House De Letoirneau


The Best Ithanian Princess
Apr 6, 2016
Reaction score



Important note: This family thread is incredibly out of date and will be getting a thorough overhaul when I actually have time to do so! Bare that in mind while reading all of this through.

The sigil of the De Letoirneau family. The golden eagle (along with the Givrais Thunder Bird) is one of the representative animals of the family - graceful, yet powerful and readied to fight. Behind it sits the blue background of the sky, representative of the family and their distinct Ithanian heritage, in addition to a fan pattern below. Beside the ornate golden imagery in display of wealth and power are positioned three distinct flags, from bottom to top representative of the Ithanian Sovereignty, the Loiree-Bas County and the Regalian Empire in which both reside.


'Avec fierté et honneur, force et sagesse, nous montons comme une.'

'With pride and honour, strength and wisdom, we ascend as one.'



House de Letoirneau is a recently reborn house, however one with considerable tradition and history to its name. An ancient Ithanian house that truly gained its power following the events of the Mars de l'Orchidee, however was cast asunder and brought to ruin within just over a century. The family found itself splintered into multiple descending, minor branches: some of these became strong families in their own right, while others were dissolved, incorporated into other families or adapted over time to changing circumstances, yet none were able to return to the true glory and standing the prior house of de Letoirneau had held at its peak. Recently, three such descendant branches of this family - Celyreos, Du Polignac and Alaire - have convened together once more and, after discovering their shared heritage by certain means, have made the decision to unify and reform this long-lost family as three branches under a single banner.



Family Colours:

Sky Blue, Silver and Black


Family Culture:
The family is generally seen as one of Ithanian culture, and in its entirety sees considerable influences of this throughout all three branches of the family. However, numerous sub-cultures of Ithanian are also common - the Tolonne sub-culture is found heavily within the Celyreos branch, and the Genevaud sub-culture (and the greater Leutz-Vixe culture as a whole) are found quite strongly in the Alaire branch, with the two originating from the Pays Sud and Brixoid regions respectively.


Family Faith/Religion:
In terms of faith, the family could only reasonably be ascribed to as Unionist. While hardly zealous in their beliefs, they still hold strongly to the tenants of their faith. Certain members of the family, especially those of the Du Polignac branch, would more likely than not consider themselves of the Priscelle orientation of the faith, although this is seen more so behind closed doors due to the reduced and weakened status of the sect.


Family Business and Trade:
In terms of business, the family proves to be highly mercantile in orientation, involved in numerous areas within the commercial and financial markets. Primarily the family trades in traditional Ithanian goods, connecting the highly wealthy and abundant produce of their Ithanian homeland and the Vixhall lordship to the vast markets that exist within the archipelago, and especially the crown isle. Primarily at the top of this is the produce of fine wines (as would be expected of an Ithanian family), in addition to a huge range of Textiles - silks, velvets, taffetas, etc. In addition the family also holds an interest in niche goods manufactured along the Loiree-Bas coast, most especially a range of couture, glassware and porcelain products.


Family Possessions and Organisations:
County of Loiree-Bas-et-Corneuille - The wealthy, Ithanian-cultured realm the De Letoirneau family assumes rule over. Run quite significantly in part by the matriarch and Countess Anastasie, the realm is rich with plantations and palatial estates - highly developed, although generally with a limited population outside of the more noted and illustrious coastal ports; the most notable being the city of Corneuille, the family's own seat of power. The realm is far from being heavily militarised and is easily noted for its stubborn adherence to the Ithanian culture, although its soft power in terms of wealth and culture can be hard to ignore.

Governate of Brassigny - De Letoirneau's colonial holdings situated upon the western coastline of the Elven Princely Lands. Territories populated with a mixture of Ithanian Ailor settlers and Altalar, the culture it (and its ruling family) ascribes to is evident within these colonies, despite them not even holding a fraction of the lavish allure of Loiree-Bas. Colonial settlements mimicking their homeland with fanciful fasions, tea lounges, chateaux and plantations throughout displaying this. The primarily export of these colonies tend be more exotic, base plantation crops - specifically cotton and sugar.

More to be added...


Family Political Stances:
Overall, the family is distinctly Liberal in its political beliefs, as is often seen from the Ithanians of the Empire. It finds itself in a position of supporting the Ithanian Courts and Lobbies that exist, standing with them upon numerous matters - arguably in a very commanding role with their control of the Loiree-Bas region, and the decline of Liberal prowess. This is excepted, however - the family holds distinct influences from the less liberal Ithanian sub-cultures, and this softens its overall view. The family is less pacifistic in orientation to the Ithanian Court, and is also in opposition to rigid systems of matriarchy, seeing them simply as inefficient and restrictive.


Physical Appearances:
Overall, a generally similar appearance is seen amongst the family. Hair colours are usually fairer, with especially a majority of the Celyreos branch displaying brighter blondes, in addition to a variety of blues and greens gracing most of the irises of the De Letoirneau lineage. Paler skin tones are common as would be expected from a family of Ithanian origin, although this is more significantly due to a porcelain fair skin being identified as a fashion staple amongst the wealthy Ithanians. Heights are fairly spread however are usually seen to be quite average, with most ladies varying between 5'4 and 5'7, while the men of the family starting at 5'7, tend to fall just short of 6 foot as of a maximum. Ladies are usually discouraged from intense physical lifestyles or an emphasis on combat, and so most have a graceful curvature to their figure - they are instead usually encouraged into fields of social significance, or an intellectual/high-skilled pursuit; business, statesmanship, medical training or even scholarly studies are common. Men will almost always be in some way combat-capable and trained, although this does not mean they are denied similar opportunities for intellectual studies to the females.



Image of one of the many vineyards present within the Loiree-Bas County, Vixhall



Important Note: This lore is not totally complete, and will likely be constantly updated and/or subject to change. If it ever becomes too grotesquely long, a simplified version will also be added.

In the year of 11 AC, the House de Letoirneau was officially and originally founded by Eugenie and Laurent, a pair of married Ithanian Ailor, following the events of the Mars de l'Orchidee. Originally educated stewards below a wealthy Altalar family in the rich central Ithanian territory now known as the Hivre of Haute Puisse, their overlords were forced to give their lands and holdings to their ex-Stewards; in return for requesting they retain their prestigious positions and wealth. As such the new family is founded with its minor title holdings across a handful of hamlets and plantations.

Over the following few decades, the family and its lands grew wealthy in line with their now-independent homeland. The De Letoirneau family and her members swiftly ascended to a host of prestigious positions within Haute Puisse - largely due to a generation of prominent ladies within the family, educated in the finest of Statesfigure and excelling in the court scheming only too prominent within Ithania. This, in turn, granted the expansive family and its many branches lands and titles.

Reaching the end of the first century AC, the family would hit its historical zenith - the family held at least some lands in at least half of the Hivres, and business assets within most of the Sovereignty's major cities. In addition, the family's unique interpretations of Haute Couture held popularity throughout the courts of the realm, and her members held many prestigious positions of power and influence, at the ears of the local Queens and even the Sovereign herself; using this with a sense of cunning to remove many of the family's rivals, and promote those who proved loyal to her. It is even said that the family's official and most infamous matriarch, Celienne de Letoirneau, held the Hivre title of Haute Puisse for a period possible as long as two decades, however this claim is disputed - evidence and record-keeping on the matter is vague, and it could just as easily be interpreted as indirect power than a genuine period of rule. What is known is that with the death of Celienne in 109 AC, a grave threat was posed to the family.

With the dawn of the new century, the power of De Letoirneau was destined to end. With its constant plotting and maneuvering, the family had made countless enemies amongst the nobility of Ithania - in addition, the sprawling family was beginning to rot at the core and turn in on itself, sisters and cousins battling for the excess of land and power that was held, and outside factors only too happy to back conflicting groups to their own gain. Within a few short years, a century of power was overturned and came crashing down, and by time Vladimir Kade's integration of Ithania into the Regalian Empire by 150 AC, the name De Letoirneau had ceased to exist entirely; what power the family had had remaining now divided between numerous successors - none of whom would ever achieve the glory and prestige their ancestor family had accomplished, and most simply died out or were absorbed by a house of greater status.

One of these numerous houses is the House du Polignac, the namesake of the family claimed by Henriette, a De Letoirneau heiress who chose to adopt the name of the lands she ruled. Still engraved with the culture established by her forbearers, Henriette attempted to rebuild her own reputation as a diplomat and advisor to other, larger Ithanian noble families. Despite regaining prestige within court from her work, Henriette - starkly reminded by her past - refused to play along with further plots or power plays, instead developing a more pragmatic, neutral stance within the political scene; this being a trait that would continue to be seen in the family despite a zealous love of Ithanian culture. The Du Polignac family, aside from the wealth of their lands, became invested in the burgeoning market of architecture and real estate. One of the daughters of Henriette, Genevieve du Polignac, was heavily involved in the design of some of the greater works of architecture within the city of La Portee du Paradis, truly crafting the name of the family within the nation as one of esteem and wealth, beyond a backstabbing and bloated past. The family was also similarly involved in other such projects across Ithania, administering the construction of numerous scenic châteaux, sprawling palaces and other marvels of architecture. The family did not however remain isolated to Ithania forever - the efforts of Rainier du Polignac (the first notable man in the family's history, while remaining a strong proponent of his home culture) - gained him a position within the Regalian Senate in 281 AC, which he held until its dissolution a decade later. Despite being a member of the Ithanian Lobby, his practicality and pragmatism often made him well-liked by many of the less Conservative nobility, and shortly following he was granted the title of the Barony of Corneuille within Vixhall. He would die shortly later in 295 AC - choosing unconventionally to pass his title to his niece Sophia du Polignac; who held such, along with the Marquis of Brassigny, until circumstances forced her to hand the Barony to her own niece Anastasie in 305 AC.

However, unlike the Du Polignac family, most branches saw remaining within Ithania as condemning themselves, and so turned to the opportunity seen present in the Regalian Archipelago. The House Celyreos was a notable example of this - under the leadership of Marceline Celyreos, the family would emigrate to the Regalian archipelago but a few years after Ithania's entry into the empire. The family first found itself in the Loiree basin, before bringing itself to settle in the Cote Plessis region of the Pays-Sud Citois - a burgeoning coastal province, albeit experiencing some of the pressures of the heavy Ithanian migration. While Marcenline would pass uneventfully, her daughter Veronique Celyreos did not. The lady realised the importance of adapting to survive in the climate the family now found itself in - investing the fortunes the family had retained in emerging businesses and ideas, exploiting the existence of a fresh market for its own gain. By 194 AC, the Celyreos family - beloved and well-known within the region - were elected into ruling the land, with Veronique being granted a Baronial title over the region. Celyreos would continue to prove adaptable and cunning, financing advancements in medicinal and scholarly pursuits as well as promising business opportunities wherever they saw them. This power lasted for over several decades unhindered, before being strangely broken in 276 AC by Christopher and Cyrille Celyreos - two brothers of the main line who sought an end to the matriarchal rule of the family, leading to almost two decades of militant backlash - leaving the family stripped of their finances, and culminating in their steady descent from power and multiple leadership changes - from Natasha Celyreos, to her cousin Bastien, and then finally to his younger and more relaxed brother Enzo; finally drawing to an end any conflict.

The third branch of note from the De Letoirneau family was House Alaire. Previously known as the House Chastain, they too had made their departure from Ithania to the western Vixhall territories of the Loiree-Bas - and also akin to Celyreos, they chose not to remain there for particularly long. In 162 AC - a few years after emigrating to the archipelago - Roselyn Chastain, the present and only ever matriarch of House Chastain, found herself marrying a noble New-Regalian scholar - Neuveville Meyer, who had been living and studying in the Loiree for some time. Unlike her cousins and the matriarchs of other branches, Roselyn was not a politically inclined lady - she was rather happy to abandon any such notions and lifestyle behind in moving to Brixoid, and Neuveville and Roselyn both agreed to take a new name for their family; Alaire. Despite the family's new homeland and obvious Regalian, and later more specifically Leutz influences, it still remained quite genuine to the Ithanian traditions of its past - even going as far as to retain a vineyard within western Vixhall. However, the family's primary business quickly became heavily pastoral - Neuveville's work and that of his family was heavily oriented around horse-breeding and rearing, and the investments and wealth of his wife's family helped this take off. The married couple loved one another quite clearly, and cooperated almost as co-rulers and heads of their family in their tenure, until their son Mayhew Alaire took the reins in 185 AC. Under the administration of the Alaire family, Collen-Bas quickly developed from a sleepy backwater, to a commercialised town built around the business of their family. The grounds and exceptional horses bred also provided excellent ground for horseback activities such as jousting, and other equestrian sports. The town developed a unique culture - unmistakably Leutz, yet still quite clearly defined with Ithanians flairs and influences, with many of its members never truly forgetting their past. By the fourth century post-cataclysm, as with the other two branches of the family, House Alaire had gained considerable influence within the capital, its sitting matriarch Roesia Alaire an Effleur to the Imperial Courts.

306 AC - the present year - is the critical year for the three families, in which their fate intertwines. While the families had been familiar with one another, as well as their own past, for some time, they proved mostly unaware of the true extent of which these links existed. In the Summer of 306 AC, Anastasie du Polignac - acting matriarch of her family at the time - stumbled across documents which led her to the realisation. Calling a meeting with the other two family heads - Enzo Celyreos, and Roesia Alaire - to discuss the affairs at hand. Weeks of negotiation ended with a rather unexpected, yet sweeping announcement. The House de Letoirneau was to be reunited from the three families, with Anastasie herself becoming the matriarch of the new family - with its seat remaining in the Du Polignac lands of the Corneuille Peninsula. Reasonings behind this were numerous, yet it undeniably created an Ithanian powerhouse within the archipelago. The family from its inception had been one seemingly poised to counter the growing threat and influence existing from De Gosselin and his allies - this coming to a head only a few months later following the De Gosselin conquest of the Ithanian Sovereignty - not only removing many De Letoirneau allies and their single biggest supporter, but also dissolving any titles the family held within Ithania. The family now sits - a last bastion of Ithanian culture and ideals within the archipelago; welcoming and supporting any who choose to flee the persecution, including many of the higher classes and nobility. Yet at the same time, the family sits and awaits - preparing for the upcoming conflict it only knows will be inevitable.




Family Trees:



To be updated!



OOC Info
Unless otherwise discussed, your De Letoirneau character should be your main, and you should preferably not be involved in any other noble families/groups of high commitment that may divert too much attention. While I will of course accept OOC inactivity if real life issues persist, consistent (but more importantly uninformed inactivity) will result in your character being shelved.

Family members should not IC or OOC seek to become Sanguine, Silven, Mages, or anything else of the sort. This circumvents the point of being involved in a family. Characters should also adhere generally to Unionism, and to Ithanian culture (unless permitted otherwise) - the latter especially is a major aspect of the family, and if you don't care for it, you probably shouldn't apply.

Blatant OOC disregard for the family and its member will not at all be tolerated. This applies IC too - anyone attempting to purposely ruin the family/pull drastic stunts (without my permission, of course!) will simply be removed. Ruining this family for everyone involved is not acceptable.

No toxicity OOC at any level, at all, ever. Friendly discussion, or even debate over a topic is fine. Blatant insults are not. Exceptions will be given for this, but consistently toxic players who harm our own reputation and the experience of everyone involved will be removed. Without hesitation.

Most importantly, make sure you enjoy yourself! If your character causes you issues, you are free to adapt them to keep them interesting to you (although I'd prefer you did speak to myself first). Most importantly we are a family and an RP community - getting involved with each other and those around us is what we do! This does go both ways however; I will strongly discourage anyone joining the family who doesn't care for the internal interaction, or who wants the character for their own selfish means.


Application (For Members):
Time on MassiveCraft, and overall experience:
How active would you say you are?:
How knowledgeable are you on lore? (This especially applies to lore resulting around Regalia, Ithania/Ithanian culture, and Ailordom in general):
What are your RP strengths and weaknesses?:
Character name/chosen:
Any ideas for the character? These can be discussed and tweaked later, if you're not sure or would like ideas:
Any references to vouch for your RP? They can be whoever you'd like, as long as they're aware of being chosen as vouchers - Members of the family would be exceptional here:

Be honest! I will not usually outright reject people solely based on what is put here. I would much prefer people be honest here and improve as a family member, than lie/exaggerate for whatever reason.

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BTW Family applications are very much open (And should be directed here over the three previous family pages). Rather than doing staff applications on here, try and meet up with family members IC and make some good RP out of it!

Also bullet points are actual satan spawn
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Application (For Members):

IGN: Ithanian

Time on MassiveCraft, and overall experience: About 3 years

How active would you say you are?: Very. I can contribute a good deal ever since I've started focusing on massive compared to other servers.

How knowledgeable are you on lore?: Greatly knowledgeable. Most of the 3 years I spent was hunching over wiki articles.

What are your RP strengths and weaknesses?: In terms of strengths, I would like to say I'm creative - always thinking of new characters (even if 9 times out of 10 they're never used). Whenever a character "clicks" with me, I tend to play it for a very long time. I suppose I do have a bit of a powergaming problem on the deepest levels of self awareness. It's an issue I'm striving to fix.

Character name/chosen: Wilfrid de Letoirneau-Celyreos

Any ideas for the character? These can be discussed and tweaked later, if you're not sure or would like ideas: Wilfrid at heart is a trickster with a heart of gold. He enjoys getting himself into trouble, and getting out of it. He's in touch with the criminal aspects of Regalia from being trained in the school of Undercroft, however he isn't a hardcore gangster, simply a nobleman with too much time on his hands. No matter how much he finds himself at odds with his family however, he is loyal to them and places great affection in the members of his house and strives to make life better for them.

Any references to vouch for your RP? They can be whoever you'd like, as long as they're aware of being chosen as vouchers - Members of the family would be exceptional here: I don't have much of a reputation on this server, so therefore I can't provide any references.

What is the terminal velocity of a swallow? (This is definitely the most important question of them all): My inferior monkey mind can't comprehend these phizikz and quik mafs.
Application (For Members):

IGN: Ithanian

Time on MassiveCraft, and overall experience: About 3 years

How active would you say you are?: Very. I can contribute a good deal ever since I've started focusing on massive compared to other servers.

How knowledgeable are you on lore?: Greatly knowledgeable. Most of the 3 years I spent was hunching over wiki articles.

What are your RP strengths and weaknesses?: In terms of strengths, I would like to say I'm creative - always thinking of new characters (even if 9 times out of 10 they're never used). Whenever a character "clicks" with me, I tend to play it for a very long time. I suppose I do have a bit of a powergaming problem on the deepest levels of self awareness. It's an issue I'm striving to fix.

Character name/chosen: Wilfrid de Letoirneau-Celyreos

Any ideas for the character? These can be discussed and tweaked later, if you're not sure or would like ideas: Wilfrid at heart is a trickster with a heart of gold. He enjoys getting himself into trouble, and getting out of it. He's in touch with the criminal aspects of Regalia from being trained in the school of Undercroft, however he isn't a hardcore gangster, simply a nobleman with too much time on his hands. No matter how much he finds himself at odds with his family however, he is loyal to them and places great affection in the members of his house and strives to make life better for them.

Any references to vouch for your RP? They can be whoever you'd like, as long as they're aware of being chosen as vouchers - Members of the family would be exceptional here: I don't have much of a reputation on this server, so therefore I can't provide any references.

What is the terminal velocity of a swallow? (This is definitely the most important question of them all): My inferior monkey mind can't comprehend these phizikz and quik mafs.

Accepted for a trial of your RP, to give us time to judge your RP and character since you couldn't give any references. We'll (presumably) accept as soon as we've seen a little of you around, active and in RP!

Everyone else in the family who was previously on trial for any of the respective branches before the unification is now also accepted!

A letter would come in within the snug embrace of a perfectly crisp and warm envelope as it traveled through the hands of a small boy to the household of de Letoirneau with a seal of no importance.

The contents were simple pertaining steady and well trained handwriting that knew cursive. The penmanship was admirable and there each letter pertained a nuanced uniqueness as it was not defined under the category of learnt common. Instead looked like writing in Common masquerading as different styles and looks in calligraphy.

To the dearest House de Letoirneau,

I, the most humble of all men, Rouvrezae, would like to have a chance to meet each member of your family in the most gracious way possible. I would like to take this moment of parchment to express that I had the fortunate chance to meet one of yours, Sir Cyprien, and he extended an invitation to me. I am hereby redeeming that ticket. If any of your blood pertain a fraction of the pure elegance and showmanship that dear boy has then I am sure you will quite literally knock my socks right off. If I of course had any as I am a Maiar and mine are special ordered from Linda just down the street from the Almshouse. Before I use up ten more pages allow me to say this--I cannot wait and surely hope you are willing to meet with me.

Stay ever darling,
from yours truly,

At the very bottom of the page would be a drawing of a "Well-Dressed" Maiar clearly from a young child. Underneath it would say, "The Ever-Humble".

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IGN: Vivamente
Time on MassiveCraft, and overall experience: On this account 5 years, including other accounts it'd total at 7 years.
How active would you say you are?: 6/10 - I'm looking to work on this.
How knowledgeable are you on lore?: 7/10 - I've been away for a while, again I'll work on this.
What are your RP strengths and weaknesses?: Combat RP is my greatest strength, I'd say starting up rp is my greatest weakness though.
Character name/chosen: Rosseau de Letoirneau-Alaire
Any ideas for the character? These can be discussed and tweaked later, if you're not sure or would like ideas: Preferably discussed privately.
Any references to vouch for your RP? They can be whoever you'd like, as long as they're aware of being chosen as vouchers - Members of the family would be exceptional here: I have none, I've been away for a long while.
What is the terminal velocity of an unladen swallow? (This is definitely the most important question of them all): The terminal velocity of the unladen swallow depends on how hard I kick it.
IGN: Vivamente
Time on MassiveCraft, and overall experience: On this account 5 years, including other accounts it'd total at 7 years.
How active would you say you are?: 6/10 - I'm looking to work on this.
How knowledgeable are you on lore?: 7/10 - I've been away for a while, again I'll work on this.
What are your RP strengths and weaknesses?: Combat RP is my greatest strength, I'd say starting up rp is my greatest weakness though.
Character name/chosen: Rosseau de Letoirneau-Alaire
Any ideas for the character? These can be discussed and tweaked later, if you're not sure or would like ideas: Preferably discussed privately.
Any references to vouch for your RP? They can be whoever you'd like, as long as they're aware of being chosen as vouchers - Members of the family would be exceptional here: I have none, I've been away for a long while.
What is the terminal velocity of an unladen swallow? (This is definitely the most important question of them all): The terminal velocity of the unladen swallow depends on how hard I kick it.

Approved for Rosseau which will be replacing Dietmar de Letoirneau's spot!
IGN: xJayP
Time on MassiveCraft, and overall experience: I've been on for about 4 years now, a pretty good time!
How active would you say you are?: Soon to be lots.
How knowledgeable are you on lore?: Recent lore, little. But very knowledge on lore from a month or two ago.
What are your RP strengths and weaknesses?: Combat and political are strengths imo, a weakness would be overly socialite type stuff.
Character name/chosen: Jeffroi
Any ideas for the character? These can be discussed and tweaked later, if you're not sure or would like ideas: I'd like to change his name to Dante, as for the character he'd be a bloodcast with a political guru type niche.
Any references to vouch for your RP? They can be whoever you'd like, as long as they're aware of being chosen as vouchers - Members of the family would be exceptional here: Nathan forced me to make this, so, Nathan. @Nathan
IGN: xJayP
Time on MassiveCraft, and overall experience: I've been on for about 4 years now, a pretty good time!
How active would you say you are?: Soon to be lots.
How knowledgeable are you on lore?: Recent lore, little. But very knowledge on lore from a month or two ago.
What are your RP strengths and weaknesses?: Combat and political are strengths imo, a weakness would be overly socialite type stuff.
Character name/chosen: Jeffroi
Any ideas for the character? These can be discussed and tweaked later, if you're not sure or would like ideas: I'd like to change his name to Dante, as for the character he'd be a bloodcast with a political guru type niche.
Any references to vouch for your RP? They can be whoever you'd like, as long as they're aware of being chosen as vouchers - Members of the family would be exceptional here: Nathan forced me to make this, so, Nathan. @Nathan

Accepted for a period of trial! PM me and we'll discuss the character a bit more.

IGN: SouthernComfort_

Time on MassiveCraft, and overall experience: I've been on and off of Massivecraft for around 3 or 2 and a half years now. I've enjoyed my time on here as well.

How active would you say you are?: Pretty active, I try to get on every night during the week and on the weekend I get more active.

How knowledgeable are you on lore? (This especially applies to lore resulting around Regalia, Ithania/Ithanian culture, and Ailordom in general): I'm pretty well informed on Lore, I've read over most of the Ailor cultures. I'd just say I have basic knowledge.

What are your RP strengths and weaknesses?: I'm sometimes nervous about starting or entering Role-play but once I'm going, I'm good with casual role-play and combat role-play.

Character name/chosen: Elisebeth de Letoirneau-Polignac

Any ideas for the character? These can be discussed and tweaked later, if you're not sure or would like ideas: I'd like her to become, over time, skilled with Combat and possibly get into the Guard or find a place within the Church and/or study in an intellectual school if she doesn't go to a Combat School.

Any references to vouch for your RP? They can be whoever you'd like, as long as they're aware of being chosen as vouchers - Members of the family would be exceptional here: I'm not sure who I would ask, though I can look around if you want.​
IGN: SouthernComfort_

Time on MassiveCraft, and overall experience: I've been on and off of Massivecraft for around 3 or 2 and a half years now. I've enjoyed my time on here as well.

How active would you say you are?: Pretty active, I try to get on every night during the week and on the weekend I get more active.

How knowledgeable are you on lore? (This especially applies to lore resulting around Regalia, Ithania/Ithanian culture, and Ailordom in general): I'm pretty well informed on Lore, I've read over most of the Ailor cultures. I'd just say I have basic knowledge.

What are your RP strengths and weaknesses?: I'm sometimes nervous about starting or entering Role-play but once I'm going, I'm good with casual role-play and combat role-play.

Character name/chosen: Elisebeth de Letoirneau-Polignac

Any ideas for the character? These can be discussed and tweaked later, if you're not sure or would like ideas: I'd like her to become, over time, skilled with Combat and possibly get into the Guard or find a place within the Church and/or study in an intellectual school if she doesn't go to a Combat School.

Any references to vouch for your RP? They can be whoever you'd like, as long as they're aware of being chosen as vouchers - Members of the family would be exceptional here: I'm not sure who I would ask, though I can look around if you want.​

I am happy to accept you on a trial for now, so you can familiarise yourself with the family and I can get a feel for your RP. Shoot me your discord in PM (presuming you have one) so we can discuss over a few things!

IGN: Quatral

Time on MassiveCraft, and overall experience: Was on a lot during the summer, rp'd extensively in some noble houses, specifically Everhardt and d'Vaud. Took some time off for school and I'm coming back.

How active would you say you are?: Probably able to get on a few times a week, maybe more depending on work.

How knowledgeable are you on lore? (This especially applies to lore resulting around Regalia, Ithania/Ithanian culture, and Ailordom in general): Fairly knowledgeable, I've perused the wiki enough to get acquainted with most of the base concepts, and some of the more specific ones regarding Regalia.

What are your RP strengths and weaknesses?: My strengths tend to lean towards a very fleshed out roleplay style and immersing myself in the moment of things. Conversely, I have trouble going outside my scope in terms of character, and broadening character RP.

Character name/chosen: Filia de Letoirneau-Alaire

Any ideas for the character? These can be discussed and tweaked later, if you're not sure or would like ideas: I was thinking of taking the character in a more business and politically oriented route. In my mind, Filia a staunch supporter of her brother, and the family at large. While she isn't always able to directly affect change, she does her utmost to undertake diplomacy and connive on their behalf.

Any references to vouch for your RP? They can be whoever you'd like, as long as they're aware of being chosen as vouchers - Members of the family would be exceptional here: @SpudManDom @Nathan

Be honest! I will not usually outright reject people solely based on what is put here. I would much prefer people be honest here and improve as a family member, than lie/exaggerate for whatever reason.
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IGN: Quatral

Time on MassiveCraft, and overall experience: Was on a lot during the summer, rp'd extensively in some noble houses, specifically Everhardt and d'Vaud. Took some time off for school and I'm coming back.

How active would you say you are?: Probably able to get on a few times a week, maybe more depending on work.

How knowledgeable are you on lore? (This especially applies to lore resulting around Regalia, Ithania/Ithanian culture, and Ailordom in general): Fairly knowledgeable, I've perused the wiki enough to get acquainted with most of the base concepts, and some of the more specific ones regarding Regalia.

What are your RP strengths and weaknesses?: My strengths tend to lean towards a very fleshed out roleplay style and immersing myself in the moment of things. Conversely, I have trouble going outside my scope in terms of character, and broadening character RP.

Character name/chosen: Filia de Letoirneau-Alaire

Any ideas for the character? These can be discussed and tweaked later, if you're not sure or would like ideas: I was thinking of taking the character in a more business and politically oriented route. In my mind, Filia a staunch supporter of her brother, and the family at large. While she isn't always able to directly affect change, she does her utmost to undertake diplomacy and connive on their behalf.

Any references to vouch for your RP? They can be whoever you'd like, as long as they're aware of being chosen as vouchers - Members of the family would be exceptional here: @SpudManDom @Nathan

Be honest! I will not usually outright reject people solely based on what is put here. I would much prefer people be honest here and improve as a family member, than lie/exaggerate for whatever reason.

Accepted for a trial period, PM me your Discord and I will get you posted

IGN: Voidemite

Time on MassiveCraft, and overall experience: Been on and off for 3 years.

How active would you say you are?: Pretty much available on every weekends.

How knowledgeable are you on lore? (This especially applies to lore resulting around Regalia, Ithania/Ithanian culture, and Ailordom in general): Fairly, I would say I have basic on knowledge of cultures, nobles, and such.

What are your RP strengths and weaknesses?: My strengths would be in a casual and calm rp, one that doesn't involve in CRP and sorts. My weakness is in initiating an rp, once I get into rp though the anxiety slowly fade away.

Character name/chosen: Charles de Letoirneau-Polignac

Any ideas for the character? These can be discussed and tweaked later, if you're not sure or would like ideas: Charles is a man who has invested his time in the fashion world since he was a child, it has been his passion from the start. He recently moved to the Regalia to showcase his art to a more, sophisticated people of the Crown City.

Any references to vouch for your RP? They can be whoever you'd like, as long as they're aware of being chosen as vouchers - Members of the family would be exceptional here: @prem_
IGN: Voidemite

Time on MassiveCraft, and overall experience: Been on and off for 3 years.

How active would you say you are?: Pretty much available on every weekends.

How knowledgeable are you on lore? (This especially applies to lore resulting around Regalia, Ithania/Ithanian culture, and Ailordom in general): Fairly, I would say I have basic on knowledge of cultures, nobles, and such.

What are your RP strengths and weaknesses?: My strengths would be in a casual and calm rp, one that doesn't involve in CRP and sorts. My weakness is in initiating an rp, once I get into rp though the anxiety slowly fade away.

Character name/chosen: Charles de Letoirneau-Polignac

Any ideas for the character? These can be discussed and tweaked later, if you're not sure or would like ideas: Charles is a man who has invested his time in the fashion world since he was a child, it has been his passion from the start. He recently moved to the Regalia to showcase his art to a more, sophisticated people of the Crown City.

Any references to vouch for your RP? They can be whoever you'd like, as long as they're aware of being chosen as vouchers - Members of the family would be exceptional here: @prem_

You've been accepted for a trial period, so you can familiarise yourself with the fam and such. Shoot me your discord in a PM and we can discuss things over. @Voidemite
IGN: Ottorintsu

Time on MassiveCraft, and overall experience: I'm fairly experienced - I'd say it's been a year or so since I started, although I'm coming back from a long hiatus. When it comes to roleplay in general, I've been roleplaying for around three years, now.

How active would you say you are?: I've just now been returning my activity to Massive after the aforementioned hiatus - I can pour at the very least one to two hours of my time daily into the server, usually more on weekends and other dates where I'm free.

How knowledgeable are you on lore? (This especially applies to lore resulting around Regalia, Ithania/Ithanian culture, and Ailordom in general): Fairly knowledgeable. I've played predominantly Ailor characters in the past, so I'm well aware of the lore surrounding the many cultures, even if I've yet to play an Ithanian character.

What are your RP strengths and weaknesses?: My emotes are fairly detailed, and I'd say I'm a good combat roleplayer. I'm fairly communicative, too, and flexible when it comes to IC disputes. However, there are some areas that I'm not very well-versed in, such as politics. I'm fairly familiar with it from playing in other noble families, but I've never taken an active role in political roleplay so far.

Character name/chosen: Dante de Letoirneau-Alaire. (I plan on changing the character's name to Olivier, however.)

Any ideas for the character? These can be discussed and tweaked later, if you're not sure or would like ideas: Much like his older brother Cypri, Dante would've been knighted in the school of Bloodcast. As such, he is very laid-back when in comparison to knights of other schools, and his personality is mostly levelheaded, lighthearted and generally approachable. He's a friendly person, but possesses a great deal of discipline as a result of his martial training. Nonetheless, the ideals of the family resonate strongly within him, and he is very much tied to his family bonds, especially his older brother, whom he looks up to.

Any references to vouch for your RP? They can be whoever you'd like, as long as they're aware of being chosen as vouchers - Members of the family would be exceptional here: @Nathan
IGN: princessvgb
Time on MassiveCraft, and overall experience: About seven months, experience has been wonderful.
How active would you say you are?: About 5-6 days a week, usually either in the afternoons or evenings.
How knowledgeable are you on lore? (This especially applies to lore resulting around Regalia, Ithania/Ithanian culture, and Ailordom in general): I can take in the knowledge, I'm not terrible at remembering but not the GREATEST.
What are your RP strengths and weaknesses?: My strengths include descriptive emotes, and my weaknesses are failure to remember lore, and occasional Meta Gaming, but those can always be avoided with reminders.
Character name/chosen: Natalie de Letoirneau-Alaire
Any ideas for the character? These can be discussed and tweaked later, if you're not sure or would like ideas: Natalie is very optimistic and brave, considering the fact that she's been raised in pure confidence and pride. Though she occasionally has a low mentality, she can have some emotional episodes and breakdowns, but she never disrespects or disturbs in public, as she's learned in the past. Even sometimes either needs a slap in the face or a pat on the back, witch we all sometimes do, she always keeps her chin up, and her struggles down.
Any references to vouch for your RP? They can be whoever you'd like, as long as they're aware of being chosen as vouchers - Members of the family would be exceptional here: Roleplayed in the past as another character, with Cyprien de Letoirneau @Nathan , and Ana de Letoirneau @Miss_Silver .
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Snip Snip Snipperdy Snip

Hello! First thankyou for showing interest in our family! Of course you've been part of our little society for a while now as a guard. We should mention that we're also aware of you applying to the house Lupenzi. Although not nobility, they're a notable commoner family which will also take up alot of your time.

Although you have served us well in the past, I would perhaps advice you to try and be around nobility roleplay more. Of course, you have seen our family function but not at the court. I suggest you find a house to serve under as a servant for a while, to experience what is truly is, or perhaps contact me privately for an oppertuniy.

For now however, I have to reject your application. If you require more information on why this is, just contact me over the forums.
@Ellimairy @Miss_Silver
OOC Info
References: Originally would put my experience as a noble fam head for the past 3(?) years, originally applicated for von Drachenburg, but after a talk with @FireFan96 (who also now vouches for me) we agreed that the character idea made more sense for another family than his.
Roleplay Character Applications: Had quite a few, I'll link my fav, but I can send you the rest half dozen or so if you want [X]
Nobility Experience?: Been in the noble scene for the past 5-ish years and been a noble head for the past 3-ish.
Activity?: 5 years. Availability might vary based on if staff work is extra needing or I'm away irl, but expect me to at least be available a good 5 hours a day average.
Roleplay Description: For the good parts I can be quick, both on banters and on the keyboard in general. I know how to behave mannerly in noble situations and always have the etiquette wiki page up when roleplaying to avoid any mistakes. For the bad parts I believe my biggest weakness is if the family of my characters aren't active (or simply non-existant.) From what I've gathered over my 5 years of playing is that I'm good at being in social circles (marshal cabinet, patriarch meetings, etc.) but unlike those examples where you have a meeting every other week, family is a daily activity. This does not mean I'm bad at roleplay unless I have an uncle looknig over my shoulder, but may decrease my "feels" for playing a given character in a particular moment.
Any Punishments/Infractions: None roleplay related or chat related. (staff codex break from 4 years ago)
Reason for Applying?: Due to the fall of av Nyström (not from nobility, but rather all family members leaving) I've decided to make Karl-Gustav my secondary character since he now only has one base; Imperial Marshal Cabinet. This means I'm in lack of a main character which brought me here. The family fits with the character idea I'm imagining.
Able to use Discord?: Definitely (see you next sunday's meeting ;p)
Are you Community Active?: I suppose I'm less broadly communitive active than some, but still active on the Roleplay Discord, talk to people in other Discord chats, etc.
Do you have a good grasp on lore relevant to nobility?: I'm not sure Marty would have allowed me to become a noble head twice if I didn't.

IC Info
Character Name: Léon Michel-Ange de Letorineau
Character Age: 25
Physical Description: Léon has a rather standard Ithanian facial structure, soft but slightly defined jawline, though hardly seen behind his facial hair. He dresses typically Ithanian, though it's not atypical to watch him wearing his artistic work clothes when walking to or from work. This can be seen on him as he always carries a belt with drafts, pencils and geometry tools in case of a eureka moment, except when at the Imperial court or noble gathering after much disciplining from his elders in the family. Léon began balding at his early 20's, leaving him with a bare scalp except his brunette horseshoe-shaped hairline (very much up to debate, just not enough bald people on Massive, could be fun shrug.)
Proficiency Points: +35 Visual Arts (Imperialised.)

  • {In the eyes of others} Léon is a very asocial person should you find him while he's working, often just doing the bare minimum of conversation to get back to focusing on his work. Should one find him outside of his artistic works, he acts very much like most other de Letoirneaus, well versed in etiquette and manners; a couth man, yet have little to say for smalltalk, seeing it as wasted time that could be spent on conversing about bigger topics like politics, military, etc.
  • {To his family} While always reserved to speak about his work with the rest of the family, knowing they find monetary talk more exciting, he does sometimes get an artistic conversation going with them. Usually though he ends up in conversations where he plays the devil's advocate for basic details like interests, stocks and the like. Often without a single clue about commerce tactics to undo whatever hindrances these should imply. Eureka moments with his family is probably the most eccentric he gets, as he tries with all his might to write down or illustrate his idea while also getting his family to follow along, usually without much success.
  • {To himself} To himself Léon will always put his family first before anything. If his family need him to paint or sculpt something for the Imperial family for an effleur gift for example, he would draft down his current project, abandon it on the spot and try his best to focus on the new task at hand. Then when this has been completed, focus back on the original project. This means despite his marriage to the world of the arts, he still views family as first, as a good Ithanian should.
  • {Morality} He is best described as being a Lawful Neutral character. He's never mean just to be mean, but can be if it somehow suits the future and wishes of the family or his career to become an Empire-wide known artist.
  • Léon was born to his parents (Hard to tell names, no family tree at hand) in 282AC
  • He first began learning that his passion was in the arts, not military when he at the age of five still mostly drew and doodled.
  • This growing passion for art directed him to focusing on learning Common, the leading language for people of the arts.
  • Being of the heavily Unionist family and never being interested in philosophy or being too scientifically educated, never questioned his faith.
  • At the age of 12, Léon enrolled into the School of Visuals in Regalia, quickly being accepted both on the accounts of being a talent already and being of a prestigious house of Vixhall.
  • Léon decided to stay in Regalia after finishing his studies, a decision backed up by the fact that the family had a strong presence in the Holy City. The long exposure to the city also affected his cultural viewpoints.
  • Léon is still young and unmarried and may even need to be pushed by his family to fix that fault and settle down like a normal adult for good.
@Ellimairy @Miss_Silver
OOC Info
References: Originally would put my experience as a noble fam head for the past 3(?) years, originally applicated for von Drachenburg, but after a talk with @FireFan96 (who also now vouches for me) we agreed that the character idea made more sense for another family than his.
Roleplay Character Applications: Had quite a few, I'll link my fav, but I can send you the rest half dozen or so if you want [X]
Nobility Experience?: Been in the noble scene for the past 5-ish years and been a noble head for the past 3-ish.
Activity?: 5 years. Availability might vary based on if staff work is extra needing or I'm away irl, but expect me to at least be available a good 5 hours a day average.
Roleplay Description: For the good parts I can be quick, both on banters and on the keyboard in general. I know how to behave mannerly in noble situations and always have the etiquette wiki page up when roleplaying to avoid any mistakes. For the bad parts I believe my biggest weakness is if the family of my characters aren't active (or simply non-existant.) From what I've gathered over my 5 years of playing is that I'm good at being in social circles (marshal cabinet, patriarch meetings, etc.) but unlike those examples where you have a meeting every other week, family is a daily activity. This does not mean I'm bad at roleplay unless I have an uncle looknig over my shoulder, but may decrease my "feels" for playing a given character in a particular moment.
Any Punishments/Infractions: None roleplay related or chat related. (staff codex break from 4 years ago)
Reason for Applying?: Due to the fall of av Nyström (not from nobility, but rather all family members leaving) I've decided to make Karl-Gustav my secondary character since he now only has one base; Imperial Marshal Cabinet. This means I'm in lack of a main character which brought me here. The family fits with the character idea I'm imagining.
Able to use Discord?: Definitely (see you next sunday's meeting ;p)
Are you Community Active?: I suppose I'm less broadly communitive active than some, but still active on the Roleplay Discord, talk to people in other Discord chats, etc.
Do you have a good grasp on lore relevant to nobility?: I'm not sure Marty would have allowed me to become a noble head twice if I didn't.

IC Info
Character Name:
Léon Michel-Ange de Letorineau
Character Age: 25
Physical Description: Léon has a rather standard Ithanian facial structure, soft but slightly defined jawline, though hardly seen behind his facial hair. He dresses typically Ithanian, though it's not atypical to watch him wearing his artistic work clothes when walking to or from work. This can be seen on him as he always carries a belt with drafts, pencils and geometry tools in case of a eureka moment, except when at the Imperial court or noble gathering after much disciplining from his elders in the family. Léon began balding at his early 20's, leaving him with a bare scalp except his brunette horseshoe-shaped hairline (very much up to debate, just not enough bald people on Massive, could be fun shrug.)
Proficiency Points: +35 Visual Arts (Imperialised.)
  • {In the eyes of others} Léon is a very asocial person should you find him while he's working, often just doing the bare minimum of conversation to get back to focusing on his work. Should one find him outside of his artistic works, he acts very much like most other de Letoirneaus, well versed in etiquette and manners; a couth man, yet have little to say for smalltalk, seeing it as wasted time that could be spent on conversing about bigger topics like politics, military, etc.
  • {To his family} While always reserved to speak about his work with the rest of the family, knowing they find monetary talk more exciting, he does sometimes get an artistic conversation going with them. Usually though he ends up in conversations where he plays the devil's advocate for basic details like interests, stocks and the like. Often without a single clue about commerce tactics to undo whatever hindrances these should imply. Eureka moments with his family is probably the most eccentric he gets, as he tries with all his might to write down or illustrate his idea while also getting his family to follow along, usually without much success.
  • {To himself} To himself Léon will always put his family first before anything. If his family need him to paint or sculpt something for the Imperial family for an effleur gift for example, he would draft down his current project, abandon it on the spot and try his best to focus on the new task at hand. Then when this has been completed, focus back on the original project. This means despite his marriage to the world of the arts, he still views family as first, as a good Ithanian should.
  • {Morality} He is best described as being a Lawful Neutral character. He's never mean just to be mean, but can be if it somehow suits the future and wishes of the family or his career to become an Empire-wide known artist.
  • Léon was born to his parents (Hard to tell names, no family tree at hand) in 282AC
  • He first began learning that his passion was in the arts, not military when he at the age of five still mostly drew and doodled.
  • This growing passion for art directed him to focusing on learning Common, the leading language for people of the arts.
  • Being of the heavily Unionist family and never being interested in philosophy or being too scientifically educated, never questioned his faith.
  • At the age of 12, Léon enrolled into the School of Visuals in Regalia, quickly being accepted both on the accounts of being a talent already and being of a prestigious house of Vixhall.
  • Léon decided to stay in Regalia after finishing his studies, a decision backed up by the fact that the family had a strong presence in the Holy City. The long exposure to the city also affected his cultural viewpoints.
  • Léon is still young and unmarried and may even need to be pushed by his family to fix that fault and settle down like a normal adult for good.

You know i couldn't deny you Bert, i'll shoot you our family discord shortly and we can discuss the character and stuff in more detail! (in the morning i'm tired rn)

On another note, family applications are temporarily suspended until further notice, and this page gets the update it deserves.
