Blue Blood Noble Family House Blàrach


Mar 27, 2020
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"Be happy while you are living, For you're a long time dead."



House Name: Blàrach |»

Religion: Celik Old Gods / Selbarad |»

Culture: Gallovian with Aontaithe Influences |»

House Colours: Vermillion red, and Satin Sheen Gold |»

Main Trade: Logging and Whisky |»

Values: Militarism, Nationalism, Bravery in Battle, Honesty, Responsibility |»

Titles: Countess of Atherdin - Currently held by Natharia Blàrach |»

Symbols: Gallovian Black Bear, Wolves, Nature/Mountains, Feasts, Whisky |»



"To be brave, is o fight with honour."
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~{⚔️| House Blàrach originally became aristocratic back when Velheim invaders came to Clannadh-Alba, where Leagsaidh Blàrach after the war hero was recognised by the empire for her strong military prowess and elegance. It has had many name changes in the years, the most recent being Mac Conall before the current Matriarch Natharia Blàrach changed it back to its roots. The family focuses on militaristic values and hopes to spread the Selbarad message. |}~

~{⚔️| The family seat is held in Atherdin, a coastal county in Clannadh-Alba where trade of the logging and whisky can be controlled with ease and a strong navy is stationed and an even stronger army on land. Atherdin is a beautiful county, with high mountains and low valleys covered in nature that allows for hunters and travellers to experience the wildness of Gallovia. |}~





~{⚔️| All of the members of House Blàrach are raised up in the family seat before normally being sent off to a military school that showcases their best talents - whether navy or army for perfect training or to be a high rank in any military division.. Family members are proud to show their cultural roots, often displaying such in their clothes and not hiding their accents. As well as this, they are proud to show off their religion of Selbarad to those who are inexperienced and unknowing. |}~

~{⚔️| Each member has bright ginger hair and a shade of blue for their eyes - a trait many are honoured to have. Men are tall, reaching up to six foot 4 inches (195 cm) and women can reach up to six feet (182 cm), paired with the height, both men and women have athletic bodies with clothes that display such nicely yet conservative as to not show too much skin. Only if an honourable injury prevents a family member from training physically that they will be smaller on average. |}~


Note: Family members can be added/changed depending on applications. Each can be applied for or added and none have set descriptions or ages.

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↪Natharia Shona Mac Atherdin Màthair a' Blàrach |»

~{⚔️| The current Matriarch of the family, Countess of Atherdin. Having held many positions in the Regalian Government and Military as a General, she is currently enjoying a fairly peaceful life in the city.. Waiting for war again so she can display her military prowess on the field. |}~

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Finnidh Eanraig Mac Atherdin Uí Blárach |»

~{⚔️| The brother of the current Matriarch. The current 'black sheep' of the family as he rules the Gallovian seas as an Admiral - strange as most Blàrach's get sea sick. An incredible fighter and smart sailor in his own right.

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~{⚔️| I will be strict on applications. This is purely due to roleplay style and ambition to play. Preferably, this should be your main character or joint secondary character (played a few times a week alongside your other character). As well as this, it is a Blue-Blooded house and consequences for the entire family are possible. DM me on Discord if you have any questions: maeovika#0100|}~

↪ IGN:
↪ Preferred Character / New Character Name:
↪ Character Concept:
↪ RP Weaknesses: (Be honest, I will not judge)
↪ RP Strengths: (E.g. Combat roleplay)
↪ Player References: (If not discussed with myself before hand)
↪ Reason for Applying: (Why do you want to make a Blàrach? Interest or something else? Just be honest)

Aesthetics by @MidnightRey

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