House Alaire

Minecraft Username: KeikoPima
OOC Age: 16
Character You're Applying For: Dietmar Alaire
Discord: You already have it ;)
Minecraft Username: ojosdelsol
OOC Age: 15.
Character You're Applying For: Eulalie Alaire.
Skype/Discord [Discord is Required]: ojosdelsol#3400
Minecraft Username: Eimyrja
OOC Age: 19
Character You're Applying For: Patience Alaire
Skype/Discord [Discord is Required]: Already in the House Alaire chat
Would you be open to have one of your family members body snatched and impersonated by a Slizzar trying to infiltrate the Regalian nobility?
Minecraft Username: xiyaa
OOC Age: Soon to be freshman 14 y/o :)
Character You're Applying For: Filia Alaire - 28 y/o
Skype/Discord: Amaryllis#6344
