House Ahearna


Iadrik Linsdottir
Oct 12, 2016
Reaction score
United States of America
Roleplay Guilds
The Hidden Dragon

Basic Information

Culture: Claith Ailor.
Class: Wealthy commoner.
Colors: Blue and Gold.
Animal: Capa Rabbit.
Trade: Trade shipments across the ocean. Mainly ship Claith emeralds, Daendroque lumber, and Etosian attire.


Traits and Visuals

The family carries two eye colors (blue and green) and two hair colors (auburn and brown). Both females and males often have an average or above average build and their skin is almost always pale or olive-toned. Their clothing resembles the house colors and may bear small trinkets from their past travels.


Businesses and Establishments



Family History

The Ahearna story begins on the Eriu-Innis Isles, with a man by the name of Lugh Ahearna. They lived in the port of Silledimmach until their family had five deaths in the same year, each due to a different reason. Lugh Ahearna scooped up Caoimhe and Neall, who were merely children, and took those of the family who wished to go with. Soon, the family found themselves in Daenshore and stayed there for a number of years. When they grew tired of mistreatment from the elves, those who wanted to leave did, and they made an appearance in Etosil. There, the rest of the family stayed, except for Lugh, Cearul, and Caoimhe. The trio headed off to Regalia, where they would set up base and Lugh began to grow their trade company, choosing one profitable item from each place he'd called 'home' to sell. Emeralds from Eriu-Innis, lumber from Daenshore, and attire from Etosil.


Family Members

Played - Available - Deceased

(73) Lugh Ahearna I - Previous patriarch. Lugh II and Gealbhan's father. - Deceased
(76) Visna Ahearna - Lugh I's wife. Mother to Lugh II and Gealbhan. - Deceased

(55) Lugh Ahearna II - Current patriarch. Son to Lugh I. Husband of Ashling. Father to Cait and siblings. - @ParisaPax
(56) Ashling Ahearna - Wife of Lugh. Mother to Cait and siblings. - Deceased

(42) Malachy Ahearna - Husband to Cait. Father to Cain and siblings. - Deceased
(41) Cait Ahearna - Daughter to Lugh. Mother to Cain and siblings. Wife to Malachy. - Deceased

(39) Ronan Ahearna - Son to Lugh. Erin's husband and father to Turlough and siblings. - Available
(40) Erin Ahearna - Ronan's wife and mother to Turlough and siblings. - Deceased

(36) Cearul Ahearna - Son to Lugh. Brother to Cait and Ronan. - Coming Soon.

(25) Derek Ahearna - Son to Malachy and Cait. Father to Luke. - @XPONCEFTWX
(28) Jeanne Ahearna - Ithanian Wife to Cian Ahearna. Mother to Derek. - Available

(9) Luke Ahearna - Son to Derek and Jeanne. - Available

(24) Neall Ahearna - Son to Malachy and Cait. - @GamingLeopurred
(24) Caoimhe Ahearna - Daughter to Malachy and Cait. - @ParisaPax
(22) Emmet Ahearna - Son to Malachy and Cait. - Available
(20) Maoliosa Ahearna - Daughter to Malachy and Cait. - Deceased

(21) Turlough Ahearna - Son to Ronan. Cousin to Cian and siblings. - Available
(19) Orchid Ahearna - Daen Wife to Turlough. - Available

(20) Shammus O'Bryant Ahearna - Son to Ronan. Cousin to Cian and siblings. - @Zombiel3ait
(17) Sine Ahearna - Daughter to Ronan. Cousin to Cian and siblings. - @Ailethi
(15) Sionnach Ahearna - Son to Ronan. Cousin to Cian and siblings. - @TheHufflePug
(50) Gealbhan Ahearna - Son to Lugh I. Husband to Ynghildr. Father to Finnoula and siblings. Uncle to Cait and siblings. - Available
(45) Ynghildr Ahearna - Wife to Gealbhan. Mother to Finnoula and siblings. Aunt to Cait and siblings. Velheimer. - Available

(31) Bolivar De Avila - Husband to Finnoula. Father to Quiteria. Dressolini. - Available
(25) Finnoula De Avila - Daughter to Gealbhan. Wife to Bolivar. Mother to Quiteria. - Available
(6) Quiteria De Avila - Daughter to Bolivar. - Available

(23) Ilmr Ahearna - Daughter to Gealbhan. - Available
(22) Veronique Ahearna - Daughter to Gealbhan. - Available
(20) Kolberna Ahearna - Son to Gealbhan. - Available

(47) Hosea Ahearna - Husband to Philomene. Father to Zacharie. Ithanian. - Available
(42) Philomene Ahearna - Daughter to Lugh I. Wife to Hosea. Mother to Zacharie. - Available

(21) Zacharie Ahearna - Son to Hosea. Husband to Priscilla. - Available
(21) Priscilla Ahearna - Wife to Zacharie. Colonial. - Available

Family Application

Desired Character:
Character Vision:
Why the Ahearna family?:
Past Punishments:

Staff Application


As a Court Bard for the Ahearna family, you are expected to play at any event the Ahearnas wish you to, and you will be paid accordingly. Payment is discussed OOC with @ParisaPax.
Character Name:
Music Type:
Two Example Songs:
Why House Ahearna?:
Proficiency Points:
Character Application:
IC Letter to the Ahearna family:

Playing a House Guard is meant for the protection of the family, of course, but the guards are also seen as an extension of the family, and are treated accordingly. Payment is discussed OOC with @ParisaPax.
Character Name:
Why House Ahearna?
Proficiency Points:
Character Application:
IC Letter to the Ahearna family:

First Attendants can become very close friends with those members they serve individually, and are expected to attend every possible event held at one of the Ahearna homes. Payment is discussed OOC with @ParisaPax.
Character Name:
Why House Ahearna?
Character Application:
IC Letter to the Ahearna family:

The position of Bartender is not meant to run a bar, rather to serve drinks for free at the Ahearna parties. Payment is discussed OOC with @ParisaPax.
Character Name:
Why House Ahearna?:
Character Application:
IC Letter to the Ahearna family:


1. I retain the right to strip you of your character at any time, for any reason.
2. You must be active.
3. General roleplay rules will be followed. No meta or powergaming.
Last edited:
IGN: GamingLeopurred
Desired character:
Neall Ahearna
Character Vision:
I envision Neall being like his sister Caoimhe and them going on adventures and being mischievous together.
Why the Ahearna family?:
I picked to be in the Ahearna family because of it's secretive past, it reminds me of murder mystery.
How active are you?:
I'm very active I'm on for eight hours or more.
Past Punishments?:
IGN: Ailethi

Desired character: Sine Ahearna

Character Vision: A goofy young girl who will love to dance around and sing with her cousins and family. Overall a very light hearted child who tends to try to lighten up dark and heavy moods. Though she can be serious when needed.

Why the Ahearna family?: One, because I love you to bits (#no homo) and two, why not. I feel like it would be interesting to join into a non-noble family that already has more people playing.

How active are you?: Pretty active seeing it's the summer. Only time I refrain from getting on is sometimes the weekends if I'm busy.

Past Punishments?: Nada

Discord: Already have me <3
IGN: Ailethi

Desired character: Sine Ahearna

Character Vision: A goofy young girl who will love to dance around and sing with her cousins and family. Overall a very light hearted child who tends to try to lighten up dark and heavy moods. Though she can be serious when needed.

Why the Ahearna family?: One, because I love you to bits (#no homo) and two, why not. I feel like it would be interesting to join into a non-noble family that already has more people playing.

How active are you?: Pretty active seeing it's the summer. Only time I refrain from getting on is sometimes the weekends if I'm busy.

Past Punishments?: Nada

Discord: Already have me <3

IGN: GamingLeopurred
Desired character: Neall Ahearna
Character Vision: I envision Neall being like his sister Caoimhe and them going on adventures and being mischievous together.
Why the Ahearna family?: I picked to be in the Ahearna family because of it's secretive past, it reminds me of murder mystery.
How active are you?: I'm very active I'm on for eight hours or more.
Past Punishments?: None
Discord: GamingLeopurred#9294

IGN: CorrosGaming

Character Name: Argo dei Armellino

Music Type: Strings

Two Example Songs: Beauty of Regalia (by yours truly) Women of Ithania

Why House Ahearna?: Currently is just looking for a job in general to keep his money up, plus I know you PaxFriend :)

Experience: This is my... 3rd Bard Character. I played Zhou Tang, Azelgio Valetta, and now him.

Proficiency Points:
+10 Short Sword (10 Mariposa)
+10 Thin Blades (10 Mariposa)
+10 Acrobatics (10 Mariposa)
+5 Commanding Speech
+5 Battle Command
+5 General Command Cult:
+20 Instrumental (strings)
+10 Vocal (5 points from Culture)
Lang: Common, Dressalo, Alt-R, 5/10 D'Ithanie

Character Application: Making rn m8 :)

Availability: This June; None. After June. 2-3 hours a day maybe.

IC Letter to the Ahearna family:

To House Ahearna and its occupants,

I am new to the richer folk of Regalia, yet I have heard of your house upon the tongues of many a commoner. Though you be not noble, I hear you are wealthy and in need of staff. I would like to pledge myself to your house, as a duelist, ally and bard. Whether I be under you or with you I care not, only that my pockets are filled and my glass not empty. I will wait in the Ithanian District until such an answer.

Argo dei Armellino.
IGN: CorrosGaming

Character Name: Argo dei Armellino

Music Type: Strings

Two Example Songs: Beauty of Regalia (by yours truly) Women of Ithania

Why House Ahearna?: Currently is just looking for a job in general to keep his money up, plus I know you PaxFriend :)

Experience: This is my... 3rd Bard Character. I played Zhou Tang, Azelgio Valetta, and now him.

Proficiency Points:
+10 Short Sword (10 Mariposa)
+10 Thin Blades (10 Mariposa)
+10 Acrobatics (10 Mariposa)
+5 Commanding Speech
+5 Battle Command
+5 General Command Cult:
+20 Instrumental (strings)
+10 Vocal (5 points from Culture)
Lang: Common, Dressalo, Alt-R, 5/10 D'Ithanie

Character Application: Making rn m8 :)

Availability: This June; None. After June. 2-3 hours a day maybe.

IC Letter to the Ahearna family:

To House Ahearna and its occupants,

I am new to the richer folk of Regalia, yet I have heard of your house upon the tongues of many a commoner. Though you be not noble, I hear you are wealthy and in need of staff. I would like to pledge myself to your house, as a duelist, ally and bard. Whether I be under you or with you I care not, only that my pockets are filled and my glass not empty. I will wait in the Ithanian District until such an answer.

Argo dei Armellino.

Mister Argo dei Armellino,

House Ahearna sincerely thanks you for your interest in serving our members and we are ecstatic to meet you. If you would join myself and my uncle, Cearul Ahearna, at the Willow Tavern on June 4th, we will polish the details of your employment and finalize the decision. Considering you must be a busy man, write to me with a replacement date if the fourth does not suit your schedule. I am looking forward to hearing your music.

Once more, we are grateful for your letter and do hope for you to join the extension of our family.

Miss Caoimhe Ahearna

OOC: Second Letter

Lady Caoimhe Ahearna,

Many thanks for the opportunity with your house. I also was taught at Mariposa to duel and fight, if need be your House of protection. I do not specialize in combat, however, I am adept at it, enough to protect myself. I also know a bit of strategy if need be a commandment spot open.

Signed, Argo dei Armellino
IGN: SpudManDom
Desired Character: Ronan Ahearna
Character Vision: A spirited man for his age. He acts as that goofball uncle to his family but is a man of ambition and focus. He seeks to leave behind a legacy for his family and can act stoic on those serious topics.
Why the Ahearna family?: Is Irish and Pax
Activity: Very active at the moment (Exams are done) About 5 hours a day
Past Punishments: None
Discord: You have it
IGN: SpudManDom
Desired Character: Ronan Ahearna
Character Vision: A spirited man for his age. He acts as that goofball uncle to his family but is a man of ambition and focus. He seeks to leave behind a legacy for his family and can act stoic on those serious topics.
Why the Ahearna family?: Is Irish and Pax
Activity: Very active at the moment (Exams are done) About 5 hours a day
Past Punishments: None
Discord: You have it
Desired Character:Derek Ahearna
Character Vision: Strong mold that can hold the family together in times of crisis
Why the Ahearna family?:Cause I know you and you asked nicely. :> Could also Ben pretty fun.
Activity: Pretty Active
Past Punishments: A lot lol you know them
Discord: You have it :D
Desired Character:Derek Ahearna
Character Vision: Strong mold that can hold the family together in times of crisis
Why the Ahearna family?:Cause I know you and you asked nicely. :> Could also Ben pretty fun.
Activity: Pretty Active
Past Punishments: A lot lol you know them
Discord: You have it :D
IGN: Cipherition
Character Name: Irise Reine
Why House Ahearna?: You advertised it in the Squad chat, and I want to play with friends n stuff (god that sounds cheesy as hell)
Experience: Played a house member before (that counts right?)
Character Application: I'M WORKING ON IT I SWEAR
Availability: Most of the time, unless otherwise specified or kidnapped
Letter: In regards to the Ahearna Employment Flyers,

It would be a honor to serve your house as a chef. I have experience cooking pastries and deserts, which I hope you will enjoy. Serving a house I believe would be a delightful experience, while also (hopefully) getting payed. I hope that you will accept my request to join the ranks of your staff.

Anxiously awaiting your reply,
Irise Reine
IGN: Cipherition
Character Name: Irise Reine
Why House Ahearna?: You advertised it in the Squad chat, and I want to play with friends n stuff (god that sounds cheesy as hell)
Experience: Played a house member before (that counts right?)
Character Application: I'M WORKING ON IT I SWEAR
Availability: Most of the time, unless otherwise specified or kidnapped
Letter: In regards to the Ahearna Employment Flyers,

It would be a honor to serve your house as a chef. I have experience cooking pastries and deserts, which I hope you will enjoy. Serving a house I believe would be a delightful experience, while also (hopefully) getting payed. I hope that you will accept my request to join the ranks of your staff.

Anxiously awaiting your reply,
Irise Reine
IGN: Nixces
Character Name: Richard Ewan Thornwell
Music Type: Vocal music, may add onto instrument proficiencies in the near future.
Two Example Songs: I assume this is for voice reference? If so here you are.
Song 1, Song 2
Why House Ahearna?: Just seems like something I'd have fun getting into.
Experience: Worked for and have played family members of all sorts of families including being apart of Howlester, Silevon, and Thornwell and Norwood before they ended. Worked for House Morgann and currently working for house Piergarten.
Proficiency Points:
  • +9 Dancing (+9 From Points)
  • +5 Stage Performance (+5 From Points)
  • +5 Vocal Music (+5 From Points)
Character Application: Richard Ewan Thornwell
Availability: About all the time, depends on my broken sleep schedule to be completely honest.
IC Letter to the Ahearna family:

To whomever this reaches,

Good day to you, I have taken great interest in hearing your lovely family is searching for someone of talents such as myself. I have such skills that you crave, i'm a talented actor, dancer, and singer. And I assure you you won't be disappointed if you promote me to entertain your lovely household.

-Sincerely, Richard Ewan Thornwell
IGN: Nixces
Character Name: Richard Ewan Thornwell
Music Type: Vocal music, may add onto instrument proficiencies in the near future.
Two Example Songs: I assume this is for voice reference? If so here you are.
Song 1, Song 2
Why House Ahearna?: Just seems like something I'd have fun getting into.
Experience: Worked for and have played family members of all sorts of families including being apart of Howlester, Silevon, and Thornwell and Norwood before they ended. Worked for House Morgann and currently working for house Piergarten.
Proficiency Points:
  • +9 Dancing (+9 From Points)
  • +5 Stage Performance (+5 From Points)
  • +5 Vocal Music (+5 From Points)
Character Application: Richard Ewan Thornwell
Availability: About all the time, depends on my broken sleep schedule to be completely honest.
IC Letter to the Ahearna family:

To whomever this reaches,

Good day to you, I have taken great interest in hearing your lovely family is searching for someone of talents such as myself. I have such skills that you crave, i'm a talented actor, dancer, and singer. And I assure you you won't be disappointed if you promote me to entertain your lovely household.

-Sincerely, Richard Ewan Thornwell
IGN: TheHufflePug
Desired Character: Devaughn Ahearna. Though if I could I'd like to change the name to Sionnach ;O?
Character Vision: If I can I'd like to talk to you about that over Discord ;D I have some things in mind.
Why the Ahearna family?: It seems like such a lIT family omg and the backstory sounds incredible, so much opportunity for awesome rOLEPLAY.
Activity: High, on pretty much every day.
Past Punishments: None ;D
Discord: You have it <3!
IGN: TheHufflePug
Desired Character: Devaughn Ahearna. Though if I could I'd like to change the name to Sionnach ;O?
Character Vision: If I can I'd like to talk to you about that over Discord ;D I have some things in mind.
Why the Ahearna family?: It seems like such a lIT family omg and the backstory sounds incredible, so much opportunity for awesome rOLEPLAY.
Activity: High, on pretty much every day.
Past Punishments: None ;D
Discord: You have it <3!
IGN: Zombiel3ait
Desired Character: Bryant Ahearna (Would desire to change if possible to Shammus O'Bryant Aherna or same without the O' part)
Character Vision: I use to play a Claith by the name of Eion O'Hanigan and would essentially desire to similarly design this character in such a way, with obvious familial differences; name differences, etc.

I'd have them be a older sibling style character, though still very 'rookie' and naive himself, at the age of twenty. He'd be a proud poet and lyrisist, writing famous songs from Eriu-Innis (whom I have actually written two of them), and his accented voice unique to the Core of the Empire and her people. The young man is fond of family, instruments, writing on all forms, though notably enjoys Altenburg whiskey a tad too much, and has a snarky attitude when provoked, while maintaining a gentle nature as the norm.
Why the Ahearna family?: It was recommended to me actually. My character Theodore Wolfgang Tyrannian encountered some of the house and I took interest.
Activity: While I tend to be on quite often, Theodore is undoubtedly my main. That being said, I'd probably play this character every other day if not once throughout a day, everyday.
Past Punishments: Looking Dashinhly Handsome
Discord: PM me and I'll provide it.
IGN: Zombiel3ait
Desired Character: Bryant Ahearna (Would desire to change if possible to Shammus O'Bryant Aherna or same without the O' part)
Character Vision: I use to play a Claith by the name of Eion O'Hanigan and would essentially desire to similarly design this character in such a way, with obvious familial differences; name differences, etc.

I'd have them be a older sibling style character, though still very 'rookie' and naive himself, at the age of twenty. He'd be a proud poet and lyrisist, writing famous songs from Eriu-Innis (whom I have actually written two of them), and his accented voice unique to the Core of the Empire and her people. The young man is fond of family, instruments, writing on all forms, though notably enjoys Altenburg whiskey a tad too much, and has a snarky attitude when provoked, while maintaining a gentle nature as the norm.
Why the Ahearna family?: It was recommended to me actually. My character Theodore Wolfgang Tyrannian encountered some of the house and I took interest.
Activity: While I tend to be on quite often, Theodore is undoubtedly my main. That being said, I'd probably play this character every other day if not once throughout a day, everyday.
Past Punishments: Looking Dashinhly Handsome
Discord: PM me and I'll provide it.