The Honnber Clinic and Alchemic Shop was established by Estiñe Izquierdo in 305 AC during the troubles and riots of the Slums. Currently, it is one of the scarce few businesses working within the now General Clinic on the surfaced Emporium, working on a daily basis to provide aid to the injured and rest for the sick whilst also selling a wide range of perfectly safe alchemic products to further aid the people of the Slums medically. Prices upon the alchemic products bought are relatively low and fitting for those who do not have much coin to spare.
Prices as told in the Clinic.
The Clinic is a relatively peaceful place where any fights or severe arguments are not tolerated during or even when no one is being treated. Anyone with basic medical knowledge, alchemical knowledge or Celestial Magic training are welcome to apply, or those who wish to learn and train.
The application form is as followed:
Character Name:
Character Sheet (not required but preferred):
Any medically related skills? If so, please name them:
How active are you in the Slums?:
How active will you be at the Clinic?:
Do you have Skype?:
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