House Hállëvandëia


Basement Goblin
May 20, 2018
Reaction score
A place where trains are really loud.


"Like the trees who sway with the wind, neither do we break."
[All credit goes to @Eccetra for the original thread, reposted with her permission!]




Race: Primarily Yanar
Culture: Our own unique culture centralized around aquaculture and agriculture.
Religion: Fated Faith.
Politics: Left Centrist
Businesses: Medicine, Alchemy, Woodworking, Court Mages
House Animal: Tawny Goat
House Colors: Green, Cyan & Silver
House Values: Initiative, Loyalty, Ambition




From the heart of Daendroc's forests to the bustling City of Regalia, The Hállëvandëia family can be found making their leaf-studded mark wherever they tread. This controversial group of Yanar have strayed somewhat far from their agricultural heritage in favor of higher integration into society, and have become notable as a prime example of just how far a yanar can go in Imperial Society.

The Hállëvandëia Family can trace its roots back to the original Hállëvandëia overseas in Daen, nestled in the safe canopy of towering Allu'torne trees that overlooked a vast swaft of marshland and forests below. Just before the village colony was wracked with the devastating impact of the cataclysm and rebuilt several different times in various different locations throughout history. Now, the Hállëvandëia is known to most as a family, a clan of yanar who have come together to live as one. Seeking to rebuild the past as well as pave a new path ahead. One thing with this family is certain, and that things are never certain.





The Hállëvandëia Colony, as it was known, was formed by a single parent Yanar named Azëlloa Hállëvandëia during the early years of 23 BC As one of the descendants of the Nenya, Azëlloa sought to create a garden of confident Yanar to protect the groves of Daendroc from the coming Void Invasion. Using the gifts bestowed upon them by the Fated Ones, they raised towering walls of thorns to encase a small patch of Daen woodland surrounding a freshwater creek, and birthed a succession of children to assist him. By the time their ancient Nenya Trees had fallen, the woodland Grove known as Suryá-Cëllio, or Riverbend, had become home to over thirty or so Yanar.

Suryá-Cëllio remained a secluded haven during the restless years following the Cataclysm. Until the shock of the Wildering and Cataclysm came which wracked their way of life. The first iteration of the colony's home was destroyed and overrun with magical energy and natural disaster as their Goddess, Estel, died. Many yanar, many family members perished as a result and those left who survived were forced to wander the land for what seemed like almost a hundred years after the events. Until finally they came together once more to rebuild their beloved Suryá-Cëllio out of the ruins of an old Altalar city consumed in the wake of the Wildering. Ruins that lay near a river and old worn down aquaduct.

Time went on and with the lessons of the past fresh in mind, and as purpose slowly began to return to the Yanar people as well as magic, their newfound home began to grow and grow until it was a sizeable enough village once more and eventually far outshining the past iteration hung high up in the trees. The Hállëvandëia Colony knew peace and prosperity again for a number of years until war and calamity once more found its way to their doorstep in the form of Orcs and woodcutters, but this time they were adequately prepared to fend off intruders. Making use of the old stone walls and thorns to repel would be invaders.

The history of the family however began as the founder of the original Hállëvandëia Colony left overseas, full of wanderlust and seeking to find more in life. Leaving behind the eldest seedlings to govern and speak on behalf of the people-- a task they had always done from the beginning for the most part. Father and Mother, Azëlloa Hállëvandëia wandered Daen for many years until finally landing upon the shore of Regalia where they met another like-minded yanar by the name of Niantha, whom they went on to form a new family and new colony so to speak in Regalia, the Haaven family. The pair of yanar met while under the Nenyarina Order. Originally they were called Heiwynn but decided upon Imperializing in lieu with changes to their lives after the dissolution of the Nenyarina. Shortly after life took a turn and the family began focusing on expanding in the medical field, providing health care and alchemical services to Regalia, led by Nadina Haaven.

The family led by Nadina Haaven went on to produce grandiose medical organizations, firstly the Alchemia Order which saw large success in providing medicine and healthcare to the general public in both everyday scenarios and during times of severe crisis. Mending the numerous burn victims that were scorched by dragon's fire during the Dragon Crisis under Rikkira's reign of terror. And other smaller crisis that arose. Eventually however the family began to soon depart the medical field for other ventures as time went on.

In recent year the Haaven family decided to rename and rebrand itself and double back on its original roots of encouraging individualism, ambition, and seeking ones own path. Many of the yanar of the family turned away from being healers, while some who weren't before began focusing on learning the skills of medicine even more. The family changed, warped and adapted as the need arose. Some becoming warriors or mercenaries and some remaining as healers or alchemists to pay homage to older teachings. The family no longer has any set businesses it owns, instead it encourages all of its members to seek their own path, start their own businesses and branch out, reach out to others rather than reach within. Following all the recent changes, the Haaven family also decided to rename itself back to its original colony name, Hállëvandëia.

Now in recent years, the Hállëvandëia seeks to set its roots deeper with higher aspirations for the Yanar as a whole and decide the future of their race. With ambitions set so high, they wish to fold the Yanar as a people into the Crown Alliance and become paragons of a brighter future. As well as become keepers of history, knowledge, medicine and to ensure the same mistakes of the past are never repeated again.





Petalcourt 17 & 16
Petalcourt 17 & 16 is the primary house and location where the family can be found most often. Owner and Elder Azelloa strives to always keep an open door policy on the ground floor where-in anyone and everybody is welcome to step on in and have a good time. The front door is always open and a hot cup of tea is always available, along with a good time. The primary house of the Hallevendeia family serves as a physical manifestation of the family's open hospitality towards others and eagerness to make new friends, meet new faces and see new things. (OOC; Door is always open! Feel free to just walk right in and join our RP if you ever see it going on! We don't mind!)

Petalcourt 15
Right next door and the primary residence of Loriella, not quite as open as Azel's home, one can still find the same warm Hallevandeia hospitality and friendship there just as much as anywhere else.




As a result of Yanar Ovalation, physical appearance in the Hállëvandëia vary wildly. And it certainly isn't helped by their unique beliefs and views on change. Change is a necessary thing in the family and all family members are encouraged to seek it out every once in awhile to avoid stagnation. All family members are encouraged to take whatever shape they see fit, bestial or humanoid-- it matters not. All that matters is that they understand the important principals behind change, adapting and finally overcoming life's obstacles.

Despite the Hállëvandëia family's wild beliefs and philosophy of change, some uniform appearance traits tend to remain. Children of Azelloa or those of his line tend to retain either blue or yellow eyes with some degree of wooden, barky horns of some kind or bark skin on their body. Seedlings born from Azelloa's line could be described as being very cool, icy, blue in their colors and skin tone. Often sporting cool blue flowers and foliage with minty shades of green.
While on the other hand, those yanar born from Nadina could be described as being more fiery and warm with vibrant verdant shades of green with more humanoid esque appearances with a high tendency to elven themes. Brown umber eyes and red berries are a common trend.





The Hállëvandëia family are known throughout Regalia primarily for their ambitious natures and high level of societal integration. At birth, Hállëvandëia children are immediately plunged into a wide plethora of studies and encouraged to follow the topics that most interest them. There is strong pressure within the family to find each individual's "niche". Laziness and indolence are highly frowned upon, and insecure individuals are given almost smothering amounts of encouragement in order to set them on the track to success. Over the years, this has often resulted in fiery and determined Yanar with a hearty drive to pursue their goals.

Alongside their staunch work ethics, Hállëvandëia family members typically possess polite, amicable demeanors. While this is not present one-hundred-percent of the time, children are taught from a very young age to remain reasonable, and not to act out of malice without a righteous cause. Hállëvandëia are unlikely to turn away a civilian in pain. Racism towards beastial and tainted races (with the exception of Kathar) is often kept fairly low-key, and in such cases feigned politeness is usually favored over sincerity. This has resulted in a sometimes "shady" and insincere perspective of the family, especially when accompanied by their tendency to hoard information.

As a result of their integration into a harsh Ailor society, the Haaven family has long shifted away from the quiet and submissive stereotype of Yanar—they are in fact some of the most outspoken examples of their race. Children of Azelloa tend to be particularly loud and whimsical, possessing jovial personalities that imprint joy onto those around them. Seedlings of Nadina, on the other hand, show a more stubborn outspokenness; they are oft unafraid to speak their opinion, however controversial or troublesome of them to do so. Public displays of chaos are seldom far away from a group of Hállëvandëia, but regardless of their differences, the ties of this unusual colony remain strong.

Within the family also exist many tutors that offer a very wide range of skills that they can teach to the younger, older or newer members of the family. All one has to do is ask, below is a list of what is frequently taught.

Family Knowledge Proficiencies
Many family members have a large avenue of knowledge to select from when considering being taught by another member of the family. But it is in no way a strict list.

Strong inclination to Magical Knowledge & Nature Sorcery
Natura Care Sciences
Hunting Knowledge
Medical Sciences
Alchemy Sciences
Culinary Arts
Historical Knowledge
Magical Knowledge

Family Martial Knowledge Proficiencies

The Haaven family often dedicate some of their own family members or children and grant them the task of safeguarding the family's future and security. In a way, the family and colony's protectors serve in a manner similar to a Palest but have far more freedoms. Some protectors choose to learn the ways of the School of Atraves or School of Rangers, both being very popular amongst the protectors.

Light Bow Combat Skill
Pole Combat Skill
Stave Combat Skill
Perception Training
Athletic Training

Some proficiency are also standard to the Hállëvandëia family, such as Sailing or Athletic training. Why? This is to reflect the nautical and the family's natural talents for water sports and other water related activities. It is encouraged every member have at least +5 Athletic Training or +5 Sailing Knowledge to reflect this. But this isn't necessary or enforced, merely encouraged for family flavor and niche.




Color Key.
Green - Taken, active. | Orange - Taken, inactive. | Grey - Unplayable. | Red - Deceased.
Pink - Open, low criteria. | Blue - Open, some criteria. | Purple - Open, strict criteria.

Hállëvandëia | Haaven - First Generation
Azëlloa Hállëvandëia - Former Patriarch - Age: 349 [Played by @Caelamus | Deceased]
The Elder and former Patriarch of the Family.
Nadina Haaven - Former First Matriarch -Age: 81 [Played by @Eccetra | Active]
Ex-wife to Azelloa, yet remains welcome within the family and amongst all the seedlings shared between the two.
Valentjin Hállëvandëia - Brother of Zaan - Age: ?? [Played by @_The_Unknown_ | Inactive]

More first generation siblings and cousins available on request. Get in touch!

Hállëvandëia | Haaven - Second Generation
Sinaht Hállëvandëia - Child of Azëlloa - Age: 50? @MolagBallin | ???]
Hal'cyóna Aalviënta, Hállëvandëia - Child of Nadina, Fill-in Patriarch sometimes - Age: 61 [Played by @Caelamus | ???]
Elanora Haaven - Child of Azëlloa - Age: 28 [Played by @Eccetra | Inactive]
Löriellá Hállëvandëia - Child of Azëlloa - Age: 60 [Played by @EdnaMode_ | Inactive]
Salvia Haaven - Child of Nadina - Age: 33 [Played by @WildRoze | Inactive]

(we still love you roze <3)
Kara'välÿna Hállëvandëia - Child of Azëlloa - Age: 51 [Played by @AWildRhia | Active]
The current matriarch.
Zèstäeri Hállëvandëia - Adopted Child of Azëlloa - 32 [Played by @AWildRhia | Semi-Active]
Vävdùin Hállëvandëia - Adopted Child of Azëlloa - 32 [Played by @Caelamus | Inactive]
Alz'ersz Hállëvandëia - Adopted Child of Azëlloa - 40 - [Played by @Ceilidhe | Active]
Alissandria Hállëvandëia - Child of Azëlloa - Age: 41 [Played by @alex_stinks | Active]
Caigwyn Hállëvandëia - Child of Azëlloa - Age: 56 [Played by @StevenWeen | Active]

More second generation Haaven children available on request. Get in touch!

Hállëvandëia | Haaven - Third Generation
Aesmal Hállëvandëia - Child of Sinaht - Age: 25? [Played by @MolagBallin | ???]
Alexa Haaven - Child of Hal'cyóna - Age: 20 [Played by @midnight_moon123 | Active]
Silyoran Hállëvandëia - Adopted child of Hal'cyóna - Age: 37 [Played by @AWildRhia | Trying To Be Active]
Alarik Hállëvandëia - Silyoran's Significant other - Age: 36 [Played by @DiabloDonut | Trying To Be Active]

Locke Hállëvandëia - Child of Hal'cyóna - Age: 26? [Played by @Daekon] | ???]
Hielo Hállëvandëia - Adopted child of Hal'cyóna - Age: 15 [Played by @DiabloDonut | ???]

Amaryllis Hállëvandëia - Child of Hal'cyóna - Age: ?? [Played by @Midas | Active]
Lottie Hállëvandëia - Child of Löriellá - Age: 14(?) [Played by @Senpah | Inactive]
Caëllorëan Hállëvandëia - Child of Löriellá - Age: 15 [Played by @MolagBallin | ???]

More third generation Haaven children available on request. Get in touch!

Hállëvandëia | Haaven - Fourth Generation
August Hállëvandëia - Child of Silyoran - Age: 14 [Open, low criteria]
Leillani Hállëvandëia - Child of Silyoran - Age: 14 [Open, low criteria]

Eliolrun Hállëvandëia - Child of Silyoran - Age: 8 [Unplayable, too young]

Syllbess Line, created by Ingemar and Aeawyn!

Syllbess | Hállëvandëia - First Generation
Aeawyn Syllbess - Matriarch - Age: 136 [Played by @Lazzulai | Active]
Ingemar Syllbess - Patriarch - Age: 123 [Played by @Caelamus | Active]

Syllbess | Hállëvandëia - Second Generation
Paedon Syllbess - First Child - Age: 18 [Played by @MolagBallin | Active]

If you want to join the family, simply PM or send a message to AWildRhia over the forums or discord with a pitch or idea, or even apply on this thread for what you're aspiring for. One of the reasons why we do not have a lot of open characters in the family is because we encourage family members to sort of make their own based around the family's traits and history. There are well over a hundred if not more Hallevandeia yanar out there in the world from all walks of life with any relation. Along with Hallevandeia Yanar, the family has a tendency to adopt in other races, causing pretty much every race but Kathar able to be applied for. There's a lot of potential for creative freedom, so don't be shy to pitch ideas!

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