Blue Blood Noble Family House Avethiä


The puffiest damn pigeon of them all..
Feb 26, 2017
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The Empire of the Great Jin
Roleplay Guilds
Hightower, Vindicators
Art by Ishutani on DeviantArt


Family Name | Avethiä
Heritage & Culture | Lanlath
Religion | Estelley - Without Exception

Household Sigil | An open tome encircled by a wreath of fire. Sun feathers fan out from behind it.
Household Colors | Beige, auburn red, and white.
Family Values | Faith, Legacy, Conduct, Radiance
House Origin | He'ilicinyä, Lathan
Language | Ïsursa'ïos, The God-Written Tongue (Altalar)

Trade | Magical Academia (Mages, Arcanologists, Scholars)
Titles | None in Regalia (Honorable)
Family Classification | Grey Family
Family Ties | House Felariell, House di Epostella (Rilynnlues)


Historical Background

House Avethiä had its start in Allorn Empire, spearheaded by the achievements of an Archmage known as Ulsaana the Devouring Element. She established herself in the eyes of the Empire as a worthy vassal of Empress Talea by not only her power, but the incredible precision and intelligence by which she carried out her fiery destruction in the name of glorious conquest and usurpation. These terrifying and hard to remember roots would go on to inform the way House Avethiä places importance in rulers; to reject the idea of Mage-rule that was pervasive at the time. To this day, each and every subsequent patriarch/matriarch would inherit Sol Ulsaana's element in some form.

House Avethiä would not be among the first to reconsider its allegiance. It was not because of moral revulsion in the erasure and subjugation of various peoples did they betray the Empire, but rather the religious and societal decay the household's active Sol Anhes observed as scores of peers descended into pure hedonism and cults of Evolism. Indeed, it would take another generation before hearts truly felt something for what else was wrong with the Allorn Empire. Nevertheless, Sol Anhes was assured his noble household would not be leaving behind its prestige upon crossing over into Lathan.

Over generations, House Avethiä's inhabitants would be changed by Lathan's Essence - the place of Grace - and molded by the hands of Leyon himself into Lanlath - those who were given grace. Its contributions to Lanlath homeworld's society would come in the form of the establishment, sponsorship, and upkeep of many centers of learning.

Most of its members were and are still wholly content with staying isolated out of Aloria, but some members today choose a more outgoing lifestyle by being among the first to step foot in and contribute to it in their own various ways.


Familial Upbringing

As a rule, members of House Avethiä are pushed to be self-assured and intelligent in order to be considered worthy of being heard from, leading to a culture of neglect for those who don't fit the mold. This has resulted in family members who tend to be stern and domineering as common traits. Though exceptions are bound to exist, being the pure antithesis is not accepted. Otherwise, this lineage is tightly knit, keeps marvelous records, and members tend to look out for one another.

Core Values
  • Faith: To worship as a pious Estellian and make earnest efforts to ascend as one.
  • Legacy: To remember and represent the excellence of passed generations.
  • Conduct: To exemplify the poise expected of such a legacy with intelligence and even temper.
  • Radiance: To champion the responsible practice of Radiant Magic and remove Sinistral agents from our midst.

Family Overview

[NPC] Sol Ulsaana "the Devouring Element" Valuna Avethiä Bel-Thellassia | Age: > 5000 | Status: Revenant | The first Sol and grandmatriarch. Though mostly inactive, Ulsaana continues to lord over her family in the form of a feared and revered wraith. Ancient and with pieces of her mind missing, she is obsessed with ensuring her household is eternal in whatever form it happens to be in today. She may offer guidance to the living, but in a way most are very unlikely to understand, let alone accept.

[ @PuffyPigeon ] Sol Vaéros Na'ael Avethiä Avaal Bel-He'ilicinyä Lathai | Age: 334 | Status: Alive | The current patriarch; a stern and pragmatic man with a terrible secret. Vaéros' right to exist was earned by mortal Istrissa and his life granted by the goddess Sapphora herself. He works as a paladin of Justice known as Corahaunt, the Inulvaan of Conflagration, but otherwise keeps this identity close to his chest as he peruses more diplomatic ambitions.

◉ | Relation Option 1: Half-siblings (~325-333 years), children (~210 years), grandchildren (~100 or less years old).
◉ | Relation Option 2: Cousins, nieces/nephews, grandnieces/nephews.
[ @Nirnro0t ] Eys'ella Ohtli Avethiä Bel-Vashaäel Lathai | Age: 32 | Status: Alive | A caring healer and warrior just rearing her head from the safety and familiarity of Lathan. Adopted as an infant, she hopes to discover, do right by, and enact the will of her unique birth status as an Arkenborn of Justice whilst uncovering all Aloria has to offer. She is the Sol's great-granddaughter.

⬦◉ || Sol (Count) of He'ilicinyä
⬦| He'ilicinyä is a province within the Lanlath Empire in a separate Dimension called Lathan. This title is not relevant as far as the Regalian Empire is concerned, but may have importance to some characters.
◦ Is your character a Lanlath from Lathan? They may be familiar with house Avethiä in any number of ways.
◦ Is your character a Lanlath or Leyon worshipper? They may feel compelled to acknowledge Lanlath nobility and in doing so, may receive favors.
⬦◉ || Pious Estellians
⬦| House Avethiä is staunchly Estelley faithful and champions the art of Radiant Magic.
◦ The Sol (patriarch) can be convinced to fund the projects and ambitions of causes he believes align with his.
◦ House Avethiä is likely to lend its support to Estelley faithful, elves, Ithanians and political progressives.
⬦◉ || Academic Giants
⬦| House Avethiä has established and contributed to a number of educational institutions within Lathan with respect to Aseia, the Great Librarian. Its current Sol has been in various leadership positions for then dean of a college for 112 years.
◦ Has your character achieved their education in Lathan? They may be familiar with house Avethiä or even have attended their college.
◦ Is your character a worshiper of Aseia or a member of the Scribe Order? They may respect and/or stand to gain something from house Avethiä.
⬦◉ || Curious Visitors
⬦| Members of Avethiä are quite curious about the ways of the peculiar peoples they find themselves surrounded by outside of Lathan. While some of them have been in Aloria for longer than others, they still look onto the world with a detached and alien mindset.
◦ Is your character eager to share the beauty of their culture? Some members of Avethiä may be attracted to the novelty.


OOC Family Guidelines

Interested in playing a member? Here are a few things to keep in mind:
◉ | Your character must be loyal to the family, Estelley, and Lathan Empire values.
This family is not open to closeted traitors.
◉ | Your character must be Lanlath or half-Lanlath.
But not necessarily Lanlath dominant. Slizzar are tentatively accepted.
Accepted: Yanar, all Elves excluding Kathar, Urlan (Accidental/Violent Symbiosis)
◉ | No more Godborn or Arkenborn.
We've got enough.
◉ | You must be very familiar with the lore.
Help is always offered!
Character Application Format
Currently: OPEN

Direct message PuffyPigeon#8512 with your character pitch.

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House Avethiä

Court Staff & Guard

Closed for now.
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