House Be'ha-sai


Flower Goblin
May 22, 2016
Reaction score


House Colors: Red & Blue
Culture: Sihai - Multiple Dynasties
Religion: Loong Dragons
Family Trade: Alcohol & Piracy & Merchant Work



The Be'ha-sai Clan is a variety of Sihai families that are allied under a variety of marriages, deals, and business deals. The Clan is filled with three main families who are intertwined in some way and has been for several years since the original Be'ha-sai alliance in the upper caste system.

More TBA.


Physical Characteristics
Most males and females tend to take up whichever lunar cycle they feel appeals to them, however, in such dynasties such as common and war, they take upon the normal appearance that most Sihai has.

Mental Characteristics
Mentally they tend to be more impish in nature, favoring trickery and humor along with an underlying stubbornness that they all have. However, they do stick to their values and natural personalities given by the lunar cycles that they choose to have. They are a tight bunch that sticks with family when it comes down to it. The family tends to also encourage the trickster behavior which seems to make it worse with each generation.


Be-ge'an - Father to the Mainline - 74 - Not Playable - War Dynasty
Ing'ean - Mother to the Mainline - 69 - Not Playable - Greater Dynasty

Rae-ha'i - Eldest Daughter - 38 - Played by @Betel_ - War Dynasty
Hachi - Eldest Son - 34 - Played by @HereticTakao - Frivolous Dynasty
Kai-si'en - Second Eldest Daughter - 32 - Played by @Nesstro - War Dynasty
Feu'an - Son - 28 - @TheMoistestMan - Frivolous
An-jae'e - Youngest Daughter - 25 - @NoRezForYou - Lova/War Dynasty
Jae'an-ha - Brother to Ing'ean - 67 - @KrakenLord01 - Frivolous Dynasty
Li-m'ing - Eldest Daughter - 45 - Playable - Common Dynasty
Other Siblings TBA younger than 45.
Write in a sibling!
Wae-Ja'ha - Sister to Be-ge'an - 70 - Not Playable - War Dynasty
Ckai'see - Eldest Son - 48 - Playable - Pick-a-Dynasty
Other Siblings TBA younger than 48.
Write in a sibling!


I will accept write in characters to cousin lines but mainline would have to heavily be discussed.
Bans, Jails, Mutes?:
Knowledge on Sihai Lore:
Character Name:
Child/Related to?:
Tag @Nesstro

Feel free to message me over discord if you wish to discuss ideas!
My discord:
Last edited:
IGN: KrakenLord01
Bans, Jails, Mutes?: N/A
Timezone: Eastern Standard
Discord: KrakenLord01#5266
Character Name: Jae'an-ha
Personality: Calm and jovial with those he cares about, though also goofy and not afraid to have a good time. He prioritizes wisdom and cunning over raw strength, always trying to resort to nonviolent solutions to an obstacle or threat.
Child/Related to?: Brother to Ing'ean
Tag @Nesstro
Also added something on to the application area, forgot to put it on there but don't be shy to apply if you don't know a lot. I'm willing to help people with the Sihai lore!
IGN: Find out IC
Timezone: AWST
Discord: You got it B
Knowledge on Sihai Lore: 8/10
Character Name: An-jae'e Be'ha-sai (May request minor change of name)
Personality: Whilst managing to integrate rather comfortably within the folds of the devious family she found her self birthed in, her heart lays a little more on the 'lawful' side of things, desiring nothing more than the approval of her peers despite how uncomfortable it may make her. Whilst not exactly shy nor one to worm out from a challenge, she'd have a preference to observe and maintain a good step away from all that lurks around her to maintain a level head. The Sihai find themselves more or less lost in a soul searching loop, whilst bipolar in her Dynasty, her faith remains strong & true, whilst not zealot enough to preach the word of her beliefs, she'd hold nothing else closer to her heart.
Child/Related to?: Mainline child
Tag @Nesstro
IGN: TheMoistestMan
Bans, Jails, Mutes?: Never
Timezone: EST
Discord: You got it
Knowledge on Sihai Lore: 5/10 but getting better!
Character Name: Feu'an
Personality: Will discuss over Disc!
Child/Related to?: Mainline
Tag @Nesstro