Blue Blood Noble Family House Abanweard


Stunning Orc
Aug 17, 2021
Reaction score

General Information
༺House Name༻ Abanweard (Ah-bahn-weh-rd)
༺Ancestral Seat༻ Pol Qat
༺Sigil༻ A blue heraldry with white Aaltaar Bok and red dragon
༺Motto༻ Nishi-khabu Dunnuya (My people's love is my strength)
༺Religion༻ Draconism/Unionism as a minority
༺Wealth༻ Aristocratic
༺Colours༻ Cerulean, Red and Bronze
༺Culture༻ Predominantly Kissut

The history of the Abanweard family is a testament to the resilience and indomitable spirit of the Eronidas themselves, tracing its origins back to the tumultuous period of the Exodus. As one of the ancient families that navigated the Sendrassian Strait to reach the Regalian Archipelago, the Abanweard clan's story begins with their ancestral ship, the Grendel's Pride. Under the command of Aelfric Abanweard, a figure of myth and legend within the family lore, they were among the first Eronidas to set foot on Regalian soil. Aelfric was said to possess a remarkable ability to commune with the strands of the future, guiding his vessel through storms and beasts that would have doomed other captains.

Upon their arrival, the Abanweards found themselves in Pannor, a land that was far from the promised fertile paradise. Confronted with barren salt flats and mineral-poor mountains, the family faced immediate hardship. Yet, it was their resolve and determination that allowed them not only to survive but to thrive. They became instrumental in protecting their fellow Eronidas as they cultivated and improved the land, significantly contributing to the region's agricultural development. The family's name, Abanweard meaning 'guardian of the mountain' in their Vaman tongue, symbolized their role in safeguarding the well-being of their kin and the lands they had adopted.

The turning point for the Abanweards came with their pivotal involvement in the political and military spheres of the Eronidas city-states and their relationship with the Anglian population. Documents from this era highlight the critical role played by members of the Abanweard family in bridging cultural gaps and fostering alliances between the Eronidas and Anglians, particularly through marriages and diplomatic ventures. This period saw figures like Eadric Abanweard working diligently to promote peace and mutual prosperity, earning the family significant prestige and influence.

The Abanweards with their deep roots in both Eronidas and Anglian cultures, became key figures in this integration process. Their lands, once barren became a symbol of the potential for unity and growth, leading to their future formal ennoblement. The ceremony steeped in both Eronidas and Anglian traditions, marked the beginning of the Abanweards' ascent to the noble echelons of the empire.

The family's noble status brought with it new challenges and opportunities. They expanded their territories and played a significant role in the military campaigns of the era, further cementing their position within the noble hierarchy. The story of Zorlin Abanweard, a renowned general who led Eronidas forces in several key battles, in particular Emperor Allestrain's campaign of Ashaven, is particularly notable. Her strategic genius and valor in combat were instrumental in several Regalian victories, earning the family further accolades and honors. Even, today some of her offspring have established themselves well in Ashaven as a reckoning force.

That period of military valor soon shifted with the passing of Zorlin where hersuccessor tried to keep the momentum going, but failed as the family sunk. The Abanweards would only blossom when Aethelwine Abanweard would take over. They were known for their contributions to the cultural and intellectual life of the Regalian Empire, educating people in engineering with seminars hosted at the Scholar's Court for Advancement, where she was a major sponsor and graduate. They established academies and libraries as, promoting education and the arts among the Eronidas and wider Regalian society. This period of cultural patronage was led by Aethelwine Abanweard, a scholar and patron of the arts, who believed in the power of knowledge and culture to bring disparate peoples together.

Today, the Abanweard family remains a prominent force in Regalian society, with many cadet lines continuing to uphold the family's traditions and values. One such line, the Daiasige line in Ashaven, exemplifies the family's ongoing commitment to service, leadership, and innovation as patrons of the Aelrrigan Order. The Abanweards, through their storied history and enduring legacy, continue to embody the spirit of resilience, adaptability, and unity that has defined them from the very beginning.


The Abanweard family emerges as a paragon of nobility, tracing its origins back to the epoch-defining Regulus-Caius Debate and then some. They are a testament to the ideals of service to the empire, with a legacy deeply rooted in the military and engineering traditions of the Regalian Empire. Themes for Abanweard include Regalian Loyalists, Draconists, Engineers, Diplomats, and Knights.

Family Characteristic
Descendants of the Abanweard lineage commonly exhibit striking physical features that reflect their noble Eronidas heritage, with dark blonde to black hair and captivating eyes in shades of sapphire blue or gold, though there are purple eyes amongst some of their numbers from those of the family that become Archon. Their towering stature, typically ranging from 6'4" to 7'0", embodies the physical prowess and commanding presence associated with their race, there is an occasional occurrence of shorter statures from the children of the Anglian marriages of the family.

At the heart of the Abanweard ethos are the principles of loyalty and self-discipline, virtues deeply ingrained through their adherence to Draconism and the ancient honor customs of their ancestors known as Nisremi(The old Eronidas Honor Code). These values are the guiding force behind the family's actions and interactions, reflecting a profound commitment to the ideals of honor, duty, and control over one's destiny. This philosophical foundation informs their approach to governance, warfare, and diplomacy, driving them to uphold their obligations to the Regalian Empire and their faith with unwavering dedication.

The Abanweard family's cultural identity is a banner of Kissut and Ahazu influences, enriched by the original lineage and reflecting the diverse heritage of the Eronidas people. This blend of traditions and customs has evolved over generations, with some members embracing Imperial cultural norms. Their culture is a celebration of their storied past and a testament to their ability to bridge into different parts of their new home, embodying the resilience and innovation that have been the hallmark of their family through the ages.

  • Pol Qat
    • Pol Qat stands as a fortified embodiment of the Abanweard family's martial and architectural prowess. This city-state, characterized by its circular, concentric layout, serves as a bastion of military strength and economic prosperity.
  • Pol Uqairhir
    • The ancestral home of Abanweard is a sprawling estate that encapsulates the essence of the Abanweard lineage. Surrounded by the natural beauty of Pannor, Uqairhir is a complex of residential and ceremonial spaces, lush gardens, and private sanctuaries. Known as the Neutral Area for many Eronidas to come, acting as a secondary location of the Eronidas Embassy.
  • Grishelm
    • This esteemed estate in Ashaven is under the Daiasige cadet branch of House Abanweard which is currently headed by Aulferin Daiasige. Nestled in the shadow of Valrut, its very foundations are etched with the teaching of the Aelrrigan Order's Llynburh Chapter, with Daiasige being in the first graduating class. This majestic estate serves as a sanctuary for the weary and wounded knights of the order.
House Abanweard are Preservers. Believing that magic should be tightly controlled and put into service for the empire and its citizens. Their family is ruled by the Patriarch with an elder council that usually ends up filling up a private auditorium for their meetings.

Cadet Lines
  • Abansige - Amidst the turbulent times of Emperor Allestrain's expansive conquests, the Abansige cadet line of the Abanweard family carved their niche within the formidable landscape of Ashaven. Led by Eorlgar, the youngest child of Zorlindar Abanweard, a lineage of knights has not only upheld the martial traditions of their forebears but also adapted to the unique challenges and opportunities presented by their new surroundings. Eorlgar, inheriting their mother's fearless spirit and tactical acumen, has steered the Abansige family into becoming an integral part of Ashaven's defense and societal structure
Played Family Members
Verger(@me), inheriting the mantle of Countirh of Pol Qat from his father embodies the martial spirit and strategic mind that have long defined House Abanweard. His union with Nallamath Llannom, a Marayan Engineer, intertwines the Abanweard with the science of innovation, promising a reign marked by strength and ingenuity with his beloved. He has recently gotten wedded to another as well, a Sihndar named Onvyr.

Erseric Abansige(@me) is the adopted dreamborn raised by Eorlgar in Ashaven. Though he is from the Cadet branch, the Aelrrigan is keen on helping out the family of his father. He doesn't want to be head of the family, his aspirations leaning towards his knightly duties. (Might continue later too tired)

Joining the Family
Applications are currently OPEN
Family Members
  • Siblings:
    • Must be between 20 and 30 years old. They should be children of the union between the previous head of House Abanweard and their spouse. The number of siblings is logically limited by the parents' timeline. There is an eldest brother than Verger though that will be a tough application.
  • Bastard Half-Sibling:
    • There can exist a half-sibling in the family especially with the family taking in the bastards from the main line's escapades.
  • Aunt/Uncle/Cousin:
    • Flexible roles with minimal restrictions. One can be related to the head of House Abanweard through younger siblings.
  • Nephew/Niece:
    • Rather Feasible with the number of children the previous head sired with just his main wife alone.
  • Elders:
    • A viable application depends on the character.
  • Children:
    • Depends on the character they are deriving themselves from, but a child from one of Verger's siblings or
  • Distant Relations:
    • Open to more creative concepts, often residing away from the primary family estate or within bastard lines that would exist.
Vassals/Cadet Lines
  • Open for application but requires some rapport and trust, most likely will ask about from certain people if I don't know you so have some references. Depends on the nature and presentation of the apps for Vassals/Cadet Lines.
Non-domestic Relations(Staff, Courtiers, Guards, Servants, etc.)
  • Applications for these roles are generally more straightforward, given their less critical nature within the family hierarchy.
  • Direct discussion is preferred for these roles to ensure a mutual understanding and fit within House Abanweard's dynamics.
Application Format
DM on Discord or Forum Message

Roleplay Character Applications: (Any past or current approved or WiP character applications.)
Nobility Experience?: (Any experiences with working for the nobility?)
The position you're applying for: (Footman, cook, house guard, etc. If Applicable)
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