
Feb 14, 2021
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The House

Culture: Ithanian
Region: Vixhall
Language: Ithanian, Common
Court Family: Yes

Motto: "Strive to become flawless like white."

Symbols: White Fox with Pink Eyes

White, Pink, Pastel blue, Gold
Religion: Unionism

Trade: Banking, Fur
Side Trade: Champagne, Tobacco, Ruby Flowers


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County of Floquet, held by Marie Blanc
County of Bouclier, held by Louie Blanc

Current Tax Rate: 20%


The Grand Blanc Estate, nestled within the county, with the city beyond.

Located in Ithania, Vixhall, the county is renowned for its serene beauty and idyllic landscapes. Vast expanses of lush greenery, dotted with vibrant wildflowers, create a picturesque backdrop for stately manor houses and charming cottages. The countryside is adorned with graceful vineyards and sprawling orchards, where the Blanc family has long cultivated their love for nature's bounty.

Floquet is a place where tradition and tranquility converge. The residents of the county take great pride in preserving their cultural heritage, with festivals and celebrations that pay homage to their rich history. Time-honored customs are passed down through generations, fostering a strong sense of community and a deep appreciation for the county's roots.

The county seat, Floquet City, serves as the administrative and cultural hub of the region. Here, elegant architecture blends harmoniously with cobblestone streets, creating an atmosphere that harks back to a bygone era. The city's vibrant marketplace bustles with activity, offering a delightful array of local produce, crafts, and artisanal goods.

In addition to its natural and architectural beauty, Floquet boasts a thriving arts scene. The county has been a muse for renowned painters, sculptors, and writers, drawing inspiration from its enchanting landscapes. Museums and galleries showcase these artistic endeavors, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the cultural tapestry of the region.

However, beneath the surface of Floquet's serene beauty and cultural heritage, there exists a subtle undercurrent of discontent among some of its citizens. This sentiment arises from the stark contrast between the idyllic lifestyle enjoyed by the prestigious Blanc family and the struggles faced by the rest of the county's inhabitants.

House Blanc, known for their wealth and opulent lifestyle, owns the entire county. Their vast estate, with its stately manor and sprawling grounds, stands as a symbol of privilege and exclusivity. While the Blanc family's influence and affluence have played a significant role in shaping the region's development and preserving its natural beauty, some residents have grown weary of the stark disparities that exist within Floquet.

-> Floquet Magazine <-

Blanc Vineyards & Cellars

Nestled within the picturesque landscapes of Floquet County lies Blanc Vineyards & Cellars, a renowned champagne production company that embodies the epitome of excellence in winemaking. With a rich heritage dating back several generations, the Blanc family has perfected the art of crafting exquisite champagnes that captivate the senses and elevate any occasion.

Blanc Vineyards & Cellars takes advantage of the region's fertile soil and favorable climate, cultivating vineyards that yield grapes of exceptional quality. Meticulously tended to by a team of skilled viticulturists, the vineyards produce a variety of grape varietals renowned for their distinctive flavors and aromas.

The winemaking process at Blanc Vineyards & Cellars combines traditional techniques with innovative methods, ensuring that each bottle of champagne reflects the family's unwavering commitment to craftsmanship and refinement. From hand-harvesting the grapes to the delicate process of fermentation and aging, every step is meticulously executed to produce champagnes of unparalleled quality.

Blanc Vineyards & Cellars offers a diverse range of champagnes, each crafted to cater to different palates and occasions. From the elegant and crisp Blanc de Blancs, made exclusively from Chardonnay grapes, to the rich and full-bodied Blanc de Noirs, crafted from carefully selected Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier grapes, there is a champagne to suit every discerning taste.

-> Business Page <-

Blanc Tobacco
Within the serene landscapes of Floquet County, a hidden gem awaits tobacco enthusiasts and connoisseurs of fine tobacco products. Blanc Tobacco, owned and operated by the esteemed Blanc family, is a distinguished producer of premium tobacco known for its unparalleled quality and exceptional craftsmanship.

Floquet County's fertile soil and favorable climate provide the ideal conditions for cultivating tobacco of exceptional flavor and aroma. Under the careful stewardship of experienced farmers, vast tobacco plantations thrive, where each plant receives meticulous attention, from seedling to harvest.

Blanc Tobacco upholds a rich tradition in tobacco production, combining age-old techniques with modern innovation to create an array of exceptional tobacco products. The process begins with the careful selection of tobacco seeds, chosen for their unique characteristics and desired flavor profiles.

As the tobacco plants grow, they are nurtured and protected, ensuring optimal conditions for their development. The harvest, a labor-intensive process, is carried out by skilled hands, where only the finest leaves are carefully selected, hand-picked, and sorted with utmost precision.

Once harvested, the tobacco leaves undergo a series of curing and aging processes, allowing them to develop their distinct flavors and aromas. Skilled artisans oversee the fermentation and aging, monitoring the conditions to ensure the tobacco reaches its peak quality.

Blanc Tobacco offers a diverse range of tobacco products, meticulously crafted to cater to the discerning tastes of tobacco enthusiasts. From rich and robust pipe tobaccos, carefully blended to create a harmonious balance of flavors, to smooth and aromatic cigars, hand-rolled with expertise, every product reflects the company's unwavering commitment to excellence.

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Blanc in Ruby

Medicinal plants have been valued and utilized by humanity since ancient times. Across various cultures, there are references to the use of plants for healthcare, and some communities have developed complex traditional systems of health that expertly employ these plants for centuries. One such remarkable plant is the Ruby Flower, renowned for its ability to assist the body in restoring itself.

Baron Louie Blanc dedicated a portion of his land to the cultivation of this beautiful and magnificent plant, recognizing its usefulness and the importance of maintaining the city's well-being. The land, located in the County of Floquet in Vixhall, was generously granted by Countess Marie Blanc, his older sister.

Within the grounds of the Barony of Bouclier, advantage is taken of the region's fertile soil and favorable climate to cultivate the Ruby Flower. At Barony of Bouclier, we prioritize ensuring that the soil contains adequate amounts of organic matter and essential nutrients. To achieve this, we prepare our homemade fertilizers, providing the flowers with the ideal conditions for their development while nurturing and protecting them.
The harvest of Ruby Flowers is a labor-intensive process that requires utmost care to extract the flowers from their roots without causing any damage. This ensures that they can be safely transported to clinics or other gardens dedicated to medicine or alchemy. We meticulously avoid collecting medicinal plants that are sick or damaged, always striving for perfection in the health of the plants themselves.

When it becomes necessary to store medicinal plants for a certain period, we delicately dry them to prevent breakage and protect them from humidity and fungal damage. This drying process is typically conducted in shaded areas, ensuring that the plants are safeguarded and cared for with the same diligence as before. These practices enable us to maintain the highest quality in our products and, more importantly, in the plants themselves.

-> Business Page <-


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Family Lore

House Blanc cherishes its rich heritage, which has stood the test of time, embodying a legacy defined by the pursuit of excellence. Through their endeavors in banking and the esteemed fur trade, they have demonstrated remarkable astuteness in securing their financial well-being. This remarkable acumen has allowed them to thrive and establish a solid foundation for future generations. In addition to their notable achievements and values, House Blanc's legacy was further enhanced when they married into nobility in 200 AC.
However, it is not merely their achievements that distinguish House Blanc. The members of this remarkable family possess an innate appreciation for propriety and grace, instilled in them from an early age. Etiquette holds great significance in their upbringing, serving as a guiding principle that shapes their interactions with others.

In the halls of House Blanc, intellectual conversations flourish, and the art of communication is held in the highest esteem. Their refined manners and genuine curiosity create an inviting atmosphere, where every guest, regardless of their background, feels valued and included.

The Blanc family's legacy goes beyond their financial success and adherence to etiquette; it also encompasses the preservation of noble values. Tradition and accomplishment hold a deep significance for the Blanc family, and they have worked tirelessly to uphold these values throughout their illustrious history.

It is worth noting that the Blanc family embraces a luxury lifestyle, which has become a defining characteristic of their legacy. Their wealth and financial success have allowed them to indulge in the finest things in life. From extravagant parties that are the epitome of opulence to their impeccable taste in high-end fashion and jewelry, the Blancs are renowned for their refined and lavish lifestyle.

While they enjoy the luxuries their success has afforded them, it is their dedication to tradition, accomplishment, and noble values that truly sets House Blanc apart. The family's opulent lifestyle serves as a testament to their prosperity, but it is their unwavering commitment to excellence, etiquette, and the preservation of noble values that truly defines their enduring legacy.

Blanc Sécurité

Blanc Sécurité, renowned for their unwavering commitment to safeguarding the noble family Blanc, stands as a formidable force of highly trained individuals adept at both offensive and defensive tactics. With an unwavering dedication to the protection and well-being of the family's esteemed members, Blanc Sécurité serves as an indomitable shield, ensuring the safety and security of the household.

Each member of the team undergoes extensive physical and mental preparation, honing their combat skills, enhancing their situational awareness, and perfecting their reflexes. With a keen eye for potential threats and an exceptional ability to assess risks, Blanc Sécurité members exhibit unparalleled vigilance and are always prepared to act swiftly and decisively in the face of danger.

However, Blanc Sécurité is not only defined by their physical prowess; they are also distinguished by their unwavering integrity, loyalty, and professionalism. Each member of Blanc Sécurité upholds a strict code of ethics, ensuring that their actions are guided by principles of honor and integrity. They cultivate strong personal connections with the members of the Blanc family, earning their trust and establishing a sense of camaraderie within the household.

Blanc Sécurité operates with utmost discretion, respecting the privacy and confidentiality of the Blanc family. Their presence within the household is subtle yet ever-vigilant, striking a delicate balance between unobtrusiveness and maintaining a state of constant readiness. They execute their duties with meticulous attention to detail, leaving no stone unturned in their pursuit of an impenetrable fortress for the noble family Blanc.

Banque Blanc

House Blanc's banking business, known as "Banque Blanc," is a cornerstone of their financial success and a testament to their astuteness in the realm of finance. Banque Blanc has a long-standing reputation for excellence and reliability, making it a trusted institution for individuals, businesses, and even other noble houses.

Banque Blanc's origins can be traced back several generations, when the Blanc family recognized the need for a reliable financial institution to serve their own interests and those of their esteemed clientele. With meticulous attention to detail and a keen understanding of the intricacies of the financial world, the family established Banque Blanc as a symbol of stability and integrity.

As a private bank, Banque Blanc provides a range of financial services tailored to meet the diverse needs of its clients. From wealth management and investment advisory to asset protection and lending solutions, the bank offers comprehensive financial strategies designed to optimize the financial well-being of its clients.

However, there is a twist to this apparent dedication to customer interests: Banque Blanc sometimes prioritizes its own interests rather than the financial well-being of the customer. Despite the appearance of providing comprehensive and customized financial solutions, there may be instances where decisions are made that serve the bank's interests more than the customer's welfare.

The Blanc Charitable Foundation

As part of their commitment to social responsibility and giving back to the community, the Blanc family, through their private banking business, Banque Blanc, established the Blanc Charitable Foundation. The foundation aims to support various causes and organizations that are dedicated to making a positive impact in society. With a focus on philanthropy and humanitarian efforts, the Blanc Charitable Foundation strives to create lasting change and improve the lives of individuals and communities in need.
Further Lore
  1. The Blanc Family Heirloom Necklace: Passed down through generations, this exquisite necklace features a delicate chain adorned with a white fox-shaped pendant, encrusted with precious pink gemstones. It symbolizes the family's heritage, grace, and nobility.​
  2. The Blanc Family Crest Ring: A signet ring with the Blanc family crest engraved on it, showcasing the white fox with pink eyes. This ring is often worn by the head of the family and serves as a symbol of authority and lineage.​
  3. The Blanc Family Chronicle: A meticulously kept leather-bound book chronicling the history, accomplishments, and notable events of the Blanc family over the centuries. It is a treasured piece of their legacy, passed down to each new head of the family.​
  4. The Blanc Family Vintage Champagne Bottle: An exceptionally rare and well-preserved bottle of Blanc Vineyards & Cellars' vintage champagne from many decades ago. This bottle serves as a reminder of the family's expertise in winemaking and their commitment to producing exceptional champagnes.​
  5. The Blanc Family Crested Letter Opener: A finely crafted letter opener featuring the Blanc family crest on the hilt. This elegant tool is used to open important correspondence and holds significance as a symbol of the family's refined tastes and attention to detail.​
  6. The Blanc Family Ancestral Portrait: A large and intricate oil painting that depicts the family's ancestors in elaborate garments and majestic poses. This portrait hangs prominently in the grand hall of the Blanc estate, serving as a reminder of the family's rich history and the accomplishments of their forebearers.​
  7. The Blanc Family Sealed Treaty: An ancient treaty signed by the Blanc family and other noble houses, solidifying alliances and agreements. The treaty is meticulously sealed in a glass case and displayed in a secured room, a testament to the family's longstanding influence and connections.​
  8. The Blanc Family Crested Dagger: A ceremonial dagger with the Blanc family crest engraved on the hilt. It is traditionally presented to the head of the family during important events and ceremonies, representing the family's protection and vigilance.​
  9. The Blanc Family Fine Art Collection: A gallery of paintings and sculptures acquired by the Blanc family over the years, showcasing their support for the arts and the region's cultural heritage. The collection includes works by renowned artists and reflects the family's refined taste in aesthetics.​

  10. The Blanc Family Golden Quill: An exquisite golden quill pen, passed down from generation to generation, used by family members to sign important documents and correspondences. The quill represents the family's commitment to intellect, diplomacy, and written communication.​


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The men of the Blanc household possess impressive stature and athleticism, complemented by their captivating fox-like eye shape. They are endowed with favorable genetic traits that contribute to their muscular physique, striking blue eyes, and lustrous light-colored hair.

The women belonging to the Blanc family display grace and elegance in their petite stature, showcasing slender and well-proportioned bodies with a charming fox eye shape. Like their male counterparts, they too possess captivating blue eyes and a delightful mane of light-colored hair, adding to their allure.

Blanc Family Characteristics
  1. Elegance and Grace: Members of House Blanc are known for their refined manners, poise, and impeccable etiquette. They carry themselves with grace and dignity, leaving a lasting impression on everyone they meet.

  2. Intellectual Curiosity: The Blancs value knowledge and intellectual pursuits. They engage in stimulating conversations and are well-read on a wide range of topics. Their genuine curiosity and love for learning make them excellent conversationalists.

  3. Wealth and Opulence: House Blanc is renowned for their immense wealth and luxurious lifestyle. They enjoy the finest things in life, hosting extravagant parties and indulging in high-end fashion, jewelry, and other lavish indulgences.

  4. Noble Values: The Blanc family upholds traditional noble values such as honor, loyalty, and integrity. They take pride in their family legacy and work diligently to maintain their reputation as esteemed nobles.

  5. Business Acumen: House Blanc has a strong entrepreneurial spirit, evident in their successful ventures in banking, fur trade, champagne production, and tobacco. They are astute in financial matters and have a reputation for making sound business decisions.

  6. Strong Family Bonds: The Blancs value family above all else, and their family ties are close-knit. They support and protect one another, ensuring the well-being and prosperity of the family as a whole.

  7. Fox-like Eyes: A distinctive characteristic of House Blanc is their captivating blue eyes with a fox-like shape. This trait is considered a family hallmark and is often passed down through generations.

  8. Artistic Appreciation: The Blancs have a keen appreciation for the arts, and their estate is adorned with a diverse collection of paintings, sculptures, and other creative works. They patronize local artists and contribute to the cultural enrichment of their region.

  9. Generosity and Philanthropy: Despite their opulent lifestyle, the Blanc family is known for their philanthropic efforts. Through the Blanc Charitable Foundation and other initiatives, they actively contribute to various causes and organizations, aiming to make a positive impact in society.

  10. Dedicated Guards and Staff: The Blanc family is protected by an elite team of highly trained guards from Blanc Sécurité. Additionally, they have a dedicated staff that includes servants, a cook, and designers, ensuring the smooth running of their estate and events.
Overall, House Blanc exudes an air of regal sophistication and embodies the ideals of nobility and prosperity, making them a prominent and influential presence in their region.


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Family Members

Patriarch -
Count Louie Blanc, 23yo (WoodsToxic)
Sister of Louie
- Countess Marie Blanc, 22yo (xWhitePearl)


Ingame Name:
Character Name:
Nobility Experience (ooc):
Relation to Louie and Marie:


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Family Staff
As mentioned; each member of the team undergoes extensive physical and mental preparation, honing their combat skills, enhancing their situational awareness, and perfecting their reflexes. So we have a guidelines to lead you through a proper roleplay as a member of the staff.

  1. Roleplay Commitment: House guards should be dedicated to maintaining the immersive roleplay experience. Stay in character while on duty and interact with other players accordingly, keeping in mind the medieval setting and the hierarchical structure of the noble house.
  2. Loyalty and Obedience: House guards should demonstrate unwavering loyalty to the noble house and its leaders. Follow the orders of higher-ranking family members or designated commanders. Cooperate with fellow guards to ensure the safety and security of the house.
  3. Professional Conduct: Conduct yourself professionally and respectfully at all times. Avoid engaging in disruptive or disrespectful behavior towards other players, including players from other noble houses. Remember that you represent the noble house and should uphold its reputation.
  4. Understanding Roles: Familiarize yourself with the roles and responsibilities of being a house guard. This includes protecting the noble house and its assets, ensuring the safety of family members and guests, patrolling the premises, and responding to security threats.
  5. PvP and Combat Guidelines: When engaging in PvP (Player vs. Player) or combat situations, adhere to the server's combat rules and guidelines. Avoid engaging in unfair or unsportsmanlike behavior. Encourage fair play and honorable combat.
  6. Communication: Maintain clear and effective communication with other guards and the noble family. Coordinate patrol schedules, security measures, and response strategies. Utilize appropriate in-game chat channels or external communication platforms to stay connected.
  7. OOC Separation: Maintain a clear distinction between in-character (IC) and out-of-character (OOC) interactions. Use appropriate OOC markers or channels to clarify when you are speaking as a player rather than as a guard. Avoid metagaming or power gaming, and do not abuse your role as a guard for personal gain.
  8. Training and Improvement: Strive to improve your skills as a guard through practice and training. Familiarize yourself with the server's combat mechanics, learn effective strategies, and engage in combat-oriented events or mini-games. Share knowledge and techniques with fellow guards to enhance the overall capabilities of the guard force.
  9. Adaptability and Alertness: Remain vigilant and adaptable to changing situations. Be proactive in identifying potential security risks and reporting them to the appropriate authorities. Stay updated on the current political climate, alliances, and rivalries within the server to better serve and protect the noble house.
  10. Have Fun: Remember that, above all, the roleplay Minecraft server is meant to be an enjoyable experience. Embrace the role of a house guard, immerse yourself in the medieval world, and actively contribute to the dynamic narrative of the noble house.


Ingame Name:
Character Name:
Nobility Experience:


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