House Drache Guard


A miserable little pile of secrets
Staff member
Sep 7, 2015
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In the early days of the Empire, the Waldjäger Sellsword Company assisted the infant Regalian nation in conquering the lands of the Archipelago. They're technique was commendable, and their organization drew the respect, and ire, of both contractor and target.

In 83 AC, this mercenary band changed forever. For his services to the Emperor, Captain Siegfried der Jäger was given a barony on the outskirts of the Drachenwald forest, and tasked to oversee the defensive nature of the city inside it. In his mind, there were no better men for the job than his sellswords. Using his newfound wealth, he began to shift the entire sellsword company away from their gold-seeking past, and into a guard force to protect their greatest reward yet.

Today, the Waldjägers are extinct, symbolic of of the developed nature the Regalian Empire has gone through in the last centuries. Replacing these men of coin are their descendants, and any man who wishes to join them. They are the Defenders of Drachenburg. You know them as the House Drache Guard.



The Drache Guard is not bound under the command of the Regalian House Guard Order, but must abide by a code of loyalty to the Emperor, The Empire, and The Unionist faith as a whole.
  • Guardsmen and their masters may not conspire, plot, or otherwise attempt to harm the Crown and his subjects. To do so is to forfeit all rights as a House Guard Chapter​
  • Guardsmen and their masters may not break Regalian Law, or in anyway break the sanctity of State Law within the Empire. To do so is to forfeit all rights as a House Guard Chapter​
  • Guardsmen and their masters may not use their privileges in any manner outside of self-defence. To do so is to forfeit all rights as a House Guard Chapter​
  • Guardsmen and their masters may never usurp the rights of a Regalian Charter, whether this be law enforcement, or otherwise. To do so is to forfeit all rights as a House Guard Chapter​

Charter Rights

-The Right to bear Military-Grade Weapons in defence of a Family

-The Right to wear Half-Plate Armour in defence of a Family

-The Right to use force to protect the lives of Noble Peers

-The Right to arrest criminals and transfer them to the appropriate
Charter if none are present

These rights apply to every member of a Noble House Guard, however not the Noble Peer in question. If one member of a House Guard breaks the code of the Order, all will be held responsible.

Those interested in joining the Drache Guard may either fill out the Google Poll below or seek out a member of the family IC. Questions on guard applications can be sent to @FireFan96 .
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List of Drache Guards

Otto Bergmann
Hansel Jaeger​
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bumping this as the house guard charter has changed and has new criteria