Blue Blood Noble Family House Felariell


will carry the team in roblox
May 6, 2019
Reaction score


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"We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses."
Alphonse Karr, Lettres Écrites De Mon Jardin.





» House Information | overhaul.
  • ❥⊰ Name: House Felariell.
  • ❥⊰ Main Cultures: Lanlath & Ithanian.
  • ❥⊰ Main Religion: The Faith of Estelley.
  • ❥⊰ Main Colors: Pink, gold, white, & sky blue.
  • ❥⊰ Main Symbols: Red roses, dahlias, edelweisses, laurels, magnolias, wine glasses & golden snakes.
  • ❥⊰ Trade & Wealth: To trade is to make a living.
    • Major | Diplomats, tailors, & fashion designers.
    • Minor | Perfumes, alchemical beauty products & scribes.
  • ❥⊰ Family Loyalty: The Regalian Empire.
  • ❥⊰ Political Alignment: Progressive & liberal.
    • Pro-Occult. House Felariell is in full support of Occult rights; including rights for Arkenborn, Broods & Godborn. This family is fully against senseless attacks or revocation of rights against the Occult, which means they stand at odds with Purist families &/or Lothar Knights. However, this house supports uniform justice against the mundane & occult; meaning that an attack or crime with magic should be punished equal to an act committed by mundane methods.
    • Supportive of Freedom of Worship. Unionism is the religion of this Empire, but religions such as Estelley, Fornoss, & other religions that support the lawful conduct of their followers should be allowed and treated with dignity. Needless to say, Death Cults are not on this list, and despite House Felariell's proclamation of freedom of worship, they're often found glaring at Evolist Faithful.
    • Supportive of Equity over Equality. Everyone must have equal opportunity. House Felariell emphasizes the need for this by distributing resources based on individual needs rather than treating everyone exactly the same. Equality aims for uniformity & just treatment - which is not always possible, everyone has different needs. Equity acknowledges & addresses disparities to ensure a more just outcome.
    • Supportive of Press Freedom. Violence to silence another's political views is abhorrent and disgusting, and House Felariell is led by the matriarch who is a socialite. She has indoctrinated this value into the family to argue with a bladed tongue rather than mindlessly swing a blade.
  • ❥⊰ Homeland: Solleria & the Lathan Empire.
    • Holdings: County of Ireavaal, Solleria.
    • Current Matriarch: Countess Suzenvaela Eyfa Felariell Bel-Ireavaal-Solleria Elasis.
  • ❥⊰ Languages: Altalar & d'Ithanie.


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Like most Lanlath families; the Felariell family originated before cataclysm in the Allorn Empire - with origins from Amontaar. No one in the Regalian Empire has any records of their history before the first Countess, Shalhreia Felariell, managed to seize a name for herself and bloom a legacy for her family & for generations to carry on. Shalhreia retells the story similar to this:

Shalhreia was raised in Amontaar but later defected to Solleria, beginning training as a Reliquary Knight under the Chatellane banner. She was a middle-class citizen and completely ordinary other than her sparkling of magic, which took after the Moon-Lord Leyon. In the year of 209 A.C, through diplomatic efforts, she had managed to convince a small army of criminals to put down their arms and that she would listen to their woes and how she could better the Empire. Of course, she had stalled them long enough to where they were ambushed and ninety-five percent of them taken into custody. She was rewarded by an elven Ithanian noblewoman not long after by ennobling the Felariell family.

For generations to come, each family head had focused on different things: Shalhreia focused on expansions of lands & politics through diplomacy, Äuiamey focused on finances & tailoring, Saelleia focused on perfumes, being a socialite & alchemical beauty products - while Suzenvaela currently focuses between tailoring, diplomacy, political matters & being a socialite. Unfortunately, after the deaths & displacements of family members through suspected Lothar Knights. It was revealed that Saelleia had warning of their arrival but did not take it seriously, and it invoked the boiling anger of her second eldest daughter, Suzenvaela. Suzenvaela campaigned for the title to be passed down onto herself instead or someone else capable other than Saelleia. Suzenvaela is now the current head of the Felariell family, and is still defending her family from accusations of accusations of being Allorn Spies.

With exception of Äuiamey, House Felariell is a primarily matriarchal family, meaning that by coincidence most of the titles were passed onto women. All the land & finances would be passed to who the current titleholder deemed fit - or through a vote by other family members in the case of emergencies. The title of Countirh or Countess was passed down from generation to generation - with the latest Countess, Suzenvaela Felariell, campaigned for the head of her family with Saelleia's supposed negligence coming into light. Countess Suzenvaela has sinced made the move back to the Regalian Empire to campaign & be a voice for (legal) Occult, as well as Estelley Faithful in times of need. She hopes to secure new alliances, and have a say in political & magical matters within the city.


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  • ❥⊰ Capital City of Olaan-I'lana Valei
    • › The city of Olaan-I'lana Valei is the biggest in the County; perpetually shrouded in mist yet with much vegetation growing around & in the city's limits. The large city is situated on mountains, with many hills leaking consistent waterfalls - giving an ethereal look to it. The waters reflect with many hues; and look crystallized from a mere glance. A layer of mist surrounds this city, breathing life into the vegetation with the right weather - and a perfect recipe to create alchemical potions. It is a tourist hotspot due to both the architecture & the waterfalls.
  • ❥⊰ City of Aellana
    • › Much like the Capital City, Aellana prides itself on the architecture whilst also being coastal. The City of Aellana has tall & elegant buildings, with boats being neatly parked where they are supposed to be. This is a tourist hotspot as well; due to the tall white buildings shrouded by mist - only the distant vague shapes of the architecture being visible through the thick layer of fog. There is no visible vegetation & plantlife other than trees, the city being well-groomed to keep plants from growing over the buildings.
  • ❥⊰ City of Aumarsa
    • › Another coastal city, but more favorable and seen as more of an accessory to the Capital City of Olaan-I'lana Valei. It is a costal city with its prized landmark being a giant opalescent-appearing bridge leading to Olaan-I'lana Valei - of course, with buildings made of perfectly cut stone structured underneath that giant bridge & spanning out underneath it. A tourist location, where individuals go to walk the opalescent bridge - often commenting on how pretty it is. And with the mist that shrouds the lands; once you reach the peak of the bridge - it's an absolutely stunning view.
  • ❥⊰ City of Solmarse
    • › The city of Solmarse is mainly populated by Solvaan, of course - followed by Fin'ullen. This city is more rugged in comparison to the other three cities of the County of Ireavaal; but it's still adored all the same and undergoing construction. The Solvaan & Fin'ullen tasked with construction are often visited by members of the Felariell family - both to check on their wellbeing, to tip them, and to ensure everything is going smoothly and as perfectly as possible.


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209 AC - 280 AC
Shalhreia Ullaera Felariell bel-Llarana Elasis, Countess of Ireavaal
The Stalwart
Daughter of Sa'alia Felariell
Born in 102 AC | Died in 311 AC
In the year of 209 A.C, through diplomatic efforts, Shalhreia had managed to convince a small army of
criminals to put down their arms and that she would listen to their woes and how she could better the Empire.
Of course, she had stalled them long enough to where they were ambushed and ninety-five percent of them taken
into custody.

An elven Ithanian noblewoman who had absolutely adored Shalhreia had heard of the Reliquary's great feat and rewarded
her handsomely for her effort in persuading the criminals long enough for them to be ambushed - by ennobling her. That
is where Shalhreia decided then & there - she wouldn't disappoint her. The Reliquary, through clever political arrangements
and diplomatic deals - resulted in her family securing more and more land - & absorbing nearby Baronies, then she overtook
the County that had initially ennobled them when the noblewoman had passed.

280 AC - 290 AC
Äuiamey Felariell bel-Solmarse Elasis, Countirh of Ireavaal
The Unremarkable
Child of Shalhreia Felariell
Born in 148 AC | Died in 290 AC
Äuiamey was unremarkable when they ruled the family, mostly focusing on finances & land
expansions rather than socialization despite urgings from their mother. They would eventually settle
& have a noblewoman married into the family, having one daughter - but: the Lanlath would be caught
off guard and assassinated - exactly ten years after they were passed the title of the family. They left
behind a wife and a daughter, but, the daughter was old enough to be passed the title of the family.

290 AC - 311 AC
Saelleia Ailaise-Solarent Colibri Coeur Felariell Cien de Aellana, Countess of Ireavaal
The Backhanded
Daughter of Äuiamey Felariell
Born in 225 AC
Saelleia is a socialite at heart and heavily indulges with other Ithanian noblewomen despite the gossip
revolving around her. She is a part of the Hôterie Order and often charms her way into everyone's hearts
with ingenuine flattery and her looks. She has four daughters; and considers one a blessing. She presently
does not help Suzenvaela with the lands per the Countess' insistence that she does not need or want help.

311 AC - Present Day
Suzenvaela Eyfa Felariell Bel-Ireavaal-Solleria Elasis, Countess of Ireavaal
The Socialite
Daughter of Saelleia Felariell
Born in 288 AC
Suzenvaela is the current matriarch of the family, being passed down the title from her mother. She is much
like Saelleia in many ways, though has been more successful in gaining favor with the Ithanian houses of repute.
Suzenvaela is a member of the Hôterie Order, the former Law Minister, in Bloc de Progressif, & one of the Core
Four of the Ithanian Lobby present in the Holy City. She strides to represent Floral Court politically and is
more positively inclined to Estelley Faithful & elves by default.

» Family Members || OOC & IC.
  • Main Line of the Felariell Family.
  • ❥⊰ Saelleia Ailaise-Solarent Colibri Coeur Felariell Cien de Aellana - [87] - Not Playable
    • The former matriarch of the Felariell family, Saelleia is an Ithanian Lanlath and is commonly found mingling in Ithanian Courts. She belongs to the Hôterie Order and has a reputation of being a charmer; yet a two-faced woman. She primarily focuses on socialization despite the loss of her title; and being a charmer at heart to sneak her way into political matters.
      • ❥⊰ Manon Genevieve Felariell Bel-Lorhaus - [30] - @WingedJade.
        • An alchemist navigating her way through the bustling city & finding her spot in life. She has a penchant for poisons & plants, straying closer & closer to creating the perfect potion! She was passed on the title of Baroness as a gift from her late aunt - Fayia, which the now matriarch Suzenvaela doesn't see a reason to take the title of Baroness from her eldest sister.
      • ❥⊰ Suzenvaela Eyfa Felariell Bel-Ireavaal-Solleria Elasis - [23] - @Rowet.
        • The current matriarch of House Felariell & a daughter of Sapphora, Suzenvaela is a peppy face & formerly held the position of Law Minister in the Regalian Empire, underneath the Countess & former State Governor Fabienne du Poncaire. Suzenvaela is an exceptional diplomat & absolutely adores fashion, which is no surprise due to her Ithanian influence. It should come as no surprise that she is a member of the Hoterie Order.
      • ❥⊰ Melanna Alina Felariell Bel-Ireavaal Elasis - [22] - @Saaber.
        • Melanna is an Arkenborn of Nature, soft-spoken much like her half-sister Imogen. She is highly attuned to the world around her, doing her absolute best to provide kindness even to those of lowly status. She has a destined role of peacekeeper due to her status as a daughter of Nature. She holds Estelley close to her heart - praising Leyon, Mana & Vyre the most out of the pantheon.
      • ❥⊰ Esmerette Pouvoir-Terrois Fleur Coeur Felariell de Grand Vertu - [22] - @Mystiluu
        • Esmerette was adopted into House Felariell, and was originally from the esteemed blue-blooded family Rousseau. She is a daughter of Sapphora much like the Countess, but she is free-spirited, a talented sommelier, & a hobbyist jeweler. She is an expert winemaker, and much like the other main-line members, she is honest no matter what.
      • ❥⊰ Myirannir Lysinthir Nymhaal Felariell bel-Ireavaal-Solleria - [20] - @Beleiver
        • Myirannir is the youngest sibling of the main-line, & he is a scholar as well as a theorist. Much like his sister Melanna - he is quiet and reclused, although with a much more different reason - he is in service to Aseia & the preservation of knowledge, preferring to be in the background of parties or social events so he may transcribe history unbothered & at peace.
  • Cousin Line of the Felariell Family.
  • ❥⊰ Fayia Felariell - [63] - Not Playable (♰)
    • A doting mother to all. Fayia was the younger sister of the former Matriarch, and was always said to have a grandmother-like personality; seemingly genuinely kind while holding onto the customs of Lanlath. She prioritized worship to Mana in the Estelley Pantheon. Despite her kind demeanor; she was murdered by suspected Lothar Knights.
  • ❥⊰ Notable Members:
    • ❥⊰ Moremneia Imogen Felariell bel-Leissalond - [25] - @WildRoze.
      • A softspoken & anxious Aelrrigan Knight & Loyalty Arkenborn; Imogen is coming to terms with her blue-blooded heritage & a strong penchant to aiding others - no matter who it is. She might not be the best at combat - but she truly, truly wishes to improve & help whoever she can. Currently, Imogen studies abroad and travels the Regalian Archipelago - and is always welcomed with open arms whenever she visits.
      • Title: Lady.
    • ❥⊰ Émeric Felariell -Monet - [58] - Nonplayable.
      • A Ithanian Ailor man who Fayia absolutely adored; and is widowed. He resides in Solleria with his sons Tessalai & Telair, though it's rumored that the once softspoken & humble Ithanian has grown vengeful & furious towards the Lothar Order - understandably so, but it is shaping him to be a callous man.
    • ❥⊰ Saelleia Felariell bel-Solleria - [137] - Nonplayable
      • The former Countess & mother of the characters listed in the main line. She is an excellent charmer & always appeared her best, due to being a member of the Hoterie Order. Saelleia passed down official responsibility to handle the family down to her second youngest, Suzanvëillea, after some of her family had a fatal run-in with acclaimed Lothar Knights.
    • ❥⊰ Shalhreia Ullaera Felariell bel-Llarana - [458] - Nonplayable [ ]
      • The founder of the Felariell family - the living members of this House regard her as an absolute legend. An Aelrrigan Knight of the Hechiceros Chapter, she was rewarded handsomely in 209 A.C. for her service to the Empire, her unwavering devotion to better it, & her fervent loyalty to the Crown. She set precedents for the family to follow - and each member strives to live up to what she left behind. She was murdered by Lothar Knights whilst living out her retirement.
    • ❥⊰ Menyavir Lanassel bel-Solleria - [136] - Nonplayable
      • The former Countess' husband. He was one of Saelleia's closest friends since childhood, later being hired under her - and then becoming her husband as the pair got closer. Unfortunately, due to an incident before Suzenvaela was born - the once soulmates fell apart. Menyavir is very bitter due to the divorce - but he saves face & is there for his daughter, Manon.
    • ❥⊰ Tessalai Felariell - [33] - Playable.
    • ❥⊰ Telair Felariell - [33] - Playable.




We are currently selective for recruitment!
Please do not apply on the thread - Message Rowet on Discord!
If you're accepted - we'll add you to the Main Line (or Cousin Line).

However, I'd like to go over a few stipulations!
  • You are expected to be faithful to the family & holders of Regalian culture values! Not interested in closeted traitor characters.
  • No more Arkenborn/Godborn. There is enough.
  • Your character must be at least half Lanlath, but not necessarily Lanlath dominant.
  • PLEASE be familiar with the lore before applying! If you need any help we're very willing to help you out.

thank you to @Saaber for formatting inspiration! check out house rosengarde!
Last edited:
  • [UPDATE 3/6/2022]
    • Updated to conform with the new Teledden update! More cultural expansions + familial things are coming soon! :D
    • Updated a few things + names nd stuff. Love y'all. Family applications are still open!
  • [UPDATE 3/16/2022]
    • Updated to conform with shifting to blue-blooded status. This is a retcon.
    • Due to this, the synopsis has been updated.
    • Added a new played family member! I love u WildRoze. mwah
    • Added two new nonplayable family members. One of them is dead.
  • [update 5/4/23]
    • Good morning chat! Mainly updated the employees section - adding Lisbeth & tweaking Galhan's section due to his name retcon.
    • Few tweaks here & there.
  • [update 8/6/23]
    • we are so back. updated the family page yet again to modern standards :>