House Broussard


The G0atfather
Aug 3, 2013
Reaction score
a hole in the ground
a hole in the ground


Name: Broussard
Motto: Defend the Light, Shun the Dark
Colors: Purple Orange and White
Culture: Leutz-Vixe
Symbols: Bear and Anchor
Religion: Unionism
Race: Mostly Ailor
Trade: Lumber & Shipbuilding/Aberrant Hunting.


Basic Description
The Broussard family is a Leutz-vixe family known for the hunting of abberants and it's darkwald family members. The family often travel to hunt aberrants, particularly vampires, and are paid for the removal of such beings. While this is what they are known for, it isn't their main form of income. Primarily they amass their wealth in lumber and shipbuilding. This effort is primarily headed by Yannick Broussard and his branch of the family.

Family History
The Broussard family date back to the founding of Brissiaud when the family was Alt regalian. The family founded a coastal town, using the local resources to build up lumber mills and shipyards. The family developed great wealth in the city they now called Viernesse. Around 205 AC a coven of vampires raided Viernesse, burning buildings and killing or kidnapping many citizens. During this battle three Broussards were lost, including a child. Due to the massive loss of life, Sebastian Broussard's great grandfather, Simon Broussard, moved him and his children to Tigrunn where he trained along with his children to become Darkwald knights. While this occurred Simon's brother, Harold, rebuilt Viernesse with his children and their sister, Clara.
Over the years the family kept in contact, however Harold's great grandson, Richard, died with only a female child, Noelle. Due to the want to preserve the families hold on Viernesse, Sebastian sent his son Yannick to Marry Noelle -The two of them being third cousins. Though both Yannick and the quiet Noelle did not like the idea of marrying family -even if so distant- Sebastian insisted, thus giving Yannick full control over Viernesse by 281 AC. At this time Geoffrey Broussard had just finished his training as a darkwald knight and soon after Marceline did as well. Three years later Yannick and Noel's first child, Clotilde was born and unfortunately that same year Dahlia died to unknown causes. The family was heartbroken, especially Sebastian. His children were unsure as to what would come of the man as he seemed to completely break down in his grief. Due to his instability Geoffrey and Marceline convinced him to move to Viernesse with Yannick. Geoffrey and Marceline stayed in Tigrunn, continuing their service as Darkwald's.
Marceline and Geoffrey worked and found Marceline a husband in a fellow Darkwald knight, they putting together a maternal marriage with him as he was the only member of his family aside from a dying mother. A few years later something unexpected happened. Sebastian completely changed, becoming a jolly old man, proclaiming he had found love once again. What The family did not realize that this love was with a qadir woman by the name of Reine. Reine and Sebastian were soon married and had a daughter named Jasmine not long after. Around this time Marceline bore her first child as well and then a year later, Noelle bore her and Yannick's second child.
During this time Geoffrey also met and married fellow Darkwald, Minerva Bren and they had their first child, Geoffery the Second and later their second son, Maxime. The two brothers were very close but while learning to ride a horse, Maxime was bucked off and his leg was permanently injured, leaving him unable to fight
The family would eventually all return home to Viernesse as Sebastian grew senile. The family tried to keep strong during this time, being together, though still working as Darkwald's. During this time Geoffrey left home for a short time to fight in the Elven war of 302 where he was badly burned on one side of his face by an elven battlemage, causing him to have to return home. Geoffrey returned to Regalia to take part in the Elven war of 306 AC and become a soldier for the new Petty Kingdom of Mull, where the family now attempt to grow their wealth.


Broussard Family Tree


Sixth Generation
  • Dahlia Broussard | Deceased | Unplayable
    • Mother of Yannick, Geoffrey, and Marcelline, Dahlia was the first wife of Patriarch Sebastian and was generally well liked by both her children and husband.
  • Sebastian Broussard | 79 | Unplayable
    • currently ill and senile, he still holds the official title of Patriarch while leaving most familial duties to his sons. Once a grand and successful hunter of those tainted by the void, Sebastian can't even eat by himself anymore.
  • Reine Broussard | 37 | Playable as a Trustee
    • The Second wife of Patriarch Sebastian and mother of Jasmine. Reine is a smooth talking woman. Folelsa mage, though few know it.
Seventh Generation
  • Geoffrey Broussard | 45 | @MrGoat_
    • Darkwald warrior and acting patriarch of the family.
  • Minerva Broussard | 40 | @commanderpizza
    • Darkwald warrior, married to Geoffrey. Scholarly and extremely knowledgeable in Abberation knowledge as well as being a good long range shooter with a crossbow
  • Yannick Broussard | 44 | Playable
    • Leader of Viernesse, strong and calculating, though not a warrior. Father of Clotilde and Marie-Therese.
  • Noelie Broussard | 43 | Playable
    • Wife to Yannick, mother to Clotilde and Marie-Thereses. Kind but shy woman who likes books
  • Marceline Broussard | 40 | Playable
    • Youngest Child of Dahlia and Sebastian. Had a maternal marriage with Aloysius. Mother of Rodolphe and Nora. Intelligent woman, darkwald.
  • Aloysius Broussard | 39 | Playable
    • Strong willed man whose only family was his mother before marrying Marceline. Ex-darwald like his wife and brother-in-law.
  • Jasmine Broussard | 18 | Playable
    • Outcast of the family, strong-willed and sassy. Only family member who knows of her mother's magic.
Eighth Generation
  • Clotilde Broussard | 22 | @Axelu
    • A girl gifted with exquisite social graces and a graduate of the School of Statesman.
  • Rodolphe Trahan-Broussard | 18 | Playable
    • A well mannered man with a penchant for flirtatiousness. Due to focusing his efforts on this endeavor, the family does not see a bright future for the lad.
  • Marie-Thérèse Broussard | 17 | Playable
    • A quiet girl much like her mother. Lover of books. Secretly loves to dance.
  • Geoffrey Broussard II | 20 | Unplayable
    • Eldest child of Geoffrey the first and Minerva. Currently living in Tigrunn to train as a darkwald.
  • Maxime Broussard | 16 | Playable
    • A young man who looks up to his brother and parents, but who is unable to fight due to a crippled leg from an injury when he was 10.

Family features
All of these traits can be discussed with me, and one must remember that these only apply to genetic members of the family. Members such as Renie and and Jasmine have some flexibility, seeing as they are at least half qadir and not ailor. If you have any questions or concerns, message me before applying.

Physical Traits
  • Varying shades of brown hair, rarely blonde hair.
  • Blue or Green eyes, never brown.
  • Pale to slightly tanned skin
  • 5'6 to 5'10 height for women. 5'9 to 6'2 for men.
  • Athletic to muscular body builds.
Personality Traits
  • Devout Unionists
  • Hatred of Aberrants, especially vampires.
  • Some degree of racism
  • Strong familial bond
Family Application:
I am wanting the family to be an enjoyable one to be a part of and for that, we need people to be a part of it. While you don't need to be exceptional at roleplay, we do expect you to know what you're doing. Remember your actions reflect the rest of the family. I as the family head reserve the right to boot anyone from the faction for misbehavior of any kind. This is a game, try to have fun but don't ruin the fun for others. With that said, here is the application:

Character you are applying for:
Any experience with nobility?: (We are aspiring for nobility, at least in the isle of mull. You do not need experience, though it is nice)
Knowledge of lore(1-10):
Past approved Character Application:
Any Jail/Mutes/Punishments:
Are you Trustee: (Important for one character and a good trait to have as it lets us know that the server staff trust you. Obviously not a requirement for any character Except Reine)


House Staff

The Broussards, though not nobility, are quite wealthy and as such do have staff to do work for them. These staff members include Maids, Personal Servants, Entertainers, Guards, Gardners, Ect. If you want to take part in roleplay with the Broussards very closely but not make one yourself, you can apply to be a House staff member. I still reserve the right to kick you from the family staff for the same reasons, though will be more lenient towards staff than family members. Current Staff Members are:

Family Guard:

Family Staff

Family Staff Application:

Character name:
Character Application:
Knowledge of lore (1-10):
Staff position you are applying for:
Are you willing to join the family faction: (If not, can your faction head ally us?)
Any Jails/Mutes/Punishments:
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