Holy Versus Dread Mini-update


Staff member
Jun 29, 2012
Reaction score

"Strike once for the Holy Word, strike twice for the Holy Retribution"
Unionist "specialty" had been gone for a long time, meaning Unionism as a main stay religion remained very irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. It's the biggest religion with the most ritualism and dogma associated with it, but always ended up being the most "boring" religion ever since we removed religious aspects. Far be it from just restoring power bonuses however (because we are still committed to keeping the Ailor boring, power wise), the Holy versus Dread mini Update sees an expansion of Unionist and Kathar lore to allow for a lot more plotting IC between either sides.

Content altered:

Content Detail:
  • Possession Lore has been restructured to be more sensible in terms of the information. The old Possessions remain roughly the same, but some minor changes have been imparted here and there for the sake of unique appeal.
  • A new form of Possession has been added called Dread Corruption which allows Kathar ritualists to convert Altalar, Avanthar and Isldar into Kathar and mind bend them into following the Kathar ideology. This ritual is locked to 30 Proficiency ritualism for Kathar Ritualism Proficiency.
  • A completely new Unique Proficiency has been added in the form of the Unionist Ritualism Proficiency which is not race locked, but does require a specific backstory (either a Reverend can learn it, or a character has to learn it from an NPC or PC Reverend in their backstory). This Proficiency has 6 stages:
    • Aesthetic glow-upon-ritualism holy scripture tattoos.
    • In-roleplay ability to create Holy Water from any liquid.
    • In-roleplay ability to place a Holy Ward on a person to protect them from Possession or Vampirism or other evil Afflictions.
    • Exorcism skill used to exorcise possessed individuals (including a reversion of the afore mentioned Dread Corruption that turns Nelfin into Kathar, being able to revert them to their original race).
    • Holy weapon skill to allow the ritualist (and only the ritualist, so they need 30 Proficiency Points to be able to use this), to wield Holy Weapons with some bitchin' aesthetics and a complete Armor-Pen for all magic/void/mutation based protections (like Vampire mutations or skin alterations from Varghul and other such transformations).
  • Allusion to Cielothar update. We're working on this eventually, but the Cielothar should take some sort of purification and purity niche in lore to "status quo" the conflict.

Overall, we hope that the Holy versus Dread conflict should gain more traction with this. It gives the Kathar the uniquely interesting capacity to force recruit more members for "their side" while also giving the Unionists a means to create Holy Ritualists (because Hallowblood is still a dud in rework) and some cool holy aesthetics. The hopes are that by tying it to self-crippling Proficiency costs, it results in characters that feel like unique Holy ritualist/warriors or spiritualists, instead of every Unionists and their grandmother having free abilities or skills. This is about creating hyper specialized anti-Dread players, while giving the Dread new toys to use against the "good guys".

There will eventually be more updates to give the Kathar more toys to draw out the conflict between Kathar and others, which is quickly becoming the new trendline of 2019 in Regalia.

I am Pleased.
I'm a bit iffy on the Holy Weapons needing 30 points and only being usable by the ritualist, though, since the general races that are involved in Unionism don't have boosted aging and most people with +30 points into Sanktism are basically delegated to one-trick-pony. I'd love it if a weakened form of Holy Weapons could be given to acolytes working under those with +30 points.
i mean either way im gonna put +6 into this god i love unionism