Blue Blood Noble Family House Belrose


confused child
Nov 13, 2015
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NAME | House Belrose
MATRIARCH | Countess Auriane Belrose
HOLDINGS | County of Divais, Vixhall​
RACES | Ailor and Teledden
CULTURE | Haute Ithanian​
RELIGION | Dogmatic Unionism
PATRONS | Ness and Eora, Elia and Leona, Neall and Nolven​
OCCUPATIONS | Wine Merchants, Lancyon Knights, Socialites
COLORS | Dark Pink, Baby Pink, White
SYMBOLS | Roses, Grape Vines, Knights
MOTTO | "S'épanouir par la foi."


FAITH | The Belroses are a Dogmatic Unionist family, and it is ingrained in them that there is no greater purpose than devoting oneself to the Great Way. This often manifests as a deep dedication to duty: whether as a Knight, a vintner, or in politics. In every action a Belrose takes, they are meant to think if it will benefit the Empire (but who is to say how often this truly happens). The deep ties to the Viridian's Lancyon Chapter also mean that while they are typically staunch Unionists, there is basic respect for other faiths, as long as they are pro-Empire.

UNITY | Image is of great importance to the Belroses, and so in public, a united front is always shown. Behind closed doors, it is expected one takes the time to communicate with and support their family, so that this harmony is truly achieved. A Belrose should not feel that their family is an obligation, but that it is a privilege.

PLEASURE | What true purpose is there in pursuing wealth and power if you don't take a moment to enjoy it? Hailing from the land of gossip and partying, and being Ithanian, it is only natural that the Belroses enjoy indulging in all the things high-class life has to offer.​


family tree

Lucienne Belrose (NPC) | The former matriarch of House Belrose, Lucienne was a knight of the Lancyon Chapter. She was a stern, but kind, woman, and much of her reign was defined by increasing her land, and family's, piety. After years of declining health, she passed away in 309 A.C.

Stefan Belrose (NPC) | Lucienne's faithful husband of 30 years, and the current head of the Belroses' wine business, Château Cérilly. Stefan was his wife's biggest supporter, and was the secret to her success as Countess. Still struggling with his wife's death, the once vibrant man has lost his sparkle, but his dedication to his family remains.​

Florentine Belrose (NPC) | The eldest and first born daughter of Lucienne and Stefan, Florentine is a Lancyon, like her mother. Florentine recently abdicated the title to her sister, Auriane, under obscure circumstances. Rumor has it that she is holding true to her code and guarding Unionist priests in Westwynd.

Auriane Belrose (@Numbless) | The second-born Belrose, Auriane is a diplomat by trade, and a socialite by nature. Having unexpectedly inherited the title, she is striving to lead her family in a positive direction, despite feeling unprepared. A generally kind, upbeat woman who is trying to balance her familial duties and her social life.

Timothée Belrose (NPC) | The fourth born child, and only son of Lucienne's. He currently resides in Cérilly under the care of his father and a host of nannies. Due to the instability of the family in recent years, Timothée's future remains undecided. He is said to be a relatively quiet, but kind child.​

Elarir Gervais Talthanae Bel-Castellajoux (NPC) | An Ithanian Lanlath court-mage who met Lucienne during her time spent serving in Havenreach. An innocent friendship that turned into a second marriage, allowed by Ithanian law and custom, Elarir now assists in the governance of Divais.

Neomie Belrose (@Gabigailll) | The third-born, but first and only child of Lucienne and Elarir. Thanks to her half-Lanlath heritage, Neomie was born with an Exist Magespark. When her magic began to manifest, she caught the eye of the Aelrrigan Order, and was taken in as a trainee. She is the first Belrose in nearly a century to be a Knight outside of the Viridian's Lancyon Chapter.


The Belroses got their start when Véronique Belrose and her husband, Andrien, migrated to Vixhall in 150 AC. The couple were both devout Unionists of the now extinct Priscelle Sect, and jumped at the opportunity to integrate further into the Empire. They would find great fortune during the Ithanian Gem Boom, and with their new-found riches, bought the land now known as Divais. Upon discovering the lands were fertile, the couple planted the first of many vineyards and established the family's wine business, Château Cérilly. As decades passed, the wealth generated by the winery allowed the couple to develop the region, and their efforts were rewarded with ennoblement by Emperor Handorien I in 180 A.C. To celebrate this accomplishment, and show the family's gratitude to the empire, the family converted to Dogmatic Unionism, with Véronique sending her grandson to become a Knight of the Lancyon Chapter, long before it was incorporated into the Viridian Order.

Fast forward to present day, the tradition of sending Belrose children to become members of the now Viridian Lancyon chapter persists, with deviance from the norm few and far between. While Château Cérilly remains prosperous, the family's inner stability, and therefore the governance of Cérilly, has degraded. Lucienne Belrose's illness persisted for two years before culminating in her death in 309 A.C. The sudden ascension of her eldest daughter offered a brief reprieve, but as quickly as Florentine assumed the mantle, she abdicated in the spring of 311 A.C. Being the new Countess of Cérilly, Auriane is determined to finally provide her family the stability it so desperately needs, and establish the House's legacy in Regalia.​



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credit: @WildRoze for the crest and divider!
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