House Du Langelier


Philippe du Langelier, Cavalièr de la Sang
Mar 7, 2014
Reaction score
a magical land located in Australia

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Knightly Crest of Philippe du Langelier


Basic Information

Du Langelier.

Pays Sud.

Unionist Divine.

Knightly Commoner.

Political standing
Moderate Nationalist.


Family History




du Langelier men

Men of the du Langelier family are often of a muscular or stocky build, lending thanks to their occupations as farmers, mercenaries and now knightly endeavours. Facial shape tends to differ relatively depending on each individual, though a sharp jawline, smaller noses and almond shaped faces are a common occurrence. Both deep blue and chocolate brown eyes run in the family, and it is unlikely to find a du Langelier that has anything different than these two, and near all carry a head of raven black hair. A number have been 'cursed' with freckles, and members of the older generation tend to cover them with facial hair. Or attempt.

du Langelier women

Women of the family have much the same features as the men, with brown or blue eyes. Their hair is similar, though auburn and brown run just as much as the signature black and can be found interspersed throughout the family. Heart-shaped faces are a usual appearance, and the same small noses that the men also carry. They are likely usually to be of lean, average, or even a muscular build, owing to their unreserved participation in work.


Familial Traits

Common among both genders and pervading the whole of the family is a deep ingrained sense of diligence and duty. From no standing to a decently well-off family, they climbed from poverty through hard work and effort, and aim for greater things.

Likewise, a fair sense of empathy runs in the family, and a resurgence in the popularity of Unionism among the youngest generation leads to a need to meet expectations and lead a moral lifestyle. This is mirrored less in the older generations, where indulgence in sins and debauchery was common, though no less a drive for the top.

Most in the family have a tendency towards brashness and early action unless tempered by some shaking experiences, and it shows in the way the family portrays itself; through action and decision rather than words.

The family has a dark underbelly, in it's history of breeding criminals among their flock, and their occupation as sell-swords previous to settling down. The older generations are much more likely to carry this same uncaring cynicism, bred by their previous occupations, and the family as a whole is not unopposed to working with less savoury people if it is found a necessity.


Occupation and Business



Family members

Green: Available
Blue: Played
Purple: NPC
Red: Dead or missing

(72) Silvarius du Langelier: Father of Jaime, Sitrius and Louise.
(134) Falaynah Chaerival: Mother of Jaime, Sitrius and Louise

(48) Jaime: First son of Silvarius, father of Blanchard and Elroy.
(44) Harcourt: Mother of Blanchard and Elroy
(30) Blanchard: First son of Jaime.
(26) Elroy: Second son of Jaime.

(47) Sitrius: Second son of Silvarius, father of Philippe and Morrigan.
(44) Lillian: Mother of Philippe and Morrigan.

(27) Morrigan: Daughter of Sitrius and Lillian. A well-studied healer with a heart of gold.
Philippe: Son of Sitrius and Lillian. Patriarch and face of the family. Played by @ContestedSnow

(45) Louise: Daughter of Silvarius, mother of Gulliver, Jacquelin and Heloise.
(51) Faulkner: Father of Gulliver, Jacquelin and Heloise.
(28) Gulliver: Only son of Louise.
Jacquelin: First daughter of Louise.
Heloise: Second daughter of Louise.

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House Rules
(prone to change currently)

While still only a small family (of one player currently), there are still some fairly high standards. Players with a history of troublemaking and toxic behaviour are absolutely out of the question, and a fair amount of activity is expected out of players who join. The available characters, except Morrigan, are free to design in applications (with some moderation from me). Without further ado, here's a small list of rules.

1. I retain the right to revoke characters if players use them for toxic behaviour or roleplay that is unenjoyable for most people involved. I'm aware its not always possible to please everyone, but it's worth attempting.
2. Roleplay is meant to be fun, so try to keep it fun. And keep it courteous.
3. I'll actively interact with players in the family, but you should always try to branch out. Blaze your own story!
4. Drama roleplay within the family is acceptable on some level and tension is to be expected, not everyone will be happy, but no trying to tear the family apart.
5. Keep it active folks. I don't wanna see ghosts, I wanna see players!


Character Application:

Chosen character:
Your idea for the character:
How active are you?:
Past punishments, if you have any:
Give me a dad joke:
Your Discord tag:

Don't forget to tag me in your application, in case I miss the thread notification!
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