Blue Blood Noble Family House Du Poncaire


high school musical 2 enthusiast
Sep 17, 2018
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- Élegance en Tout, Fierté en Culture -


〚 ۞┇ ══════════════════════════ - ‹ •◦ ✣ ◦• › - ═════════════════════════ ┇۞ 〛
    • Name | House du Poncaire
      • Patriarch: Florian Jacquard Atelier Peirgarten du Poncaire (x)
      • Matriarch: Fabienne Basille Huivesse-Troissant Perlecoeur du Poncaire née Cadieux du Lierre Paon Doré de Haute Puisse (x)
    • Race | Ailor
      • Culture: Leutz-Vixe & Ithanian
    • Religion | Guided Unionism
      • Patrons: Cedromar & Tristan, Tarnan & Sarvan, Caan & Taal
    • Holdings | County of Ivenna, Osteiermark
    • House Trade | The Blonde Rouzhelle Casino chain
    • Colours | Burgundy, pink & gold
    • House Animal | Cheval du Ciel
    • Symbols | Rouzhelles, fans & fencing épées
    • Motto | Élegance en Tout, Fierté en Culture
      • Translation: "Elegance in all, pride in culture"
  • ◦•《 MAIN THEMES 》•◦
    • Synopsis | House du Poncaire is the go-to House for opulence and high class frivolity. A family of inherent socialites and courtly bon viveurs, the du Poncaires are acclaimed in the Regalian upper class for their bold personalities, eccentric lifestyles and rich fineclass habits.
    • Political leanings | Hiltfronts
      • Favours: Prince Reynaud, Princess Shelia Manon, Prince Constantine, Prince Xander, Princel Florance, Prince Bohemund
      • Dislikes: Princess Amalia, Princess Glorianna, Prince Justinian

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"The greater the controversy, the more you need propriety."

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  • ◦•《 FAMILY VALUES 》•◦
    • Pride | Embodied in the very soul of House du Poncaire, pride is the cornerstone upon which their legacy stands. From the first settlers of Osteiermark to the first State Governess, this shared grander-than-life sense of self acts as a beacon towards a bolder, brighter future.
    • Culture | Rooted in their origins and carried forward through generations, no other house displays their immense commitment to the ways of their people quite like the du Poncaires. When word of Leutz-Vixe or Ithanian influence is spoken, the house's name is not long to follow.
    • Courtly Protocol | The intricate song and dance of courtly protocol is a hallmark of House du Poncaire's dogma, a code of conduct that reflects the family's innate elegance and respect for noble decorum.


  • ◦•《 FAMILY HISTORY 》•◦
    • [ History of du Poncaire ]
      • House du Poncaire traces its lineage back to the first settlers of Osteiermark, Ithanian pioneers who emigrated from the motherland to colonize the uncharted no man's land of marsh and magical intrigue. The House existed as a main proponent towards a new culture, Leutz-Vixe, and as such, established themselves as a cornerstone of the region's development. Their efforts were rewarded with a county in Osteiermark's capital, Ivenna, as a result and while their fortune was certainly well-earned, history would grant another perspective on whether or not it would end up well spent. As primogeniture was the norm for Leutzfolk, the management of finances being passed from oldest son to oldest son held precedence over all with little issue.
      • Eventually, this practice reared its ugly head and came crashing down when the House's coffers were run into the ground by the last Patriarch, Jean-Yves du Poncaire, through his aggressive gambling and whoring. The death of House du Poncaire haunted Ivenna for years to come until the fallen Patriarch's daughter returned from her studies in Ithania. Lady Sylvie du Poncaire swept the Leutz courts with a most ambitious mission; seeking an influential, wealthy match to empower her family's name once more. She found the perfect target; Lucien of House Peirgarten, and so came the wedding bells. Little was to be discerned about their affections for one another but courtiers remarked on her fondness for a close female friend whom remained by her side for decades.
      • Her charming persona charted high favor across the Leutz courts, some staunch figures arguing her influence to be a danger to the conservative status quo, an insult to tradition. As luck would have it, Sylvie met her early and untimely demise due to a mysterious illness, whatever was left of her beloved du Poncaire legacy dying with her.. Or so it seemed.
      • Long since the dust had settled, history repeated itself. Her son, Florian traveled to Regalia in search of his destiny with something to prove, making his mark upon the geopolitical giant like his mother had done before. As an independent from House Peirgarten, Florian is granted severance by the Crown and restores his family's good name in honor of his mother's sacrifices and all those who came before; House du Poncaire, back from the dead. In good humor and as a nod to the House's troubling history, the Count established a franchise of casinos and made it their house trade.
    • [ History of the Patriarch ]
      • Florian was born to the illustrious House Peirgarten, an esteemed Leutz noble house famously known for the prowess of its courtly politicians and masterful tacticians. While his distant father made strides in the Leutz courts, his mother, Sylvie Peirgarten née du Poncaire nurtured him alongside his siblings, Emeric and Lucrece, away from the cruel gaze of their father until her early and unfortunate demise. Incapable of reconnecting with his children after the loss, Florian's father sent him and his siblings away to be schooled all across the Archipelagio, far from sight and out of mind. While Florian had intended to pursue his career in professional fencing, Lucien had different plans for him. Emeric, his older brother, was deemed unsuitable of inheriting Lucien's titles so Florian was next in line. To preen him for the life of a respectable Leutz Count, he was enrolled into both the Regalian Marshal Academy and the Kalemburg Ordner Akadamie back-to-back. He graduated from both schools with distinctions in theory and combat. However, miraculously, also with demerits for disobedience.
      • Fortunately, Florian was summoned to Regalia by his then-matriarch, Amelina Peirgarten. He saw this as a call to his bright future and a rather convenient method of escaping his father's oppressive expectations, and so he went. From day one, Florian established himself as a worthy adversary at court and on the war table, acquiring instrumental positions in both fields. After a couple of years of setting down his roots, he would leave House Peirgarten as his own methods in regards to politicking were far too controversial and threatened their untouchable legacy. As a living, breathing tribute to his late mother, he established House du Poncaire in the wake of his severance and claimed Ivenna as their home once more. In 310 AC he married his Ithanian sweetheart, Fabienne Cadieux du Lierre and their futures were interlaced in holy matrimony, for better or for worse.
      • In recent history, Florian has held various military and court positions. Yet, with the dissolution of both the esteemed Marshal Cabinet and the Imperial court, his focus has shifted primarily towards his duties to his county and the intricate political landscape of Regalia. His commitment to the Imperial Court was solidified in his roles as a devoted Master of Celebrations and a capable Master of Melepele. Furthermore, his service to the Empire extended to the Martial Cabinet where he adeptly served as Field Commander and later as a Field General, displaying exceptional tact and endurance through the harrowing Massacre of Mumungaan and beyond, to the end of the Sendrassian War.
    • [ History of the Matriarch ]
      • Fabienne was born in House du Brierüst, a Leutz noble house of notable pedigree which fostered great knights and even better politicians in its legacy. While initially fated to be raised in the barony of Maraisburke, her father saw the chances of raising his ideal Leutz prodigy slip right through his fingers as she showed unruly and frivolous behaviour at home. So in a desperate attempt to remedy their daughter's failing future, Fabienne was sent off to her mother's side in Ithania where she would learn the ropes of diplomacy at Collegiate d'Évraux, and it was there where she grew enamored by the Ithanian Sovereignty and abandoned her Leutz roots entirely.
      • After the fall of House du Brierüst and the rise of its Ithanian product, House Cadieux du Lierre, Fabienne moved to Regalia and was urged to join the household of her cousin Milena. Known for her extravagant parties which were typically prone to drama, Fabienne quickly established herself in the capital as a reputable socialite and a paragon of Ithanian culture. In 310 AC she married Florian du Poncaire and formally became the Countess of Ivenna, to the dismay of many of the local barons who were not so particularly fond of her overbearing Ithanian presence and excessive spending habits.
      • In recent years, Fabienne has held various government and court positions and served the Empire through some of her most redeeming qualities. Her education at Collegiate d'Évraux proved incredibly useful after being left responsible to handle the Empire's diplomacy in the Western theatre, while her time spent in the luxurious high courts of Ithania helped her make a formidable candidate to entertain the upper echelons of Regalian society as the Imperial Court's Mistress of Halls. Most notable however was her tenure as the Empire's State Governor, where Fabienne presided over Regalia in a way that was very reminiscent to the Ithanian Sovereignity's court of style.


  • ◦•《 FAMILY MEMBERS 》•◦
    • Count Florian du Poncaire | @kirishark
      • The unyielding and chaotic Count of Ivenna with a penchant for all things fun and terrible, Florian lives life by the seat of his finely pressed fencing pants and does so with the audacity, pomp and pride only ego can buy.
    • Countess Fabienne du Poncaire (née Cadieux du Lierre) | @Halsi
      • An Ithanian diplomat and flamboyant party-maker of courtly influences who is well known for her luxurious lifestyle, unapologetically celebrating what it means to be rich and bold in the world of fashion and lifestyle.
    • Lirh Lorraine du Poncaire (née Cadieux du Lierre) | @FlossyBerryRene
      • An empathic and gentle soul who is fiercely protective over their loved ones, with a golden heart that yearns to serve the Empire in whatever way they can. Sometimes perceived as a little timid and shy, especially in contrast to their older sister Fabienne, Lorraine fights tooth and nail regardless to stand their ground and be heard by their peers.
    • Lady Morgaine du Poncaire (née Slumberwood) | @Goldifish
      • The often reclusive black sheep of the family; adorned with long raven locks and piercing blue eyes. She hails from Ania and is quite unlike the traditional du Poncaire when taken at face value, but she too still holds their morals despite being haunted by her Anian family's grievous tragedies committed in cold blood.
    • Bijou du Poncaire | NPC
      • Fabienne's pomeranian dog and currently the official registered (albeit temporary) heir to all du Poncaire holdings. Pampered and spoiled beyond compare, the Countess' four-legged friend has become a Regalian celebrity proper. Sources close to the family cite the Count's disdain for the brainless ball of fur though publically, this is unconfirmed.
  • ◦•《 PLOT HOOKS 》•◦
    • Count of Ivenna || House du Poncaire currently reigns over the county of Ivenna; the capital of Osteiermark.
      • Osteiermark serves as the cherished homeland of the Leutz-Vixe people.
      • The region thrives politically, with noble families regularly journeying between Regalia and Ivenna to partake in captivating courtly performances.
        • If your character is Leutz and from Osteiermark, it could be very likely that they are familiar with the du Poncaires.
    • Frivolous Gamblers || House du Poncaire owns a casino chain, the Blonde Rouzhelle.
      • House du Poncaire's trade, the Blonde Rouzhelle casino chain, is known far and wide across the Empire as a hub for debaucherous entertainment of all sorts with a wide variety of acts and top of the industry talent.
        • Is your character a card dealer, a barkeep, a bouncer or an entertainer? Feel free to contact @kirishark or @Halsi to discuss pre-existing relationships or employment with House du Poncaire!
    • La Gouvernante || In 311 AC, Fabienne was installed as State Governor of Regalia by the Imperial College of Princes.
      • Her tenure is often described as a renaissance of (Ithanian) court culture, as Fabienne fiercely promoted the Sovereingity's code while she was at the helm of the Empire.
      • Every single Minister she appointed in her cabinet was either Ithanian, female or both.
      • Her stint as State Governor was controversially very pro-occult, which was a main point of contention with the Lothar Order and Purists in Regalia.
        • Is your character a Purist or a Lothar? Feel free to hold some prejudice against Fabienne based on her tenure as State Governor!
    • House Herald || Florian has been a (infamous) notable figure across the Archipelago.
      • Florian attended both the Regalian Marshal Academy and the Kalemburg Ordner Akadamie before entering the Marshal Cabinet, both as a Field Commander and as a Field General. He served in the Sendrassian War and had a pivotal role in the Massacre of Mumungaan, the bloodiest ambush of the war.
      • Prior to uptaking the county, Florian was a famous figure in fencing across the Archipelago; the makings of the sport's first celebrity. His expertise in the field is remarked upon Empire wide as is his sportsmanship, shockingly.
        • Is your character Leutz, a fencer or a sports fanatic? You can freely say your character is familiar with Florian's fencing career.
      • Unbeknown to most, through a series of events Florian has found himself as Pride's Herald, operating as an extension of his influence through Regalia.
        • Does your character want to make a deal with the devil? Contact @kirishark to discuss details. Note; this information is not freely given, serious offers only.
        • Note that this is NOT public knowledge and shouldn't be metagamed!
    • Court Paragon || Fabienne has been in (foreign) courts ever since a young age.
      • As a graduate of Collegiate d'Évraux in Ithania, Fabienne has shadowed many of her professors in various courts to learn the ropes of diplomacy.
      • Enamored by the Sovereignty ever since her early years, Fabienne fanatically follows Ithania's style of court and strongly imitates its dress and code in every aspect of her life.
        • Ithanian or a courtly aristocrat? Feel free to contact @Halsi to discuss pre-existing relationships!
    • Lauded Novellist || Lorraine is an acclaimed author in Ithania.
      • Lorraine has gone on several book tours across Ithania and was a eulogized writer and playwright prior to their arrival in Regalia.
      • Some of their work came under harsh criticism when a journalist released a review claiming the book was "too inappropriate for children". Despite the harsh critiques however, Lorraine found success with an audience that did appreciate the style of their work.
        • You can freely say that your character is familiar with Lorraine's work.
  • ◦•《 RECRUITMENT 》•◦
    • Family recruitment | Tentatively open!
      • We are admittedly a bit selective about new additions to House du Poncaire, but if you have a solid character concept that fits the family, feel free to contact either @kirishark or @Halsi to discuss a possibility for a trial.
    • Staff recruitment | Open!
      • House du Poncaire is always looking for new characters to be involved with, so don't hesitate to contact either @kirishark or @Halsi if you're interested in working for the family!
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