least compared to the other members of his family, reaching only a Toned body build. He's clean shaven, and his eyes are a bright green, rather than blue.
  • Personality: Arnold is a rather social person, extroverted to his very core, quite happy to introduce himself to others, with little fear. Even those in lower social classes are all potential conversation partners. He's humorous, cracking jokes and quips, though most of them are either self-deprecating in some form. He tries to please his family, mostly through his alchemical creations, with varying success. He's quite intelligent, literate in Alt-Regalian, Alt-Anglian, and Common.
  • Biography: Arnold was born with promise, a healthy boy with a potentially good life ahead of him. He took to intellectual studies at a young age, becoming literate in both Alt-Regalian and Common. Though, this was not enough for the lad, who bugged his parents until he was sent to an Alchemical academy within Dorinn. He returned later in life, though he felt like a fish out of water, when the rest of his family had pursued combat, leaving him as a black sheep in the family. More details will be added if I'm accepted.
  • All of this can be changed if you want.
*Aesthetics for Null Ilajo were done by @Dreamaxia
**Armando Machado was written by me, yet uploaded by @kianroo2 as he paid for me to write the sheet.
Last edited:
IGN- Fascizm


I am applying to be in this family because my two buddies are in it and they forced me to write this whole thing so I could be a part of the family. Though I am still dedicated to learning about how the whole nobility system works.


No, I have not had an approved character, let alone posted a character app in the forums. But I am currently in the works for one of my characters to be approved.


I'm usually on 3 to 4 hours a day. On the weekends, I'm on all round if I do not have plans. Movie, Friends house, etc. Which is always never because I have no life or friends :^) CENT time.


My two friends, who are my references are @violattes and @mochalattes


I have never been muted, jailed, or banned In Massivecraft.


I've been told my greatest strength in RP is how I make sure that my roleplay partner knows exactly what I am doing, how I do this is making sure my emotes point out every detailed thing that my character has.


My timing sometimes can't be great. But it's a WIP for me. But either then that, I don't think I have any other weaknesses.


Luca Heinrich






Luca body structure is ripped, who is 6'2. He has dark navy blue eyes with a slight hint of gray, though if you look at him from a greater distance, his eyes look like a blunt, dark navy blue. He prefers to have Jet black his hair up in a bun, to keep it out of his face, but oftenly styles it differently for some events, depending really on what mood he's in. He has a short beard, that is always trimmed to about half an inch, though sometimes during time, he would make weird and amusing styles if it has grown out to his desired length. He is almost always clad in a gray button-up long sleeved shirt, with a dark blue jacket over it, his pants were gray, and wore black boots. That is is main style.


Luca is very outgoing, he hates it when he is alone. He's stubborn too- determined, he calls it. Although, he thinks a good fight is a better way to get to know someone other than talking. He likes to see their strategy, and likes to know why they chose to fight the way they did. Luca also likes to stay kind to those he knows well, this resulting in him being more passionate about his decisions. Sometimes, Luca always makes sure to let off a good first impression, as he fears that if he doesn't, especially to newer friends.. He'd be judged and discriminated from his family. His loyalty is also a well known factor, Luca always makes sure to let others know that he is well trusted, though he does tend to sometimes say things by accident, he is all out a loyal and an amazing person to be around.


Luca was born a happy baby. He did not shed one tear during his birth. Once he was old enough he started learning the Heinricher Fechtsturm. Luca's father let him choose to either use the Rapier, or the Longsword. Not really knowing the difference at the time, Luca's kid mind chose the Rapier. Because it looked the coolest in his mindset at the time, he spent most of his younger years training, and socializing around the house. His favorite person to speak to however, was Marie. She somehow understood Luca, no matter what he was talking about, usually it was about how people made fun of his long hair. Luca and Marie had quite the understanding for each other, seeing as how every time they'd visit each other, they would always strike a nice conversation. In more recent times he's still as outgoing as ever. Being the 'Doof' in the family that could usually make people smile. Marie tried introducing 'Unionism' into his life, though he did not like the really like religion, and kind of abandoned the studies. He kept practicing the Heinricher Fechtsturm, and is determined to master it. Throughout his life, Luca has set many, many goals and really enjoys it when he achieves it.

ALSO NOTE! I've been on longer then 5 months, you can do a background check on me or so on if you'd like. My other accounts name is : yahoo46

  • Thank you !
  • IGN: Cansyphilaids
  • Reason for Applying: Noble RP has always been an interest of mine, though I never capitalized on said interest, and when I did find the courage to apply, it was normally deleted.
  • Have you had an approved character before?: A lot. A lot. I've even written a few for others. Here. Are*. A. Few**. For. You.
  • How often are you online?: Fluctuates a lot, but I'm usually online from Thursday, 3:30 PST, to Sunday, 12:00 PST. I'm not usually on on Mondays, Tuesdays, or Wednesdays.
  • References: @Goldifish @BirthFather @essentialess
  • Mutes, Jails, Bans, ETC.: Muted 3 years ago for calling someone a b***** in general chat. Never again. Since been wiped from my record.
  • Greatest Strength in Roleplay: I can write like. Really quickly. That aside, I'm quite well-versed in the lore, and my combat roleplay has radically improved since my days as a filthy powergamer.
  • Greatest Weakness in Roleplay: I repeat words often, and my emotes can get a bit foggy from time to time.
  • Physical Description: Arnold is a far cry from what's expected of a Heinrich. He's weak, at least compared to the other members of his family, reaching only a Toned body build. He's clean shaven, and his eyes are a bright green, rather than blue.
  • Personality: Arnold is a rather social person, extroverted to his very core, quite happy to introduce himself to others, with little fear. Even those in lower social classes are all potential conversation partners. He's humorous, cracking jokes and quips, though most of them are either self-deprecating in some form. He tries to please his family, mostly through his alchemical creations, with varying success. He's quite intelligent, literate in Alt-Regalian, Alt-Anglian, and Common.
  • Biography: Arnold was born with promise, a healthy boy with a potentially good life ahead of him. He took to intellectual studies at a young age, becoming literate in both Alt-Regalian and Common. Though, this was not enough for the lad, who bugged his parents until he was sent to an Alchemical academy within Dorinn. He returned later in life, though he felt like a fish out of water, when the rest of his family had pursued combat, leaving him as a black sheep in the family. More details will be added if I'm accepted.
  • All of this can be changed if you want.
*Aesthetics for Null Ilajo were done by @Dreamaxia
**Armando Machado was written by me, yet uploaded by @kianroo2 as he paid for me to write the sheet.
IGN- Fascizm


I am applying to be in this family because my two buddies are in it and they forced me to write this whole thing so I could be a part of the family. Though I am still dedicated to learning about how the whole nobility system works.


No, I have not had an approved character, let alone posted a character app in the forums. But I am currently in the works for one of my characters to be approved.


I'm usually on 3 to 4 hours a day. On the weekends, I'm on all round if I do not have plans. Movie, Friends house, etc. Which is always never because I have no life or friends :^) CENT time.


My two friends, who are my references are @violattes and @mochalattes


I have never been muted, jailed, or banned In Massivecraft.


I've been told my greatest strength in RP is how I make sure that my roleplay partner knows exactly what I am doing, how I do this is making sure my emotes point out every detailed thing that my character has.


My timing sometimes can't be great. But it's a WIP for me. But either then that, I don't think I have any other weaknesses.


Luca Heinrich






Luca body structure is ripped, who is 6'2. He has dark navy blue eyes with a slight hint of gray, though if you look at him from a greater distance, his eyes look like a blunt, dark navy blue. He prefers to have Jet black his hair up in a bun, to keep it out of his face, but oftenly styles it differently for some events, depending really on what mood he's in. He has a short beard, that is always trimmed to about half an inch, though sometimes during time, he would make weird and amusing styles if it has grown out to his desired length. He is almost always clad in a gray button-up long sleeved shirt, with a dark blue jacket over it, his pants were gray, and wore black boots. That is is main style.


Luca is very outgoing, he hates it when he is alone. He's stubborn too- determined, he calls it. Although, he thinks a good fight is a better way to get to know someone other than talking. He likes to see their strategy, and likes to know why they chose to fight the way they did. Luca also likes to stay kind to those he knows well, this resulting in him being more passionate about his decisions. Sometimes, Luca always makes sure to let off a good first impression, as he fears that if he doesn't, especially to newer friends.. He'd be judged and discriminated from his family. His loyalty is also a well known factor, Luca always makes sure to let others know that he is well trusted, though he does tend to sometimes say things by accident, he is all out a loyal and an amazing person to be around.


Luca was born a happy baby. He did not shed one tear during his birth. Once he was old enough he started learning the Heinricher Fechtsturm. Luca's father let him choose to either use the Rapier, or the Longsword. Not really knowing the difference at the time, Luca's kid mind chose the Rapier. Because it looked the coolest in his mindset at the time, he spent most of his younger years training, and socializing around the house. His favorite person to speak to however, was Marie. She somehow understood Luca, no matter what he was talking about, usually it was about how people made fun of his long hair. Luca and Marie had quite the understanding for each other, seeing as how every time they'd visit each other, they would always strike a nice conversation. In more recent times he's still as outgoing as ever. Being the 'Doof' in the family that could usually make people smile. Marie tried introducing 'Unionism' into his life, though he did not like the really like religion, and kind of abandoned the studies. He kept practicing the Heinricher Fechtsturm, and is determined to master it. Throughout his life, Luca has set many, many goals and really enjoys it when he achieves it.

ALSO NOTE! I've been on longer then 5 months, you can do a background check on me or so on if you'd like. My other accounts name is : yahoo46
  • Thank you !

IGN (Your account name): AntiquePicker.
Reason for Applying (Why would you like to join the Heinrich family?): The main reason as of why I want to join is because I think it'll be a great experience for me as well as for others! I try to keep my attitude to the top, and I may get mad at sometimes, but that is normal. I would honestly love to join this family because I've never been apart of a noble family or a family in general.
Have you had an approved character before? (Yes/No, please provide a link): No. But! I am planning on making one!
How often are you online? (Please state your usual hours as well as your timezone): I try my best to stay online. I often play at least more than an hour a day and average between 2 to 4 hours a day. I also can't be on the days Monday and Tuesday. My timezone is UTC (Central Time Zone).
References (Anyone else who may support your roleplaying skills. Please ask them before tagging them, as we might talk to them!): @BradyTheWizard
Mutes, Jails, Bans, ETC.: Nope, I am a good boy.
Greatest Strength in Roleplay (Something that you bring to the table. Be it vocabulary or just a cool character): I'd have to say I am quite a passive person when it comes to out of character, but I may get annoyed if the person is toxic, but I'll usually avoid them.
Greatest Weakness in Roleplay (Something you have trouble with in role play. E.G. emote chat, grammar, spelling): Sadly, that will have to be CRP as I am not too experienced in CRP, but I have been practicing it quite often and have been getting help from friends that I know personally. My spelling and grammar are decent, but it's good enough, I wouldn't say it would be a weakness though.
Character Name: Alfons Heinrich
Character Age: 26
Character Gender (M/F): Male
Physical Description (A brief physical description of the character): Alfons looks quite muscular (His body build being Muscular too), but he isn't fast, he can most definitely punch powerfully, but he isn't quick on his feet. This doesn't mean he can't run at all, he just easily gets tired, but with his upper body strength, he has both muscular endurance and muscular strength. His eyes are very peculiar, being blue of course the shade being Royal Blue (Color Code: #002366). His hair is a wavy brown with the hair being combed to the right side of his fast. Alfons would have a couple scars on his arms and chest, being not very noticeable, but when seen up close you can definitely see the scars, he got these scars from past accidents. Alfons would be standing 6'3 as he is quite healthy and he's also fit as he generally exercises every day.
Personality (A few sentences on the personality of your character): He's quite a happy person, as he is a unionist. You'll often see him not talking to people who are either poor or a commoner. He is a very confident person as you'll see him trying to do his best on every subject he's doing. He can become very alert when it comes to him being paranoid. He can also become rude to people who bother him when he needs to get things done. But despite him being paranoid or rude, you'll see him talking to a lot of people in his family as he tries his best to stay connected with his friends and family. He'll often get emotional if it comes to losing someone that he trusts, but after a few months, you'll see that he has moved on.
Biography (How or where did your character grew up? Did your character had any event involvements? ETC.): Alfons grew up with his friends and family in Regalia. He's always been a positive person and a good friend to have, as he seeks profession. In which he gets things done correctly or he'll restart and do it again or tweak it a bit to make it look better. He also excels in combat, given that he is a muscular body build with his upper body strength being the most muscular part of his body. He can throw punches for a while and he's naturally quite decent with swords.
IGN (Your account name): AntiquePicker.
Reason for Applying (Why would you like to join the Heinrich family?): The main reason as of why I want to join is because I think it'll be a great experience for me as well as for others! I try to keep my attitude to the top, and I may get mad at sometimes, but that is normal. I would honestly love to join this family because I've never been apart of a noble family or a family in general.
Have you had an approved character before? (Yes/No, please provide a link): No. But! I am planning on making one!
How often are you online? (Please state your usual hours as well as your timezone): I try my best to stay online. I often play at least more than an hour a day and average between 2 to 4 hours a day. I also can't be on the days Monday and Tuesday. My timezone is UTC (Central Time Zone).
References (Anyone else who may support your roleplaying skills. Please ask them before tagging them, as we might talk to them!): @BradyTheWizard
Mutes, Jails, Bans, ETC.: Nope, I am a good boy.
Greatest Strength in Roleplay (Something that you bring to the table. Be it vocabulary or just a cool character): I'd have to say I am quite a passive person when it comes to out of character, but I may get annoyed if the person is toxic, but I'll usually avoid them.
Greatest Weakness in Roleplay (Something you have trouble with in role play. E.G. emote chat, grammar, spelling): Sadly, that will have to be CRP as I am not too experienced in CRP, but I have been practicing it quite often and have been getting help from friends that I know personally. My spelling and grammar are decent, but it's good enough, I wouldn't say it would be a weakness though.
Character Name: Alfons Heinrich
Character Age: 26
Character Gender (M/F): Male
Physical Description (A brief physical description of the character): Alfons looks quite muscular (His body build being Muscular too), but he isn't fast, he can most definitely punch powerfully, but he isn't quick on his feet. This doesn't mean he can't run at all, he just easily gets tired, but with his upper body strength, he has both muscular endurance and muscular strength. His eyes are very peculiar, being blue of course the shade being Royal Blue (Color Code: #002366). His hair is a wavy brown with the hair being combed to the right side of his fast. Alfons would have a couple scars on his arms and chest, being not very noticeable, but when seen up close you can definitely see the scars, he got these scars from past accidents. Alfons would be standing 6'3 as he is quite healthy and he's also fit as he generally exercises every day.
Personality (A few sentences on the personality of your character): He's quite a happy person, as he is a unionist. You'll often see him not talking to people who are either poor or a commoner. He is a very confident person as you'll see him trying to do his best on every subject he's doing. He can become very alert when it comes to him being paranoid. He can also become rude to people who bother him when he needs to get things done. But despite him being paranoid or rude, you'll see him talking to a lot of people in his family as he tries his best to stay connected with his friends and family. He'll often get emotional if it comes to losing someone that he trusts, but after a few months, you'll see that he has moved on.
Biography (How or where did your character grew up? Did your character had any event involvements? ETC.): Alfons grew up with his friends and family in Regalia. He's always been a positive person and a good friend to have, as he seeks profession. In which he gets things done correctly or he'll restart and do it again or tweak it a bit to make it look better. He also excels in combat, given that he is a muscular body build with his upper body strength being the most muscular part of his body. He can throw punches for a while and he's naturally quite decent with swords.

Hello! I must apologize for my late response but we have decided to reject your application due to many reasons. One being that the character you wished to play is currently already being played. If you feel like you wish to apply again, please do wait a while before reapplying and gain more references.
wee another family member coming through
  • IGN: katieisdecent
  • Reason for Applying: After being inactive for a couple of weeks and returning, I found that I was struggling to get back into the Massivecraft community. @Masterman120 , a friend of mine, mentioned being in the family, I wanted to get involved, was suggested to try out a bastard child, and went off from there. I've been involved in the noble scene quite a few times in the past (One example being Juliette Ta'ren, yet another bastard noble). Ta'ren isn't a noble name as of now, because what with the head of the family OOCly abandoning it, it was voided as ever being noble. However, while it was still lore compliant, it was a fantastic experience that I'd like to do again.
  • Have you had an approved character before?: Yeet. Juliette Ta'ren: - Riressil Delosseth:
  • How often are you online?: 3+ days a week, usually after 3 on week days. (Divorced parents, one doesn't believe in computers.) Timezone - PST
  • References: @KingBrooke @Masterman120 @MommaMadison
  • Mutes, Jails, Bans, ETC.: Nada
  • Greatest Strength in Roleplay: Detailed emotes that have the ability to show my character's emotion as best I can.
  • Greatest Weakness in Roleplay: Usually slight spelling mistakes. I also can get overly anxious behind my computer screen when my character is confronted with an important figure or decision.
  • Character Name: Lea Aalders (A bastard child.)
  • Character Age: 23 [282]
  • Character Gender (M/F): Female
  • Physical Description: With deep blue eyes, and raven black hair, Lea stands at a tiny height of 5'3, and is likely weaker than the rest of her family, toned, as most Heinrich females aren't made for combat. Lea's a bit frail, though quick on her feet.
  • Personality: Lea is generally easy going, and grateful for the possessions she has. However, she lacks in the area of empathy, which is how she's able to pick-pocket without remorse. She's generally well-liked among crowds, especially given her award-winning dimpled smile. Lea's quiet, and will go to far lengths to gain the acceptance of others.
  • Biography: Born to Derek Heinrich and a common Anglian harlot (Hagnes Aalders), Lea survived off of pick-pocketing. Due to her size - granted to squeeze into places others couldn't - and in addition to her speed, she was recruited off to a lowly guild of thieves. Lea was personally taught Haaken while in this guild, and therefore more easily able to provide for herself. After Lea's mother spilled who her father was, and hearing word that most of the Heinrichs were gathered at Regalia, the small girl dropped everything at Anglia, and spent her entire savings on sailing to Regalia to, in theory, get rich.
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  • IGN: flareskies​
  • Reason for Applying: To jump back into noble RP, push myself as an RPer, and because I was invited.​
  • How often are you online?: Pretty much all day, nearly every day, Central time zone I think.​
  • References: Xref, RedNeedsCoffee, NathanMC, Snashuupomaymaymay, Goldifish.​
  • Mutes, Jails, Bans, ETC.: None​
  • Greatest Strength in Roleplay: For whatever reason, I always seem to bring excitement to RP wherever I go. RP always livens up when I enter a room, whether it be through conflict, an interesting character, or anything else. There probably isn't one person who doesn't know me and my chars are the start of the party.​
  • Greatest Weakness in Roleplay: Probably the fact that I let IC failure get to me a little too much OOC. I take RP a little too serious at times, get a little too into character.​
  • Character Name: Margo Heinrich​
  • Character Age: 22​
  • Character Gender: F (I think)​
  • Physical Description: Black hair, green eyes, and of course a lovely blue dress.​
  • Personality: In a nutshell, bold and blunt, but still kind and caring. Its her belief that the truth is always the best solution, even if it hurts. Heavily sides with the law, very much a rule follower. Her first loyalty comes to her family and no one else.​
  • Biography: She grew up in Regalia right alongside her family, however has spent a great many years away to finish her studies as to be an asset to her family line in politics and general education. She's prefers to fight with a short-sword, but isn't a fan of combat. She prefers her mind over her body.​

Thanks for considering!
Flare~ <3
wee another family member coming through
  • IGN: katieisdecent
  • Reason for Applying: After being inactive for a couple of weeks and returning, I found that I was struggling to get back into the Massivecraft community. @Masterman120 , a friend of mine, mentioned being in the family, I wanted to get involved, was suggested to try out a bastard child, and went off from there. I've been involved in the noble scene quite a few times in the past (One example being Juliette Ta'ren, yet another bastard noble). Ta'ren isn't a noble name as of now, because what with the head of the family OOCly abandoning it, it was voided as ever being noble. However, while it was still lore compliant, it was a fantastic experience that I'd like to do again.
  • Have you had an approved character before?: Yeet. Juliette Ta'ren: - Riressil Delosseth:
  • How often are you online?: 3+ days a week, usually after 3 on week days. (Divorced parents, one doesn't believe in computers.) Timezone - PST
  • References: @KingBrooke @Masterman120 @MommaMadison
  • Mutes, Jails, Bans, ETC.: Nada
  • Greatest Strength in Roleplay: Detailed emotes that have the ability to show my character's emotion as best I can.
  • Greatest Weakness in Roleplay: Usually slight spelling mistakes. I also can get overly anxious behind my computer screen when my character is confronted with an important figure or decision.
  • Character Name: Lea Aalders (A bastard child.)
  • Character Age: 23 [282]
  • Character Gender (M/F): Female
  • Physical Description: With deep blue eyes, and raven black hair, Lea stands at a tiny height of 5'3, and is likely weaker than the rest of her family, toned, as most Heinrich females aren't made for combat. Lea's a bit frail, though quick on her feet.
  • Personality: Lea is generally easy going, and grateful for the possessions she has. However, she lacks in the area of empathy, which is how she's able to pick-pocket without remorse. She's generally well-liked among crowds, especially given her award-winning dimpled smile. Lea's quiet, and will go to far lengths to gain the acceptance of others.
  • Biography: Born to Derek Heinrich and a common Anglian harlot (Hagnes Aalders), Lea survived off of pick-pocketing. Due to her size - granted to squeeze into places others couldn't - and in addition to her speed, she was recruited off to a lowly guild of thieves. Lea was personally taught Haaken while in this guild, and therefore more easily able to provide for herself. After Lea's mother spilled who her father was, and hearing word that most of the Heinrichs were gathered at Regalia, the small girl dropped everything at Anglia, and spent her entire savings on sailing to Regalia to, in theory, get rich.
Last edited:

  • IGN

    • 0hpls
  • Reason for Applying (Why would you like to join the Heinrich family?):

    • I've seen the family roaming around and literally grew attached seeing the scenes, and how they all just played out. I wanted to become apart of the family ( kind of ) by working for them, also: @mochalattes tells me the family is quite interesting, so that provoked me as well.
  • References(Anyone else who may support your roleplaying skills. Please ask them before tagging them, as we might talk to them!):

  • Mutes, Jails, Bans, ETC.:

    • None :)
  • Character Name:

    • Enelye Finwe ( Cielothar )
  • Character Age:

    • Twenty-four (24)
  • Character Application:

    • The application is a WIP and will be done in the mere future. ( Not that long. )
  • IC-Letter (You should address the letter to the Heinrich family):

    • " Dear Heinrichs. My name is Enelye Finwe, I uh, I'm currently a twenty-four year old Cielothar that is looking for work, anything really would be appreciated, but I've heard from many sources that some positions are open in your Haus? I was interested and was curious on if I could possibly join the staff crew. Now - I know there's a huge conflict between the Nelfin races and the Ailor and such.. But I wanted to let you know that I too think what my kin did was truely wrong. And I want to just apologize if my race makes it look like I've done something wrong. Anyways, that all put aside. I'd personally love to work for your family as a maiden, this is.. Prefered, Spirit Guide you all, and thank you."
The letter then held a small initial 'E.F' with a heart right beside it.