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Hold Dearly


Who knows, maybe she is mabyelline
Jan 7, 2022
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United States
Roleplay Guilds
The Pale Flame Lounge
Art by MathewHackArt on Deviantart


This letter can be found posted on as many announcement boards as possible, but prominently on the board outside of Greygate.


Over the short few days, it is clear that there is a presence of Mages and the Occult who are strongly against the Lothar Order. So strongly against them, that they are willing to risk their safety to leave behind comments. To challenge their attempt to don us with brambled collars, to simply send us out on a pyre which is fueled with their thickets of brambles… It has all been done so valiantly. Rightfully so, as I would argue. The Lothar Knights stand on a notion of hallowed ground that is watered with the poison of hatred. It is further cultivated by their insidious appeasers. The harsh comments left behind on my last writing made perfect sense. Ranging from "racist pigs," to expressing the need to "rip them out, root and stem." They do not try to hide their racism, their bigoted opinions, or their self-righteous sense of restoring purity.

However, as strongly as we all dislike the Lothar, we must remember that we must all stand together. Whether one chooses to forgive, to nurture the brambles into a kinder soil that perhaps they may flower. Whether one chooses to rid the garden of Regalia of the brambles, weeding them with ferocity. Whatever the choice, it is important to understand that the Lothar will feed off of the potential infighting that rumbles under our feet. Do not let your differences cast aside those who are also Mages and of the Occult. You only give the Lothar what they want with this, giving rise to infighting from the Occult. Do you wish to give them an easier way to wrap their tendrils of thorns around our throats? Your future noose of brambles?

I am fervently hoping the answer is no for all of our sakes. Nurture your wishes, however they may look, but do not let those differences blind you to the path of clearing the brambles collectively. Hatred cannot be fought by one Mage or one Occultist. We have seen what happens to those who tread alone amongst the thickets already. Hold dearly to each other. It is hard telling how thick these brambles will grow.

With Wishes of Safety,

Aaliyah Al-Hakim
Loyal Servant of the Empire
The circulation of the above letter increased throughout Crookback and the sewers, with a new passage tacked onto the end.
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